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Messages - asylumseeker

Pages: 1 ... 595 596 [597]
Put it this way. Say suddenly we get an influx of skillful, extraordinarily gifted Venezuelans and Colombians - you're telling me that you'll be waving the flag with the same enthusiasm?

Football / Re: Rivaldo vs Ronaldinho
« on: October 03, 2006, 05:57:44 AM »
Hands down Rivaldo. Subjective as hell, but Rivaldo it is.

I believe one of the factors affecting Rivaldo's perception in the football world is his temperament.

Aside from his arsenal of talents, Ronaldinho is a very appealing figure, ever-ready with a smile and - as far as I'm aware - in sound relations with practically all. IMO this influences the way we view him outside of his skill. Rivaldo was a more turbulent presence.

So ... I figured many would be in Ronaldinho's corner, especially since Rivaldo is the past and Ronaldinho the near future. But, my faith in the judgement of soca warriors is maintained because most see that Rivaldo is where the buck stops and should stop.

The truth is on every level: goals scored, the character of the goals, the impact on team, surrounding cast (Jah Gol's point) and even the strike rate of goals (I believe) bring the curtain down on Ronaldinho.

With Rivaldo there just seems to be much of the 'turn nothing into something' element, whereas with Ronaldinho you're expecting magic right through.

My other complaint about Ronaldinho (and I admit to be injecting some WC stuff beyond the scope of the thread) is that I haven'treally seen him solve problems on the field with the sort of doggedness and tenacity I saw with Rivaldo.

One man's opinion.

Football / Re: Swedish born striker wants to be a Soca Warrior.
« on: October 03, 2006, 04:49:13 AM »
Worst case scenario is another contact developed. With several Jamaican players making inroads into the Swedish scene maybe this guy can assist in some unattached man getting a look in.

Leh de backscratching begin ;).

Why should it?

Let's address your question after the Qataris have completely made a mockery of the situation.

Football / Re: Van Bommel and Van Nistelroy reject Van Basten
« on: October 03, 2006, 04:03:52 AM »
There always seems to be something grating about not playing for one's national team when called, but Ruud may be thinking why travel, go to all that trouble, maybe ride the bench and have to live with all that tension in the locker room.

I don't need that. Better to stay focused on my present task and deal with the club thing.

In any event, these things are best resolved without a whole lot of media involvement from the player. Managers always win. Ruud's best bet is to focus on career mgmt. Representing Holland on big stages will resolve itself through performance and back door diplomacy.

When will this stop?

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