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Messages - Bamboo Prince

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
General Discussion / Re: Turtle tragedy
« on: July 10, 2012, 05:02:54 PM »
The Toronto Star has it in Kingston, Jamaica  ;D

We off the hook!

We off the hook? ???  More like you off yuh leash mih boy, the reporter was filin his report from Kingston.

Jokes / Re: Trini Smart Men
« on: January 27, 2010, 03:37:02 PM »

Yeah, ah geh mih one-ah-day dey!

if is Italy de man wah play for, i say let him fight he fight yes! 

next ting he reach in ghana, cyah fit een, men say he movin like a prima donna, he a speaka no eengleeesh, he pop dong in de world cup, dash way he career in Serie A and cyah go nowhey...

Let de man fight he fight. At home in italy.

Football / Re: Dwight Yorke Exclusive
« on: November 30, 2009, 04:02:01 PM »
Is two son he have?

ah wonder if de nex one will be ah ball peong

That next one born real quiet...

What abotu Latas? We is only hear about the last one, but ent he had two more before? One was named Joao, I remember.

yeah...Jaoa La Pena "Peppas" Latapy...

Football / Re: Sancho go fraid this woman
« on: November 06, 2009, 07:58:33 PM »
wha de rass dread? all dat is one sweat??  i say is a compilation ah was watchin dey yes!!! jah!!  :o

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Baron Sweet Soca Voice
« on: October 28, 2009, 03:56:54 PM »
dem was de days when yuh couldn't go wrong with sweet T&T yes...ah cyah believe my own country, now in dis festerin mess, used to be sweet so. 

at least we have de memories!   :'(

Dr strange hope you have the Dr hyde 93 cassette pistle !!!!! classic

Doh know nah, still have a crap load of tapes to go through   :beermug: :beermug:

yow dat pistle was de rizzle dizzle..big big internet points for de man who dig up dat!!!!  8) :beermug:

...and thanks war and strange for keepin men high!

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Japanese passa passa...
« on: October 25, 2009, 06:14:54 AM »
dem yardie have a way of teasin out de wajang in a gyul boy, wayz!  :devil:

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Childhood memories...
« on: October 25, 2009, 05:01:24 AM »
"Cuppin" man with sno-cone cup in de back ah dey head.  Preferably preceded by a record-breakin long-jump...

if yuh encode it in a 128kbps (or above) .mp3, dah go be nice...de .wav go be real good quality, but dais real space yo!

me eh know...wha de sw population sayin?

What about Track & Field / Re: 2009 Outdoor Results!!!!!
« on: September 21, 2009, 06:25:07 AM »
Well what a time for a man that says he has groin problems.

排名      Name 姓名    Nat
国籍    Result
成绩    React.time
1     GAY, Tyson
SR,NR    9.69

2     POWELL, Asafa
3     PATTON, Darvis
=PB    9.89
4     CARTER, Nesta
PB    9.91
SB    10.13
6     COLLINS, Kim
7     BURNS, Marc

8     WEN Yongyi
SB    10.36
9     CHEN Qiang
PB    10.36

Lard gad! Hear nah, Tyson is a man on a seeerious mission yes!

Doh mind he had a ideal +2 behind him for dah one, but crispy jesus, man!

What about Track & Field / Re: Now that the season is essentially over....
« on: September 20, 2009, 04:06:05 PM »
Ah like how mih boy Kanye rockin he Trini flag in he back pocket dey!

War, yuh len him dat orr?

Football / Re: Warriors get improved quality captain’s arm band
« on: September 09, 2009, 11:55:42 AM »
And if Lawrence did have a retirement announcement to make same evenin???

Coulda be some real forked up timin for symbolic armband ceremony!

What about Track & Field / Re: T&F Athletes Nicknames
« on: August 29, 2009, 05:44:19 AM »
phenom....as a youth.  most nick names are given when a youth

Yeah, I cool wit dat. 

Only that now in DB's golden years, he more earnin de title 'Darrel "Pull-up Phenom" Brown'...it eh have nobody could tess dis kid deceleration after the first 30.

Sorry Brown-nosers :-p but I fed up whip up support for dis man every competion for de last x years with de same conclusion.

What about Track & Field / Re: Message to Richard Thompson !!!!
« on: August 28, 2009, 11:32:14 AM »
but de foocker conceded to bad

Whey de grammar police?  :rotfl:

Ah try readin dat back out loud an ah soundin like a freshwater mihself oui!

What about Track & Field / Re: Babes of T& F
« on: August 23, 2009, 12:25:48 PM »
3 pages and nobody eh bring up Christine Arron of France yet???

Wha Bolt have with shavin' off ah eleventh so boy??? 

Daaaaaaaamn, negro! 8)

Big up!

General Discussion / Re: Amen!
« on: August 03, 2009, 06:58:00 AM »
Call 911 when she dead? I thought the regular procedure was to start de ressurection prayers???

General Discussion / Re: THE OFFICIAL BABES THREAD
« on: May 09, 2009, 09:05:07 AM »
Panama - I eh know if these are real or not.

yow, mods....lock dong dis tread now. NOW ah say.  Talk done.

damn straight yo...who de arse takin shotgun to face for minimum wage and it have wife an chirren waitin home to feed??? take wha yuh want yes!

as a guard, i only here to make de place look like it have people...if you brave enough to break een while me an my pardner here, you clearly eh business. 

General Discussion / Re: Trinidad reach whey it f**kking going yes!
« on: May 04, 2009, 12:41:01 PM »
the burroughs example (specifically, the effect he had on lawlessness) just showin us that from the criminals' point of view, 'ordinary' policing is not a deterrent simply BECAUSE in a democracy with a semi-mature justice system, policing within the bounds of the law is a sorry waste of time. 

Any sensible CoP would soon realise that in order to get the job done, yuh hadda fly high (above de law)

I'm sorry but this part here is just nonsense.  In fact quite the opposite, in any mature and functional democracy just the OPPOSITE is true... rule of law reigns supreme and whatever changes need to be implemented to ensure proper functioning of law and order could properly be had via the electoral process.  That is to say government in a democracy should have the mandate (from the people) and the power to implement effective law enforcement strategies without crossing the bounds of legality.  If the government officials in charge can't get the process done, then the people (in a "mature democracy") have the ability to vote them out and put officials in power who can.

We have such a system in Trinidad... people just refuse, or don't know how to shake free of party politics long enough to hold elected officials accountable at the ballot box.

hard luck dey Bakes, but is actually de justice system ah referrin to as half-ripe, not the democracy.

And half-ripe in de sense that just like a baby have all de facets of an adult, our justice system, from de cops to de courts, have all de right names for dey "departments" but none ah dem really developed in the sense of...working.

De democracy part intact as long as PNM winnin.  Ent? (random shot)

General Discussion / Re: Trinidad reach whey it f**kking going yes!
« on: May 04, 2009, 05:22:14 AM »
I just have one question for all who saying this and dat about boroughs!! if boroughs was alive and well in T&T today and was running the route wid the flying squad, would we have all this uncontrolable crime in the society TODAY ??!!  and fack what criminal activity he was involved in , just answer the queation!!

the burroughs example (specifically, the effect he had on lawlessness) just showin us that from the criminals' point of view, 'ordinary' policing is not a deterrent simply BECAUSE in a democracy with a semi-mature justice system, policing within the bounds of the law is a sorry waste of time. 

Any sensible CoP would soon realise that in order to get the job done, yuh hadda fly high (above de law) strike swift...the old adage - Drastic times call for drastic measures.  Inevitably, some truly innocent people go get caught up in de purge for maybe movin in de wrong circles. (Dey should know better)

F**k de party in power and take it into yuh own hands - when yuh units start to command respect and dey stop finding innocent women takin taxi to work brutally raped with dey face bash een with a big jagged rock, then yuh might even end up with a Trinity F**kin Cross!

Dem criminal and dem moving like terrorists and when (if!) dey get hold, civilian rules apply.  As a killa on de hill, me eh have you to study - is ME who go make YOU fraid to f**kin sleep tonight and keep checkin dat yuh relatives allright every hour!

Would-be rapists, kidnappers and murderers only too aware of the combination of -

the lack of police resources,

the porous justice system

the easy availability of guns

the proliferation of police/army no-go areas

the amount of pardners dey have in de force

the reluctance of witnesses to testify

how easy it is to paralyze a community with fear

how quickly they could make lawlessness overtake de rule of law

...all because "...is Trinidad."

Should a man with balls decide to take up where Burroughs an de flyin squad left off, de situation would rapidly improve, talk done.

Dem men an dem need to wake up in de mornin with the thought that it have a man who go find dem an mash dem een brutally if dey even get ketch near drugs, guns, conspiracy to kidnap, rape, whaeva...dey need a personality to let them know that their breed cyah proliferate in a small place like T&T.

Dey hadda KNOW dat and FEAR dat.  "Respect" and all ah dem ideals go come with de next generation...for now, f**k it.

wait...i can explain!!! errrrr  :-[

General Discussion / Re: "Helping PPL Move" Etiquette
« on: April 25, 2009, 05:47:39 AM »
one ting ah find bout arksin pardners to help yuh move...dey does end up taxin yuh for real ting - dvds, books, magazines, electronics, kitchen equip...alllll kinda ways dey wah help yuh "lighten yuh load" and "de-clutter"...peeps goin thru man whole inventory...maybe i is a boops ??? but in any case, when i help people move i does be on de same mission!  :beermug: :devil:

General Discussion / Re: This how they wreck cars in Trinidad now?
« on: April 23, 2009, 12:37:11 PM »
yeah but study yuh does hadda trek quite dong sea lots to get it back...yuh could lorse more dan yuh car on de way! :-[

Football / Re: Jones tops at £35,000
« on: April 11, 2009, 07:29:28 AM »
Warner is a real cu*t, why the F*ck yuh talking bout the man salary in public like that? next thing yuh know the man fam getting kidnap. I know it's not a secret but damn, that's not his business, why he don't tell us how much money he thief from we football and how much he making?

Boss.  That is not a secret.  It's no mystery. Yuh could go and check the players' union in the UK and get that type of info.

who so goin thru all ah dat?

is one ting to say de info already in de public domain...is quite another to put it in de papers in a small country where one setta bandit walkin rong wit big big ears like batman

I am guessing that this will be a wide open game. Bayern just come at you Kamikaze style. Banzai  ;D

yeah...Bayern gettin dey arsehole tear wide open!   :devil:

ah hear Toni get hold tryin to board de team bus halftime to ride out...whaz dah one??? Ribery was at de wheel again of course!

Football / Re: Usain Bolt vs. CRonaldo
« on: April 07, 2009, 12:59:42 PM »
De only ting i seein is some real unsportsmanlike behaviour from Bolt - for de moment forgettin de IOC president comments last summer - ah doh know if his PR man does be advisin him to bump dah gum of his so liberally. 

Is one ting if he commentin on a one-off past event or if one of them retired or something, but both of them still actively plyin dey trade on de world stage and, as sportsmen, have to back each other up and, yes, rely on each other's goodwill.  Is man food yuh talkin bout.

Some might say, well it eh nuttin, what Bolt know bout football? I say, wuss yet, de man strectch he mout over from one sport to another with no positive intention in sight.  Next he go wah know why Ol Trafford pull dey offer of hospitality ??? steeeeups

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs USA game (01-Apr-2009).
« on: April 01, 2009, 06:59:03 PM »
well dais wah de half is for sometimes yes, to get that starstruck feelin slapped de f**k outta yuh...certain men playing like de zombified.

we go rock back with a more confident setup now.  

ah hope.

Football / Re: Start a Chant Thread
« on: April 01, 2009, 05:33:32 PM »
if maturana put up a sh*tty lineup we could start this chant:

francisco yous a kakahole

(same chorus used for T&T we want a goal)  :devil:

nah change dat...we boy Sparrow might take offense and we wants none ah dat!

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