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Messages - dwn

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« on: June 18, 2011, 11:14:09 AM »
Well it certainly means they don't dilly dally as much as other teams. So I don't think the Arsenal stereotype of dilly dallying is really a valid one. Perhaps because their style of play is based on ball control. Which would be kind of like blaming water for being wet.

Hold on, just because they have the 2nd most shots doesn't mean that they don't dilly-dally.
If you watch their games you do see that they have a habit of sometimes taking way too many touches around the box.  Their total shots would just be higher if they didn't.

I don't agree with your logic.  If a team has one opportunity to shoot early and takes it, and then Arsenal has 10 shots but then one time they pass up the early shot, then it means that Arsenal dilly-dallied more than that team, despite Arsenal having more shots than the other team. 
Number of shots really has no relation to the number of times they decide not to shoot when in good positions.

I'm tired of saying dilly-dally.

Peeong, I get what you saying. A raw number doesn't tell you the percentage of opportunities/shots they passed up. And given that Arsenal usually out-possesses its EPL oppositions it's quite possible that they could dilly-dally and still have more shots than the other team.

« on: June 06, 2011, 05:56:49 PM »
Here's an interesting question: What's the winning percentage of Arsenal's "best XI" since the Emirates move? Especially since the consensus is that their bench isn't deep enough.

I don't know the answer to that question nah. I wonder how many games Arsenal actually had their best 11 available, given that every season some part of their best 11 gets a long term injury.

Regarding depth, I think Arsenal's bench is pretty deep in attacking positions. In defense they lack a bit of depth and their injuries force them to go deeper in the squad than they probably plan on going. But I think having players like Arshavin, Rosicky, Diaby, Ramsey, Chamakh, Eboue, Koscielny/Djourou, Bendtner on your bench is pretty decent when compared with any other team in the league (except probably Chelsea).

By the way, Klose is available on free transfer. What you think about Arsenal making a move for him?

« on: June 05, 2011, 07:06:08 PM »
Eboue love/hate him
Almunia good point as long as we don't use him

Rosicky dead weight space and sary taken up on team. Thanks for the memories
Denilson take yuh sour grapes and go no love lost
Bendtner keep listening to them self empowerment tapes, thanks for the goals wish there were more to talk about
Vela adios amigo too little too few n far between
Clichy ride out with yuh head tie up with other teams looking for yuh
Diaby go like dansteel say yuh level not consistent enough for the team

AA I know yuh trying but players like you only excel when the rest of the team pulling behind you
Nasri go on prove how much of a french twat you are especially if you go manu
Cesc you know is only one call and a check to the amount of £35mil and you can go if yuh feeling like a caged bird

I don't want any player not willing to die for this club

Wenger please clone sagna tommy jd kos jack theo rvp song and cheesey

If you get rid of all them men arsenal will have no bench. That's 9 men you name there.
Who would you like to see Wenger sign and what would be your ideal starting 11 for next season?
Think about who it means getting left out too. No big name player eh coming to bench.

« on: June 05, 2011, 10:32:22 AM »
I don't care how much of a boss a player is if he doesn't contribute to the team consistently and is at fault regularly when they do play for the teams performance then they have to shape up or ship out

besides the newcastle red card, diaby was not regularly at fault. in fact, he was decent when he played. i agree with fari and jahyouth on this one.

i also would not put rosicky, clichy and eboue in that group. you being overly critical.

sad thing is i have played games in the stadium and our team made sure not to leave valuable things in the dressing room because the stadium has a rep for that. people stealing things from the stadium dressing is a norm.

why we u23 players have blackberry

that is the real question.

These men supposed to be broke scrunting players, they wasting money on black berry?

back in the day when players need to play hard to get money to survive men used to be motivated.

Nowadays men living comfortable so motivation is gone.

What the hell u talking about??

What's next? What U23 players doing with more than one pair of sneakers?

Almost everybody and they mother have a bberry in trinidad

That was my first reaction to the comment too.

But I think I understand where he coming from. I don't think this is a comment about u23 footballers, as much as is a comment about how young people spend their money.

Is like when I was home for carnival a couple years back, I know people who making $2k-3k a month but buying carnival costumes, VIP Beyonce tickets, all-inclusive fete tickets and expensive clothes. I watch them and think the same thing.

(I assuming) KND assumes that since these fellas are under 23 they in school/not making no set a money, so why do they have blackberries. I might be wrong but I think that's where he was coming from.

« on: May 21, 2011, 01:24:06 PM »
My guess is Denilson realise that Wenger write him off. He just talking up his value for a transfer. You can't blame a player for not being good enough to compete at top level. As you said to me earlier Stunner, he coulda wait till the season done but the man doing what he has to do. I have said some uncharitable things about him but I wish him well. He is not good enough for Arsenal though.

The fact that Wenger is willing to write off players he used to defend and tell people "He's young. Have patience in him" tells me this summer should be different. Every single time I criticise Wenger the man does prove me wrong. Just win a next flickin trophy nah Professor! Long time we ent get some bling.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out sour puss!

any body remember when denilson first broke into arsenal's squad? correct me if i'm wrong but it was the start of the 2007 season. the man was real good. tough with decent technique. he had flamini on the bench, and at the time everyone was talking about his promise and how talented he was. then he got injured, and flamini stepped in and had the season of his life...

« on: May 19, 2011, 03:45:44 PM »
My opinions in rambling form .....

1. Arsenal better with Chamakh on the field. For all the goals van Persie scored, the team is better off with a point man in the lineup. Moving forward, Wenger has to find a way to play them both.

2. Bendtner real improve, he is not a bad player, but he is not as good as Chamakh. The difference is that Chamakh has quicker feet and works harder.

3. Arshavin is being wasted on the wing. He lost some of his speed and he doesn't have the physicality to battle it out with more athletic players. But he is one of the most talented players on Arsenal's team and has an eye for goal when in the final third. It's a pitty arsenal has so many attacking central midfielders because he would be able to make a much better impact playing behind the striker.

4. If players can stay fit, Arsenal doesn't need another center back that bad as they need a deep lying central midfielder. Djourou, Vermalen & Koscielny at CB is better than having just Song as a DM. While Djourou and Koscielny are getting better, Denilson is regressing. And I don't consider Diaby, Wilshere or Ramsey to be defensive minded.

5. For all the talent these guys have, I don't think Wilshere & Ramsey, as a central midfield partnership, have what it takes to lead Arsenal to the league title - at least not yet. Which leads to another point.

5. Arsenal should try their best to Fabregas. I don't care how talented Nasri is, he does not have the football brain that Fabregas has.

6. Gibbs is not a very good defender. Was he converted from left mid to defence? If so, it shows.

7. Arsenal needs a left winger. As mentioned before Arshavin doesn't seem to handle it when up against physical players, bendtner is not a winger, and Nasri, Rosicky etc are really more suited to the central attacking mid role. What about Wilshere on left wing? I think I recall Wenger saying he didn't have the pace for it. But remember how well he did there in the Emirates cup? And with his work rate and fight he will help the left back defensively. Or maybe Vela could finally fulfill his potential. Or sign Downing? Adam Johnson?

8. Maybe Arsenal needs to change their formation.

« on: May 17, 2011, 09:07:37 PM »

i mean to go to the dutch league and hold your own at 18  is no small feat

plus given the drive and ethic far eastern players can show, honda park and that dude from celtic i think this kid can be a star

i dont say it often but  last time i said that was about jack wilshire

I not trying to write the man off because I haven't seen him just saying that the fact he on loan does not bode well. Fabregas and Van Persie never went on loan, they were part of the squad from day one. Wilshere and Ramsey around the same age and they starting now. In fact even Walcott went straight into the team at 17.

He could very well be a good player but most of these players end up in a loan-reserve-loan cycle before eventually getting moved on, especially strikers.

Wilshere went on loan and the next season he was a starter. And although he didn't have the same success, Vela went on loan and got first team chances the next season. So I don't think going on loan is necessarily a bad sign. I think the team Wenger allows them to go to also reflects the players future prospects. Most of the men who went on loan to lower division teams next break into the squad. But then I know with Wilshere and Vela he specifically wanted them to be loaned to other teams in the EPL. In the end, I think it all comes down to the competition in your position. It's worked out differently for different players.  If Arshavin and Bendtner leave and he have a good preseason, you never know.

« on: May 17, 2011, 07:13:53 PM »
Gunners linked to Scott Parker after West Ham relegation. Never seen him play. Anybody have any opinions on him?

Not special.  If he wasn't English no one would have ever heard of him.

Not special but high work rate and tough tackling. I think he could give the midfield something similar to what Flamini offered.

« on: May 01, 2011, 06:05:33 PM »
Thanks, Arsenal, y'all have thrown us a lifeline.  Of course, had we not messed ourselves up over the winter, this title race would have been well decided already but we would still be thanking y'all.  Any manu loss is a manu hater victory.   London clubs unite in the fight against evil.  Next year QPR might come in as reinforcements.     

we know the feeling...

« on: April 13, 2011, 09:52:20 PM »
Szczesny and Djourou expected back for Liverpool. Don't know about Song though. Like the sound of that as we back to our strongest defence, but I fraid Denilson play instead of Song. Although if Liverpool play the heavy pressing game they did against City he might not be such a bad pick, as long as somebody else does the tackling for him.

Denilson will not play if Diaby, Wilshere and Ramsey are fit. I would be very surprised if Wenger hasn't lost patience with Denilson by now. Now that we're only playing one game a week, Denilson should no longer be needed.

I don't want to rain on your parade, but this is international football. Because Kenwyne started his career as centre back how many years ago, doesn't mean he'll be an effective player there now. Kenwyne is no longer a CB, you don't just play as a centre forward all your professional life and then all of a sudden jump back to centre back. C'mon, there's no way any international manager of note will do something like that. Its a whole different positional sense playing at centre than it is as playing as a striker/centre forward or any other position.
What a good manager will be able to do, is to get the best out of Kenwyne and play to the streghts of our highest profile (not necessarily best) player within the team structure . I think if not for Kenwyne's off the field issues, he would have had a good season.

If I were the coach I wouldn't do it. But although I aree with you (on the KJ situation), I will be devil's advocate and mention that I don't think I agree with you (in principle). Look no further than Yorke for an example. After years of being a forward he transitioned to a holding mid which, without the benefit of hindsight, is probably more odd than KJ playing center back. Yorke wasn't the greatest in the world at it but he held his own at a high level.

Another example that comes to mind would be Kolo Toure who was mainly a right mid for the early part of his career and Wenger converted him to a CB. And it must have a few others as well who were able to make non-obvious position switches.

But as I said, I just being devil's advocate. Whether KJ could function as that kind of utility player at this point is a gamble I wouldn't take. Unless the best alternative is Makan Hislop  :devil:

Other Sports / Anyone play fantasy baseball?
« on: April 12, 2011, 06:41:55 AM »
Doing a business school project on fantasy baseball. If anyone on here plays (is this a long shot?), I would greatly appreciate if you could take my survey. It's about the introduction of an online tool that could help players with data management. Also, if you know anyone who plays and could pass this on to them I'd appreciate that as well.



Serious analysis ??? The writer clearly doesn't even understand the difference between correlation and causation :-\

« on: April 10, 2011, 01:41:44 PM »
Coach say Chesney and JD should be in squad for Liverpool.

also implied that Vermaelen could be back the week after.
I think he specified he would be in the Training Squad, not the team. I think he's done this season. We've heard this before about Vermaelen coming back.

As long as there isn't another set back I don't see why he wouldn't play in the last 6 games or how ever many. Not sure if we saw the same interview but I think it's the pre-Blackpool interview on arsenal.com where Wenger sounds like he's saying that Vermaelen is close to being back in the squad. I would welcome it.

You know what's funny. I felt more comfortable with Lehmann in goal today than I've felt with Almunia lately.  :-\

« on: April 09, 2011, 08:20:47 PM »
Coach say Chesney and JD should be in squad for Liverpool.

also implied that Vermaelen could be back the week after.

Has Arsene9 ever build a great side from scratch that won things? The invicibles and sides that won trophies contained a defense including goalie from the previous manager.

Incorrect. Only pre-Wenger players were Bergkamp, Parlour and Keown.

Rest of the The invincibles team was mostly Wenger's signings:

Vieira, Lehmann, Cole, Toure, Campbell, Lauren, Gilberto, Ljunberg, Pires, Henry, Edu, Cygan, Wiltord, Clichy, Reyes, Kanu, Aliadiere, Van Bronchorst, Jeffers.

Thought this quote could spark some good debate. What are your thoughts?

Paul Merson:
"If Arsene Wenger left tomorrow and Jose Mourinho left Real Madrid, every club in the world would want Wenger ahead of Mourinho," said the 43-year-old. "I say that because Mourinho needs 100 or 200 million pounds ($327 million) to spend on players wherever he goes, Arsene Wenger doesn't."


Football / Re: TTFF selection committee members. (Latas have a job).
« on: April 06, 2011, 07:16:53 AM »
I don't see anything wrong with this (in principle).

Football / Re: Pfister is the man in charge
« on: April 06, 2011, 07:11:02 AM »
I find it interesting that I make one passing comment about the man and he jeans and everybody hone in on that while ignoring the larger issues.

I repeat... I find it hard to believe this man accept this job without conducting some sort of proper inquiry into what really taking place in local football.

I know the situation but I also have to analyze in my first time here. Trinidad and Tobago went to the World Cup (in 2006) but they did not go to the Gold Cup. There are some reasons for that but I do not know all right now and I will find out more over the next few days.

How de ass you will wait until after you take the job to assess the situation you getting into?  The main reason the 2010 campaign get derailed before it start is de facking blacklist... allyuh going on and on saying jeans doh matter... okay fine it doh matter.  Not one blasted word on the fact that the man come and collecting ah check without doing he homework on the ongoing problems between the Federation and players?  And by that I don't just mean the 2006 WC players.  In the end it may not amount to much... but right now this is hardly instilling confidence in me as a fan.

He might know about the blacklist. Not sure we can make the assumption that he doesn't based on his comment. This is his unveiling. It's probably not the forum for him to come out and discuss things like that.

Like the original post, I suspect that many fans and coaches have unrealistic expectations. I believe it comes from a lack of exposure to the international game. A lot of people just don't know how our players compare to players from developed football nations. And for a lot of people, their understanding of the world game comes from what they see on tv, and anyone here who has been to a top level game live will tell you that the experience and perspective you get from seeing the game close up is a lot different to the one you get from watching it on tv. You don't get a true sense of the speed, intensity, and movement unless you're there.

So in that sense, the poster has a point in that these unrealistic expectations and lack of perspective are leading us to believe that we are better than we are - and that belief leads to a degree of complacency that stifles the development of our football. He's right when he says we're fooling ourselves when we think many of youth players are good enough to secure pro contracts at "top" clubs. And maybe the reality is that many parents think their children can be the next dwight yorke when they have little evidence to think this. Additionally, although i don't think FLUKE is the right word, i think given our investment in football producing dwight yorkes and russel latapys are in fact HIGHLY IMPROBABLE.

that said, to say that the expectations of FANS are to blame for our lack of success is RIDICULOUS. if he said that THOSE WHO ARE AT THE HELM/THOSE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT of our national football have unrealistic expectations of what it takes to succeed, then i would tend to agree that this could in fact be the case. 

Football / Re: Skill Development in T&T
« on: April 03, 2011, 12:55:59 PM »
I took one of our young and talented dribblers on a trial overseas,i was expecting him to tear those guys to shreds,but they played two touch and one the entire trial,he did not make it.I felt so bad for one of our best talent.

So why wasn't one of our  'best talent' taught how to complete a proper pass? Were you responsible for teaching him that?

 I don't know the game as well as I should, I only played for my high school and at college level then went on to other things. And I don't mean to to be disrespectful. But why on earth somebody go send a young man overseas expecting them to tear people up then be surprised when he didn't make it.

You weren't aware of the shortcomings of his game?

This is what does get people up in arms on this forum. Local coaches who never seem to have a clue as to the requirements of the modern game. So this young talent....what is being done now to prepare them so they don't end up like Shaddon Winchester who went on so much trials with nothing to show for it but a loss of condfidence and whose game is supposedly regressing

I think the point coachman was making was that he was one of the best dribblers yet it counted for nothing on the trial. I might be wrong, but I don't think he meant to say that the player couldn't complete a proper pass. The point was more to counter to opening sentiment in this thread which was that we need to place more value the lost art of dribbling.  :beermug:

Football / Re: FireBrand got it spot on!
« on: April 02, 2011, 06:22:16 AM »
With the last 3 it should not take an entire year to recover. With less change than that our football changed dramatically in the WC2006 campaign. IMO, at senior team level we have enough decent players that with a good coach, the right selections and disciplined approach we will be respectable in concacaf. Can't speak for the youth teams.

Football / Re: FireBrand got it spot on!
« on: April 02, 2011, 06:09:09 AM »
Why not just 3, 4 and 5?

Football / Re: Check this youth
« on: April 01, 2011, 07:41:05 PM »
he looks really young, so selfish or not, the kid have a lot of ability for his age. don't fight down the small man nah  ;D

Football / Re: Keon Daniel joins Philadelphia Union.
« on: March 23, 2011, 08:28:12 AM »
my lasting impression of keon daniel's ability is the england friendly at HCS where he played left wing. i remember thinking that it was the best left wing performance i saw on our national team in years. i think he got the west ham trial after that too. i was never as impressed by him after that but it showed what he is capable of.

« on: March 22, 2011, 08:23:46 PM »
Dwn...dah essay yuh type dey

Men just pulling stones and doing shit when it matters, doh try to spin it nah.

1) From Almunia weekend...and his blunders before that.

2) Scechny and Kosielny gifting Martins a goal...and a cup lost.

3)Bendtner control letting him down on the 1 v 1 vs Barca...dat goal woulda send us through

4)The shitty defending by Denilson/gibbs that just helpin leak goals vs Manu in the FA cup vs Manu.

Arsenal performances as good as they are come down to a handful of goats pulling facking stones and doing shit when it matters CONSISTENTLY ....dais the difference between champions and also rans.

ManU could play shit whole game and with 10 men...but when they get they half a chance it will count. Dais why they are winners and we left to cobweb empty cabinet.

Wenger is at fault too, he ent buying nuttin, he picking shit sides, using shit formation and making shit sub. Arsenal is a side of no balls, no belley individuals....maybe he bring Lehmann back in to hit men hard clout and cuss the underperformers he have in the team.

Is only a setta sorry, be better next time on twitter and shit from big hard stones men...instead they shoot the 4king ball when they reach the area or put in a good solid blade and stop playing tiddlywinks on the damn field.

everyone play their part but at the end of the day and wenger could take some blame. but it hard to blame wenger for the circumstances that lead to them 4 things you mention there.

1. if szczesny didnt stub his finger on a barca freekick almunia wouldnt a be in goal
2. cant blame wenger for szczesny and koscielny mix up against birmingham. koscielny not even supposed to be starting for arsenal. but vermaelen freak situation have him as a regular
3. bendtner control letting him down is not wenger fault. neither is van persie's red card in that game. which would have probably left bendtner on the bench
4. and again, denilson have no place in arsenal side if men was fit

the point i making is that alot of the things that happening to arsenal arent just because wenger did not buy a better player. he did buy better players but they keep getting injured! or to put it another, if wenger maintained his same policy but men weren't injured so much all of those things would a been avoided. solving the injury crisis is more important to me than changing wenger's player policy. cause imo arsenal roster have decent depth. it just always depleted.

« on: March 22, 2011, 07:15:23 PM »
so 2 weeks of international drudgery

hope ppl doh come back injured

JD might be back in 4wks dont hold breath

cheesy still working out but highly unlikely he comes back

if we win the league this year without our starters then i fear the hangers on and not good enoughs of this team will be held onto as wenger says i told you so

but arsene you are wrong we cannot afford these sub par back ups

we want fighters people who embody a drive desire and hunger for success and that they show and talk it on the pitch

9 more to go cant slip a note, we waiting on manu to slip, while chelsea breathing down our backs

we have shown we cannot handle the pressure

we have shown the division that comes with constant frustrations of being let down

we must get out of this rut of "consistency just below the top is good enough"

i still love meh side

honestly, if arsenal manages to win the league i think wenger has the right to tell people i told you so.

truth is, the amount of injuries arsenal have right now is not something that he could have predicted. the shit men in the side are not men who were expected to play as much as they have. denilson is only playing so much because a host of central midfielders are injured (song, fabregas, diaby, and if you want you can even add frimpong). squillaci is only playing so much because of vermalen's inexplicable injury. almunia is only back in the lineup because of szczesny freak injury and fabianski's shoulder injury (and you can even add mannone's injury to that too). with the exception of van persie, who seems to be injury prone, i think it's hard to say that these injuries should have been expected. when you think about it, almunia is the 3rd/4th choice keeper and is probably on his way out. denilson is a way down the pecking order in terms of central midfielders but is maybe one of the more consistently fit ones. koscielny lacks experience but isn't that bad of a central defender for a 3rd choice (i think he can come good in games when he alongside a more experienced player).

basically at full strength, arsenal is a top team. the fact that they are so undermined by injury and still second in the league in a way supports the argument that they have impressive depth. it's true that it's frustrating that they aren't winning tournaments, but i think they deserve more credit than they're getting for what they've achieved with a largely handicapped squad.

think of any other side and remove their equivelant of szczesny, djourou, vermaelen, song, fabregas and walcott from the lineup and tell me what they're left with. for man utd that would be vandersar? vidic? ferdinand? fletcher? carrick? nani? for chelsea that would be cech? terry? alex? essien? lampard? malouda? add the fact that van persie (equiv of rooney? drogba?) missed a chunk of the season and you realise that arsenal is a pretty deep squad and have done well given their circumstances.

long story short, arsenal has less of a problem with it's squad of players and more of a problem with it's injury crisis. and with the exception of diaby and vanpersie who you can say are normally injured, alot of the injuries have been unexpected and freakish and you really can't blame wenger for that. in hindsight it easy to say that he should a do this and that, but you don't really know what's the scene with vermaelen injury. and with the limitations on squad sizes signing one man means dropping another and arsenal side probably at full capacity right now with injuries, so dropping a man from another area of the side is a risk in itself.

don't get me wrong, i frustrated with the arsenal situation too. but realistically, it a lot easier for us to sit here and say wenger doing madness. but when i try to put myself in his situation and really study what going on with the side, the situation real tough, and the side deserve credit for being as competitive as they are despite it.

I don't know whats wrong with people back home, but for some odd reason they feel as if they are always at an international level when most of them not even at the highest local level.

I wonder if our players are guilty of this as well.

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