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Messages - Ponnoxx

Pages: 1 ... 55 56 [57]
 We should send some young T&T players and see if they make..

 The man say half-breed yes !!! Panamasshole listen... Other teams doing that for years( England Barnes, Deco Portugal, and doh talk bout Usa )but because we could beat you guys yuh angry. USA have rel players who not from Usa . YOu jus vex cause anybody could go straight through allyuh ...GET IT PANAMA CANAL ...lol

Football / Re: Best league in the world
« on: May 28, 2005, 08:26:47 AM »
 Spain is the best league.

Football / Re: Maligned star could lift Beenhakker's men.
« on: May 28, 2005, 08:23:56 AM »
 Colin Samuel is a decent player... hope he win the cup!! that go be three Trinis rip up Scotland

Football / Re: Tired Ronaldo gets stern warning
« on: May 28, 2005, 08:21:47 AM »
 OLe  talk by Brazil coach...he just want to win that competition so he need the best Striker, which is Ronaldo.If Brazil lose that is his job so he need Ronaldol !!!. If he could of replaced him he would have called him and told him that if he doh play he will get drop and if Ronaldo say he not playing still then the coach would just drop him for qualifiers. Ronaldo is cannot be replaced and Parriera know that..he jus talking up in his ass!!

 Ronaldo cannot really be replaced my friend... to be totally honest there is no other Striker in the world in his caliber... he can have a bad season and still guarantee 20 goals a season...Ronaldo does lose focus and need to be reprimanded some time  to play his best but as far as replacing him..nah.... anyhow ...about Scotland... that is the man work and when he come to play for T&T he doh get sweat...what is the sense a man jeopradising his future for the bench? when he retire nobody not givin he family no money, no house, no car ..not one ting so he have what in his best interest and for that i can't blame him ... he right to say what he say and i int find he talk cocky or nothing....Go T&T

Football / Re: Warriors B squad disappoints...The Touches Report
« on: May 28, 2005, 08:03:06 AM »
  Anything could happen in football so i never suprised jus a little worried...Go T&T

 Stern John starting on his past exploits right now but i feel if he continue throwin away chances he will get drop. I know he could do better and if he get a few goals he could turn it around....Go T&T

Football / Re: Jason Scotland inspired by Jerren Nixon
« on: May 28, 2005, 07:48:32 AM »
 I hope he score!..Go T&T

 The man dam right!!! what is the sense fyling across here to bench? He have no motivation to from Bertille too.. But when he talk so people will put plenty pressure on him when and if he do get his chance to play because they will feel he have to back up his talk...But he damn right because at the end of the day it doh make sense, cause BIG NAME and politics does be the deciding factor...Go T&T

Football / Re: Leo Beenhakker promises more chances versus Bermuda.
« on: May 24, 2005, 10:20:43 PM »
who ever they play i sure we will play good..Go T&T

Football / Re: OPENING OF THE FLOOD GATES.........hard luck bermuda
« on: May 24, 2005, 05:26:15 PM »
 Let we beat bermuda....Go T&T

Football / Re: Jones is a Midfielder
« on: May 24, 2005, 05:14:13 PM »
 I agree with him in the middle because if he have the capablity to score he will from midfield

Football / Re: Reframing the proposed Bermuda encounter
« on: May 23, 2005, 09:11:13 PM »
 good one tallman... that is exactly what people will say

Football / Re: TT should play a pro league all stars team
« on: May 23, 2005, 09:06:34 PM »
 Sometimes all star teams do not gel good and if this were the case it would not provide good opposition. W Connection would be a better alternative

Football / Re: Thanks to Bert Sancho
« on: May 23, 2005, 09:02:07 PM »
 he could find somewhere else man he good enough!!!

Football / Re: If We lose to Bermuda or Panama, Lose Beenhaker
« on: May 23, 2005, 08:40:19 PM »
 KND is an idiot for even suggesting that if we lose the next game, we should fire the coach. When will it stop then?! That is our problem! No stability... We have a Dutch Coach who coached sides which developed good young quality players... Even if we do lose we should have someone in charge who can put a structure in place... He has been here for probably 2 months and you say fire him...The coach doh play football ...the f- -king players do! I say keep him in spite of what ever may happen because he can put structure in place that could develop our Football. Rene Simoes saw that we had good young talent and he try to put a structure but get cut short...let us don't make the same mistakes!!! Trinidad and Tobago have talent that does just spoil because of discipline, lack of motivation, money, injury etc. This coach could help us get around some of these issues with his knowledge....And a next thing ..we was playing shit and losing before too, but now we playing better and losing, but at least it is an improvement in 2months...Go T&T

  National Pride(in Football) is not always present and can be a hidden entity which can only be unearthed by winning games. Most people are not die hard fans, many only support when the team is winning, and some people feel somehow it is a waste of time at this point.I think most T&T fans were supportive, but are skeptical now because of our poor results in World Cup Qualifiers. Bertille St. Clair changed the T&T side into his personal game, where he controlled all the players and chose players on who he liked and trained in the past. He carried us to only get one point out of three games. Some people feel betrayed by this, because when  they support and lose badly it hurts them. So at this point ,People are no longer rallying around the team, because they have no faith or trust in a side that has 'failed' them before. This is very wrong to do so, for the the simple fact that the national players represent the entire country, when they are on the football pitch, and the kind of responsiblity they self-inflict on themselves deserves the our support and respect. Even though fans are wrong for not supporting the team in bad times, they have good reason for doing so(having lost badly in the past). It is on the Team now, to restore any lost support with winning and playing good football. It is unfair for the sole responsibility to be on the team but it is a position which they put themsleves in, not the fans. I still say we as a country should go out and give our full support although we are slighty in a bad situation.WHAT THE COUNTRY NEEDS IS A WIN !!! (with OR WITHOUT FULL FAN SUPPORT)...Go T&T

By the way I am a die hard fan, but i just putting what I feel the situation regarding fans is. ;D

Football / Re: Andrews is Champion of Scotland!
« on: May 22, 2005, 06:33:28 PM »
 Marvin Andrews...I glad for yuh... You prove alot of people wrong...stay Faithful and Brave!!!...Go T&T

Football / Re: FELLAZ, dwarika get drop!!
« on: May 22, 2005, 06:15:23 PM »
so what !!!

Football / Re: Left footed players
« on: May 19, 2005, 08:41:05 PM »
 Andre Pacheco is a good left-footed player ,and I glad PALOS bring him up.I haven't seen him play in a while but he seems to be playin good if he starting for W Connection. He have a strong shot, Great crosser of the ball, composed passer, great dribbling ability, Great Control too.. BUT he is a bit slow, does not track back as much as say Tiger(The only thing Tiger have going for him)....If he start tracking back I think he could be the Left-Footer we need...Go T&T

Football / Re: Zamora double puts West Ham into playoff final
« on: May 19, 2005, 12:30:31 PM »
 Supporter ..yuh right because that mus be the man plan...but he look like he is a dangerous striker and i hope he play for T&T!!!....go T&T!!! ;D

Football / Re: Beenhakker has good mix for upcoming training camp.
« on: May 16, 2005, 09:02:37 AM »
 listen i doh care about his major. if he want to pursue that !!! go ahead i go be glad...the man wild ras... yuh know what fretting meh is that yuh even bring up that major thing...yuh feel i vex for that !!!the man do his ting and let me tell yuh someting it have thousands of ppl would love to grace a school like that and accomplish what he has, BUT he is not very skilled in football and we picking the man on energy and that aint right...other players deserve a chance !!! that is all i saying..
 I love real madrid and the worst mistake Florentino Perez make is to sell Makalele...PPL doh make real madrid side and cyah pass 4 yards...absolute foolishness,he is not a wildman. great passer of the ball !!!

Total Football( Tiger or his Family) he just don't have it....let we leave football to footballers..

Football / Allyuh be sensible
« on: May 16, 2005, 02:11:44 AM »
 Tiger is a wildman, plain and simple. Davids is wild man but he is very skilful which Tiger is not.The man is not skillful. He is not effective in my eyes because all he does do is run down man. Skilled Players will make a meal of him in any case. Let us look at Viera...he is a defensive midfielder... but he can also distribute the ball properly and even dribble or pass out of tight spaces( a Luxury which his control and talent affords him)...Fitzpatrick athough being very enthusiastic and hearty in the game cannot contribute these essentials (Lack of control contributes to this)...Unfortunately this is not what we need..TIGER LOVE THE GAME BUT THE GAME DON'T LIKE HIM......Listen, as a coach you could field the player with the most heart in the world, but no skill(not saying that tiger has NO skill) and he would lose...very stupidly...sound familiar.Doing foolishness like this is only a pyscological device to say we fielded a player with heart ,lost games and that makes us feel good... Andre Toussaint is a skilled player. He can play an attacking role...What T&T is saying to him( Toussaint) is we don't care how good you are, this man wilder than you...so i guess he have more heart than you although you have trained hard to acquire your skill (real heart in FOOTBALL)...If this is the case guys, is best we get Ato and Darrly Brown to come and play for we because they will run down man whole day.....GO T&T

Football / FF nice report
« on: May 15, 2005, 07:02:18 AM »
 I was wondering why Andre Toussaint not pick... but i feel he worth a try still

Football / Men Fallin Through the cracks still !!!
« on: May 15, 2005, 06:53:14 AM »
 Andre Toussaint still int getting pick! is either he didn't peform good in training, or he doesn't fit Leo's style, because he is proving once again that he is the best player in the country... I not talking form because it has been a few years that he playing good and not gettin pick...maybe he too small(but Latapy Small)...We still insisting on over 40 Nakhid , wildman Fitzpatrick and No-good Rahim...I rather lose with young players because when it come to their time yuh cyah expect them to rise to the occasion as we so often do... Leo probably know better than me, but is just my opinion that Andre Toussaint should get pick for national...Could someone enlighten me on why he is not getting selected (a good reason why)....Go T&T!!!

  :)well some of these men supposed to make trinidad and tobago team long time if it wasn't for Bertille Shitclair favourite team!!! anyhow it is decent batch of fellas and they relatively young too. trinidad and tobago have a decent side man!!! for everyone involved ...good job!! ;D

Football / Re: Leo Beenhakker: Look out for revamped ‘Warriors’
« on: April 12, 2005, 06:51:58 AM »
 Some pfl men like Toussaint ,Seaton and others might get pick now that Birdshit St. Clair gone. ;D

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