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Messages - saga pinto

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Football / Re: Who Really see the game here?
« on: September 09, 2005, 06:45:48 AM »
buh how saga pinto, penecool and ah few others does find we to talk tata so, and rile man up, soon as the team lorse boy..
"the inclusion of whitley kill us,so did cox in place of avery john" and all the more tata yuh sayin again an again...call some names who yuh go put in, without it lookin like ah experiment nah.......whey jus so..yuh jus come spoutin sh...  hyo. Nah, yuh lookin for friends, ent ?

look one here
"ah fresh team dat have all dat yuh talk bout"....
Did US send a fresh team to Guat..well back dem nah..dem fresh
Tallman it have computer in madhouse now or wha... ???
Look meh brother I backing them win or lorse,and ah critizing when they win too,so before yuh get rile up,doh hate me hate the system,"yuh have to take the good with the bad".

                                     "NUFF RESPECT TO ALL"                           
Thanks lawd, for helping meh nt to cuss nobody. :angel:

Football / Re: Anyone tell me how Whitley looked?
« on: September 08, 2005, 05:51:21 PM »
He made a lot of mistakes,at one point it look like he was'nt sure what was his role,timid a couple good passes here and there,but nothing significant to impact the game.   

Football / Are we ready or is this false hope once again?
« on: September 08, 2005, 05:45:05 PM »
we can speculate on the what ifs,but let's for a moment embrace certain realities,was this team from the onset capable of making it to the world cup,I say no. yuh see go back to the strike squad days when guatemala,honduras,costa-rica,el-salvador was lunch and dinner fuh we and beating the boys home or away was a task for dem teams,so I say with the present qualifying structure by which the top 3 go through and the fourth enters a playoff somewhere in the adriatic,what were we doing all these years in preparation for this,"it sounds like smooth sailing" but like we in a canoe and the rest of the teams have jet skis,I doh no boy but everytime I watch a game at the end ah tired physically,mentally is as if i on the field playing,how it is that the other teams have been able to elevate there game and we have regressed  into shadow of ourselves.           

Football / Re: Who Really see the game here?
« on: September 08, 2005, 03:23:52 PM »
I See the game live and direct in ft.lauderdale,the boys played okay but beenhaker have to stop experimenting with the line up so much,the inclusion of whitley kill us,so did cox in place of avery john,I'll say it again, again and again  the dog and lawrence while they might be solid in de back they lack the main ingredient against central american forwards and that is speed,also scott sealy throw away two vital chances in de game,listen I'll say it one more time, at that level chances like that doh come but once,correct me if I'm wrong these men are being paid professionally to produce and if there is any ineptitude on there part the bench becomes home.         

Football / latas goal rank it from 1 to 10
« on: September 06, 2005, 05:32:22 PM »
It was #5 on gol tv out of all the qualifying games played that day around the world........let me what you guys think..

Football / Re: Who allyuh say was de man ah de match
« on: September 04, 2005, 09:01:07 PM »
 you people can't see latas make everybody look good,do you really belive for one minute that if he was'nt there that a divine intervention would ah take place, we all watching the same players for the last four games with mixed feelings,something to note chicago bulls never win a championship without michael jordan,that don't mean the other players ain't talented but until other players step up and carry the team on there shoulders and come out with ah win.

                                      LATAS ALL THE WAY................

Football / Re: Stern John
« on: September 03, 2005, 06:33:07 PM »
Whats do all u haters have to say about him now?????????????????????????????????
I'll tell yuh what all ah we have to say about that,thank god for latas,he make him look good!

Football / Re: Congrats Socawarriors!
« on: September 03, 2005, 06:30:41 PM »
Sitting on 7 points now, its clear you're still in it.  Recall watching 45\45 on Gol TV the other nite and 3 of the 4 participants was writing off T&T.

One thing your team needs to stop conceeding early goals.

Again, congrats.
I would have to agree with you about conceding early goals,I honestly think most of the other teams have been watching us and deciding to attack within the first 5 to 10 mins because of our vulnerability.but with that said my trini posse in florida give all praises to the entire team with special attention to my friend russell latapy who happens to be in my opinion the best trinidad has ever produce with archibald running second,russell is truly blessed. I had the privilege of playing alongside russell when he was only waist high at the begining of his career with tranquility under the coaching of tim lamkin,and I was always in awe of his talent and genious.may god guide and protect them always towards victory.

Football / Re: Jones ready for Guatemalans, tickets go on sale Friday.
« on: August 26, 2005, 10:01:28 AM »
   Game would never be at 8 pm, people have to fete from then!!

time ever stop we from fettin!

"the north will be winners fuh sure"

Football / Re: Allyuh feel Lawrence was right????
« on: August 20, 2005, 09:12:31 AM »
I think personally it did'nt deserve a sending off,I have seen worse fouls that only got the player a yellow card,but then again that's my opinion,yuh see some referees manage games differently,but ah think we missing the point here lawrence in my book is ah first class defender who most of the time is steady and grounded when the going gets tough but if we going to adopt that constant back passing type ah game of which I counted about 40, that's a recipe for disaster,don't forget it's an unnecessary back pass that cause the problem in the first place when the wing-back had ample time to control and make a forward pass to either a striker or midfielder he opted to do the opposite,I have noticed within the last decade or so that most trini defenders pass on the responsibilty to other players when the pressure is on ultimately resulting in chaos it's as if they lack confidence in themselves.

                                                                                               peace & love trini forever.

Football / "problem areas with soca warriors system "
« on: August 19, 2005, 11:32:24 AM »
After looking at wednesdays game I counted 50 back passes made in the first half and another 30 in the second half, that is a recipe for disaster. I can't ever remember the strike squad playing that  brand of football during our quest to world cup 1990, lets face  it if not for kelvin jack and his superb display of goal keeping we would be down by about 5 goals,I don't want to  seem to critical of certain players but this is the world cup bid and the standard has to be high,so lets look at stern john maybe somebody will let me know if I'm wrong in saying has he contributed internationally for the team when they really need him,how many goals has he scored since the start of the concacaf games.Also I'll say it again silvio spann seems to be the only one player who likes to tackle,his overall game is very good,I only see one area of critique with him and that can be addressed.I believe  he should hold on to the ball a little longer sometimes and make more penetration down the middle.I also think chris birchall would be better served playing as a striker he's a quick thinker and a good finisher.let me know your views.


Football / Re: Video Highlights of USA vs T&T
« on: August 19, 2005, 10:19:54 AM »
I do appreciate those video highlights great job,it only re-inforces what I have  known for a long time that the usa will only be happy with being #1 in any sport,particularly football because the game has eluded them for decades,they are aware  it's the #1 sport played around the world and will not accept developing countries like my sweet trinidad (hate to use the phrase "third world" if yuh doh mind.) creating problems towards there ultimate goal. So while I agree with all the comments posted so far and I'm also angered by their display of arrogance and disdain for my fellow countrymen. We are witnessing the great brain drain in effect, yuh see what few realize is that trinidadians who live in the united states contribute 40 times more towards the development of  youth sports  in the united states than in trinidad,so we create our own demise. 

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