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Messages - Richard G.

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No regrets for ref who attacked fan
RIO DE JANEIRO, March 14 (Reuters) - A Brazilian referee said he had no regrets after punching a fan who ran onto the field to attack him during a derby match on Sunday.
Television pictures showed that Luiz Carlos Silva landed several punches at the shirtless supporter who invaded the field in injury time of Sunday's America-Atletico Mineiro derby in Belo Horizonte.

'Everything I did yesterday, I did conscientiously and I would do it again,' Silva told Brazilian media on Monday. 'I'm a self-employed worker and if that guy had landed a punch, I could have been off work when I've got five children to raise.'

'I had to defend myself and I did it by going onto the attack.

'If I had run away, it would have looked bad. I was not prepared to suffer this embarrassment with my children watching (on the television).'

The incident sparked a five-minute brawl as Atletico Mineiro players tried to protect the supporter from the police.

Atletico goalkeeper Danrlei accused police of attacking him as he tried to intervene.

The match was in the Mineiro (Minas Gerais state) championship, one of the many regional tournaments which kick off the Brazilian season. America won 1-0 in a game which also produced three red cards.

Meanwhile, Atletico launched another protest against refereeing in the competition and repeated demands for referees from outside Minas Gerais state to officiate their games.

Mourinho hits back over Uefa slur
Jose Mourinho has promised to take legal action against UEFA referees' chief Volker Roth unless he retracts the claim that Chelsea's manager is 'an enemy of football'.
Roth spoke out in the wake of Swedish referee Anders Frisk's decision to leave football behind after a series of threats made against himself and his family.

Roth, a German, is chairman of UEFA's referees committee and directed his criticism not only towards Mourinho but to all managers who make inflammatory remarks which could provoke public hostility.

'With regards to the declarations from Mr Roth, there's two ways out: he apologises or it goes to court,' said Mourinho, in a statement delivered to the Portuguese press.

Mourinho was critical of Frisk's performance in Chelsea's visit to Barcelona last month, and accused the referee of speaking with home boss Frank Rijkaard during the half-time break.

'It's a shame that Frisk has decided to leave football,' added Mourinho.

'If, as some people have suggested, this decision is linked to the criticism of his performance in the Barcelona game, it seems strange to me.

'There's similar criticism every day, all around the world, for managers, directors and players. It's a normal situation.'

Mourinho has urged Frisk to come out and speak forthrightly about his decision to quit, and the referee today told the Daily Telegraph that all managers should think more before speaking out.

'Coaches and managers should pause to think what they might start by saying something off the cuff,' he said.

'When a referee's decision starts this type of reaction, it's no use anymore.'

Frisk added: 'I feel like a hunted animal and I don't want a life like that. You never know what these people might do.

'I spoke to Volker Roth, who tried to make me go back on my decision, but I'm finished. I'm relieved and my gut feeling tells me it's right.'

There still remains a suspicion on the behalf of Mourinho that his comments alone cannot have triggered Frisk's retirement.

'A referee as experienced as Mr Frisk would not take such a drastic action if effectively his retirement was caused by the criticism of how he performed in Barcelona-Chelsea,' said Mourinho.

'If other reasons exist, I'm unaware of them and would like them to be made clear.'

Despite Mourinho's remarks, Chelsea are considering asking UEFA for a peace summit.

Frisk's resignation sent relations between the Barclays Premiership leaders and European football's governing body tumbling to an all-time low.

Chelsea issued a statement condemning the threats made to Frisk and the club could now ask for a meeting between chief executive Peter Kenyon and leading UEFA officials to end the row between the club and European football's governing body.

The meeting could take place before Friday's Champions League quarter-final draw in Switzerland.

UEFA are fuming at the way Mourinho criticised Frisk and then tried to influence their decision to appoint Pierluigi Collina for last week's second leg.

Lars-Christer Olsson, chief executive of European football's governing body, said: 'We will not allow the slandering of match officials to become part of pre-match tactics.

'We must sanction anyone within the football family who makes inflammatory statements that could jeopardise the security of match officials and their families and brings the game into disrepute.

'Everyone involved in the game should therefore think twice before uttering provocative remarks that could be construed by others as inciting trouble.

'It is wholly unacceptable that a top international referee, someone who has officiated with great dignity and integrity at the highest end of the game, is pressured into retiring in this way.'

Chelsea have promised to act if they can identify those who have aimed threats towards Frisk, while FIFA president Sepp Blatter also added his weight to the debate.

Blatter said: 'I am appalled by the verbal attacks directed at referees.

'It is often such extreme behaviour that sparks off trouble among supporters. I strongly urge everyone concerned to show respect towards referees and demonstrate fair play.'

« on: March 12, 2005, 08:02:46 AM »
Thanks vb. Much appreciated. For those who jump on this one.......

I'm heading to Toronto this Sunday. I should be back with the Lynx this year knowing this time I'll actually have an unbiased chance of playing...Starting? We'll see.

I'll keep you posted as news comes in.

Lata and blessings
Richard G.

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