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Football / Re: Young Warriors Clash with young boyz
« on: February 15, 2011, 07:47:37 AM »
We will lose. I wish them the best but T&T have a history of only two reasonable local coaches, GAlly and Bertille. These two, while not being good tactitions, demanded a level of comittment and discipline from their players.  I dont know if Cooper is a disciplinarian or a good tactition I dont know about him but then again that is the history of JW and the TTFF in picking local coaches. Latapy may or may not have been a good tactition but I can safely say that his history of indiscipline was borne out in our play on the field. Put the names in a bag and pull out one. I guess our indisciplined and bachanal infused society is not conducive to producing good coaches. I hope Cooper proves me wrong; but I doubt it.

Football / Re: Why is it we do better in Cricket than Football !!
« on: January 24, 2011, 10:19:34 PM »
# 12....Even Jack understands that. look at any part of the world where a professional sport thrives and then look at the people in the stands......Now how many look like Jack.................. Exactly!!!!!!  That is why WI cricket has been on its death bed for quite a while now. Not because of talent but because of the idiots running it. Who have eyes to see let them see. If Deryck Murray was running our football it would be thriving today.

Football / Re: Abel Xavier quits football and converts to Islam
« on: December 26, 2009, 07:39:35 AM »
Abel Xavier quits football and converts to Islam

Former Portuguese international Abel Xavier will now go by the name of Faisal Xavier after quitting football at the age of 38.

In converting to Islam the ex-Liverpool and Everton man has stated his regret at leaving the sport behind, but has also claimed that he is happy with his new-found faith.

"While it's an emotional farewell, I hope to participate in something very special as I enter a new stage of my life.


Well he said its a religion of peace.....I suppose the various hair styles and colors were all natural also.

Normally I does be more in Jack corner than most on these forums and I does get plenty stick for it..But this is complete nonsense..Jack realise the waggonist will come out for that game cos it will be a crucial one and decide to apply the law of economics ...
But what about men like me who going EVERY game and supporting the team right through?  Why we have to suffer and pay 300 ??? Why TTFF doh have no preferred supporters discount card or something ??
Nah I find this price increase is wickedness and I for one will be watching the game on tv. BOYCOTT.

Thanks very much Mackie for staying at home. I am hoping many more like yourself will follow your lead and leave football for people who could afford it. Todays footballers cant live on kfc support. For football to rise we must attract caviar supporters. Buy you box of KFC and enjoy the game on the tube. I hope you told weary about the LATEST PRICE INCREASE.

it would be nice to hear an official reason for the increase in ticket prices, but I'm not going to hold my breath in anticipation.

If $200/ $500 could not pack out the stadium, I fail to see how $300/ $500 will accomplish that. I don't any amount of waggonism could accomplish a sellout even if we win in Honduras.

4 YEARS ago the Panama games were scanty but at the crucial time against Guatemala, the place get rammed with waggonists. same thing will happen again, provided we win in Honduras. I have no doubt about that.

How is it that the Jamaica middle class have no problem forking out US$75 to pay for a gran-stand ticket to see Ja play, but the Trini middle class cant afford a US$50 ticket for a similar game? How is it that the poor Jamaican farmer religiously comes up with the US$15 to go to the bleachers everytime Ja play, but the poor farmer from T&T is planning to boycot?

The fans lack passion for the sport. As a matter of fact, it seems the majority of the peeps who support football in T&T are from the middle class...in Jamaica its more a poor man's game.

And you get the poor man's results also. The middleclass in T&T following the hex and I suppose poor people like yourself following T&T in the hex. Thanks for the support anyhow

Football / Re: T&T vs El Salvador on pay-per-view in US and Canada
« on: July 24, 2009, 02:49:26 PM »
$25?  :rotfl:  I'll watch online for free

The worm just showed why almost everything in T&T is mediocre. They want everything free but they want the best. I am seriously hoping that Jack raise all WC games to $300 uncovered and $800 covered so they could keep out all the weary worms and cockroaches from our football. If we can treat these people like the plague then our football, with the injection of real money and real supporters will rise.

Official: Sochaux and Hammarby agree to terms on Davies deal

American striker Charlie Davies is headed to France by all accounts. A statement from Sochaux’s official website states that the deal to bring Davies to the club from Hammarby should be finished soon.

"A deal in principle has been agreed upon on Friday afternoon between Sochaux and Hammarby concerning the transfer of Charlie Davies. The player's contract and signing should be completed next week,” the statement read.


I knew it was just a matter of time for this kid. What is 411 on Beckerman?

Football / Re: The american dread Beckerman
« on: July 09, 2009, 05:28:02 PM »
Wonderful player isnt he? I expect to hear alot more about him. I hope Bradley plays his son instead of Beckerman when we meet in our final game.

yuh think Beckerman will pass a drug test?

All the American dreadlocked hippies that I know does roll some big big post.  :mackdaddy:

That apart he is a damn good player.

Football / The american dread Beckerman
« on: July 09, 2009, 05:12:58 PM »
Wonderful player isnt he? I expect to hear alot more about him. I hope Bradley plays his son instead of Beckerman when we meet in our final game.

Football / Re: Oguchi Onyewu signs with AC Milan
« on: July 07, 2009, 01:10:31 PM »
Good player. Could only get better. I could see Davies singinig in Europe in the future also.

Football / Re: Iran bans 4 ballers ... Ayatollahs yuh days numbered
« on: June 24, 2009, 03:30:00 PM »
These men should have their pic placed next to the word courageous in the dictionary....

Or Stoopid.....
AKA Palos.

Berry aka Napoleon because he have 2 b agent 4 life. Why peeps still have he being dey agent?

Would you prefer to be their agent? I really dont know why allyuh non-achievers forever on the backs of people who achieved things alyuh does only dream of. You all are truly sickening in truth. Give the board and football ah rest nah and go do something you know.......like wash dishes.

Football / Re: Coach Latapy's grade after 2 games in de Hex
« on: June 12, 2009, 08:07:53 PM »

Where was this defense of Maturana. How you mean the coach could do so much? Look at the tactical arrangement on the field and see how easy it was for the Mexicans to exploit we. We never addressed anything on the field. The same problems in the beginning f the game was the same problems at the end of the game. And don't say that the coach may have told them but they did not carry it out. For starters we were playing to flat in the  middle of the field, we never addressed that. The left side we never attempted to fix that problem.

You have to be a real ass to ask that question. But then again your innocence concerning the game could be your excuse. How could a man who has done nothing but reduce our national team to a laughing stock in concacaf be defended? Check back to maturana's first two games, if you can, and tell us about the mighty opposition he faced. Tactical arrangement on the field my ass. What you know bout tactical arrangement? Not even the great tactician Beeenie went into Mexico and came out with such a result. Why you just dont hush yuh wannabe ass and stop trying to impress people on this board.

Regards ...I'll send you a post card from South Africa. B+

Football / Re: T&T vs Mexico performance.
« on: June 12, 2009, 02:22:47 PM »
Ince - solid game for us. Showed his experience and wasn't afraid to cuss Yorke when he wasn't pulling his weight. I thought he reacted slowly to the second goal, but it was so well struck I can't critisize him for not getting to it.

Abu Bakr - Men hard on him but I thought he was solid, especially given that this was his debut match. Sure he made a few mistakes including a bit of ball watching, but he tackled well, read the game well most of the time and with a bit more confidence could develop into a good defender.

Hislop - was too often out of position and he was playing catch up and recovery too often. He doesn't understand the offside trap and ball watches too much. His tackling wasn't bad though and he fought well in a position he probably never played before at a meaningful level.

Andrews - for a man of his experience he looked exactly like the debutant most of the time. Like most of the other defenders we've used he's often guilty of ball watching when he should be marking or at least looking to close off a passing lane. He seemed to be a calming foil for Ince's remonstrations and put in a decent, if not spectacular shift.

Edwards - continues to show why he is our best player at the moment. Worked hard as usual, tackled well and generally made it difficult for the Mexicans on our right flank.

Yorke - was slow, but steady and generally covered the back 4 well. When he ran out of gas though he probably should have been subbed out, but that's not his call to make.

Birchall - was his usual steady self. Still a bit prone to the error under pressure, but he's keeping the game simple and playing within his limitations.

Noel - had a strong game. Defended well, wasn't afraid to put a little muscle into some challenges with a few Mexicans and looked like he had a bit more gas in the tank when he came off. Needs a bit more polish in his attacking game, but overall put in a good shift.

Daniel - . Not bad considering it was often 1 vs 3 or 4. Put in a couple good crosses and if I had anything critical to say is that he I'm not a fan, but for a change I think he had a good game for us. It was the first time I saw him put in that much work defensively and a lot of the time when he had the ball he was able to play for a throw to retain positionprobably can try to set up a few more like that.

Tinto - another one who lacks international polish, but he's fearless and skillful. Not a bad striker of the ball either and with a more active striker working with him he can probably develop into a serious threat. He took his chance well and set it up well by recognising the pressure on the ball and stepping into the passing lane. He'd proven it was no fluke by doing it a couple other times before in the half. Disappeared in the second half, but probably will improve on that with experience.

Jones - doesn't seem to be moving around freely. Could have been more aggressive on the cross ball from Daniel and even in the CR game seemed tentative to go into 50/50s with the keeper (a remnant from the England match?). Needs to up his work rate to be more effective for the team.

Jorsling - was out of his depth. Didn't know how to retain possession. Not much else to say about him.

Spann - didn't have a good first touch and might have been more composed with his shot that went overbars. Worked hard, but didn't have much impact either way on the field.

Baptiste - also didn't have much impact either way.

Excellent assessment in its entirety. If Russel could just move Daniel out of small-goal mode I believe he can be an asset to the team. He had a bad game by international standards but it is the best I have ever seen him play. i am hopeful we could still make something out of him.

Football / Re: Latapy: We're down but not out
« on: June 11, 2009, 07:47:33 PM »
Until 4th spot impossible to achieve...we still in it.

Once we beat El Salvador we back on track.

Shoulda leggo Maturana after Bermuda.

He 4k up in the digicup and we still give him a bly.

But Afro beat the mighty USA...yuh cyar take that away from him. With Spann playing Right back and Aklie playing left

Honestly...while they say Maturana resign I feel Jack had to wait for his contract to end and not renew it. The TTFF couldnt spend that kinda money to pay off Maturana contract before time.

Bingo.....Mis sentimientos exactamente.

Football / Re: Latapy: We're down but not out
« on: June 11, 2009, 06:26:59 PM »
Big up Coach....We goin all the way. Leave all the naysayers and pseudo analyists in your wake as you move to show them the folly of the maturana-mentallity.

Football / Re: Football talk on i95.5
« on: June 11, 2009, 06:22:29 PM »
Dem people could rell talk shit boi!!

Whappen....palos call een?

Football / Re: T&T vs Mexico performance.
« on: June 11, 2009, 06:20:00 PM »
Fantastic game T&T and of course Kudos to the coach. This is very esalily the best result we have had at the azteca and probaly one of the better if not the best performance. I will single out the performance of Hislop and Bakr. Hislop becz I thought he was a lost cause and Bakr for rebounding so well after the earlier lapse in his first game at the azteca. although mexico dominated this was par the course. I shudder to think of the result had Maturana been in charge. We will qualify and the team will continue to grow into a respectable unit under Latapy. We dont need Arena as some fool suggested or anyone else for that matter at this point in time. I wonder if Beenie ever took us to mexico and if so what was the result? How did we look? Could we have gotten more?

Latapy will bring it home!!!

When Sub and I start to agree I does have to stop and think again :)


At least now we know that only time you agree with me is when you are thinking ;D..I am proud of your candor. If I can cause you to think again let me say that I also agree with your last line. unlike some real idiots on this board you have realised long ago that Maturana should have been gone long ago. Some fools say this is the worst mexican team without realising that the other teams are just getting better to the point of matching mexico. Ah boy VB it hard to even try to answer some of these idiots at times.

Football / Re: T&T vs Mexico performance.
« on: June 11, 2009, 04:06:57 PM »
Fantastic game T&T and of course Kudos to the coach. This is very esalily the best result we have had at the azteca and probaly one of the better if not the best performance. I will single out the performance of Hislop and Bakr. Hislop becz I thought he was a lost cause and Bakr for rebounding so well after the earlier lapse in his first game at the azteca. although mexico dominated this was par the course. I shudder to think of the result had Maturana been in charge. We will qualify and the team will continue to grow into a respectable unit under Latapy. We dont need Arena as some fool suggested or anyone else for that matter at this point in time. I wonder if Beenie ever took us to mexico and if so what was the result? How did we look? Could we have gotten more?

Latapy will bring it home!!!

Football / Re: Palos sent me a T&T vs CRC preview on Video.
« on: June 08, 2009, 01:38:57 PM »
I now understand alot. I feel as though I should apologise to him for his previous ramblings. It had to be the afro.

Football / Re: Where was the Defense?
« on: June 07, 2009, 09:24:00 AM »
This was a brand new second-hand back four. I believe its the first time they have played together. That apart it is the best football display I have seen by any national team. We can only improve what with the possibility of JLoyd joining us in the not too distant future our chances of at least finishing 4th seems bright.

Judging from the teams performance I will stick my head out and say that Latapy is easily the best local coach to grace our football and has for the time being only Beenie ahead of him. He can outdo Beenie with either a straight or 4th place qualification.

I think the future looks bright.

You could tell that from only one game, that we lost, at home, conceding three foolish goals?


Football / Re: Where was the Defense?
« on: June 07, 2009, 09:23:24 AM »
Judging from the teams performance I will stick my head out and say that Latapy is easily the best local coach to grace our football and has forthe time being only Beenie ahead of him. He can outdo Beenie with either a straight or 4th place qualification.

Nah man sub1...wha about Gally Cummings ... ???  

I saw the first game that Gally had. We played Canada in a friendly. Although there was an improvement it was not so drastic. Many are expecting licks in mexico wednesday. I am not one of those.

Football / Re: Where was the Defense?
« on: June 07, 2009, 09:03:30 AM »
This was a brand new second-hand back four. I believe its the first time they have played together. That apart it is the best football display I have seen by any national team. We can only improve what with the possibility of JLoyd joining us in the not too distant future our chances of at least finishing 4th seems bright.

Judging from the teams performance I will stick my head out and say that Latapy is easily the best local coach to grace our football and has forthe time being only Beenie ahead of him. He can outdo Beenie with either a straight or 4th place qualification.

I think the future looks bright.

Football / Re: Latapy rules out playing vs Costa Ricans tonight
« on: June 06, 2009, 11:46:02 AM »
Simply becz those of us who are realistic and have an eye for talent

Eye for talent? 

Comin from de one who say Dwayne Jack is a big balla?  ::)

Now if you could bring up that quote i will be amazed. If you have a problem with language you are excused. I do however hold fast to the opinion that he is naturally a good talent just never developed. I have also said from the inception that your boy skillachi is yet to impress me. It seems as though the big coaches abroad hold fast to my opinion also. Since I have only seen him at international level I will again excuse you. Maybe both he and maturana may prove me wrong one day. I am waiting for someone to prove you right about something, anything, football.

I have no need to be "proven right" on anything sah.  I secure in myself which includes knowing I'm fallible....and I'm quite comfortable with that.

You on the other hand appear to need to demonstrate that you know it all.  Which usually indicates an individual who is afraid that they'll be found out to the contrary.  But carry on "smartly".

Again, as usual, you are wrong. But if that is your coward way of getting out of your sorry insinuation and mis characterisation of what i said then you have only proven me right again. But carry on "cowardly".

Football / Re: Latapy rules out playing vs Costa Ricans tonight
« on: June 06, 2009, 11:20:59 AM »
Simply becz those of us who are realistic and have an eye for talent

Eye for talent? 

Comin from de one who say Dwayne Jack is a big balla?  ::)

Now if you could bring up that quote i will be amazed. If you have a problem with language you are excused. I do however hold fast to the opinion that he is naturally a good talent just never developed. I have also said from the inception that your boy skillachi is yet to impress me. It seems as though the big coaches abroad hold fast to my opinion also. Since I have only seen him at international level I will again excuse you. Maybe both he and maturana may prove me wrong one day. I am waiting for someone to prove you right about something, anything, football.

Football / Re: my prediction of the game..
« on: June 06, 2009, 10:25:42 AM »

Barbados ever win anything besides de "battyman olympic marathon"?

No need to go that route. In the most recent survey barbados is, for want of a better word, behind T&T in the caribbean. Jamaica holds the first spot all by itself!!

Football / Re: Latapy rules out playing vs Costa Ricans tonight
« on: June 06, 2009, 10:18:58 AM »
Remember Latapy sent Vranes to watch the Costa Rica game first-hand.

Of course, assistant coach Zoran Vranes, who will be in San Jose to watch tonight's encounter first-hand, is expected to present a comprehensive report with all sorts of technical and tactical analysis when he returns to Tobago.
Allyuh have to be real forkin stupid tuh believe latas eh watch dat game!! yuh know how much yrs latas in this sport tuh make such ah clueless mistake?

doh mind dem fellas peong, they know better, they just like tuh type.
Maturana in dis sport even longer dan Latas, though. And most of us was ready to believe and cuss dat he didn't look at our opponents.

Simply becz those of us who are realistic and have an eye for talent knew that he, Maturana, was shit from the beginning. Added to his utter incompetence came the stupid but honest remarks from him. I will withhold judgement on Russell until after the game. It doh take two games to recognise ability. Maturana showed his lack of coaching ability after his first game incharge of the national team, and, for those who followed his previous sorry exploits, long before that.

Football / Re: Jlloyd Samuel Now Eligible?
« on: June 03, 2009, 07:44:45 PM »
Only Samuel and hoyte if hoyte is willing. Zamora could stay right where he is. We definetly dont need him at this time. Samuel was interested the last time.


Football / Re: Viewing T&T vs Costa Rica
« on: June 02, 2009, 10:24:13 AM »
Football @ Saran's
7111 W. Commercial Blvd
Tamarac, FL 33319
(954) 724-3233 

So you enjoyed the last game!!! 

Come back out and support your team  as T&T Takes on Costa Rica... 

June 6th, 2009 

Were Back With MUCH MORE!!!   

4 Large Screens with one on Outdoor Patio Deck 
Three Open Bars to Choose From... All House Drinks and All Beers ONLY $2.00

(During Game) 
FREE Shots for every goal scored by Soca Warriors... 

1 Free Bottle of JOHNNIE WALKER for Every sports team of 11 or more (Teams must register 1 day before) 
Ladies Drink FREE Before Game (House Brand only)

Live Calypso Band----Live Steelpan----Live Rhythm and Tassa----Live DJ 

Restaurant Will Be Open 

So Come Out With Your TNT Colors and Enjoy

The Game at it's Best 

Only @ Saran's 

Tallman any bars in NYC or CEntral Florida bringing the game?

Football / Re: Viewing T&T vs Costa Rica
« on: June 02, 2009, 10:23:01 AM »
making a lime down ac ranch on saturday in toronto, meh dish down, ah wish it was back up

Doh wish pay the blasted bill.

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