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Messages - sjahrain

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Football / Re: David John Williams Thread.
« on: September 14, 2017, 12:56:02 PM »
Is this dude for real or just messing with my head,4-7 years so we have to wait out two world cups just to get it right,this dude smoking a bad brand.He who is seated at the head of the table chatting this rubbish,while tax payers pick up the tab,ha ha ha...no more handouts...
As again this is what the firing of Hart has brought us,where we have regressed into oblivion
My beef was and will always be instead of building upon what Tim Kee left, all was dismantled and we the people are left holding the bag and have an annoying clown as a result
An owner of a team should never be allowed to lead the TTFF,it's not what I expected but going forward this should never visit us again

Football / Re: Fire Dennis Lawrence Thread.
« on: September 14, 2017, 08:26:30 AM »
Money is not the issue,it's hunger the passion that's missing
Them belly full but we the fans and supporters hungry,even the dam Waggonist hungry
How much money has has been thrown on  this and what do we have to show for it, one world cup appearance and a couple to the under' s
Dam administration wasteful and to be honest the players are not hungry enough
Man act and sound like money cure all the issues,how much has it solved to this day when you take into account how much has been given
We live in a time and as a society where everyone thinks he or she is entitled to more than we have earned and it's about time we try doing more with less
I have always prayed for the day to come when less revenue was available just to see how we would react and behave,that time is now,it's time to buckle up and adjust our collective belts ,for the days of plenty is no more...just reality

Football / Re: Fire Dennis Lawrence Thread.
« on: September 11, 2017, 01:06:47 PM »
Trust me pretty soon all of those players will be heading back to Tand T
Why you ask ... because the N T is not representing,all the good which came from the decent showing at the G C,which open the doors for the many who have signed is now slowly fading away,just take a close look at the many who have not suited up recently

Football / Re: Fire Dennis Lawrence Thread.
« on: September 11, 2017, 12:53:27 PM »
Mr In the fullnest of time..bad mind small mind and retarded mind
Now that our hopes for 2018 has been unrealized.What are your plans for getting us back to being respectable,not to long ago I am sure many here can remember when we were ranked 19th in the world,how we have fallen

Football / Re: John Bostock Thread
« on: September 11, 2017, 12:42:57 PM »
Got to give JB some preps here...he see and smelled that dead Rat from a long way

Football / Re: Greg Ranjitsingh Thread
« on: September 11, 2017, 12:30:28 PM »
Small mind ..bad mind .. retarted mind...do I need to go on
If you intend to build for the next cup...the future begins now,give potential a chance because talent is like an improper fraction...it's all in thier heads not on the field
So Jan Marvin and company ...need to  move over  there is a new sheriff in town

Football / Re: Fire Dennis Lawrence Thread.
« on: September 11, 2017, 03:05:29 AM »
When your head is bigger than your body,you will continue to fall like Humpty Dumpty
You may think you are all of that,but the truth usually comes out when the onfield product comes up short,time and time again...talent what a joke
This is very evident in all facets of our lives...just be truthful

Football / Re: TTFA dawdle approach angers TTSL's president.
« on: September 05, 2017, 06:54:14 AM »
I am no lawyer
Authority for organising international matches and competitions between representative teams and between Leagues, Club teams and/or scratch teams lies solely with FIFA, the Confederation (s) and/or the Association (s) concerned. It to
Is it that you must follow the chain of command or is that any of the three entities can sanction this event...then if so...it's bull what the ttfa is fronting ...it's says right there...and or the Association

Football / Re: Fire Dennis Lawrence Thread.
« on: September 05, 2017, 06:42:35 AM »
Enough enough enough
If every time you take the ferry to Tobago and as soon as the waters get choppy at the Bocas you turn back to P O S....when will you get to Tobago...??????
This starting over every time is a road not to progress...but as can be seen...man we have regressed
We all have a part to play...good bad and indifferent
A total commitment is required by all...

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Honduras Game (1-Sept-2017)
« on: September 01, 2017, 05:19:20 AM »
Forward Warriors
Give the country this present
Thank you

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Honduras Game (1-Sept-2017)
« on: August 30, 2017, 09:57:14 AM »
The only cure for that distress,is to put up  a serious winning streak on your resume and while doing so make sure you clip the wings of some higher ranked teams..then that respect will surface
Win baby ...just win...it's the only cure
It can start on Friday

Football / Re: Kenwyne Jones Thread
« on: June 16, 2017, 02:48:35 AM »
Some here need to review tape ...before committing thier fingers to publish nonsense
To many agendas..which are not in the NT best interest
Go review some tape and come again and review the nonsensical statements being made
You only miss the water when the well run dry
Talk done

And may this rest in peace to and for the benefit of all
Think and stay positive
If each one teach one we can surely build a better person and by extension nation
If we only pool our ideas ...maybe we have a better idea
Forward for ever backwards not an option
There is a Hugh game today... please come positive...no hidden agenda ...just positive vibes for a positive result
Go Warriors

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Costa Rica Game (13-Jun-2017)
« on: June 12, 2017, 09:25:10 AM »
Nah then you have players looking forward to Thursday and overlooking Tuesday
My thoughts would be...do you want to play on the biggest stage...I have the captain has and Carlos...do you want to join that elete group ...then it's time to step up...win the rest of our games and ensure your immortality.....only a select group​ has and you can apply for membership

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Costa Rica Game (13-Jun-2017)
« on: June 12, 2017, 03:02:03 AM »
Look if the soldier was going to toe the line..he would have accepted his fate when the prez tried a fast one with his initial contract...so at this time I give him the benefit of the doubt...he could have capitulated then ..but he stood his ground....true

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs USA Game (8-Jun-2017)
« on: June 07, 2017, 02:46:57 AM »
Please do not hit the self destruct button again
Shit ...when will we learn
Jah bless

Football / Re: Kiss the WC Campaign to Russia goodbye...
« on: May 31, 2017, 05:26:31 PM »
Living in the past cannot be progress.....the past gives us knowledge to make more informed decisions in the present for the future...that time came and I enjoyed it with my whole heart...this is now and this one here is the most relevant...so let us get energized and support what is ours  wholeheartedly
Jah bless

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs USA Game (8-Jun-2017)
« on: May 29, 2017, 07:24:34 AM »
Any predictions

My prediction is that we will create history on the 8th...just my feeling
It's time to put some demons to rest...both internally and externally
Once we cop a strict mental attitude...time to stop playing second fiddle
It's time for true T&T Warrior football and no better place than right here
All on board because this train is about to leave this station
All for One...One for All....No If's And's nor But's...all hands on deck..total support
Forward my Warriors
Jah bless

Football / Re: John Bostock Thread
« on: May 02, 2017, 02:40:19 AM »
For grown men some of allyuh have some very infantile mentality oui.  None of us have any facts on why Bostock eh suit up yet but despite that man venomous towards the fella.  Somehow allyuh feel that asshole mentality invisible or something?  What about other young players who may be considering the idea of potentially playing for T&T because they grow up proclaiming to the world they "Trini" even if they eh born here?  Yuh feel if somebody happen to turn them on to this site and they read some of the absolute bullshit on here they will feel even more attracted to T&T or less?  I understand being upset Bostock eh suit up yet (if ever), but who should give ah f**k that any of you doh give ah f**k?!!  Grow de f**k up and stop acting like little uneducated and ignorant trash nah.

As a parent of at least one boy with professional footballing aspirations, I dread the dayif it ever happen that he show interest in T&T because I know the slightest misstep will have some of allyuh who have children of allyuh own cursing his name.  Some ah allyuh rell sad oui!

You boss that one they Scorpion
You give some here to much credit by calling them grown man though
Some might be big but they mind small small and shallow

Football / Re: Kenwyne Jones Thread
« on: April 14, 2017, 07:34:54 AM »
I personally don't think he have anything to prove doh. I'm quite satisfied with his service and accomplishments, given the major injury(and operations) he experienced. Well done KJ. The rest is dessert, enjoy as much as you can, but don't try to overdo it.

In my humble opinion..Once you lace up and step unto the pitch...You are there to prove something...If you are not then you have lost your edge and it's time to step aside...If you have nothing to prove why are you participating...Just my take

Money was never the problem when we had it like that
Sorry to buss the news
Sometimes I ask myself ...It appears everybody is waiting to see the country can do for them,nuff money spend in sports...Not really seeing the returns....Everybody think they entitled not thinking one day that bill will come due ...money not flowing like it once did...We need to come around to the  idea...Much more will be needed to be done with much less
Now money is the problem

Football / Re: FORUM...our BROTHER needs HELP NOW.
« on: April 03, 2017, 06:00:47 AM »
When you figure out that throwing gasoline on a fire will not put you it go out...Then and only then will I jump up and down....Take what is meaningful to you and forget the rest...Someone has to take the high road....Blessed are the peace makers
It's unwise to start a fire which you cannot put out...Check it

Football / Re: You're down a goal....how come no Levi Garcia?
« on: April 02, 2017, 05:40:14 PM »
Must admit that I have not figured it all out
Just an idea
He looked very  comfortable in central defence

Football / Re: You're down a goal....how come no Levi Garcia?
« on: April 02, 2017, 07:02:08 AM »
We splitting hairs here my brother...Every member of that team is a defender..True...The situation will arise where it will come into play as the game plays out..Be it a concept of team defence or one and one defending....I want the best talent on the field to maximize all opportunities
You cannot deny the fact yes fact ..That Cyrus is  more talented than George and by extension much more versatile
No coach thus far has been able to find his true position on the field,looked very solid in central defence...It's my opinion ...Only an opinion he will serve this team best occupying a spot in midfield

Football / Re: FORUM...our BROTHER needs HELP NOW.
« on: April 02, 2017, 06:48:09 AM »
No man can know it all...Unless he is a fool
No one can know the whole truth
But if we only put our heads together we can come to a much better comprehension of the truth
Name calling and demeaning where does that get us
In the end which is where we all strive for ...I am positive we all want the same result
We all want the best and to see the same
We should all stop wearing our emotions on our sleeves...Man up and be respectful of each other
It's time to grow up..And I am not referencing physical growth ...But mentally
This tit for tat shit is very childish
All I have is common sense...Those who know better should take the lead
It's unwise to know better and do it not

Football / Re: FORUM...our BROTHER needs HELP NOW.
« on: April 01, 2017, 08:29:50 AM »

Once upon a time the earth was thought of as being flat
And if you got to the horizon you would fall off
Now we have accepted the fact it's not flat..And if you get to the horizon you will not fall off....because you can and will never get to the horizon

Keep this in mind
Denial is always the first stage... So stop being so dismissive
Because there is sense in nonsense...That can never be denied
Every man man has a voice...And should be allowed to speak his peace...You may or may not agree
But in your rights how can you be wrong
I may not agree in totally...But the brother has made some great points
Every man has a right to decide his own destiny ..And in his judgement you should not be no partial
Some choose to accept follies as normal some choose to be pro active....If it's not your cup of tea just move on

Keep this in mind
Denial is always the first stage... So stop being so dismissive
Because there is sense in nonsense...That can never be denied
Every man man has a voice...And should be allowed to speak his peace...You may or may not agree
But in your rights how can you be wrong
I may not agree in totally...But the brother has made some great points
Every man has a right to decide his own destiny ..And in his judgement you should not be no partial
Some choose to accept follies as normal some choose to be pro active....If it's not your cup of tea just move on

Football / Re: You're down a goal....how come no Levi Garcia?
« on: March 31, 2017, 02:45:07 AM »
Let me watch that game again..So I can accurately answer all your questions
Not that my observations will change much
He is a defensive  mid ..Be is going to hold it for a couple seconds if that much ...Most times he passes to who is closest to him...He is not going to make any pass to split any defenders...His objective is to break up a movement and hand off..My point is Cyrus can do that and also add some more intangibles to the play

Football / Re: You're down a goal....how come no Levi Garcia?
« on: March 30, 2017, 03:03:44 AM »
I said some time ago KJ needs to come with the play as opposed to the play coming to him,he becomes stagnant and be easily marked,more difficult to mark a moving target,and in coming with the play he gives us more options
I think Cyrus needs to play in the midfield instead of Kevin George,he will give us more options,he can do all what George does and still be an attacking player,George is to one dimensional,face it there is zero creativity in the midfield,Cyrus could change That

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Mexico Game (28-Mar-2017)
« on: March 29, 2017, 09:45:17 AM »
Cato he looks a little to wild to me especially when shooting at goal.With a little more composure when taking shots on goal,he can be a very decent player,he supports the defence and that's always good

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