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Messages - Sentinel

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General Discussion / Re: Where in De World allyuh is ???
« on: February 04, 2007, 07:54:38 AM »

Chicago, IL....

Anybody living north of here I dunno what to say....it cold no ass right now....Under zero as we speak....lawd!

Football / Re: Warriors face Panama tonight
« on: January 31, 2007, 06:40:01 AM »
The early part of the journey to Panama was eventful enough, with midfielder Jemmott entertaining the boys with some Jamaican chanting and even coach Rijsbergen and manager Sam Phillip dropping a joke or two.

Even Jemmott what to be Jamaican too. Shamless, we culture dead allyuh !!!!!! Trins is real want to be and not just Jemmott, many youth growing up now.... PUNKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when Crazy, Denise, Chalkdust, Baron, Preacher, Superblue, Anslem Douglas, Watchman, Gypsy, etc etc..... die we culture will die with them also.... nothing worng with wanting to change Claypso to Soca because de generation changing, but be orignal !!!!! I swear when I go home now all them Soca sounding like Dub.... I feel shame and foc-ing mad eh.... even Bunji is a want to be, doh mind he does diss them, but he to is ah want to be, go to Toronto Lime and hear de bunch of shit they singing now.......... foc that is Chutney for me now, Soca Chutney....


Football / Re: B'dos Griffith: 'We can beat Haitians' [??????]
« on: January 28, 2007, 02:05:25 PM »
Is Griffith nickname...Bimblast?  Just curious

Football / Peaking at the Right Time
« on: January 24, 2007, 06:45:51 AM »
I think the primary lesson to be learned about the results of this tournament is that the better prepared team.... won.  The old adage again comes into play…”Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.”

Maybe the cliche "Timing is everything" does have its merits. T&T was always playing catch up to Haiti.  Too little….to late!

This leaves T&T with certain questions that go a begging...the...WHAT IFS!

Consider the following.

(1)  While T&T was at the point of "still sourcing and selecting" players....Haiti was already running full steam ahead....as a “conditioned team.”  Haiti was the first team to arrive at the tournament...if I am not mistaken, a full week earlier than the "official" start of the “finals”.  Guaranteed they still had one last match to play, prior to the “official finals”...however, getting over this hurdle, worked to their favor, giving them a distinct physical and psychological match ready advantage going into the finals of the tournament. 

In effect, Haiti was probably much better "match and tournament prepared" than any of the other teams going into the final phase of the tournament.  That is, because they had already match tested the conditions that they were preparing to play in, learning to adapt, improvise, and overcome.

(2)  At the time T&T was “struggling” to qualify for the semis, only now showing positive results based on their preparation, Haiti had already qualified for the semi-finals.  This gave Haiti the advantage of “testing the main opposition” while resting their starters.  Results of this  “test” was not significant in terms of qualification, but more importantly, significant for the last phase, the final game.  Now it was only a question, of Haiti and T&T coming through to the finals….as expected.
Haiti was clearly studying us, our strengths and weaknesses.

If we are to analyze the statistics, results of the "final leg” of this tournament reveal.

            P   W       D   L    
Haiti      6   5   0   1
Trinbago    5        3        1        1

Interestingly, of the two games played between Haiti and T&T, .Haiti scored 3, while T&T scored 4. Yet, they still won the tournament.

What if T&T had started preparing just one week earlier?  Would a friendly against a quality opponent help our cause, considering we already had home court and home crowd advantage?  The answer to these questions we will never know.

Up next…the Gold Cup!…or is it the under 17 competition in April?

Have we learned from our mistakes?

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Haiti game, the re-match.
« on: January 23, 2007, 07:22:05 PM »
First of all....Thank you tallman for providing the stream.

Congrats Haiti....

Well done T&T....you showed heart and soul!  Defeated but never disgraced.  Well done

Football / Re: Costa Rica test for Soca Warriors
« on: January 17, 2007, 11:37:18 PM »
Triniman....no disrespect or anything like that....but...lets keep it positive...

Lets look at it this way.....who will be included!

Luv U T&T!

Football / Re: The French influence in T&T
« on: January 01, 2007, 03:19:56 PM »
The stick fighting, masking, dancing, among other things that you people claim were French influenced has actually been traced back to it's origins in W. Africa not France! ???

And you people still have not proven your point. The Carnival in Brazil is similar to that of Trinidad yet they were governed by the Portuguese. The same characteristics were performed by slaves there as well were they French too? ::)

You people my arse.  Grow up little boy.  Ah know it aren't your fault for being born where yuh did.  Trust meh...yuh missing out on yuh Culture.  Come home and learn.

So am I to understand that the point you are trying to make Warlord, is that Carnival is purely a West Afrikan experience?  How come then the Africans in JA only now realize their lost culture "Carnival" (only upon the introduction and importation from Trinidad) by "black Chinee" Byon Lee within the last 10-15 years agol...You mean to tell me it take a Chinee to jog yuh memory? Or maybe it is that people from JA did not come from West Afrika. 

Let me tell yuh boss, it was the coming together of Latin and Afrikan cultures that has evolved into Carnival as we know it today.  Carnival is a (fusion of cultures) that manifests itself into an art form that has its grounding in culture, politics, economics and religion. 

You know what happenned when the English Catholics (protestants) tried to stop the Carnival in Trinidad?...is nuff man get beat! 

Carnival was always tolerated (if not supported) by the Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French because of its association to the pre-lenten season...and its direct relationship to Roman Catholocism.  That is not to say that Afrikans did not also use this opportunity to express their own interpretions of art, culture, and feelings through Carnival.  Carnival belongs to us all.  In Trinidad, Carnival belongs to all people of Afrikan, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Indian, (East and Indegenous) Chinese, Syrian, Lebanese, and a multitude of other cultures all fused into one.  Everybody had their influence and played their part.

And yes...it was introduced by the French!  Doh get tie up.  If your sole purpose is to big up the going back to Afrika movement, I have no probs with that.  Trinbago plan on going for 2010.

Can anybody tell me how to post a sound file within the body of text on this forum.  Ah have some real exciting cultural interviews (sound clips) back in times.  I would prefer though that I can send those files to someone who can do it for me.  Age does have it limitations with regard to technology lol. 

I can tell you one thing...for those who want to go about supposin...I lived it, old enough to get some vestages of an era gone by.  I am from Cantago Village, Upper Santa Cruz, Trinidad...and although I can speak Spanish, because my Grandparents on both sides spoke the language, all the old villagers spoke patios.  Only a few spoke Spanish. 

Luv U T&T

General Discussion / Re: Merry Christmas Thread
« on: December 25, 2006, 12:40:20 AM »
Merry Christmas to all.....

From Chicago

Football / Re: Are their Haitian players in the T&T Pro League?
« on: December 23, 2006, 12:32:44 PM »
Soucouyant (female vampire)

Hold up....hold up....now a Socouyant eh not dog like creature...in Trinidad folk-lore...is ah woman who does shed she skin....turn into a ball ah fire....and come and suck yuh.  So when you get up in the morining and yuh have a "hickie" on yuh neck or any part of your body....feeling weak...is ah Socouyant suck yuh. 

Now...yuh can do for she. To combat she...yuh have to throw salt at the entrance of yuh house...so that when she about to go....she have to count every grain of salt you leave there.  Of course...she have to be back where she leave she skin...(in a mortar) before daylight...Yuh can catch her if you put plenty salt...since she must count every grain of salt you left there.

Another ting you can do is place pepper in the mortar that she left her skin.   Trust meh...all she bawling is "kin...kin...is me"  but she burning no arse.


A Douen is a child that died before having the opportunity to be baptised.  Typically...the Douen appears to little children...playing with them....and leading them to the deep forest.  This sprit appears as a little child...with a large hat....but if you look closely...you will see that their feet is turned backward.

Lagahoo...Lou Garou....

is ah man that does turn into a dog....or a matter of fact...any beast.  It had this fellah living next door to me...he name Toco....because he was from the seaside village of Toco...but come to live in Santa CruZ.  Whole night Toco trying to turn dog.   Well we put a good cut-arse on he....he neva try again.

La Diablese

Is a real beautiful woman who does come out late at night...looking really beautiful....with the sole purpose of luring unsuspecting males into the forest.   Be careful, cause she could lead you over a cliff or precipice.  To know if you dealing with a LaDiablesse...look at she foot.  One is human...the other is a cow hoof.

A  point to note.

Be careful of the silk cotton tree.  Nuff ting does be going on under this tree at midnight.  Toussaint...if you plan on visiting Trinidad...there is one between Maraval and Santa Cruz.  Take no chance being there at midnight...if you do...oh well!

Football / The French influence in T&T
« on: December 22, 2006, 11:00:01 AM »
(So in 1783 the King of Spain published a cédula de población, inviting any catholic subject of a monarch friendly to the Spanish crown to come and settle in Trinidad. Many colonists from the other Francophone caribbean islands came pouring in.)

Just to further this point.

Although the Spanish ruled at that time, a vast "majority" of the population (settlers) were of French creole descent.  During my time growing up as a boy, almost all of the older people spoke "patios" aka creole.  Matter of fact my grandparents on both sides spoke English, Spanish and Creole.  I can even speak creole that I learned from the "ole" people, even though not as fluent as my mother and now deceased father.  Growing up in the country had its benefits...heh heh.

Although the creole language is dying, there is still a village in the hills of Maraval namely "Paramin" ....where Creole is spoken even by the young ones.  Up there they seem stuck in a time zone.  Matter of fact, it is my understanding that a catholic mass is being said exclusively in Patois on Ash Wednesday, or maybe it is Midnight mass on Christmas Eve.

Just my two cents.

Football / Re: Had never seen this before
« on: December 02, 2006, 09:56:04 AM »
Don't know if this was posted before.  Came across it while looking at above link.

Check dis...


Football / Re: Fatima x San Juan - RBTT National Intercol Final!
« on: November 30, 2006, 04:27:41 PM »
Ok Coops...you called it a while now! Respect


Football / Re: Fatima x San Juan - RBTT National Intercol Final!
« on: November 30, 2006, 10:06:40 AM »
Yuh done know......

Nuff said!

Football / Jamaica vs. Mexico - Women
« on: November 26, 2006, 06:26:24 PM »
Now on FSC....57 min

Half time score Jamaica 0 - Mexico 3

Football / Re: Intercol semis today
« on: November 25, 2006, 03:45:38 PM »
No sah...but today Yessssssssss.....

Football / Re: Intercol semis today
« on: November 25, 2006, 03:42:33 PM »
Allyuh leave meh Keepah alone nah!

Football / Re: Intercol semis today
« on: November 25, 2006, 03:39:38 PM »
Ah big save!

Football / Re: Intercol semis today
« on: November 25, 2006, 02:51:33 PM »

Football / Re: Fatima conquer 'Compre' to lift North InterCol.
« on: November 18, 2006, 08:40:33 AM »
Thats what I call

"Comprehensive cutass"

Football / Re: Coops' mother passed away
« on: November 03, 2006, 04:38:53 PM »
My deepest condolences to you and your family!


Football / Re: Warriors going the right way
« on: October 29, 2006, 11:13:01 AM »
What a misleading heading for and article.

After reading this piece ah rah..rah...rah, I cannot help but wonder if the author,( in this day and age) consider us, (the audience) "country bookie" or something.

This piece of shit is filled with so many contradictions….it aren’t funny! 

From my point of view, all he tries to do is minimize yet support the malaise that continues to erode the true cause of our country's problems manifested through professional sports...aka football and cricket (nahhhhhh....lets just deal with football). 

A...A... By the way horse, take these blinders....put them on.  Yuh go see betta!

The intent of this weak, palsy written commentary seeks to do one and only one thing.  Its covert purpose is an attempt to divert focus from those who are accountable and responsible, by blaming the blameless.  In the past they have blamed coaches and players…but dah kinda stale….so today we go blame supporters.  In today’s popular “parlang” it is all about minimizing collateral damage!

But what about de continuing issues?

So….from overselling tickets to the stadium…compromising citizen’s health and safety…
To….Buying TV rights for $1 and selling for exorbitant figures…
And diverting contracts to only family and friends…
With a ticket or leave it ATTITUDE…and yes…BEHAVIOUR..and the list goes on and on…
And in spite of the ongoing investigation yuh not worried?

And oh gawd….YOU can still call ME greedy?  Yuh is real pull-stones yes!

The one paragraph that I though most profound is…quote.

“This, if it remains in this mode, is good for the team, the individual players, and the Federation. The call, by an English journalist, to destabilise local football over this issue, has been sensibly ignored here in Trinidad and Tobago.”

In other words…as long as we remain complacent…lack vigilance…stay ignorant and doh strike…it is all good for everyone.  Oh by the way…despite the evidence of  gross skulduggery…it is all about a conspiracy theory by this English bloke. 

Hello…we not ignoring yuh…whether it be by chance or design. If the side playing shit…we not going.  If the price is not affordable…we not going.  If yuh taking meh money and yuh have problems paying meh players…I eh going.  Remember I can choose to be an ardent supporter, or maybe, as some put it....a waggonist, if I so desire.  It is my right!  Yuh cyah force me to spen meh own money.  Remember cost ah living high fuh so!

So why yuh complaining about supporters not turning out?  Maybe the grouse that you really have is falling revenues required to fill your coffers….. instead of the less visible matters of respecting players, coaches, supporters and love of country!

My advice….concentrate on spending the money investing in good football administration, upgrading football standards, fields etc. instead of trying to rip-off me and my country.

Meh grandmother always used to say….”Show me who you frequent, and I shall tell you who you are”

In summary, the author only demonstrates through his writing, he being a willing participant of “T&T’s Football Matrix”.   And they are all crooks.  Punto finale!

So please preacherrrrr....settle yuhself…when yuh ready to expose sin...don't just look at the effects...but more importantly...the cause!

Luv U T&T!

Forum Massive:

I am not yet a member of Warrior Nation but I have been posting for many years on the forum.  I give my heartiest support to the stand we take in in highlighting the justice that needs to be done.

Respectfully submitted,

Anthony Pacheco (Sentinel)
Chicago, IL

Football / Re: Football talk about again Gally on I9.95 local vs foreign
« on: September 30, 2006, 07:51:59 PM »
Sometimes I wonder....the more these experts try to sound knowledgable....is the more ignorant dey sound.  Dem ego strokers!

We have a way of getting stuck in the past....whether it be negative...or until most recently...the "surprising results" we experienced at WC 2006.  All ah dem who have the answers....FAILED.  The one bright spot we achieved....they trying to mess it up...instead of learning, emulating, initiating and implementing.   

Oh gawd...please leave the Latapy issue alone nah.  Move on to bigger and brighter things.  Find out where the next Latapy or Yorke may be hiding. Oh yeah...if Latapy came on earlier...we probably coulda win world cup too....please! But then again...the sole purpose for their criticisms is to validate why we should choose a local coach.

To be honest, I really thought that admin could have given Gally another chance...cause he came sooooo close to achieving something meaningful.  However, by attacking other "foreign..."successful " coaches is not the answer.  Dey sounding "xenophobic" spitefull and prehistoric!   

Another thing.......any adjustment you make in terms of a team's tactical play....would have consequences in terms of the results attained.  Sure we would all love to see us demonstrate our "god given skills" that they continue to refer to....score many goals...and win!  We "coulda" play more offensive....sacrificing defense, and also get totally embarrassed with a ton of goals in we backside too, as we have all witnessed for so many years.  Then dey go criticize again!

Oh gawd....instead of building on what we achieved most recently...the haters continue to downplay success...in the hope that they can achieve and surpass our surprising success.  Yeah we reach (like dat is a normal ting for we)...but we coulda...and woulda....and shoulda!

Yeah...dey want to hear that Mr. So and So is the first local coach to reach world cup.  Nothing wrong wid dat but learn how to do it.....then DO IT nah!  With the misguided negative approach...they destined to fail...again and again and again!

The biggest concern I have though...is with administration and the ("fast food"- "bandaid") approach to reaching the top.  I have to agree that we must develop the programs necessary to teach local players and coaches alike,  the right techniques and attitude to achieving success at the modern game.  Lets face it....de admin not supporting local players or coaches.  Ah could neva blame the coaches like (Coops, SH, Shabazz etc.) from plying their trades elsewhere.  I could neva blame the players, (Yorke, Latas, Stern etc.) from doing deh do!

I firmly believe we do have the talents in all fields...but these talents have to be harnessed, nurtured and developed for us to achieve the success we know we achieve.

But then again...the "fast food" approach continue to plague us...De administration won't see beyond dey nose, cause dey sole purpose is to benefit short term, within "their" short lifetimes.

The only fighting dong any and all efforts to long-term national planning or organization.  Dey just get rid of another bright spot in "Lincoln".  Guess you really cyah teach ole dawgs new tricks! 

Luv U T&T!

Football / Re: Soca Warriors Video - check it out
« on: July 07, 2006, 04:59:43 AM »
Very well done.....thank you so much.

Luv U T&T

Heyyyyyyyy...we not talking bout DOMINOES here!  although Mexican beating up on you know who!

Want history...ah go geh yuh it! I lived it....I was there!

Way back in the late 60's early 70's Dom Basil Mathews (Benedicts College) hired a Surinamese coach by the name of Augustus Wooter....from Suriname ....followed by Brunner from Brasil.....followed by  Verity...(English) Maroski (German)....and a host of others....Nobody in the Caribbean could advise we ah foreign!

Mexico get four....HAITI get five but reduced to 2-1 in favour of Haiti..Yes...we was ROBBED!

History says that we are Kings of the Caribbean......not some fly by night upstarts who took advantage of a particular situation that we invented!

Now some imposters go advise we bout ah foreign coach!  I was waiting to hear D shit.

Lawd....we even invented the Reggae beat....but....doh let me explashiate....the ole man old...but I could tell yuh bout history!

Go in yuh corner lyttle boys! and learn!  Dis is D Sentinel.

Luv U T&T!

Thief from thief go make god LAUGH…..and small people of our nation….CRY!

I think this whole situation STINKS of Politricks and Yes....the word I hate the most....WAGONNISM!

It all boils down to small minded people jockeying for control ...over who governs T&T...so that they "whomever" can assume control of positional power and T&T's finances.  Whether it be PNM or UNC!  Same Shit.

To be honest....the present day government was never interested in football until....We Reach!  Manning then surfaced because the T&T football team qualified….and yes….I am head honcho of T&T…so ah have to be highly visible….making all kinda promises….meeting with Yorke etc.

So what if he (Manning) neva did?  Ah go now bestow on my subjects one million in assets.  Ah go show who run tings.  Government did not have to verbalize promises…but then again….it was done for the sole purpose of visibility and political expediency.  Oh gawd…if you give the team the Chaconia gold…at least include Jack…without him it was a no go.  Trinity cross….hell no!

Lack of principle at its highest…literally and figuratively.  

You have to give Jackula he Jacket though!  He loved football…but certainly not more than the money he knew he could sifon.  He in turn making his bid for the monarchy at the highest level of our nation.

So part 2. Jackula announces he not going to finance like he did before.  So he puts the onus on the present government…..but remember…government at war wid Jack….because he represents UNC… so the present government not supporting football until we visible again.  Takes a hell of a lot of money in the pre-qualification states.   Without money…we cookoo cook.  

Fallout from this….vote me in …and I will make sure government takes care of football….cause I will have access to the nation’s treasury.

How we dysfunctional sooooo.

To be honest….the only people loosing are the citizens of our nation.

Luv U T&T

Football / Re: Ince: Warriors not appreciated enough
« on: June 29, 2006, 12:28:10 AM »

What a shame....disgrace is a better word, especially from a man who has served as a member of our defense force.  Trust meh....he just put he foot in he mouth again.  I have absolutely no respect for Imps. 

No love for country!  Guess he is Jack's spokesperson now!


Football / Statistics
« on: June 23, 2006, 06:20:25 PM »
Does anyone have the statistics with regard to team placement after first round elimination?

Football / Re: A Report from Germany
« on: June 23, 2006, 05:37:29 PM »

Well done T&T...Dey will neva understand how we does do it.

Doh worry..... pretty soon dey will dispatch psychologists and philosophist...and andropologist to try and figure it out.

But then again the only people who knows the answer .....
Trinbagonians...yuh done know

Luv U T&T

Football / Re: Jack Pulls Out!
« on: June 22, 2006, 07:40:24 AM »
Oh gorm Jack...at least do like the "brilliant" guiness commercial say....wear dark shades so that no one will see what yuh tinking.....then bluff.

Go ahead Jack....position yuhself!

As the ole people say...common sense make before book sense.

Read in between the lines.  What Jack actually saying is that "The Government" is the most likely source for funding.  

Vote me in....ah go be Government...we go fund yuh.

Trust meh.....if one does a check and balance of money spent....and money gained...through football...Jack still way ahead.  

What he playing for right now is access to T&T funds....in addition to FIFA funds.

What ah ting!

Luv U T&T

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