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Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Haiti Copa Game (08-Jan-2016)
« on: January 08, 2016, 06:42:10 PM »
The team did look flat.

Football / Re: I respect Stephen Hart but.......
« on: January 08, 2016, 06:40:09 PM »
As I said, I respect Hart. Cyrus, in my book, is an accident that is always waiting to happen. Hart may disagree, and he is the coach. I don't believe that I know half the football that he does. However, my opinion is and always was, Cyrus just can't cut the mustard, Sorry if that upset you but it is my opinion.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Haiti Copa Game (08-Jan-2016)
« on: January 08, 2016, 06:32:27 PM »
Cyrus....why is he on a national team. He sets the tempo for how much shit we will play. I wish I knew what Hart sees in this man.

Football / I respect Stephen Hart but.......
« on: January 08, 2016, 06:10:56 PM »
For the life of me I am befuddled by his continued faith in Cyrus. Cyrus is possibly the worst right back on this team at this moment. The only reason I can come up with for the moment is that Cyrus is the best at the long throw.  I shiver every time he touches the ball!!

Football / Re: Levi Garcia Thread
« on: January 05, 2016, 02:09:59 PM »
Yaah Levi!!

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (8-Oct-2015)
« on: October 09, 2015, 05:04:41 AM »
Very important win for the continued progression of this National Team.  :beermug:

I thought the tactics were spot on to match them 4-4-2 and our first goal was link up between Glenn and KJ. 2nd half tactics to go to the 4-4-1-1 also paid dividends with a very bright display from Ceaser off the right causing chaos and should have had a couple assists with the Joevin and Hyland chances.
We fully deserved to be 2-0 up when Abu put it in.

Now... this is something I have seen for a long time but it seems to go unnoticed. Cyrus is a total liability. I could not believe of all people Hart would bring him on with us 2-0 up and in need of CALM and leave Marshall who is very composed on the bench...Cyrus is a loose dog off his leash who breathes chaos and neglects composure. His very presence on the field caused us to become erratic tactically. I wasnt surprised they took full control from there on in and scored 1 shit goal to get back into it.
In the future I do hope we use a better option such as Marshall.

All in all a great result.

Please ! Please ! local fans come out and support the players and staff on Tuesday. Share the info on your social media pages, spread it via email. talk shout , we need to get back the love for the team because they are fighting for us the fans, for the flag and for the country.

VYBEZ IT UP  :beermug: :beermug: :beermug:

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (8-Oct-2015)
« on: October 09, 2015, 05:04:00 AM »

And I was apprehensive about criticizing Cyrus too much. You nailed it!! We also need a pair of Keepers. These two are probably the worst since I am following T&T football. We have to find a good backup for Bateau. When he is not around things just seem to fall apart. Maybe the coach can convert a couple of our midfielders to defense. We need better ball handlers and better tacklers on our wing defense.
Hart is good! he is doing a marvelous job with the ingredients that he has at his disposal.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (8-Oct-2015)
« on: October 08, 2015, 09:01:12 PM »
I am sorry but as soon as Cyrus come on problems in the defense.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (8-Oct-2015)
« on: October 08, 2015, 08:59:33 PM »
we also  possibly have the worst keepers in concafaf

Tim Kee can change all that with a stroke of a pen. A letter to FIFA making this duo Personas non grata and that is the end of their quest for fame. Don't put it past him. It will also raise his stakes with players and managers in the pro league.
Come on Raymond just do it and get rid of these cancers.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Mexico Game (4-Sept-2015).
« on: September 04, 2015, 09:06:45 PM »
Holy f00cking moly.

De only thing, Cyrus and Jan in goal is we down fall.

Cato, Glenn, Boucaud and Cumming is no f00cking joke.

Hyland look good to.

Boucaud should be made number 10, allyuh see de kinda pass he dealing with.

Jan to inconsistent, ah warning allyuh.

I am seeing just like you Sam. Cyrus is a millstone and batman Jan is one of the worst I have seen between the uprights for T&T.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Mexico Game (4-Sept-2015).
« on: September 04, 2015, 08:57:18 PM »
I am sorry but Cyurus aint ready for this league. Marshall needs a lot of work and I hope he gets it in the Mexican league. Jones MIA. Cummins is a revelation and Cato just grew into the game. Jan can't be the best in T&T.
I want to see SH changes for the second half.

Football / Re: Please Lobby TTFF to vote to suspend Israel
« on: May 25, 2015, 09:31:29 PM »
Are you some kind of a jackass? Do you even know the meaning of apartheid? Explain to this board how Israel is an apartheid state. Israel that beautiful land and country that has done more good for the world than all arab and muslin states put together. Do you see Irael hanging children and putting their heads on stakes? Do you see Israel killing men women and children simply because they are christians or non jews? I guess that you are one of those who has drunk the coolaid. Just remember these words never again and that Jerusalem will never again be divided. Shalom!
Ok Kounty we done! You have said your piece and as stupid as it is it is still your piece. I will remember that. Maybe one day you may have a rude awaken to real facts that are the middle east. Guess you won't be going back to Israel anytime soon.

I think your definition of "apartheid" is a bit limited... if not off-target altogether.  Racial discrimination against Palestinians, Israels Arab citizens and it's non-white Jews might not be state-sanctioned, but make no mistake that a de facto system of racism pervades.

Bakes do you even know the meaning of Apartheid? Is America an apartheid country? Is T&T an apartheid country? if 2*0=0 and 3*0=0 does that mean that 2=3? Have you ever been to Israel? Do Israelis go into the Gaza strip or the WBank and blow up innocent civilians? Do Arabd sit in the Isreali Knesset? Does the Israeli supreme court have an Arab on the bench? are their Arab judges in the court system in Israel? Do palestinians and other arabs discriminate against blacks. Does an apartheid state spend its resources to bring Ethiopian , Indian , Chinese,Nepalese other black jews and allow them to make Aliyah to Israel?
Don't be lazy! spend some time and energy reading and researching and stop spewing the bilge of other people without having the actual knowledge.
Years ago there was another poster, called himself Truetrini who cut and paste for all its worth and spread the lie about Jenin. I tried with him and pointed him to the facts but nooo, he was doing a "PHD" and as such he couldn't be wrong because he heard this and cut and paste from other "luminaries." Guess what, he and the other "luminaries" were proven wrong. Jenin was proven to be one of the biggest hoax perpetrated on  an intellectually lazy readership throughout the world.
Don't fall into that category!!

Let's try 1483 innocent civilians last summerhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza%E2%80%93Israel_conflict...the rest of it. yikes! i'll have to leave an ignorant one like you alone brother. I've been to israel a few times now. drive all over each time, but you can't go into gaza - a prison there you see.

Football / Re: Please Lobby TTFF to vote to suspend Israel
« on: May 25, 2015, 09:25:21 PM »
Bakes do you even know the meaning of Apartheid? Is America an apartheid country? Is T&T an apartheid country? if 2*0=0 and 3*0=0 does that mean that 2=3? Have you ever been to Israel? Do Israelis go into the Gaza strip or the WBank and blow up innocent civilians? Do Arabd sit in the Isreali Knesset? Does the Israeli supreme court have an Arab on the bench? are their Arab judges in the court system in Israel? Do palestinians and other arabs discriminate against blacks. Does an apartheid state spend its resources to bring Ethiopian , Indian , Chinese,Nepalese other black jews and allow them to make Aliyah to Israel?
Don't be lazy! spend some time and energy reading and researching and stop spewing the bilge of other people without having the actual knowledge.
Years ago there was another poster, called himself Truetrini who cut and paste for all its worth and spread the lie about Jenin. I tried with him and pointed him to the facts but nooo, he was doing a "PHD" and as such he couldn't be wrong because he heard this and cut and paste from other "luminaries." Guess what, he and the other "luminaries" were proven wrong. Jenin was proven to be one of the biggest hoax perpetrated on  an intellectually lazy readership throughout the world.
Don't fall into that category!!

Here's a nice neat cut an paste for you... doh hurt yuhself

(in the Republic of South Africa) a rigid former policy of segregating and economically and politically oppressing the nonwhite population.
any system or practice that separates people according to color, ethnicity, caste, etc.


Here's another one:

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/SK2xxK8rU5k" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/SK2xxK8rU5k</a>

I could respond to the rest of what you posted, but what's the point... it doesn't affect the definition of "apartheid" or it's applicability to the discussion.
You clearly have a difficulty understanding the difference between Apartheid and racism. If the nuances are tripping you up then my friend prepare,prepare and then prepare again if you are admitted to argue before the Supreme ct. because your compartmentalization is not coming through on this thread. Or maybe you can show me the deep nuances that I am missing. Then obviously the US is an Apartheid country. More Blacks per capita get killed by white cops in the US than non-white jews get beaten up by white jewish cops. Is Saudi Arabia an apartheid state? they still treat blacks as slaves and call them as such. You all are so naive ever learning but unable to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Cut and paste some more if you feel that it will somehow it will make racism apartheid. after having said let me make it clear that I do not condone racism. But it is a stretch and an idiocy promoted by those coming out of the Ivory Towers whose main agenda is to delegitimize Israel as a state. That, my friend , and God's face they will never see.

Football / Re: RIP Daft Trini
« on: May 25, 2015, 07:20:31 PM »
Obviously Bakes you have an idea about the law. but having an idea and knowing the law are two different things. let me just say that you are wrong. I shouldn't have to go any further.

I have no interest in measuring dicks online, it profits me none, but I'm admitted in state, federal and military courts, with pending admission before the US Supreme Court.  I've not only prosecuted criminal cases, but I've defended them as well, all the way up the appellate chain.  Suffice to say I have more than just a passing familiarity with the law, particularly criminal law.  I'm also 100% confident that when First Degree murder is charged, all of the lesser included offenses apply.  Any prosecutor worth their salt would simply ask the judge to include an instruction to the jury on the lesser-included offenses.  I don't need to convince you of this, as you are entitled to your own opinion.  Whether you "go further" or not is up to you, makes no real difference to me.
No dick measuring here son.You stand by your belief and I stand by mine. But when you get before the US Supreme CT please do inform us. And congrats on all your other admissions. True trini also let me have it.
BTW a de facto system of racism is not apartheid. Otherwise going on your logic America would be, today, an apartheid country but with a black President.

Football / Re: RIP Daft Trini
« on: May 25, 2015, 06:50:31 PM »
Sub1, think Bakes is a lawyer!
I would want to believe so also. But I have also met many who don't fully understand the law especially the easiest area which is criminal law. Is he in T&T or the US? If T&T I apologize but if the US his third sentence is dead wrong. No pun intended.

Football / Re: RIP Daft Trini
« on: May 25, 2015, 05:46:06 PM »
Why would the prosecutor seek 1st degree? It doesn't look too Kosher. Every single element would have to be proven or hopefully he gives the jury an alternative to second if unable to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. If he can't, she walks!! We can only hope for the best.

"Every single element would have to be proven" no matter what the charge.  First degree murder is the proper charge as there is enough evidence to support it.  All of the lesser included offenses are included/simultaneously charged, including second-degree murder and manslaughter.
Obviously Bakes you have an idea about the law. but having an idea and knowing the law are two different things. let me just say that you are wrong. I shouldn't have to go any further.

Football / Re: Please Lobby TTFF to vote to suspend Israel
« on: May 25, 2015, 05:35:49 PM »
Are you some kind of a jackass? Do you even know the meaning of apartheid? Explain to this board how Israel is an apartheid state. Israel that beautiful land and country that has done more good for the world than all arab and muslin states put together. Do you see Irael hanging children and putting their heads on stakes? Do you see Israel killing men women and children simply because they are christians or non jews? I guess that you are one of those who has drunk the coolaid. Just remember these words never again and that Jerusalem will never again be divided. Shalom!

I think your definition of "apartheid" is a bit limited... if not off-target altogether.  Racial discrimination against Palestinians, Israels Arab citizens and it's non-white Jews might not be state-sanctioned, but make no mistake that a de facto system of racism pervades.

Bakes do you even know the meaning of Apartheid? Is America an apartheid country? Is T&T an apartheid country? if 2*0=0 and 3*0=0 does that mean that 2=3? Have you ever been to Israel? Do Israelis go into the Gaza strip or the WBank and blow up innocent civilians? Do Arabd sit in the Isreali Knesset? Does the Israeli supreme court have an Arab on the bench? are their Arab judges in the court system in Israel? Do palestinians and other arabs discriminate against blacks. Does an apartheid state spend its resources to bring Ethiopian , Indian , Chinese,Nepalese other black jews and allow them to make Aliyah to Israel?
Don't be lazy! spend some time and energy reading and researching and stop spewing the bilge of other people without having the actual knowledge.
Years ago there was another poster, called himself Truetrini who cut and paste for all its worth and spread the lie about Jenin. I tried with him and pointed him to the facts but nooo, he was doing a "PHD" and as such he couldn't be wrong because he heard this and cut and paste from other "luminaries." Guess what, he and the other "luminaries" were proven wrong. Jenin was proven to be one of the biggest hoax perpetrated on  an intellectually lazy readership throughout the world.
Don't fall into that category!!

Football / Re: Please Lobby TTFF to vote to suspend Israel
« on: May 25, 2015, 04:11:11 PM »
Know that we are the ones to end Apartheid. WE have the power to shake down these walls if only we have courage. PLEASE add your ideas, links, actions that can get our representative to end it.

Recently we heard that Netanyahu cancel the plan on segregated buses back to Palestine only at the last minute. Hear about 'Settler' teams playing in the Isreali league while 'others' cannot.

The PFA also demands that five Israeli settlement teams operating in the West Bank—Hapoel Bika'at H'Yarden, Beitar Ironei Ma'ale Adumim, Beitar Giva'at Ze'iv Shvi, Alitzur Ironei Yehuda, and Beitar Ironei Ariel; which are allowed to play in the lower Israeli leagues despite residing in disputed territory—cease competitive play.

If this is not overt racism / Discrimination based on religion, then I just do not know anymore.

If in the space of a few years the perception of the world could be systematically shifted towards a reality of two men marrying...I definitely KNOW that we MUST end the perpetual imprisonment and torture of the people of Gaza.

Many on here can tell us that this is how the beginning of the end of Apartheid in South Africa was won. T&T CANNOT stand for this. Be brave Tim Kee! Be brave forumites!!!
Are you some kind of a jackass? Do you even know the meaning of apartheid? Explain to this board how Israel is an apartheid state. Israel that beautiful land and country that has done more good for the world than all arab and muslin states put together. Do you see Irael hanging children and putting their heads on stakes? Do you see Israel killing men women and children simply because they are christians or non jews? I guess that you are one of those who has drunk the coolaid. Just remember these words never again and that Jerusalem will never again be divided. Shalom!

Football / Re: RIP Daft Trini
« on: May 25, 2015, 10:46:07 AM »
A lot of procedural activity but no real movement yet on this case.  The prosecution were successful in convincing the grand jury to indict on a first-degree murder charge after the first judge unbelievably reduced the initial second-degree charge to voluntary manslaughter.  A trial date is tentatively scheduled for October 20.

Event Scheduled

The following event: Trial Readiness Hearing scheduled for 08/08/2014 at 11:30 am has been rescheduled as follows:

Event: Trial Readiness Hearing
Date: 09/26/2014 Time: 9:30 am

Judge: REID WINSTON, RHONDA Location: Courtroom 316
Why would the prosecutor seek 1st degree? It doesn't look too Kosher. Every single element would have to be proven or hopefully he gives the jury an alternative to second if unable to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. If he can't, she walks!! We can only hope for the best.

Football / Re: Levi Garcia Thread
« on: April 26, 2015, 08:23:39 AM »
Love them youths.

Good job.

Glad to see ah indian they.

Really? Is this what we encouraging on this site now?
I think we should encourage that. Literally we are without about 50%  or more of our population engaged in this particular sport. It could be stereotype! But this is not a racial thing it is a something that would be overcome by institutions like Amwood and other organized youth academies. I know he is not well liked, but look at what Alvin Corneal  did with his academy. At one time nearly 90 % of the T&T team was made up of former players from ALcons.
I would like to see academies like Amwood mushroom around the country, especially in places like Penal, chaguanas, Couva and other non-traditional football areas. I would also like to see these academies add cricket also so that we truly become the hub in the caribbean. I will be visiting Atwood when I go home and will also be donating financially to their future Some of us on this site should also consider this as well.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (27-Mar-2015)
« on: March 27, 2015, 07:07:47 PM »
de locals not cutting it

he had one shocking pass but I like the look of Dwane James... the rest.. meh  :(
SH is a brave coach and it will pay off in the long run. The team did not look bad, as a matter of fact the majority of the failure came in the last third of the field. I hope for the Jack boy that this was just an extremely bad game. otherwise I liked the look of the youngsters and even the James guy. If we can get lots of warm up I can see a very exciting gold cup.
Btw we must work on our spot kicks. they are predictable and awful. Our shooting from outside is non-existent.

Football / Re: Trouble in Jamaica!
« on: November 18, 2014, 09:56:48 AM »
Well Rowley will be happy to see the political bait he put out there has been gleefully snapped up. I'm not saying the MoS doesn't have a degree of culpability or not but the primary reason the state of football is in the mess its in is because of the TTFF/TTFA's lack of accountability, transparency and regulatory structure for donkey years now. Its with a high degree of hilarity that Rowley thinks he has the moral authority to comment on such matters, kettle calling pot black imo and politicizing the matter does absolutely nothing but take away from the deep and serious discussion needed around the state of our national football program. Imagine our men's team on the brink of winning a title and qualifying for a historic tournament and our women's team on the brink world cup history as well and people trying to gain political mileage.

Everything will be politicized if it will a govt look bad, especially if they are the source of the revenue. We have a welfare league and call it a pro-league. We have the same set of losers running it. Now if we had competent people running it maybe, just maybe, we would not be in the financial position that we are in today.
I hace stated before and will stand by it that our govts should not finance more than 5 sports. Football, Cricket, Track and field and Cycling. Every other sport should fend for itself. Imagine Manning gave so much money to Basketball, a sport that will never see us on the world stage, My heart goes out to netball but none of our girls will go on to earn a living from this sport. I say scrap it and develop the aforementioned 5 sports from primary to high school. IF this done we will develop more world beaters.

Football / Re: Trouble in Jamaica!
« on: November 18, 2014, 07:34:51 AM »
I will be in the minority here but I disagree with this move on the players' part.  If you are going to boycott, do it before you show up.  Thinking of the whole football program, not playing in the final can have a devastating effect on our national teams as it could affect all of our programs.  Some would say it's greed (I wouldn't), some would stay strategy (I agree) but ultimately, if you playing football for T&T and don't understand the dynamics, you are joking.  Everyone's eyes are wide shut apparently. This is why all of our teams will continually suffer.  Playing for your country is not about money, it is about pride.  Not saying you shouldn't get paid, everyone should, but if you are truly looking for money, play for yuh damn club and don't come.  We will always be in a cat and mouse game.  While I don't support the current administration, in reality the TTFA is a microcosm of our society in that all we do is depend on the gov't.   

That is all well and good. Seems reasonable, but we are not dealing with reasonable people. We are dealing with probably the most corrupt govt ever! They can find millions for friends and family but for the people who actually put the country on the map, they must wait.
This is not new. This has been happening under previous admins. The situation really is worse now because corruption is shooting through the roof and the present admin carries on and don't give a damn as long as friends and family can full their pockets.
Unless we get a govt that truly understands the importance of sport in marketing a country this will always happen. These idiots really believe that it all about them. Just ask the two-landrovers man. Before he came into govt he was a crusader for integrity in govt. Now he is in govt integrity be damned, unless of course, it will paralyze or destroy his opposition.
Thank God we don't live forever.
Oh btw, playing for pride is good if you don't live off the play. Otherwise playing for pride is bullshit if you are a professional. Do you work for pride or money? Or do you work for money and then take pride in your work You guys need to come off of that bullshit cliche! These are professionals. They must be payed before they can play for pride!!

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs French Guiana Game (13-Nov-2014)
« on: November 13, 2014, 07:50:18 PM »
Two Gold Cups in a row, I have to give thanks for that!
Let's get the trophy too fellas.

Yeah. We aint lift that trophy in a while.

Btw.. Cuba 1-0 Curacao. A tie in that game will see us thru to the final.

1-1 now

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs French Guiana Game (13-Nov-2014)
« on: November 13, 2014, 06:19:26 PM »
similar to the Curacao game. Could it be fitness?

From looking so comfortable, we became very sloppy. Not similar @ all. FG were never in this game

Ok because I watched the highlights of the Curacao game and noticed the pressure from Curacao in the later stages of the game.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs French Guiana Game (13-Nov-2014)
« on: November 13, 2014, 06:17:39 PM »
The good thing is how many players Hart used in these 2 games. He should be totally settled on the 11 for Cuba and the finals.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs French Guiana Game (13-Nov-2014)
« on: November 13, 2014, 06:14:47 PM »
similar to the Curacao game. Could it be fitness?

Football / Re: Heard coops pass away today.
« on: August 26, 2014, 06:25:31 PM »
Codolences to a true soldier. RIP bro, we had our differences on the board but you were always a star on the field for me.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Argentina Game (4-Jun-2014)
« on: June 04, 2014, 07:46:08 PM »
I have been watching T&T football since in the days of Jean Moutett. I honestly believe that Jan Michael, no fault of his, is easily the least effective of all. He is a hard trier though. Just not talented enough. My bad the other guy from defense force (can't remember his name right now) he might be Jan's biggest rival.

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