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Messages - JayTheWrecker

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General Discussion / Re: Speak English or Be Suspended
« on: August 28, 2008, 04:53:20 AM »
LPGA are just following the standard set by the womens’ pro tennis association (WTA)

For years now the WTA (and also the mens ATP) have operated that policy that all players who want to play on the main tour have to learn English

It makes it easier for the WTA to market the game, especially with it comes to players giving interviews and press conferences, and taking part in TV specials and other promotions

the US Open is on at the moment and all those post-match press conferences you will see are MANDATORY. If Nadal or Serena or whoever refuses to attend a press conference, the WTA (or ATP in Nadal's case) will hit them with a FINE so that should give you an indication of how serious the WTA are when it comes to ensuring that everyone is capable of playing their part when it comes to marketing the game

I don’t believe for a second that the LPGA are introducing the rule because they want to discourage these Koreans (or any other nationality) from joining the tour. That certainly wasn’t the case with the WTA when all those young Russians, Czechs, and Serbs suddenly homed into view

The PGA hasn’t introduced the rule because the majority of the top 100 or so players already speak English so it isn’t really an issue for them, yet….

and is it really a bad thing that the LPGA are introducing? Can anyone honestly say that all those foreign tennis players have personally suffered because of the rule? Because I would argue the opposite

General Discussion / Re: Russia Invades Georgia
« on: August 13, 2008, 09:26:00 AM »
good to see you got out safe fishs

but how did you get out if you weren't prepared to fly?

did you catch a midnight train from Georgia?

Football / Re: Chelsea bid £79 million for Kaka
« on: July 20, 2008, 06:21:59 AM »
it's always makes me laugh when chairmen, managers and other club officials  go on TV or whatever and declare"X is not for sale" especially when they add "not at any price"

every player in every club in the world is for sale, if the money is right

and that also applies to the clubs as well, they too are also for sale if the money is right

in fact the more i think about it, instead of paying £79 million for one player, Roman would be better off buying the whole of AC Milan and then strip the club of all their assets like Kaka and sell off the ones he doesn't want to keep :beermug:

Football / Chelsea bid £79 million for Kaka
« on: July 19, 2008, 02:50:52 AM »
Chelsea appear set to sign the Milan playmaker Kaka for a world-record €100m (£79.3m) after discussions took place this week, with both clubs and the Brazil international keen for a deal to go through. Sources at Stamford Bridge have confirmed that Chelsea are targeting the 26-year-old and it is understood that Milan are inclined to accept a bid of €100m tabled this week.

Initially reluctant to depart, Kaka now believes the transfer, which would smash the record of £46m Real Madrid paid for Zinedine Zidane in 2001, is in everyone's interests. His contract does not expire until 2012 but he is eager to play for Luiz Felipe Scolari, who gave him his international debut against Bolivia in 2002 and included him in the Brazil squad for that year's World Cup finals despite him being only 20 years old. The current world and European player of the year also believes Chelsea are the most attractive destination in European football.

Chelsea sent a representative to Milan this week to present a bid to the Italian club. Far from rejecting the offer out of hand as is normal practice and as they did with approaches from Real Madrid last summer, Milan sent a delegation to London and negotiations have continued.

Discussions have also taken place with the player's camp over personal terms, with Kaka, who has scored 22 goals in 59 games for his country, set to earn a significant rise on his salary as well as a €15m signing-on fee. He will arrive in Milan today after spending the summer recovering from arthroscopy on his knee at Sao Paulo's training centre in Brazil.

"Real Madrid offered €90m last summer and Milan did not even think about the bid," said Kaka's personal assistant and closest adviser, Diogo Kotscho. "This time is different. This is the first time we feel that a deal will definitely happen. Because of the [financial] situation Milan are in at the moment, the deal is good for all parties involved.

"The move would represent a significant increase in Kaka's salary, on top of the 10% transfer fee that goes straight to the player anyway - some €15m. Chelsea are the club to be at right now. They are building a team to win everything."

Given their current financial difficulties, Milan can ill afford to reject such a huge bid. Having failed to qualify for the Champions League, they have had to cut costs at the same time as embarking on the renewal of an ageing squad. They continue to seek a striker and the sale of Kaka would enable them to follow through on their interest in Arsenal's Emmanuel Adebayor, despite their vice-president Adriano Galliani's claim that Ronaldinho would be their final signing of the summer. Meanwhile, the arrival of the former Barcelona player - and the tumultuous reception he was given - has persuaded them they can release Kaka, safe in the knowledge that they have a glamour signing in his place.

Kaka believes he has shown his loyalty to Milan by staying last season, despite Madrid's interest. He has not demanded a transfer this season either, with the impetus coming from the two clubs. However, he does not want to continue at a club that will not play in this season's Champions League. Kaka's relationship with Galliani and the club's owner Silvio Berlusconi has also been strained by Milan's refusal to allow him to represent Brazil at the Olympics. Milan said Kaka was "tired" - a claim he publicly denied. Worse still, Ronaldinho has been allowed to go to Beijing.

If the deal can be completed it would virtually destroy the chances of the Real Madrid forward Robinho completing his "dream" move to Stamford Bridge. The La Liga champions are unwilling to sell until they can sign Cristiano Ronaldo from Manchester United. Last night Sir Alex Ferguson insisted the Portugal winger would still be at Old Trafford next season.

Football / Re: C. Ronaldo reveals Madrid desire!!
« on: July 19, 2008, 02:31:26 AM »
FOOTBALLER Cristiano Ronaldo is being lined up to star in a multi-million dollar remake of the epic TV series Roots.

Ronaldo has demanded £3.5m per episode.

Producers say the star's treatment at the hands of Manchester United make him the perfect choice to portray the young African slave who is beaten by his brutal masters.

The Portuguese winger said he had been traumatised by 'outrageous' demands that he honour the £125,000 a week, legally-binding contract, which has brought him only, misery, adulation and Gemma Atkinson.

Speaking from the titanium gazebo in the rose garden of his 31-room mansion, Ronaldo said: "I feel I can relate to the suffering of African slaves.

"If anything, it is worse, because footballers cannot sing while we work, whereas they had time to develop gospel music during their 16-hours shifts before dropping dead from exhaustion."

In the series a young African boy is dragged from his homeland and shipped to America where he is forced to work in the fields by a cruel and violent plantation owner.

"The similarities are uncanny, though admittedly, the Lear Jet that flew me from Lisbon to Manchester wasn't packed with 150 other players sleeping head-to-toe."

Ronaldo also conceded that, while the slave-master in Roots administered brutal beatings, Man Utd boss Sir Alex Ferguson had nurtured his talent, lavished him with praise and turned him into one of the best footballers in the world.

"But without the freedom to do whatever I want, wherever I want, for whatever fee I want, I am exactly the same as a cotton picker forced to live in a shed, dying at the age of 32."

He added: "I know the people will love my acting. Already, in the streets, I hear many of them calling me 'K u n t a'."

Football / Re: Avram Grant Sacked
« on: May 24, 2008, 11:48:56 AM »
sacking Jose in the first place was a bad decision and i thought the appointment of Avram was an even poorer one........but having said that Avram didn't do much wrong, especially when you consider he was thrown in at the deep end (first game in charge away to Man Utd)

imo Avram deserved at least another season

Football / Re: FA to investigate alleged gambling bribe
« on: April 04, 2008, 06:25:21 AM »
rumour on various betting forums is that the player concerned is Francis Jeffers

Football / Re: Sports Ministry says no to TTFF Media.
« on: April 04, 2008, 03:35:22 AM »
this debacle encapsulates everything that is wrong with T&T football

it's a dead heat as to who are the biggest bunch of f**kwits, the TTFF or the Sports Ministry

do feel sorry for Shaun Fuentes thou, it sounds like the man is caught between a rock and a hard place

General Discussion / Re: MURDER OVER EGGS
« on: March 15, 2008, 11:41:55 AM »
Man we need to call ah state ah emergency declare martial law, raid homes, shoot on sight if dey break curfew..do something dese f**kers eh have no regard for life at all.  Is some little hood lums breaking eggs cause ah man tuh dead?

this is something the nation might have to consider one day

because the way things are going it might come down to a choice between either total anarchy or a police state

General Discussion / Re: allyuh wish meh happy birthday nah
« on: March 11, 2008, 11:39:34 AM »
happy birthday Big Mag :beermug:

Football / Re: Who do you rank as the present #1 striker in the world.
« on: March 11, 2008, 11:37:19 AM »
Ronaldo for me, even though he isn't really a striker

Football / Re: FA Cup action today
« on: March 08, 2008, 01:26:49 PM »
i knew Chelsea were in trouble as soon as saw the state of the pitch

not complaining or making excuses because poor pitches and cold dressing rooms etc is part of the nature of FA Cup and something that pampered Premiership players have to overcome

and Chelsea failed the test.... big time :(

Football / Re: FA Cup action today
« on: March 08, 2008, 12:57:40 PM »
Barnsley 1 Chelsea 0

and i can't say it wasn't deserved :(

22 mins to play...

Football / Re: FA Cup action today
« on: March 08, 2008, 12:19:47 PM »
HT Barnsley 0 Chelsea 0

Barnsley on top imo  :(

Football / Re: FA Cup action today
« on: March 08, 2008, 11:59:56 AM »
anyone watching the Chelsea game? might be a struggle for Chelsea because the playing conditions certainly favour the home side :(

playing surface resembles a rugby pitch

Football / Re: FA Cup action today
« on: March 08, 2008, 11:35:56 AM »
Man Utd were very unlucky imo

how Carrick didn't score i will never know

and the goalkeeper should never have been sent off as there were TWO Man Utd players covering the goal when the keeper brought down Baros

but as a Chelsea man i'm not complaining



West Coast,


then click on "Talk City 91.1 FM"

General Discussion / Re: Fidel Castro announces retirement!!!
« on: February 24, 2008, 08:29:30 PM »
Castro had no business sending thousands of troops to Angola to help "end the apartheid regime in South Africa"

that is just as criminal as Bush sending thousands of troops to Iraq to help end the Saddam regime

the double standards being employed by some here is appalling imo

do you fellas even acknowledge that Castro is a murdering dictator?

I think he is a dictator, but in truth he has not embarked on a crusade to murder scores of Cubans, but he has killed..yes...so by definition he is a murdering dictator, especially for the way he has killed the Cuban peopl;s spirit!

i don't know about that truetrini, Castro murdered plenty, maybe not so many at home, but certainly in Africa. I'm talking the extermination kind of murder

General Discussion / Re: Fidel Castro announces retirement!!!
« on: February 24, 2008, 08:19:23 PM »
leroy, of course not, but you're missing the point, or rather you can see the point but you don't want to acknowledge it

Castro didn't send troops to Angola to help liberate black South Africans, just like Bush didn't send troops to Iraq to help liberate oppressed Iraqis under Saddam

just answer me these questions

do you accept that Castro has committed the following crimes

imprisonment without trail
military invasion of a foreign country

and if your answer is yes, then how come Castro gets a pass for commiting these crimes yet Bush doesn't?

General Discussion / Re: Fidel Castro announces retirement!!!
« on: February 24, 2008, 08:03:12 PM »
Castro had no business sending thousands of troops to Angola to help "end the apartheid regime in South Africa"

that is just as criminal as Bush sending thousands of troops to Iraq to help end the Saddam regime

the double standards being employed by some here is appalling imo

do you fellas even acknowledge that Castro is a murdering dictator?

Cricket Anyone / Re: 20/20 final - T&T vs Jamaica
« on: February 24, 2008, 07:31:20 PM »
the telephone one with the shoe was the best  ;D

Cricket Anyone / Re: 20/20 final - T&T vs Jamaica
« on: February 24, 2008, 07:11:59 PM »
yes i concur, Jamaican head's have dropped  ;D

Cricket Anyone / Re: 20/20 final - T&T vs Jamaica
« on: February 24, 2008, 07:06:40 PM »
there's some serious outswing on offer there so game is not over yet imo

Cricket Anyone / Re: 20/20 final - T&T vs Jamaica
« on: February 24, 2008, 06:32:05 PM »

Jam all out for 91 :D

Cricket Anyone / Re: 20/20 final - T&T vs Jamaica
« on: February 24, 2008, 06:04:05 PM »

JAM 58/4 12 overs :)

Cricket Anyone / Re: 20/20 final - T&T vs Jamaica
« on: February 24, 2008, 05:27:49 PM »


then click on "Talk City 91.1 FM"

lastest is Jam 14/1 3rd over :D

General Discussion / Re: Fidel Castro announces retirement!!!
« on: February 24, 2008, 03:30:24 PM »

In your opinion, is Bush a "brutal murderous dictator"?

Bush has murdered plenty, but he is no dictator. That is a fact. Of course if he suddenly somehow managed to abolish the US constitution and get the armed forces to support him in setting up a police state with no elections, no opposition, in other words oversee the US in the same manner as Castro, and like Castro when he is too old to govern, hand over power to his brother Jeb, then i will change my opinion and acknowledge Bush to be a dictator

you see i have no problem acknowledging Bush to being a bastard who is guilty of murder and torture etc.

it's a just a shame that many refuse to acknowledge the same about Castro

Cricket Anyone / 20/20 final - T&T vs Jamaica
« on: February 24, 2008, 03:08:38 PM »
surprised there was no thread for this as it starts in about 2 hours

anyone else going to be watching?

my head tells me Jamaica should win but my heart says T&T have a good chance if Mohammed can produce the goods because i think the Jamaicans struggle against spin

but Daren Ganga has to produce some runs if T&T are going to win - Pollard too

C'MON T&T!  :wavetowel:

General Discussion / Re: Fidel Castro announces retirement!!!
« on: February 24, 2008, 02:27:04 PM »
West Coast, i agree with truetrini, it is obvious you have an axe to grind with Bush / USA

and i can understand why you and others here have a problem with US foreign policy etc. i really do

but it really does you no credit when you express support or admiration for someone who is, and this is an uncontested fact, someone who is just as guilty - if not more so - of committing the same heinous crimes as Bush / USA

these include

imprisonment without trial
military intervention into other countries affairs

sheltering Cuba from "some of the excesses of modern socio-economic pressures" is not enough to absolve Castro from being a brutal murderous dictator imo

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Foreign Movies Discussion
« on: February 16, 2008, 11:51:17 AM »
Jean de Florette and it's sequel Manon des Sources - beautiful film with a killer twist at the end

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