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Messages - Preacher

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Football / Re: Stern's work ethic
« on: August 11, 2005, 11:43:32 AM »
Padang Padang Stern!!!!

Padang Padang Stern!!!!

Padang Padang Stern!!!!

We want a goal ;D

Padang Padang Stern!!!!

Padang Padang Stern!!!!

Padang Padang Stern!!!!

Scoring a goal ;D

Football / Re: Maybe this is the Answer
« on: August 11, 2005, 11:21:15 AM »
we'll since ah is the pastor of the forum we ha to organize a church pinic. To bad ah have to miss the church outing next Wed.  ;D

Let the boys play!!!!

Football / Re: Stern's work ethic
« on: August 11, 2005, 10:05:29 AM »
So Ngozi...here is my question.....why do seasoned coaches keep playing him?  either they don't have nobody else that's better or he has convinced them of his ability. 

I agree he doh look good

Football / Maybe this is the Answer
« on: August 11, 2005, 10:02:00 AM »
The Christian faith teaches how to deal with weaknesses and struggles in one's life. 
One of the strategies offered is how to recognize the enemy and his plans.  The devil knows that perception becomes true....meaning... if he gets you to believe that you are week, then you are, even if strength is hidden in you.  Jesus comes on the other hand and says "The truth shall set you free."  Meaning if you know and believe the truth about yourself then those chains that seemed so real suddenly vanish.

As a young fellas I used to say if I could only get rid of this one thing my life would be good.  After much failure in that area my mentor told me that I needed to stop making this thing so large and monsterous in my life.  The fact that I saw it as the one thing i had to overcome made it a mountain when it was really a handfull a sand on the ground.

We had a bad day on Nov. 19 1989.  Maybe that's all it was just a bad day.  But since then we've based every world cup WCQ as if it is Nov. 20 1989.  We have made a mountain for us to climb..."If we could only beat the USA"....If we could only defeat this mountain.  We build this thing up like if it's the week agaisnt the strong.  Yet our players walk in England and make a name, walk in Scotland make a name, walk in Japan, make a name.

Nov. 19 was just a day...and for many, a good day.  Some husband went straight home sober and without aids.  Mame and Daddy was huggin up in the stadium crying.  The world new that a colony of ex-slaves and indentured labours had become a nation.  A nation not ashamed to cry for their sons, a nation about to give the world some of the greatest football yet.

Football / Re: Stern's work ethic
« on: August 11, 2005, 08:58:51 AM »
Fellas seriously...ole talk is ole talk.......but as least by now we should understand the Stern situation.  You think Leo and conventry coach playing Stern on his past? Not at all.  Stern is convincing them in practice and how you play in practice is how you play in games.  These coaches understand that the man in a bad patch and only games could bring you out of that.

The same article mention he do a Johan type thing, the man could play ball.

Stern always in the right position to score for we.  Could it be that is not Stern is the problem but the middle that we have.  I certain that if Latas or even Nahkid was in this side Stern would have been scoring goals, at minimum getting more chances.  Remember Stern is a striker.....not a forward he ent no Nixon or Leonson.

At this level execution is it.......for us, our final execution does break down.   Watch the Mexico game again......One of the few times we break down the line...one mexican defender one Trini striker.......easy near post ball certain goal, man kick the ball far post like if is a savannah sweat.

Yorke and Stern are special players and everybody with a serious football coaching job know it, even Bruce.  Sooner or later the flood gates will open for we, it must.

If Yorke and Stern finish off this WCQ like this, we whole country need a prayer meeting because we nation blight when it come to football and Jesus need to put a hand.

Football / Re: Why can't TNT reap the benefit?
« on: August 11, 2005, 01:03:01 AM »
If we qualify for the World Cup bawl all alyuh want Latas playing  :D

General Discussion / Re: Carnival Postponed for Girl in Aruba
« on: August 09, 2005, 07:07:52 PM »
It have any black people in Aruba?  Cause the only black person I see is the first guy that they lock up and let go.  the way the news covering this is like everyone is Creole/white.

Plus what kind of people sending they daughter on an island because she done with high school...not college...but high school......

I really sorry for the girl but I not sending my 18 yr old daughter away like that...next thing she on girls gone wild. and thing.

When I have my children i hope i could do better......
I hope they find she and the family get some peace.

General Discussion / Re: Trini woman sweet eh?
« on: August 09, 2005, 06:54:30 PM »
Ah man does connect whey he is.  A good woman is a good woman doh matter the colour

Football / Re: 'Mysterious voice' caused Zizou u-turn
« on: August 09, 2005, 03:22:52 PM »
Jumbie does bet on World Cup?   ;D

Football / Re: Is the USA beatable?
« on: July 26, 2005, 02:27:49 PM »
If we can't beat the USA we'll go on with life, Rocwell 

You sound like you eh have no money on that game boy!  ;D ......Check Tallman stats. and ever since I small USA hard to beat. So if that is not a Dynasty against we I don't know what is. 

Football / Re: Yorke, John on target
« on: July 25, 2005, 06:36:50 PM »
That is because those club's have players that can give the service needed for forwards like them  ;D

Football / Re: Is the USA beatable?
« on: July 25, 2005, 06:31:03 PM »
Yeah yeah Yeah......everybody know that the USA was the better team.  But they should have lose that game....Why didn't they?  Technical Preparation!

USA is a Technical giant dem does run plays like if it is Basket ball and football.  Panama however nutralize that with some beat and rough up.   If we come an play USA like we did Mexico we getting bout 5.  A team that is technical sound will kill you if you wait for them to expose their wears. The only reason they was missing was because they were in shock for most ah the game.

Technical soundness....teams like this doh be hitting bar on penalty an thing.

Now check this if we ent beat the USA.....somebody need to be fired...players or coach.
Because if we can't learn from Hondurus and Panama then maybe we can't learn..........

But I feel Leo to smart for that, I think the USA dynasty coming to a close fellas.
Ah hope the new giants would be us but I feel that new title could go to Jamaica,Hondurus or Panama.   Mexico always deh so I ent calling them.

Football / Re: Foot in the present....Eye to the future....
« on: July 21, 2005, 12:24:46 PM »
Alright!!!!  alright !!!! thinkers in the house!!!!!!  thinkers in the house!!!!!!

I reading, I reading

Football / Fellas check this
« on: July 21, 2005, 12:21:15 PM »
I have an idea to put together a little video montage of the team.  Something to build a little team spirit for the 17th.  If anybody could get their hands on some footage.  I could put a little 5 min. thing together. 

We could use goals from as way back as the Strike Squad days to present.  I'm assuming that TTFA might have the power to get some of that stuff.  I know it have big wigs in here so.

I'm a national award winning video editor so I go make the forum proud. :) The way Alberta knock out them 1000 post it appears like forum = country.  ;D  Rightly so. 

If we cyah get video we could do pictures similar to what ESPN does.  THe pictures will have to be good quality and good composition.  E.g. Yorke crying when we loss in Nov 19th.

Flex tell me to pitch it to you guys, let me know what you think

God Bless

For preacher........if success is no longer based on what you do, but based on what you know.

How come we all know on this forum that Stern playing shit, and Cyd ent ready(Information)
and what they did .......throw away goals and defensive errors cost us a result in the matches.

When you first made your post Touches it seemed that you were making a bigger point about us as a people/football development.   
My response in not qualified by who scoring goals or not it's based at a high level of football...e.g BSC is a good coach for local teams.....But why is Leo better tham him?  Because of what Leo knows about the games that Bertile hence to quick progress ina short time.   

Stern in a hole he cyah get out why? He don't KNOW how. Cyd playiin crap why he don't know better.

The bible say get knowledge get understanding.....it also says...my people perish for a lack of knowledge.

That's what makes great programes touches, organising your information and assests into an effective campaign.

''Men of a fat and fertile soil are most commonly effeminate and cowards; whereas contrariwise a barren country makes men temperate by necessity, and by consequence careful, vigilant and industrious.''

Touches even though that is a nice saying....I does not apply to countries in the post industrial age and the information age.

This is because success ia nolonger bassed on what you do (which is pre/present industrial age)
But today success is based on what you know. (Information)

So frankly a people could be as gay as they want to be as long as they know more than you to them you are a cave man

Football / Re: Guess What!!!???
« on: July 13, 2005, 10:48:34 PM »
I just watch dat game boy I cyah see how we could say that we better than Jamaica....

Football / Re: Questions:Team: Morale; Leadership, Psyche & Focus
« on: July 13, 2005, 09:11:19 AM »
We didnt put away Honduras and Panama when we had the chance.

Fellas that is the weakness in this side and in us as a people.  THe question is why we didn't put them away?   That stuff mental.  Is like we always feeling pressure, always the under dog blah blah.....Stern stuff is mental........See how Dog does play? Mental.............Watch Lawrence we could see his mental strength developing.

In my opinion there is two things a world cup team needs ..mental fitness and physical ability.....Breads we lacking both.

Football / Re: Any Forumites in Minnesota??
« on: July 12, 2005, 08:57:58 PM »
Uprising you go like them fieldsl up they.  Minneasotans does keep dey thing clean.  Ah woulda come an watch you side but I out ah town this weekend.  Wait.....Alyuh have any games Sat. morning?

Football / Re: T&T vs Panama Thread.
« on: July 10, 2005, 11:48:00 PM »
We have to beat Colombia.....

Football / Re: T&T vs Panama Thread.
« on: July 10, 2005, 10:18:03 PM »
Ah think ah use the quote thing wrong Touches only say the first line

Football / Re: T&T vs Panama Thread.
« on: July 10, 2005, 10:16:23 PM »
We ent play to win, we did not play positive football in any way and a draw is a decent result.

What is it about our minds that we seldom harness the potential that we know we have.  The best of football ever look was with the Strike squad.  Not that they started out with a great team they became that.  I meet Galye Cummings once for 2hours... and I feel that got a mental edge being around a coach like that.  

Seems like we need some positive re-inforcement our something......

Am I missing something here Alberta wha you think?

Football / Re: T&T vs Panama Thread.
« on: July 10, 2005, 09:56:53 PM »
Fellas ah feel this one.....thank you for everybody posting and keep we updated.  To the fellas that went down ah know you dissappointed but ofcourse the lime was good  ;D . If history repeats itself i would say that we would most likely beat Columbia because we expected to loss.  Why do we alway have to put ourselves in these kinda positions.... ???   Any body here a shrink our have any views.

On the Sten issue:  Check the video of the goal the white boy score...and tell me you who you think Stern giving thumbs up to?  ;D  The man in with Beenie...I think

God bless all ah allyuh fellas and your lives.  Flex boy this is one of the few places where Trini people could retain their ethnicity and culture.  Thanks

Palos doh dig no pressure man.....you ha to understand that Trinidadians very prophetic...We like to get exited about things that might, and should happen..  Facts does come second to we...:)  We like to be in the know even before it's known..... ;D....That does make we ole talk sweet.  Mexico had some good games and they is the greatest.  We had a good game and we is the greatest too.
Germany here we come ;D

Football / Re: If we qualify would you Welcome Latapy ?
« on: June 24, 2005, 12:27:49 PM »
Madness...ah understand what you saying but my thing is that this is world cup not a lime.  I agree with Touches that if Latas get a chance to come back any more stupidness have to be the last chance.....

Ah mean if you was Latas, playing for we and every time we play we lossing due to poor management and organization you might do the same thing after a while ent.?....

In addition, wah Latas say?  He wantd to come back in a kinda coach role because coaches have power to chance things.  I feel the man feel that he could change some structural things with we football.   But if Sir Leo could put down all the nonsense we does do then this would be a great opportunity for Latas and Trinidad to show the world some great football class...

Football / Re: If we qualify would you Welcome Latapy ?
« on: June 23, 2005, 11:48:29 PM »
So Real madness? and all who are of the same view.  You mean to tell me that after all the money spend on games and qualification blah blah....That if playing Latas and Zamora means that we would win the world cup....you wouldn't take it?

I don't feel Latas have any hate for the country or fans, the problems have always been with the TTFA.  But things seem to be looking up with the addition of Sir LEO.

In my opinion the best available players should always play, unless is ah Sunday evening small goal sweet  :D

Football / Re: Gold Cup recalls for Scotland, Eve, Spann.
« on: June 23, 2005, 11:32:28 PM »
Father bless this team in Jesus name Amen

Football / Re: Birchall Urge To Rest
« on: June 22, 2005, 09:06:47 AM »
Arrow how you go jumbie Withley like that  ;D   
Concerning Birchal:  I guess the greater point a trying to make is that fundamentally sound players like Birchal are good but fundamentally skillful is better.   So Andre, Birchal had a bad game because he had to all the work in the middle? And he look so?  That says something about we middle then don't you think?  I know Birchal go do better against the US and maybe other concacaf teams.  cool   But unless we just want to go the the World the Cup just for the sake of showing up we better get a middle now because it have better teams than Mexico out dey.

The Stern touch thing is bassed onely one me seeing  Mexico and 1/2 of the US game...So I could be wrong dey.

P.S. who have USA TNT second half

Football / Re: Birchall Urge To Rest
« on: June 21, 2005, 11:47:37 PM »
It really feel good to have a coach like Leo.  But since we on Birchal, you notice how we match Mexico skill for skill while Birchal struggle.  Ah know he show heart an thing but he real struggle in that game........

In addition since a just done watch the game again, I understand why coaches stickin with Stern......Other than one day he'll wake up and score,  the man touch impecable, better than Yorke.

But I still think we don't have the middle to make full use of them fellas together upfront

Football / Re: Greatest player ever?
« on: June 20, 2005, 08:46:53 PM »
I think I see Diego best beat, when he walk through 3 men and Pele when he dummy that keeper and had him crabin wind.  But I going with Pele.

But since we talkin bout great players.  Anybody know who scored the longest goal.  Not no chip thing....... a mean bullit.,,,30-45 yards type thing.

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