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Messages - davyjenny

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Football / Re: Warriors Defense
« on: August 23, 2005, 01:46:52 PM »
Trinidad had some good defences long ago.Who could ah beat de line up of Figaro,Moraldo,Texiera and Husbands as good defenders who had ball control in de '70's.
you is ah real ole man boy!

Football / now allyuh ready now :Compare a-league team to u.league
« on: August 18, 2005, 12:01:57 AM »
dat is de shortest statement ever by alberta trini  he mouth does be happy when he sleeping.always ah set ah long an flipping boring talk by he.

andre:talk like he is part of de t&t team ready to play usa tonight.I eh
see him on de field maybe he was on de bench.

fellas,de world must stop because t&t played tonight. allyuh full of it weeee.dem mus be eh working no way nottin to say, freshen alluyh breath, >:( >:( : :) ::)

Must want to know waht's going on in the world of soccer than to look up oliver camps asshole all de time to see wah de doing in de ttff,football is deeper than just 11men on de field very political.

alberta trini and andre next time before allyuh start talking alot ah shit
think before yuh talk.Narrow minded ass wipes.
all dat set ah fuss.in the end.

t&t 0 usa 1 move on back to the drawing board.

what allyuh think?

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Palos
« on: August 16, 2005, 07:48:44 PM »
Happy Earth Strong sah!  8)

my birthday tomorrow too fellas.like ah say ah go take meh persent
after de game.big birthday bash stadium/on de rocker much people
big lime fuh so!!

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday me, happy birthdayyyyyy tooo meeeee, happyyyyy  birthdayyyyy too meeeeeeeee and many moreee.

ah having ah big lime best seat in de house/stadium
T&t score the second goal 80th min USA steady pressure after that in the end we end up with a close victory nail biting game T&T 2 USA 1

Football / Re: ah wish cyd gray start and score
« on: August 12, 2005, 06:56:03 PM »
with a post like that .... as a magician you have to start


allyuh real weeeeeee lol !!!

Football / Colin Rocke
« on: August 10, 2005, 08:14:18 AM »
do anyone have contact info. for colin rocke? email or phone #

Football / marlon morris '89
« on: August 09, 2005, 07:42:41 PM »
where are they selling marlon morris's strike squad book?
ah want ah copy.

Football / Re: Marcelle and de Strike Squad
« on: August 09, 2005, 07:38:41 PM »
How come Marcelle wasn't in de mix fuh de Strike Squad ? jusme was asking dat question on de Quizz Time & Facts board. Anybody have de scoop?
where are they selling marlon morris's book?
I heard the same thing as Royal from some sources close to the team at that time. It's also consistent with the picture painted by Earl Carter when he wrote his "Inside story" column in the Guardian some months after Nov 19th. Not only Marcelle& Skinner, but men like Skeene, Nakhid and Anton Corneal all get run as well. Check out the book by Marlon Morris, and you will see why I say Gally should NEVER be Senior National Coach again - his arrogance was/is his undoing (His recent utterances indicate he has ah "Strike Squad" tabanca much like BSC has his "ONLY Coach to qualify a T&T team to a WC" tabanca).
How come Marcelle wasn't in de mix fuh de Strike Squad ? jusme was asking dat question on de Quizz Time & Facts board. Anybody have de scoop?

I heard the same thing as Royal from some sources close to the team at that time. It's also consistent with the picture painted by Earl Carter when he wrote his "Inside story" column in the Guardian some months after Nov 19th. Not only Marcelle& Skinner, but men like Skeene, Nakhid and Anton Corneal all get run as well. Check out the book by Marlon Morris, and you will see why I say Gally should NEVER be Senior National Coach again - his arrogance was/is his undoing (His recent utterances indicate he has ah "Strike Squad" tabanca much like BSC has his "ONLY Coach to qualify a T&T team to a WC" tabanca).

Football / Re: Jason Cudjoe?....was he also known as Opeolo Kudjo?
« on: August 09, 2005, 04:13:01 PM »
Are they one in the same?
Not to my knowledge but, Jason was in de u.s national program some years back. Still eh understand de bench ting maybe he fall back.His dad is ah trini.

Football / Jason Cudjoe
« on: August 09, 2005, 05:36:44 AM »
With all that talant why is Jason Cudjoe on W.Connection  bench? check
he background another good one gone to waste. 

Football / Re: Who is Mike Berry?
« on: August 01, 2005, 10:44:19 PM »
What is his link with T&T ? He is de agent fuh most of de T&T players in de UK. As far as I know, he represents Hector Sam, Dennis Lawrence, Carlos Edwards, Jason Scotland, Kelvin Jack, Clayton Ince, Brent Sancho and Brent Rahim. Also, anytime our players are on trial (successful or not) in de UK, he is usually involved.
Who is Graham Smith? One of the best known agent in the world.

Football / Re: T&T assistant coach.
« on: July 27, 2005, 09:11:40 PM »
Our assistant coaches are Wim Rijsbergen and Theo de Jong. Dey played fuh Holland in de 74 and 78 World Cups.
Wim Rijsbergen was the central defender for holland in '74
he control the entire defence.Their defense played a high pressure system
throughout the tournament until they meet Germany when muller
struck, Till this day that goal is still questionable by many.

'78 the style of play was the same for the dutch defense. A few years later
Trinidad & Tobago tried to play that same type of defensive system with reynold george in the back and alvin corneal as coach, They did not get very far.

Football / Re: Aaron Downing
« on: July 26, 2005, 02:27:50 PM »
W Connection owner David John-Williams informed the Express on Saturday that he had spoken to Latapy on Friday and was assured they were still interested and that Downing will be given time to heal. John-Williams also said the player was a bit upset after recent events. "He (Aaron) is a bit on the down side," John-Williams said. "But he is still positive about his future."

Latapy must be forget him fuh true

If Latapy eh help Brent Rahim what make yuh think he go help Aaron Downing.

Lincoln take note for the future ttff need to set up a structure where as
each position need to know their role by have long term classes separately for strikers,midfield,defenders.

1). School for Strikers only: know the role that they need to play attacking, supporting and defening long term course.

2).School for midfield only: Know the role that they need to play specifically,attacking defending supporting, long term indepth course.

3).School For Defenders only:Know the role that they need to play
specifically, attacking defending supporting role,long term indepth course.

This should be done throughout trinidad And tobago with this program we should breed quality players.Then provide an institution for learning at the highest level and authorize both under graduate and graduate diplomas.

Take note Lincoln.


Football / Re: starting eleven for colombia
« on: July 12, 2005, 08:48:06 AM »
Cyd Gray look like he trying to take de "Dog" nickname from Andrews.  Getting down on all fours and leaving piles of shit all over the field

allyuh real great wee

Football / i dey in the orange bowl tonight.
« on: July 06, 2005, 02:43:55 PM »
wah going on fellas ah back. what's up flex tallman, vb,truetrini and all d new warriors in d house ah see the site has grown hugely anyway i go be down in the orange bowl later.Tallman we go siteup in the game. what part of the stadium is d tail gate if any. agorn

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