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Messages - johnny_ringo

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Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: calabash alley
« on: March 08, 2007, 02:16:23 PM »
wow now that was television !!!
gayelle should start runnin some of dem ole episodes fuh true.

another classic was no boundries...Tara aka "Dad do u need anything...dad !" she actually teach us in benedicts. Boy we had jokes on she fuh years. Up to this day everybody does call she Tara instead of she real name.

What was de one with david rudder? dat was calabash alley too?

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Slaughter new Album for 2K7
« on: March 08, 2007, 09:45:36 AM »
He has a tune with Bunji that I like. I might purchase this album.

I hope he suprise people and have more dan one good song on it....

i doubt. this man is real garbage. I not buying the "soca-gansta rap" image. Honestly he not worth more than 1 or 2 songs per season.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Rikki Jai is Chutneys' finnest
« on: February 28, 2007, 09:34:20 AM »
Shitty dish network providers are the most annoying of all !!!  :devil:

General Discussion / Re: Trinidad and Tobago unveils new airline
« on: February 26, 2007, 11:02:25 AM »
boy dias a real shame. Just like everything else in trini the folks in charge actin wrong and strong. Jetblue came out with a customers bill of rights, and i would love to see one of these companies do the same. Just like everything else in the country there is no accountability. Let a few high ranking officials from the airline get suspended or fired and it sure not to happen as bad again.

« on: February 20, 2007, 01:31:05 PM »
one thing i am promising every one on this site who seems to be getting kicks off some body elses stupidity or ignorance. in particularly a young persons ,and yes i have goat mouth, if that is what you call it .your kicks shall come right back to you.where ever in the world you are, this is a promise.it is about time we try to improve each aothers position in life ,and help each other this life can be so cruel ,half of allyuh living in countries where you have dog status and you degenerates have not learned a thing from life and the many lessons it has to offer.i congratulate the moderators for taking thatlink off the site ,it should not have been allowed here in the first place .this is a site to celebrate our trinidadianess not to celebrate someones misery.if is one thing i have learnt life is an equalizer of people go on and watch your porn tape.

aight just to let allyuh know what really happen, I MADE THE ORIGINAL POST AS WELL AS THIS ONE. inthe original post i was commenting on the increase in local porno and how regular everyday middle class young & old people seem to be making their own pornos then said movies seem to be gettin out in the public.
i was promoting it, as a matter of fact i did say to "KEEP ALLYUH PRIVATE LIFE PRIVATE!!!"
i didnt call names BUT i did refer to the folks on the tapes by nick names e.g. CHINEE,
NO LINK, NO VIDEO, NO PICS, NO REAL NAMES were ever posted yet the mods still deleted the post without reason or explanation.

General Discussion / Re: T&T Prime Ministers !!
« on: February 20, 2007, 01:17:43 PM »
Allyuh serious? Most people voting for EW just cause he was the first and he "lead we outta mental slavery". Do allyuh self a favour and read about a fella called DOM BASIL MATHEWS. Trust me ANYBODY coulda done what EW did. He was just a face. Right place at the right time.

Patrick?? lol, come on now people how many BILLIONS this man have to waste before we see how bad a job he really does?

Uncle Bas, welll meh boy i had yuh back, honestly. BUT oh gosh, yuh mean pnm could thief fuh 50 years and cover it up nice nice but u come and get catch in wat , 5 years? If yuh cant thief good then i have NO FAITH IN YOU AS MY PM!!

Robbie..I feel bad fuh yuh. No body seem to give the tobago boy a chance. Don't worry my friend cause you will have the last laugh.

I hope all allyuh trini people understand that the reason why things are so bad now is cause WE allow it to happen. We elected these jokers and WE are the ones who pay the price.
Read Julius Ceasar and think of trinidad...it make plently sense.

allyuh yardies have NO CLUE how many of yuh fellow country men are hard core batty boys.
Face the facts, the media & society begining to show alot of acceptance & support for gays and it doh matter if we like it or not, cause times are changing and we have to accept it.
It have gays in EVERY COUNTRY in the world so get over it, allyuh need to worry bout improving yuh poerty stricken island instead of "fire bunnin de batty man"

TRINI have alot of batty man too, but atleast ours have WORLD CLASS TALENT (real trini's know who i talkin bout)

I don't agree with this. That kind of thinking is partly responsible for the systematic dumbing down and down right deterioration of culture globally. This why some people think Britney Spears is an artist and Anna Nicole Smith's chile fadda could stay on the news for more than a week.

Seriously though what I trying to say is that you don't have to accept anything simply because that is the new mainstream position. Its just a flawed rationale.

With respect to that incident in Jamaica that was barbaric and stupid. You can't decide to stone people juss so. At least the police was there to save them men because its very like that they would have been killed. Society must have order and to tolerate that kind of barbarism is grusome way to live.

i livin in gay rights central (NYC) and i see how much power the gays have so is not that we just accepting it and we dumbing down we thinking...Yuh have to choose yuh battles and thanks to the great world power of america the gays having their say now.
God will deal with everyone in due time but fuh we livin here we hadda suck salt (NO PUN INTENDED)
People can have their views BUT AMERICAN MEDIA makes it very hard to express your self if you have an unpopular opinion.
The nba just ban tim hardway for saying he hate gays or something along those lines.
GAYS IN POP CULTURE= $$$ (broke back, queer eye, the L word, elton etc)
i am in no way defending them but allyuh have to understand whats going on in the world today..its their time. Even the Quran & the Bible say so
if yuh cant deal with it go live in de bush in debe

allyuh yardies have NO CLUE how many of yuh fellow country men are hard core batty boys.
Face the facts, the media & society begining to show alot of acceptance & support for gays and it doh matter if we like it or not, cause times are changing and we have to accept it.
It have gays in EVERY COUNTRY in the world so get over it, allyuh need to worry bout improving yuh poerty stricken island instead of "fire bunnin de batty man"

TRINI have alot of batty man too, but atleast ours have WORLD CLASS TALENT (real trini's know who i talkin bout)

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Machel Montano Bus
« on: February 01, 2007, 09:13:47 AM »
I dont understand why allyuh people actin like he spend ALLYUH money on the bus.
He dont wok in the ministry during the day, he not ah police during the day- HE'S AH PERFORMER 24/7
Welcome to the world of self promotion & marketing.
Ah man in little trini buy ah bus and fix it up and next thing yuh know people all over the world writing about it on the internet !!! I say mission accomplished!!!
Besides if it have people driving round in ROLLS ROYCE PHANTOMS ($350,000 US) in claxton bay then who is Mr Montano to ride in a pimped out PTSC BUS ;D

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / RIP Carlos Lezama
« on: January 23, 2007, 01:47:39 PM »
For those that dont know Carlos Lezama passed away yesterday. Mr Lezama was the main man resposible for NY's labour day parade. His vision took it from a few people jumping up to OVER A MILLION PEOPLE on the parkway.
This man truly took our culture world wide!!!
i belive the funeral is friday here in BK.
Respect to this man for all he did.

seriously, NO BODY know bout this? ??? ???

well every other govenment (even past pnm regimes) have subsidisted the agriculture sector.
how bout developing new lands for agriculture cause we all know u cant keep using the same soil year after year.
how bout giving a few more $$$ to the small business sector so famers could get their loans
how bout we start feeding our people instead of givin them free empty houses cause they still gonna thief & kill if their kitchen bare

well DUH !!!!!!
of course its High Definition, cause thats whats they're been calling themselves but what i mean is whats the reason for the change.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Whats the deal w/ Machel Montano HD?
« on: January 20, 2007, 11:59:32 AM »
Somebody please enlighten me on the real story behind Machel changing the name of xtatik to Machel Montano HD. I read something in the newsday saying he want to make Xtatik a retro brand & and HD represents a more spritual side.
Does this mean we ain't goin to be hearin them perform tunes like Big Truck etc.
Or is he tryin to do a kinda alternate personality like garth brooks(chris something), ja rule(loki) & mary j(brooke)
I hope the HD thing works out and he FINALLY gets the mainstream us exposure he deserves

Cricket Anyone / Re: Who is the greatest cricketer of all-time?
« on: December 13, 2006, 04:29:57 PM »
Imran khan, great all rounder plus what he did for his team & country's moral

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Heating up yuh speaker box
« on: December 13, 2006, 02:59:15 PM »
WAR- trust me u cant question if I iz ah real trini....
i livin NY fuh 6 years now and since i leave is only jet set gel straight from pennywise i does use. Cant be anymore trini than that....
Oh and when it come to the music i see u are a typical trini, only listening to certain music during certain seasons... ;D

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Heating up yuh speaker box
« on: December 13, 2006, 12:53:53 PM »
Right now the big tune fuh me is fat joe & lil wayne "make it rain"
official strip club anthem....."I make it rain on dem hoes!!!!!!!!!"

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Brand new PS3 fuh sale !!! nyc
« on: December 13, 2006, 12:50:09 PM »
actually it is posted on ebay as well...put hey free promo is the best kinda of promo. yuh never know where yuh next sale could be made from

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Brand new PS3 fuh sale !!! nyc
« on: December 13, 2006, 12:37:51 PM »
well actually i have 100% positive feedback as an ebay seller. check me out before you run yuh mouth

Ebay seller id- ringojohnny6

General Discussion / Re: Missing WN banner
« on: December 13, 2006, 11:34:00 AM »
DRAGON, thanks for the banner.
yuh should see how great it looks hanging in my house ;D

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Brand new PS3 fuh sale !!! nyc
« on: December 13, 2006, 11:28:10 AM »
Heyfolks i have a brand new, never opened, factory sealed PS3 20gb fuh sale. Ill take $755 cash for NY meet up.
ill also ship if you want- $40 for USA SHIPPING, $65 for canada & $80 for rest of the world including T&T.
I'm paypal & ebay verified.
the prices quoted are in US dollars.
Anyone in trini wanting to purchase can drop the US cash off to my family in san-do and i will ship the item to you.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Flood on the main road!!
« on: December 13, 2006, 11:22:07 AM »
nah man ATAKLAN was decent.
the "spanish gual" tune was big!!!
he was one of the new wave of ragga soca men..
i admit he fell off but i'm sure in 2 years all the fickle trinis goin to be sayin "Isasha who???"

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / GHETTO FLEX DOIN PORN NOW?
« on: October 12, 2006, 07:23:18 AM »
My cousin just email me some pics of we boy GHETTO FLEXXX pulling ah paris hilton and showing off some homemade local. The girl face blank out but u seeing ghetto up in there clear as day. when these folks go learn...lol

« on: August 28, 2006, 11:13:34 PM »
Just to clear things up..I DIDNT POST ANY LINKS,FILES OR ANYTHING ELSE LEWD. i simply made mention of some recent "well known" local pornos an all of a sudden the post get deleted. and the moral of the original post was "KEEP YUH PRIVATE BUSINESS PRIVATE!!!"
but now sw.net MODS appear to be on the take. THE MODS SELL OUT DREAD !!!

« on: August 28, 2006, 04:42:28 PM »
Through all of the BS men talkin nobody could still answer the question as to WHY WAS THE POST DELETED? Come on MODS may i have an answer? Is it that them "FAS" folks have that much pull.....just to give allyuh some more insight to the story yuh know the youth man who she give the tape too get kill in a MYSTERIOUS car crash on the highway. Nobody see ANYTHING.
so all the men askin fuh de link better watch allyuh back. Its apparent that her "friends & family" have control of socawarriors.net too.

« on: August 28, 2006, 03:17:50 PM »
well lets settle this...the "chile" allyuh talkin bout was 18 when SHE FILMED HERSELF and gave it to her man as a goin away gift.18 is adult status, yuh could drive at 18, have a legit bank acct at 18, rent a car at 18,buy a house at 18. i say if u chupid enough to give some lil boyfriend a tape of u "rubbin" like ants bite yuh then she shouldn't feel bad that she all over the internet now. in my post i said "KEEP ALLYUH PRIVATE BUSINESS PRIVATE "
i wasnt advocating it..i was saying how dumd these trini's are for letting the tapes get out in the first place. i guess if she's the reason the post was deleted then socawarriors.net has been SOLD OUT just like the rest of trinidad. i guess if yuh have money yuh could buy out trini police, trini judge and TRINI FOOTBALL WEBSITES

« on: August 28, 2006, 02:53:16 PM »
nah i feel the topic had hit ah lil too close to home. maybe some of allyuh "hero warriors" are budding video stars themselves. maybe a buss somebody file. i guess only the tape(or dvd) will tell

« on: August 28, 2006, 02:33:26 PM »
i doh understand why allyuh delete the local porn post. i didnt call anybody name, i didnt say "hear let meh send allyuh this file"
explanation please?

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: who going Labor Day in NY??
« on: August 28, 2006, 01:14:04 PM »
The best fete hands down does always be BRASS fest on the friday nite. i hit that bout 5 years now and every year its better & better. Closest thing to a real trini party. Fire fuh the parkway, thats fuh the yardies, haitians & them trini fuh ah day yankees.

Football / *GREEN STREET HOLLIGANS* football movie
« on: August 28, 2006, 12:46:13 PM »
I jus watch GREEN STREET HOLLIGANS with meh boy FRODO (elijah wood). Is a really good football movie based in England. It's bout West Hamm United's "firm" (group of football holligans/supporters)
Anyof allyuh ever see this?
Do them english teams really have firms?

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