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Messages - JabJab

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« on: October 07, 2006, 11:25:50 AM »
We need to get a petetion going in support of the warriors. I sugest the following:

1. Local Warrior Nation members show up at the gates with signs in protest or wear arm bands during the match making it known in a declared press release.

2. Get e-maill addresses for TTFF (every address possible) and blast them expressing our disappointment and disgust.

3. Phone calls: both local and foreign but in an organized manner for them to feel the effect

4. Written petition hand delivered to them with a copy sent to the media

5. Posts on TTFF's website( very useul tool) expressing our view so its in their face

6. Locals could look for when TTFF officials arrive for the game and call them "out"

7. Ato Boldon can be very useful here

8. I am sure Boynes would love to join in so the same things can be done to the ministry of Sport

9. Call the radio statios

10. Call the TV stations

11. Protest right after the game

What allyuh think ??

OK I makin moves:

I will start my sending an email to TTFF followed up by a phone call. I will post a copy of the email on here,

If youa re a true Warrior the time to stand up and be counted is now !!  Come On Warrior Nation....

Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation

   24 Dundonald Street
   P.O. Box 400 Port of Spain
   Trinidad and Tobago
Email: info@socawarriorstt.com
tel 868-623-7312
fax 868-623 8109

Any suggestions on a general format for the emails or just let TTFF know that fans eh liking what we see from dem.

General Discussion / Re: 'Death wish' gang out to settle scores
« on: October 03, 2006, 01:12:02 PM »
Look these fellas doh respect human life whether young or old so why give them the same respect. Look if you decide a life of crime is for u, then whatever bad comes your way might be too good for u. Innocent people always getting caught between these THugs [I doh care if yer had a bad childhood, once yer pick up a gun and start shooting yer forfeit any goodwill and deserve nothing but licks]. Licks for dem thugs, licks for dem corrupt police , licks for dem businessman that runnig guns because it make more money than they regular business and most of all licks for them politicians that doh give a damn about anybody but themselves.

General Discussion / Re: 'Death wish' gang out to settle scores
« on: October 02, 2006, 11:07:56 AM »
Govt and the people themselves have a responsibility. People who not involved but live in the area are afraid to come out or report anything. Look just the other day they killed that 70 something old grandmother, burned her house down. THese fellas eh have no respect for human life, even police who not corrupt fraid to go in some areas without army 'protection' Is a sad case and govt cannot or will not ensure people saftey if they're willing to identify known criminals in the area etc.My 2 cents.

General Discussion / Re: War in Lebanon (Escape from Lebanon)
« on: August 11, 2006, 08:07:06 AM »
if iran doesn't have nuclear weapons they can just ask their neighbour that has the big petro interests in iran for a hand - russia backing iran for sure. russia have lots of "loose" nuclear weapons - the kind that can find their way into iran's hands if the time comes. i think that is what is making the usa tread lightly - because they are having trouble gauging russia's reaction to having all their investments in iran under attack by an overly ambitious israel.

but before israel get to iran, they have to deal with syria. ha'aretz already giving rundown of the syrian military capabilities. three fronts - syria, lebanon and gaza? israel would have to be mad to extend themselves so far.

EDIT: BTW, this scenario of russia conflicting with israel, i've been told, is a sign of the second coming. russia is supposed to be the scattered remnants of the biblical land of gog and magog. when gog attacks israel, then we are in the last days. i'm getting this secondhand so i can't vouch for the details.

wHILE rUSSIA DOES HAVE  "LOOSE NUCLEAR WEAPONS"AS YOU PUT IT, THEY WILL NOT ALLOW THEM TO GET TO Iran.  Infact Russia will side with the USA if it comes to that.  Besides Russia has its own hands full with Checnya (sp) rebels and muslim insurgents.

And if I may remind you, Israel effectively dealt with all of the arab threat during the 6 days war.  I agree that israel is a bully but.......All those arab countries already tried to attack Israel and in a mere SIX (6) days they were routed by the Israeli Armed Forces. Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, and Syria decided to attack Israel and got theor asses whipped so badly, that to this day they cannot recover...i doh think dey ready fuh Israel at all, at all, please doh equate Israeli capabilities in dealing with terrorists with the usa...dey much better trained and prepared..it will be a rout!

Boy taking nukes out of the equation. I wonder if the Arab countries would be able to beat israel in a war now? Because Saudi Arabi have been beefing up with AMerican made F16s and other military items. Iran showing they have good ground capabilities[look at how Hezbollah giving israeli ground troop real pressure in the guerilla warfare on the ground] and missiles etc. Just wondering out loud.

General Discussion / Re: Sat Maharaj - Loud and clear
« on: August 11, 2006, 07:57:22 AM »
Boy ..........is like they wah turn sweet T&T into Guyana, I eh like all this kinda race talk. It is dispicable to hear grown educated men stoop to this level. All this doing is giving credence to the less educated individuals in socitey who have these same WARPED views.

I done say Trinidad need a DOUGLA party to come in. The two party system .....the Indian party and Black party not cutting it at all. Both of them alienate and divide the country?? People not voting on policies rather than ......I is a Black man so is PNM, I is a Indian so is UNC.............That thinking is prehistoric.

I find Trinidad and Tobago to be cosmospolitan and toleraant , however these principles are being eroded with these organizations pushing they WARPED ideaologies.....It real flicking sad  :( I say FIRE for all a dem .............WHAM TO EVERY CREED AND RACE FIND AN EQUAL PLACE !!!

Man I watching the shit the government doing with our money and how it creating inflationary pressures. Look at the issues in places like Germany, USA, France, and practically ever right think nation in the world. This kind of thing would be made into big issues. Unfortunately the government is shit bu the they could always depend on the opposition to be worse. We have major issues like crime, smelter plant, under employment, corrupt police and judiciary, health and education but these thing are not as firey as   bogus claims of discrimination, tea cups  pelting and missing bags of sand, so they are ignored. I will vote for any other party just to try them out. They can't be much worse than these two.

Man you could not be more right. 3 years ago the govt budget was based on 30 or so dollars a barrel today it is 70 plus dollars. Where all that money going? TO buy chupid security blimp that doh work, big buildings in port of spain, chupid smelter that will only be employing mostly unskilled labor so little benefit to trini etc. And yer right the opposition cyah be depended on to do any better. What happen to infrastructure [better water supply, strengthen the Environment policies, reliable electricity, improved public transportation etc]. They need to set aside 1 acre in caroni and let sat and cudjoe work de land and stop peddling their noise and causing distrust amongst people who doh know no better if they listening to either one of dem kakaholes.

General Discussion / Re: War in Lebanon (Escape from Lebanon)
« on: August 02, 2006, 09:19:06 AM »
You eh lie. If yuh doh like the administration that is fine attack them all you want but doh bring race into it because lord knows there are plenty arab/middle eastern etc stereotypes and insults that could be sent right back to dem. Not too mention plenty black people in the U.S. actually support the palestinian cause.

I sure rice has been called worse in de state she grow up in

I think race will inevitably play a part because of what/who rice represents,, to them she represents an ally of israel thus death...to us its a mediating peace broker....in 99.9% of photo-ops at home or abroad she is like a raisin in ah glass of milk...yuh cyah pussyfoot around dat

Seems to me they had positive things to say about Powell.
Is not polite diplomats printin dem papers, it's regular common man

Nah man, dem hate bush like de devil but doh say nothing about his race. Common man or not these are journalist printing this in the main PA daily [palestinian authority  daily] newspaper. So as usual when black people agree we is friends but if you doh like what we doing yer start de racist talk?? But there will be little or no outcry in the states becuase she is 1]republican 2]a member of the bush cabinet. Had that been said about Jesse jackson or somebody else. People over here would have been up in arms!! But say wha. good ting she have tough skin yes.

General Discussion / Re: War in Lebanon (Escape from Lebanon)
« on: August 02, 2006, 08:50:32 AM »
You eh lie. If yuh doh like the administration that is fine attack them all you want but doh bring race into it because lord knows there are plenty arab/middle eastern etc stereotypes and insults that could be sent right back to dem. Not too mention plenty black people in the U.S. actually support the palestinian cause.

General Discussion / Re: War in Lebanon (Escape from Lebanon)
« on: August 02, 2006, 07:18:33 AM »
Palestinians Love to Hate
Condoleezza Rice

Rice is the Raven", "a terrorist and child murderer"
"I need more [children's] blood [to drink]"
"Americans are talented at igniting crisis... They are like mosquitoes that need a swamp to fly above."

By Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook- July 30, 2006

Above and beyond the steady anti-American hatred promoted by the Palestinian Authority (PA) leaders for years, they seem to have a special penchant for hating Condoleezza Rice. Some of the attacks have included expressions of racial hatred, as in an article this week referring to Rice as a "raven" and a previous article that referred to her as "the colored... the dark skinned... the black lady." [see PMW Bulletin]

In another racist  article attacking Condolezza Rice, the PA daily referred to her as the ”black woman” [three times], the “black spinster” and continues that he even considered the term “black widow” but rejected it. Her father is called the "black clergyman” [who filled her head with Bible stories] and Colin Powell is the “black man”, the “black gentleman” and even the “brave and moderate black.”

All appeared in the official PA daily, then controlled by Arafat, today under Mahmoud Abbas.

This week a cartoon mocked her hope for the birth of a new Middle East by drawing Rice pregnant with a monkey.

 Boy these Palestinians media outlets really know how to get in touch with people of african descent in America.

Clink on the link if you're interestedin seeing the picture.


I eh no communist but de U.S. policy with Cuba is pure dotishness to me. They say Castro's brother will take over while he's sick and I hear things will not change much with him either. I admire Cuba that despite it all they have persevered and in a few cases surpassed expectations [medical field for example]. We will see what will happen over the next few months.

General Discussion / Re: War in Lebanon (Escape from Lebanon)
« on: July 31, 2006, 12:45:21 PM »
ay ay die thread still here? Allyuh eh easy nuh.

I not in dis foolishnesss. Last I check I not in school anymore. Allyuh Fatima man  whining on this board grow up and move on nah. Unless some of allyuh still in Fatime then this doh apply to you. Rest of allyuh school done. Grow up!!!

Oh lord u mean u went to Fatima and cah spell de word.

Or is this some form of sarcasm I miss out on.


 :) Typo in de heat of de moment. Didn't know we have online spellcheckers on ths board. Will do better next time. Good ting FATIMA teach you to spell. Which teacher you will give credit for dat?? P.S. 'Dat' is a form of trini slang and intentional not a typo.  haha moderators move this to the general section.

I not in dis foolishnesss. Last I check I not in school anymore. Allyuh Fatima man  whining on this board grow up and move on nah. Unless some of allyuh still in Fatime then this doh apply to you. Rest of allyuh school done. Grow up!!!

Football / Re: Eriksson!
« on: July 27, 2006, 08:59:03 PM »
Jamaica have so much peple suffering and the best thing allyuh could do is spend 180 million JA dollars on a man that couldn't do much with what England thought was one of their best teams ever?? Allyuh must be expecting plenty financial return on your investment then? Maybe you all should get Barnes at a discount and spend the rest of the money on yer people.

General Discussion / Re: TAKE DONG DAT BLASTED FLAG!!!
« on: July 27, 2006, 07:19:19 PM »
:clown: :clown: :joker: :joker: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown: :joker: :cheers: :wavetowel: :wavetowel: :wavetowel: :wavetowel: :wavetowel: :joker: :joker: :joker: :joker: :party: :party: :party: :party: :afro: :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown: :party: :party: :party: :party: :joker: :joker: :joker: :salute: :mackdaddy:

*unfurling page*

First of all I'd like to thank my publicist Pecan without his efforts there would be no filler during the down times.........my most combatitive of managers Toppa...thanks to all the participants in this thread who have earned me some beer & wine money
Props to My man JabJab..if it were not for his level of dotishness to continue being sucked in...this thread would have never reached the dizzying heights that I knew can be acheived

I HAVE SO MANY people to thank,, but they're giving me the signal to get off...THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To the beast who dared bet mih...I eh go sell yuh out yet,,, ah know yuh lurkin and only post once to try and slow dong de ting...people tell mih bout yuh PM campaign too

Yuh have mih paypal account RUN MIH MORNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well done yer ^%%$#  :) But is all good Extra thanks should go to Toppa were it not for her valuable input I would never have been able to perform as long as i did. :devil: Laters

General Discussion / Re: War in Lebanon (Escape from Lebanon)
« on: July 27, 2006, 04:04:33 PM »
NO!NO!NO! Allyuh let de ting reach 20 pages??? Geez an now Dutty get he wish and win he bet. SSTTTEEEEUUUUUPPPPSSSSS!!! >:( Ahh well what yer do?

« on: July 27, 2006, 01:53:06 PM »
dais real kicks yes. :rotfl: Nothing like a woman that take time to understand a man. :rotfl:

General Discussion / Re: War in Lebanon (Escape from Lebanon)
« on: July 27, 2006, 11:19:00 AM »
ah have to agree with yuh there Toppa..that is how i see it also
NO NO NO NO....all dis setta agreement ting and huggin and little house on de prarie ting,, is what go cause de thread to dead
de thread is bout war ...mek war!!!

TWENTY pages....!!!!....look nah ah have ah red fifty ridin on dis

ah go hadda drag dis ting accross de finish line mihself oui

Toppa yuh talkin ah setta shit!!!!!!!!

Dutty yuh ent easy yuh know  ;D
like you is de CIA..yuh keep spreading chain up talk lol
now yuh tell Organic and Pecan they talking shit too..well tell Jab Jab that too LOL

Ah done get dat already. He is a set up man oui!!!

JabJab..yuh go get ah red card for condescension...........and yuh talkin ah setta shyte!!!!

And fer dat. Posters doh post no more we cyah let Dutty make de 20 pages!!!!. Toppa please take a break!!

General Discussion / Re: War in Lebanon (Escape from Lebanon)
« on: July 27, 2006, 08:42:27 AM »
Boy toppa i take a break from this thread and just happen to comme back and see you talking chupid mindless tata. I give you credit though, yer 18 and at least have an opinion but lemme give yer a suggestion when yer arguing a point for discussion get yer facts straight.As a poster said you arguing from emotion not facts [all dem chupid websites you reading take propaganda to a new level. BTW they have websites on the other end as well saying Israel and U.S. can do no wrong, dem is chupid site too].  If yer using emotion then no one can discuss wit u only argue. Yer 18 right? So is summer time yer should go outside and play wit de rest of de children in de playground and leave big people to talk. I tink I hear de ice cream truck?? RUn girl run!!! I done now.

JabJab..yuh go get ah red card for condescension...........and yuh talkin ah setta shyte!!!!

come to think of it,,dat might work out well,,,,yuh berating will vex she and sun in arizona hot like hell
Pure vexation..

carry on brudder carry on

Fishs is over 60 years of misery goin on in dat region dey,,, only places GE & lockheed-martin profitin

How yuh go deny ah man ah lil profit from ah mere 20 pages......ah hadda subsidize de popcorn yuh know,,,have ah heart nah

LETS GO PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :challenge: :duel: :timeout:

Well I hope ah get send off de field, but ah so dotish ah keeping getting drag back into conversation wit she [plenty other posters learn they lesson but my head hard sometimes]. Ay you shoould be glad. Ah helpin you make de 20  pages. ;D

General Discussion / Re: Crime in TnT
« on: July 27, 2006, 07:35:27 AM »

General Discussion / Re: War in Lebanon (Escape from Lebanon)
« on: July 27, 2006, 07:34:00 AM »
Boy toppa i take a break from this thread and just happen to comme back and see you talking chupid mindless tata. I give you credit though, yer 18 and at least have an opinion but lemme give yer a suggestion when yer arguing a point for discussion get yer facts straight.As a poster said you arguing from emotion not facts [all dem chupid websites you reading take propaganda to a new level. BTW they have websites on the other end as well saying Israel and U.S. can do no wrong, dem is chupid site too].  If yer using emotion then no one can discuss wit u only argue. Yer 18 right? So is summer time yer should go outside and play wit de rest of de children in de playground and leave big people to talk. I tink I hear de ice cream truck?? RUn girl run!!! I done now.

General Discussion / Re: War in Lebanon (Escape from Lebanon)
« on: July 26, 2006, 08:54:56 PM »
You trying to put the cart before the donkey. Everything Hezbollah has done thus far has been retaliatory. Had the Israeli soldiers not been trying to carry out an operation in Lebanon, they would not have been captured by Hezbollah. Had Israel agreed to the prisoner exchange and not attacked Lebanon, rockets would not have been firing into Israel.

Who is Hezbollah to be patrolling Lebanon like them is some official army?

A Lebanese army already exists.  Have the people of Lebanon bestowed any authority (officially or morally) upon Hezbollah to act on their behalf?
Answer dat truthfully!

Hezbollah are seen as heroes and liberators in Lebanon because they were the ones who ended Israel's 20 yr occpation of Lebanon. Israel created Hezbollah.

 Hezbollah forced Israel to leave? How?

Is me you talking to? Cyar be.

Good point. It was curious sarcasm to see what valuable infomration would come outta yer mout.

General Discussion / Re: War in Lebanon (Escape from Lebanon)
« on: July 26, 2006, 08:52:48 PM »
yeah Jab Jab..they keep trying to take out Hamas leaders..why they didnt try to do the same with Hezbollah also btw..since you brought up that angle?

They had minor border skirmishes with Hezbollah but Hamas, islamic jihad etc were /are the main perpetrators of suicde bombs against israeli citizens. So Isreal has attempted to 'take out' the various leaders of these organizations that mastermind these suicide attacks as well as lob rockets from the west bank, gaza etc into israel.

General Discussion / Re: War in Lebanon (Escape from Lebanon)
« on: July 26, 2006, 08:42:33 PM »
What jurisdiction does Hezbollah have to capture Israeli soldiers in Lebanese territory? What jurisdiction does Israel have to hold elected members of the Palestinian Gov't and thousands or other Palestinians captive? What authority do they have to hold Hezbollah people captive and carry out extra-judicial assasinations?

I ask u about Hezbollah.
Answer the question.
What jurisdiction or authority do they have?

You trying to put the cart before the donkey. Everything Hezbollah has done thus far has been retaliatory. Had the Israeli soldiers not been trying to carry out an operation in Lebanon, they would not have been captured by Hezbollah. Had Israel agreed to the prisoner exchange and not attacked Lebanon, rockets would not have been firing into Israel.

Hezbollah instigated the recent action back on July 12.  Not withstanding your info that the kidnapping was done in Lebanon (an I am not sure of that - I doh trust your sorces).  The sources I read all indicate that iit was Hezbollah dat started this recent shit.  Israel was attempting to rescue a soldier thatwas kidnapped by Hamas a couple of weeks earlier.  Not 100% sure .. but didsunderscores a point that propoganda will be spewed by both sides to blame the other side.

the moral of the story ... yuh cannot accept the various reports at face value.  At the end of dey day, we doh really know what went on.  Only what we read in the biased press.

aye why didnt Israel target Hamas instead..it didnt seem Hezbollah was 'that' in the news prior to the attacks.
so allyuh trying to say that Israel was right to attack anybody wherever and whenever with their drones?..i talking bout during ceasefire and thing btw

 Are you talking about the attempted assainations of hamas leaders etc?

General Discussion / Re: War in Lebanon (Escape from Lebanon)
« on: July 26, 2006, 08:40:30 PM »
You trying to put the cart before the donkey. Everything Hezbollah has done thus far has been retaliatory. Had the Israeli soldiers not been trying to carry out an operation in Lebanon, they would not have been captured by Hezbollah. Had Israel agreed to the prisoner exchange and not attacked Lebanon, rockets would not have been firing into Israel.

Who is Hezbollah to be patrolling Lebanon like them is some official army?

A Lebanese army already exists.  Have the people of Lebanon bestowed any authority (officially or morally) upon Hezbollah to act on their behalf?
Answer dat truthfully!

Hezbollah are seen as heroes and liberators in Lebanon because they were the ones who ended Israel's 20 yr occpation of Lebanon. Israel created Hezbollah.

 Hezbollah forced Israel to leave? How?

General Discussion / Re: War in Lebanon (Escape from Lebanon)
« on: July 26, 2006, 08:08:25 PM »
The lebanese army/govt are too weak tostop hezbollah right now. Even if they could they are afraid of sparking another civil war in the country.

This is the thing I haven't decided upon yet.
Hezbollah has power because people in Lebanon support them....A LOT of people.  This is in addition to Iran and Syria.
So you can't sy Hezbollah holding Lebanon hostage really cuz they have strong support.....so when Lebanon get bomb because of Hezbollah action the same civilians getting killed but is their country and they haven't been able to control what goes on in their borders.

I guess it doesn't make it any less tragic that people are dying but when u say "innocent" lives are lost.  Does that include the ones who support the same guerilla warfare that has led to the assalt on Beirut?
Somehow I don't think the Israeli's see those civilians being as innocent as the rest of the world might see them   :-\

That is a good point and one I can't answer but if I were to guess I would say they are still[ israel that is] trying to limit civilians [all civilians] killed. Hezbollah in some cases are using innocent[ non combatants] as human shileds. Going in their houses and hiding , fighting etc. This makes it defficult to fight them. Make no mistake if Israel just wanted to 'get' hezbollah alot more civilians would be killed. It is because of these civilians that makes the job more difficult. Regardless of whether they support hezbollah or not.

General Discussion / Re: War in Lebanon (Escape from Lebanon)
« on: July 26, 2006, 08:02:49 PM »
And who are the ones suffering? Lebanese civilians; not Israelis, not soldiers of Israel and not Hezbollah.

The question is...who fault is that?

Some same Israel...others say Hezbollah..and still others will say the Lebanese government and by extension the same Lebanese civilians who getitng killed.

WHat is clear is that Hezbollah will be chased by Israel until they feel safe...the Lebanse army hasn't lifted a finger against Hezbollah...have they?  After all Hezbollah is firing rockets from Lebanon into Israel.

U feel we would let Abu fire rockets into Caracas and not expect Port of Spain to get bomb?

Hezbollah hiding amongst the civilian population so they will get killed.  What exactly isa the Lebanese government/army doing to protect its citizens?

There is no Lebanese army and a very new Gov't. Hezbollah only started firing rockets at Israel after Israel launched the attack on them. The Israeli soldiers were captured because they were on the Lebanese side of the border carrying out an operation.

Huh?????? Really well you just full of useless inaccurate information eh???

General Discussion / Re: War in Lebanon (Escape from Lebanon)
« on: July 26, 2006, 08:00:29 PM »
250 hezbollah fighters killed to date according to de news. 250 less vermin to deal wit. Good Riddance!!!!

Those are civilians idiot.

Now you see you are again displaying yer ignorance. Actually more than 3oo civilians have been killed. Apart from that ther have been reports that 250' HEZBOLLAH'  fighters have been killed since the ground incursion by Israel over the last few days. Please take time to get some information before you start jabbering. You obviously did not even attempt to research what I said before yer tried to blast me with ignorance. Again relax.

General Discussion / Re: War in Lebanon (Escape from Lebanon)
« on: July 26, 2006, 07:53:07 PM »
"Hezbollah hiding amongst the civilian population so they will get killed.  What exactly isa the Lebanese government/army doing to protect its citizens?"

The lebanese army/govt are too weak tostop hezbollah right now. Even if they could they are afraid of sparking another civil war in the country.

General Discussion / Re: War in Lebanon (Escape from Lebanon)
« on: July 26, 2006, 07:50:50 PM »
250 hezbollah fighters killed to date according to de news. 250 less vermin to deal wit. Good Riddance!!!!

General Discussion / Re: Richest country in de Caribbean ?
« on: July 26, 2006, 08:26:40 AM »
" Richest country in de Caribbean" ?  I don't see how Trinidad could be the riches island and we so bad off! That have to do with the mismanagement of the money. Where is all of the money going can someone tell me please where is all the money... why can the government help the people who are struggling. When I go down to Port of Spain and I see all those vagrants down town it sickens me indside. If we have money then there should be programs and shelter for these people. Who go guard thee guards!
What kinda craziness you talking about man???? You doh see how many fancy buildings we putting up in POS? You doh see we going and build nice smelter plant with ALCOA? You doh see real estate gone high up so only rich people can afford to buy a house? You real ungrateful maybe I might have to tell de Police commissioner to have de 'Blimp' spy on you [btw we on the third one now at $100,000  rental per month]. :devil:

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