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Messages - Remie

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Football / Re: Is England's next generation the best in Europe?
« on: June 27, 2007, 06:56:16 AM »
If England's next generation is the best in Europe then we have a real lack of talent in Europe. Fortunately i dont believe England's next generation is the best in Europe. They scrapped and fought well but fortunately the only side trying to play football in that match won in the end- Holland.

England only reached the semi finals by beating a Serbia reserve side in the final group match. Also this tournament only had 8 teams in it. Rooney and Lennon would have made a difference im not so sure about the others. But to counter that im sure Holland and the other countries must have had some 23 year olds that were not there either.

I dont think this up and coming generation of English footballers are as talented as the current England players were but there is enough for a good manager to work with when they mature.

Thanks..that's kind of what I was looking for. Didn't see any of England's games and wondered how they played without the missing players.

I kinda disagree that only Lennon and Rooney would have made a difference. Darren Bent, Micah Richards, Stuart Downing (who played against us in the WC) and Bentley would potentially make a material difference. These are guys who are already in the senior team pool. That's not to say that they would be better than Holland, but those are legitimately good players who would have been in the starting lineup.

Oh yer i missed out Micah Richards. If he stays injury free he will be a top player.

With Bentley, Downing, Bent they kinda had good cover with Milner, Young, Nugent.

Cricket Anyone / Re: What a joke- but im not laughing
« on: June 27, 2007, 06:27:46 AM »
Absolute joke. But I think Ramnarine is a bit of a joke aswell, as he seems to cause trouble to just give himself publicity. But it is good, as I say you need people to speak out.

I used to think Ramnarine was a bit of a trouble maker and was getting revenge for being overlooked unfairly by the selectors when he was playing. However when you look closely at every time Ramnarine has got publicity- Ramnarine has always been in the right and the WICB in the wrong. Ramnarine is a WIPA legend.

Football / Re: Is England's next generation the best in Europe?
« on: June 27, 2007, 06:21:46 AM »
If England's next generation is the best in Europe then we have a real lack of talent in Europe. Fortunately i dont believe England's next generation is the best in Europe. They scrapped and fought well but fortunately the only side trying to play football in that match won in the end- Holland.

England only reached the semi finals by beating a Serbia reserve side in the final group match. Also this tournament only had 8 teams in it. Rooney and Lennon would have made a difference im not so sure about the others. But to counter that im sure Holland and the other countries must have had some 23 year olds that were not there either.

I dont think this up and coming generation of English footballers are as talented as the current England players were but there is enough for a good manager to work with when they mature.

Football / Re: The World's Top 50 Footballers (UK Times)
« on: June 27, 2007, 04:53:11 AM »
All in all i think the top 5 are pretty much spot on in my opinion. At the moment i really believe Kaka is the best. I find the other rankings outside the top 5 quite strange though.

I dont watch as much Spanish football as i should so can someone please tell me if Sergio Ramos is actually that good to be ranked 13? Puyol would be higher than him in my rankings.

Also Terry and Carragher (when playing at centre back) would be higher in my rankings. Remember Liverpool have been very successful against the top European clubs with Carragher at the heart of the defence.

Farfan is a strange one for me although he has scored a lot of goals in Holland he wouldnt be on my list.

Cricket Anyone / Re: WIPA vs. WICB on Zimbabwe Tour - who is right?
« on: June 27, 2007, 02:42:40 AM »
We all know none of the Test playing nations want to play in Zimbabwe because of the political issues involved. Its as simple as that. Their cricket team is so weak now because of the politics it a disgrace (even more than the WICBs runnings) that the ICC have not done anything about it. Every test playing nation will try to pull out of a tour to Zimbabwe if they can find a way. However a lot of politics is involved, i.e. some countries might need a vote from Zimbabwe so will just play there for that vote.

Since West Indies do not need Zimbabwe's vote any time in the near future given we have hosted the World Cup and do not have a candidate to run for ICC presidency it is common sense that West Indies should pull out of the tour.

However the only 2 ways i think there are to pull out of a tour to Zimbabwe without having to pay compensation is to get a block from the Government, or to have evidence that it is unsafe for players to play in Zimbabwe.

Basically the WICB cannot afford to pull out without having one of the above two reasons (i assume the WICB have not even considered doing this anyway) and in any case do not seem to really care about the players anyway so will be happy to send any squad to Zimbabwe.

However the WIPA have the players best interests and the players obviously do not want to go (who would?) so the WIPA have to find a way to act in the players best interests. It is unlikely that every government in each of the individual countries in the West Indies will come together and agree to block the tour so the WIPA only have one other option. They had to come up with some sort of evidence to say it is not safe for the players to go which i believe they have done. I commend the WIPA for their work.

I understand that the WICB cannot afford to just pull out of the Zimbabwe tour for financial reasons but why are the WICB are trying to sabotage the WIPA plans to get the tour called off. As far as i understand if there are player safety issues then no compensation has to be paid? It appears the WICB are just trying to create more rifts and are trying to embarass the players but everyone can now see through it and the WICB now have nowhere to hide. The WICB has been exposed for what they are not just in this issue but in other issues that have occured this week and previously and no doubt will be in the future.

To answer the question- the WIPA are totally correct to do what they are doing. With regard to the WICB, because i am not 100% sure about the compensation issue i cannot say 100% whether the WICB are right or wrong at this moment but you know what i believe.

Cricket Anyone / What a joke- but im not laughing
« on: June 27, 2007, 02:31:30 AM »
Chris Gayle's article attacking the WICB was actually approved by Findlay the team manager before it was published. Then after it was published Findlay and the WICB attacks Chris Gayle for his outburst. The WICB is a disgrace. Its a good thing Ramnarine is there to show them up bad. Ramnarine has taken them to arbitration court 5 times for the WIPA and the WIPA and Ramnarine have won 5 out of 5. I am telling you the WICB are immune to embarrasement.


Yes the selectors must take blame but the administrators of the WICB are the real people that need to be blamed. They are the fundamental problem. Whatever XI we put out these days will be an embarrasement.

Cricket Anyone / Re: Gayle is right to publicly criticise the WICB
« on: June 26, 2007, 08:43:58 AM »
As i have said befor the adminstrators in the WICB have to go before we can start to rebuild.

It looks like people are already speaking out because in the last week i have seen Chris Gayle, Michael Holding, Tony Cozier and Martin Williamson (a cricinfo journalist) all cuss up the WICB in their own articles which is a good start. Stanford cussed them up last summer. In fact Lara hasnt really cussed them up as such. Lara has been polite so far.

Everyone has now got to the point where they cant hold back any longer and the WICB are gonna start getting some real licks in public. The only problem is that the WICB seem to be immune to embarrasement so i doubt whether we can really force them out?

Cricket Anyone / Re: Holding bashes Gordon in round table discussion!
« on: June 22, 2007, 06:52:01 AM »
Talk the talk but cant walk the walk.

Whos that? Holding?

I wouldnt go that far. He is successful in the professions that he has chosen to pursue.

Holding does talk a lot of sense but its just sometimes dissapointing that rarely does he come up with solutions for the improvement of West Indian cricket. He has a lot of exposure but we never hear many solutions. At least in this article he has started proposing some solutions.

Cricket Anyone / Re: Holding bashes Gordon in round table discussion!
« on: June 22, 2007, 05:26:22 AM »
With regard to the structure of West Indies cricket i have said in a previous topic- the administration of West Indies cricket has to be changed first.

Even if the selectors were sacked and we selected the team and the team had Mohammed in it we would still me a million miles away from competing with Australia. Their systems of continuously producing quality international cricketers are light years ahead of us. We have to catch up. The only way to catch up is through planning by the administrators.

Lara said something like this (i cant rememeber word for word)- an exceptional 18 year old West Indian cricketer will be off the radar by the time hes 25 but an average 18 year old Australian will be smashing international bowlers round the park when he is 25.

Why is this? The systems.

I saw an exceptional 14 and then 18 year old Guyanese batsman called Assad Fuddadin out classing all the other international teams at both u-15 and u-19 level. He was more impressive than Alistair Cook from England. Fuddadin is an example of many young West Indians that have just faded away after u-15 and u-19 level. Fuddadin is now 22 and averages about 25 for Guyana. Cook is 22 and averages 50 for England.

Add this to the fact that there seems to be a less proportion of interest in cricket from youngsters in the West Indies. What are the administrators doing about this?

Cricket Anyone / Re: Holding bashes Gordon in round table discussion!
« on: June 22, 2007, 04:52:41 AM »
I pretty much agree with Michael Holding on most of what he has to say generally eg, hawk eye is flawed, when is the bail broken in run outs etc.

However... the cheap shot about Daren Ganga's captaincy was uncalled for and shows a bit of ignorance just because Sarwan was Holding's choice. Yes Ganga had one bad day as captain but to imply that Ganga is not a worthy captain shows Holding has a lack of knowledge in this area.

When i criticised Ganga it was just for what i believed to be a poor message he was displaying by batting at 3 in the middle of a test but i still qualified it by saying he is still a good captain and the best we currently have in West Indies. Although i was dissapointed with him and he is not the captain i thought he would be i wouldnt critisise him for things that are out of his control.

But Holding has just basically said Ganga is a waste of space as captain even though he has had next to nothing to work with. I am very dissapointed with Holding for his comments about Ganga. Just to make a point about Ken Gordon he used Ganga's appointment as captain as an example of why Ken Gordon is useless which was a stupid example to use. Ken Gordon may very well be useless but why have a pop at Ganga in the process for no reason?

Elsewhere in the article Holding's points are very true.

Although i still respect Holding's views i am very dissapointed with him for the ridiculous cheap shot at Ganga and i have lost some respect for him.

Cricket Anyone / Re: Will we ever Reach the Top Again?
« on: June 21, 2007, 04:50:38 AM »
It all depends on the adminstrators. It has to be right at the top first before we can even begin to progress.

Today i read on cricinfo in an interview with Michael Holding who said that Standford went to the administrators a few years back and said he has money to give them to help West Indies cricket, but they would have to show him a plan to show what future benefits would come from the money. Apparently no plan was submitted because that would involve planning and subsequently Stanford had to set up his own initiatives like the Standford 20/20 tournament. If this is true i no longer have any scepticisms about Standford and it only reinforces my views on the disgraceful adminstration of West Indies cricket.

With the current administrators we will go nowhere or even downwards below Bangladesh.

I would keep faith with Devon Smith.

Why do you put Ryan Hinds as an opener? As far as i know he has always been a middle order batsman.

Is Lawson back to normal yet?

Cricket Anyone / Re: Hopefully one good thing will happen
« on: June 19, 2007, 02:37:48 PM »
I think u must look not only at coach but the whole selectorial panel. Im sure Greenidge, Roberts and Clyde Butts have as much say in the selection than the coach. In fact all of dem should be sacked after this tour and put out to pasture. The final straw was when they had the bright idea of appointing Chris Gayle as ODI captain and sending home two of ur better bowlers for the ODI series.

Well yes the selectors need to go but we all have been saying that for over 12 months now and nothing has happened with regard to them.

Cricket Anyone / Re: I am very dissapointed in Daren Ganga
« on: June 19, 2007, 12:42:49 PM »
I do not agree with you on this one Remie. Does Ganga continue to put his team under pressure by failing at the opening position or does he give them a chance to ease some of the pressure made by his failings by giving a genuine opener (who had been looking in better touch) a chance to establish a solid start for us? That is what leadership is about. It's about making the best decisions so the team can do well, not take all the responsibilities alone. If they had gone on to post a 50 run partnership would you have been as harsh on Ganga?

I don't think being the captain is about proving that you can score runs when you're struggling. It's about bringing out the best in your team. He (and the coach?) made a decision to try and do just that. Unfortunately it did not work.

I understand what you are saying and obviously on this matter we have a difference of opinion which happens in sport/cricket. I respect your opinion.

But to answer your question on would i have been as harsh on Ganga if there was a 50 run partnership. Honestly i would have been. I dont blame Ganga for the team failing to make runs or anything like that. I just knew when i saw Devon Smith walking out to open with Gayle, Ganga was no longer the captain i had thought he would be and i was going to post this topic regardless of the outcome.

If Devon Smith and Gayle had of started the test as the openers with Ganga at 3 i would have had no problem but the fact that Ganga has started the match as an opener and got out first ball of the match and then came out 3 in the second innings i just feel that is too much of a sign of weakness from the captain especially when half the battle in cricket at the top level is in the mind.

Cricket Anyone / Hopefully one good thing will happen
« on: June 19, 2007, 10:51:01 AM »
After that shambles coach David Moores will hopefully have his contract terminated and we will get a coach that might recognise that spin plays an important part in todays game of cricket. Then maybe Mohammed and Jagernauth might get a look in.

Cricket Anyone / Re: I am very dissapointed in Daren Ganga
« on: June 19, 2007, 08:56:30 AM »
Although i was dissapointed with Ganga's decision to bat 3 yesterday i want to make it clear i am not calling for him to be dropped as a player or vice captain for that matter.

I feel that everything he has done in first class cricket over the last 10 years warrants a fair crack at test cricket. I want him to be given an extended run as a test batsman as it is the least that he deserves.

I wouldnt drop Ganga or Collymore or Sarwan from the test team. Ganga deserves a fair extended run as a test batsman, Collymore is our best bowler and is the 11th ranked bowler in world cricket on current form and Sarwan is a proven class test batsman.

The only main change i would make to the personnel of the team is the addition of Mohammed as Mohammed has shown he is one of the best if not the best bowler in first class cricket.

Chattergoon and Deonarine have to start pilling the runs and topping the batting averages in first class cricket before i would consider them. At the moment they are not putting enough pressure on Gayle and the rest. They might have good potential and technique but they have to start converting it into big runs not okay runs in first class cricket.

Cricket Anyone / Re: I am very dissapointed in Daren Ganga
« on: June 19, 2007, 02:00:46 AM »
To be honest although he kept making low scores i had faith that if he stayed mentally strong he would come good and a good score was just around the corner. In fact i still believe he is not far away from a good score.

The statement of intent he made as captain by dropping down to 3 in the middle of a test on the back of a first ball duck as opener is more dissapointing to me than any of the low scores.

Cricket Anyone / Re: I am very dissapointed in Daren Ganga
« on: June 18, 2007, 03:39:54 PM »
I don't think you can just take the captaincy away from Ganga based on one decision. Although like you I am very disappointed that Ganga dropped down the order; as you say it looked as if he was running scared from the England opening bowlers. I thought Ganga was stronger mentally than that, that no matter what he will always step up and put himself on the line. By today's showing this doesn't seem to be the case, and make no mistake about it, 9/10 times its the captains perrogative to determine the batting line-up.

Having said all this, Ganga is only a stand-in captain and he is captaining in an extremely difficult situation, this one incident should not detract from his future captaincy opportunities. No matter how much he captains Trinidad, captaining at International level is wholly different scenario and it takes time to adapt...only after Ganga has had a full series as captain will we know whether he will be or ever could be a relatively decent west indies captain. 

Just to make it clear I am not advocating Ganga being stripped of the vice captaincy when Sarwan comes back or anything like that. I am just making it clear that i can no longer say Ganga is my choice as captain now especially in ODI cricket where his batting alone does not warrant a squad place, because for the last few months i was supporting Ganga whole heartedly thinking that in pressure scenarios like the one today he would make the right decisions. I just wanted to clarify my stance on the captaincy issue as it had changed after i saw Devon Smith walking out to bat with Chris Gayle for the start of the 2nd innings today.

Cricket Anyone / Re: I am very dissapointed in Daren Ganga
« on: June 18, 2007, 02:17:17 PM »
As i said in my opening post i dont have a problem as such with Ganga at 3 but the manner in which he ended up at 3 i have concerns with. Ganga himself might not be scared to open and batting at 3 was a tactical move but he is the leader and the message he is conveying to the rest of our dressing room and the opposition is that he is running scared as he is coming off a first ball duck opening in the first innings.

Ganga is still the best captain in the West Indies but he is not the captain i thought he would be. Therefore i no longer can say he should be in the ODI side on his captaincy alone because if for what ever reason decisions are being made under his captaincy like the one made today that i cannot accept. So i can no longer say i want Ganga as West Indies ODI captain.

I do not like splitting the captaincy in Tests and ODIs so that is why i have to say, given the above reasons, Ganga is no longer my choice for captain.

Cricket Anyone / Re: I am very dissapointed in Daren Ganga
« on: June 18, 2007, 01:35:15 PM »
I could be being over harsh on Ganga as no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes, but i cant get my head around him running scared. I really didnt expect that from him, and i would assume the final decision on who opened would have lay with Ganga not Moore.

Cricket Anyone / I am very dissapointed in Daren Ganga
« on: June 18, 2007, 10:56:20 AM »
After all the faith i have shown in Daren Ganga as a captain i feel very let down by him moving down to 3 and passing the buck onto Devon Smith to open. That is not what i expect from a leader especially in the middle of a test match. To be honest just because of what he has done today he would no longer be my choice of captain. I cannot accept the message he has sent out to the rest of our dressing room and the opposition by moving down to number 3 in the middle of a test match.

Although i feel it is in the best interests of the team for him to open i dont mind so much the fact that he was batting at 3 but the manner in which he ended up batting at 3. The captain started the match as an opener, got out first ball of the match, and then decided instead of toughing it out and being strong mentally and not showing any signs of weakness to the opposition by coming out to open second time round, he decided to drop down the order in the second innings and let Devon Smith open instead. That was sure to have given England a lift as they had our captain running scared. I didnt expect this from Daren Ganga and is something that i was unable to take into account when i wanted him as captain of West Indies. After seeing the events of today i am sorry to say Daren Ganga is no longer my choice as captain of the West Indies.

Cricket Anyone / Re: Gayle to captain ODI side....
« on: June 15, 2007, 02:51:17 PM »
I am agreeing with Remie on this one. A captain is more than the best player on a team. A captain is more than making bowling changes and field placements. A captain is also an on the field manager, a man who must be able to motivate his team into playing good cricket. However brilliant a batsman Lara might have been, or astute a cricket mind he was not a good leader. Similarly, I am yet to see Gayle show any signs of being a good leader. I can only hope that since there was always an appointed captain around that he choose to sit back and be led rather than lead.

Let me make it clear that I never suggested that the best player in the team should be captain. What I said was was that you should pick your best XI and then select the individual most capable of captaining the side. I accept that things can go wrong when the team is not being led properly, but they can go equally wrong when u have somebody in the side just to captain it. Look at Vaughan typically in the last world cup; his presence and loss of form in the one day game hindered their ODI batting.

I know what you are saying Ramdin but England did not help their cause by playing two slow batsman (Joyce/Strauss and Bell) plus Vaughan in their top 3. It did not help that Flintoff forgot how to bat, and their bowlers bowled a shower of shit. Vaughan could have been accomodated in that team if they had of played batsmen with higher strike rates like Loye and Pietersen around him but they chose not to. We can learn from this.

West Indies can just play Gayle Ganga and Sarwan as the top 3 with Chanderpaul playing the spin in the middle order when the world cup is in the sub continent in 2011. That way we would not have any strike rate problems and still have a good captain and a balanced batting order.

Cricket Anyone / Re: Gayle to captain ODI side....
« on: June 15, 2007, 12:08:09 PM »
Well we are going to finally find out what Chris Gayle's leadership skills are like in practice rather than in theory. I look forward to watching this. It should be jokes either way, win, lose or draw, this is going to be entertainment value. Anything could happen with Gayle captain.

But obviously Ganga would have been my choice as captain because there are no other candidates. The captain is the most important member of the team because of the decisions he has to make. That is why Ganga would be my specialist captain even if his batting alone did not warrant a place in the ODI side.

Personally I dont agree with this specialist captain rubbish. It should be that you pick your best 11 players and the player best equipped to captain the side out of this 11 should be given the captaincy. Ganga is not a specialist captain in test cricket because he one of the best 11 players we have in test cricket therefore it is right he should get the captaincy. No other country in the world has a specialist captain at the moment.

You could point to Vaughan maybe...but then again look what happened to England in the World Cup.You cannot accomodate a specialist captain, because then you are effectively playing cricket with 10 men rather than 11.

I never said Ganga was a specialist captain in test cricket. I called him a specialist captain in ODI cricket.

I would rather play with 10 men with a good captain as the 11th player (within reason- i.e. Ganga is not a bad player), than 11 individuals with no direction or leadership.

No other country has a specialist captain. Why? Because they are spoilt for choice when it comes to intelligent, articulate, good cricket brains. They have enough people waiting to take over the captaincy behind the current captains. Eg, England have Cook, Strauss, Collingwood waiting in the wings to take over from Vaughan. We are a special case. We only have one captain with any pedigree in the whole of West Indies cricket- Ganga. I would make space in the West Indies ODI team for him whilst there are no other candidates. Of the current bunch i can only see Bravo as a potential captain in say 4 years time.

Cricket Anyone / Re: So u all think Jerome taylor is rubbish now?
« on: June 15, 2007, 12:02:59 PM »
Just because he is not in my final XI does not mean i think he is rubbish. But this is test match cricket. You cannot continue to perform under par and expect to keep your spot in the team.

Our test match team is not there to give men practice. That is what the first class game should be there for.

Dont misinterpret what i am saying. Taylor is one of our best bowlers and would always be in my squad. But if i was to pick 4 bowlers for a test match right now they would be Collymore, Edwards, Collins and Mohammed. That does not mean i think Taylor is rubbish.

When Taylor is bowling around 88-90 mph consistently and pitching the balls more often than not in good areas then he would get back in my best XI, but he is not doing this at moment. At the moment he is basically bowling medium pace when that is not his role in the team. He is not the same bowler that we saw last year and he needs to regain that form to warrant a place in the side. His 4 wickets from 80 overs in 3 matches shows this.

I would say Collymore should be dropped also, but he is the leading wicket taker on the tour with 9 wickets so I can't. But Collymore too is bowling well below his usual pace for whatever reason, 65-70mph which is not really good enough for international level. The emergence of sammy in the workhorse role could put pressure on Collymore's place. But I am a believer in giving people an extended run in the team rather than a spell of 2 test matches.

Collymore was ill in the first test thats why he was bowling low 70s, but of late he has been bowling around 78mph.

78 mph is okay for Collymore because whether he bowls 78mph or 82 mph it is not going to make a great deal of difference because he picks up wickets from setting up batsmen with 5 balls that go away and 1 that comes in or vice versa. As long as he is 78 mph or above thats fine because he will never beat batsmen for pace. Please do not compare Sammy with Collymore in the bowling department, i know you know more about cricket than to do that.

As for Taylor a 4 mph difference in speeds is going to make a big difference for him, because he will pick up wickets with his extra pace. If he is bowling at 84mph that is lolipop bowling when he is not moving the ball consistently of the pitch like Collymore. That is why Taylor has to bowl at least at 88mph or above.

Cricket Anyone / Re: Gayle to captain ODI side....
« on: June 15, 2007, 01:58:40 AM »
Well we are going to finally find out what Chris Gayle's leadership skills are like in practice rather than in theory. I look forward to watching this. It should be jokes either way, win, lose or draw, this is going to be entertainment value. Anything could happen with Gayle captain.

But obviously Ganga would have been my choice as captain because there are no other candidates. The captain is the most important member of the team because of the decisions he has to make. That is why Ganga would be my specialist captain even if his batting alone did not warrant a place in the ODI side.

At least one out of Mohammed or Jaggernauth should be in the team and possibly both should be in the squad.

This squad is as usual- ridiculous.

Cricket Anyone / Re: So u all think Jerome taylor is rubbish now?
« on: June 15, 2007, 01:50:10 AM »
Just because he is not in my final XI does not mean i think he is rubbish. But this is test match cricket. You cannot continue to perform under par and expect to keep your spot in the team.

Our test match team is not there to give men practice. That is what the first class game should be there for.

Dont misinterpret what i am saying. Taylor is one of our best bowlers and would always be in my squad. But if i was to pick 4 bowlers for a test match right now they would be Collymore, Edwards, Collins and Mohammed. That does not mean i think Taylor is rubbish.

When Taylor is bowling around 88-90 mph consistently and pitching the balls more often than not in good areas then he would get back in my best XI, but he is not doing this at moment. At the moment he is basically bowling medium pace when that is not his role in the team. He is not the same bowler that we saw last year and he needs to regain that form to warrant a place in the side. His 4 wickets from 80 overs in 3 matches shows this.

Cricket Anyone / Re: WI Test Team of the future
« on: June 14, 2007, 07:40:54 AM »
I no longer have any time for Marlon Samuels. He will have to do something exceptional in first class cricket before i would consider taking a look at him.

I am very happy with Bravo's batting so far at 6, i dont believe there is anyone better available for West Indies. Although someone needs to tell him to kick the ball away when the spinner pitches it outside leg stump in the rough instead of playing at every ball. Also with Bravo 6, Ramdin 7 it allows us to play a spinner at 8- Mohammed with 3 seamers at 9, 10, 11- Collins, Edwards, Collymore or even 2 seamers with Jaggernauth alongside Mohammed where conditions warrant this.

I agree on dead tracks we should consider playing Mohammed and Jaggernauth together. That looks like the way forward for West Indies cricket- to beat teams with spin. Because we certainly are not going to beat teams on dead tracks with the pace bowlers we have.

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