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Messages - pass(10trini)

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Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Post ah movie thread
« on: March 09, 2012, 03:08:29 PM »

Enjoyed the movie but can't understand how a boxer could give a great martial artist so much problems.


I feel the same. Still it was great stuff though

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Post ah movie thread
« on: March 05, 2012, 10:47:52 AM »
Pass (10trini)

Take een IP Man 3

is like a prequel...it dreader than Ip2



About 4weeks back I saw that on the shelf in blockbuster and it's been on my mind ever since. I'll check it soon.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Post ah movie thread
« on: March 01, 2012, 02:00:20 PM »
Hoss did you really just rate Green Lantern and Captain America above Transformers?  :yellowcard:

lol. Really I didn't enjoy them that much All three were duds to me. But I think some will enjoy them. Anything in the 2.8 - 3.8 is up in the air according to who sees it. If they in those areas they're average.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Post ah movie thread
« on: March 01, 2012, 01:49:40 PM »
Have a bag full of movies for alyuh as I haven't posted in awhile. i'll give a star for level of interest. 1 being lowest and 5 highest.

Sniper Reloaded - Okay for the hour. Decent to pass some dead time(doh waste your money on buying this) 2.9 Stars

Swat: Fire Flight - Same as above 3.0 Stars

Eagle - good flick for the gladiator type viewer.3.5 Stars

Transformers: Dark Of The Moon - Some level of enetertainment made no sense to the interlectually minded. I was neither here nor there on this one. I think that should be the end of any thought of another Transformer movie. It ran its course 2.8 Stars

X-Men: First Class - I enjoyed seeing this and all the scenarios and making of the different characters of Magneto and Xavier. 3.5 Stars

Lincoln's Lawyer -  Good Directing. 3.5 Stars

Captain America - Other than the visuals(due to Bluray quality) and a little humour here and there I did not really see anything to hype about. Still decent though. 3.0 Stars

The Kings Speech - I enjoyed this even though it was a little slow. Good movie altogether. 3.5 Stars

Black Swan - A little dull but still wasn't bad. 3.0 Stars

Quarantine 2: Terminal - 3.0 Stars

Green Lantern - Nothing much in there to say other than the picture quality did look good(Due to Bluray). Another Avenger prlude. 3.2 Stars

Contagion - Not bad. For those germ Phobics, I would suggest do not watch. Make you think about all those public doors ways that you have to touch when moving around. 3.5 Stars

Hangover 2 - Got a few laughs in this one but was really an unnecessary sequel. Some of the scenes were like dejaveau because they happened in the first Hangover. Still entertaining though. 3.5 Stars

Warrior - One of these movies where you just root for the lead character no matter how wrong he seem to get things. Entertainment from start to end. 4.5 Stars

Real Steal - Loved this. Total entertainment and good story that will totally have you wanting more. 5 Stars

Black Belt - This was my sleeper movie Because I rented this with some apprehension, boy was i wrong. The characters in this was two ah de baddest men nothing beating them. Lacked a bit as the fight scenes was good but they just left you saying I could see a bit more licks. ;D  4 Stars

IP Man 2 - for anyone who've seen the fist IP Man this is as good or even better. Real licks pass in this. Totally entertaining from  start to end and ontop my list of best movies of all time. 5 Stars

Cowboys vs Aliens - for some people they didn't enjoy this but I thought it was well done as I enjoyed this alot. Sound effects were fantastic, loved it. 4 stars

Super 8 : This supposedly was a kids movie untill I began hearing profanity on two or three instances. The kids were excited to see this but were prevented in the end(my Wife and I usually watch a movie first to make sure the content is suitable for the children). I didn't really enjoy it much but loved the Train wreck as my sound system went into full turbulence mode for this. I think it may be worth a watch for some. I give it a 3.7 for story line and the sound effects

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Post ah movie thread
« on: October 04, 2011, 06:45:12 PM »
Due date was a boss flick. I real laugh with this.

IF anyone enjoy due date I think you will like Hall Pass . Owen Wilson was a blast in this I think.

Hereafter with Matt Damon I just couldn't get it and find it real dead to put it mildly.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: The Event.
« on: June 28, 2011, 09:19:07 AM »
No wonder why I not seeing it these days. I and the wife watch every episode of it so far and been waiting for the last 3-4 mondays for it, but nothing. Every week she ask but all I could tell she is, "I eh see nothing nah".

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Inception
« on: March 30, 2011, 11:06:58 PM »
I watch that flick about three times to get a good feel as to what was going on. I think ah get it though. ;D

These diffferent Panyards should have been trying to situate themselves long time now. With the amount of money that goes into making these bands sound good somewhere along the lines they should have been putting aside money for the eventual permanant relocation of their bands. Is just that nobody is making a move because it have nothing for them to get from it. Men trying to hold on to every dollar that they could get from their sponsors so they could spend nice and live like a don juan. IF every year they tell the sonsors they would like a little extra money outside the yearly preparations budget to put aside towards a relocation fund for the band I feel they could have something ready after a 20 or 30 years and not have to go through the indignation of having no where to go when evicted.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/v/JCS6-kMsxiA" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">http://www.youtube.com/v/JCS6-kMsxiA</a>

I was in de North Stand for the Finals dat year and Allstars mash dem up bad bad bad with this tune. I is ah Renegades man and when I hear dey come second to Renegades I was certain it have real ba bawl with them Judges dem because is no way Allstar should have been second to anyone that year with Dus in Dey Face.

Other Sports / Re: Soft Tennis
« on: November 18, 2010, 05:29:11 PM »
Seems to be a light soft foam or rubber ball that is used when teaching kids the game. It's almost like an instant success for beginners as the ball doesn't travel as fast giving the player time to hit.
In Europe there are competitions using a pressureless ball on a shortened tennis court but this is totally different.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Carnival Center
« on: November 12, 2010, 09:48:14 AM »
Nice find. It says it was bought in in 1817 by the council. I was of the opinion that it was given to the people by them. I'm not sure if that info is correct.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Carnival Center
« on: November 12, 2010, 12:57:03 AM »
I don't think is legal for them to build a permanent structure in the Savannah. There was an agreement when the Savannah was being given to the people of TnT.

Well lets see how this goes.
That may be true, but the old Grand Stand was permanent as could be. It service was multi purpose. Horse racing, football, boxing, exhibitions, Carnival, concerts and cultural shows(Best Village), religeous(Benni Hinn).

Wasn't the Grand Stand there from the start? I'm not sure though. No one is allowed to build any permanent structures in the Savannah. If this is done the Family wil have all rights to refute the agreement and be able to rightly take back the property. The agreement is there in the red house I believe for anyone to see after a bit of research.

This was for the protection of the country's biggest  playground.

Football / Re: Is Samuel Eto'o the world's best striker?
« on: November 11, 2010, 01:22:55 AM »
Call all dem names. Nothing beating Ronaldo right now infront the goal. After he is Messi, forward or no forward.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Carnival Center
« on: November 11, 2010, 01:11:50 AM »
I don't think is legal for them to build a permanent structure in the Savannah. There was an agreement when the Savannah was being given to the people of TnT.

Well lets see how this goes.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Post ah movie thread
« on: October 04, 2010, 11:58:23 AM »
BTW...B & S you take in blood creek?

Have a safe trip.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Post ah movie thread
« on: October 04, 2010, 11:40:01 AM »
Over the last few weeks I saw some others movies.

Baraka no talking or nothing but the scenes and images and sounds are breathtaking. Again a surround system will be of benefit to those taking in this but first and foremost the scenes are what you want to see.

Youth In Revolt don't waste your time.

I said it earlier take a look at the documentary Collapse for those interested in the environment and conspiracy theories.

Harry Brown
okay flick nothing too much but good solid old time acting by the equalizer(can't remember his name).

Remember Me I enjoyed this. It was a different spin for me.

Open House was uninspiring movie making. Totally nonsensical to have a person killing people at will in someone's house. Realtor dead and no one even passes by to check on anything. The best is a dinner for neighbors and no one suspect anything. Wasted space on my list.

My name is Khan movie start off strange and slow but was a nice story. Totally enjoyed this one. Movie was long no arse but totally captivating.

Bounty Hunter with Gerard Butler and Jennifer Anniston. Didn't enjoy this one at all. Just a flat  garbage movie.

The Losers okay action for an action starved 2010 movie industry. It filled a bit of a 2010 action void. I think some may enjoy this a bit.

Cop OutStarring Bruce Willis and Tracey Morgan was hilarious. I thought it was going to be a waste but I was rolling on my sofa with this one.

Green Zone. I think they had a lot to say in this one. This one is about the the war that taking place in the mid east right now . Gave a couple insights as to what may have triggered the occupation. Matt Damon starred in this with the same producer that did the Bourne trilogy. I gave this 4 out of 5 stars.

Other Sports / Re: US Open 2010
« on: September 14, 2010, 05:59:27 AM »
Federer is a contender in every tournament as long as nadal is not there. ;D

Nadal is a monster, no doubt. The immediate future looks glim for the rest of the players on the Tennis tour if nadal stays fit.

I don't believe this is the thing these ppl trying to get done. Manning did it as well when he first came in office and the first man he hang it was believed was innocent of the charge. ? I hope this enthusiasm is curbed sooner than later. 

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Post ah movie thread
« on: September 08, 2010, 07:32:46 AM »

no talking

I've heard of that movie before, I will put it on my list.

Anyone saw the documentary Collapse? I borowed it on DVD and was amazed by the content. This guy(Michael Ruppert) gave a run down as to what could take place in the world's economy. Very eye opening for those interested. I mean my grandmother used to tell me about the days to come where people will have money and can't even do anything with it. :o Thought provoking.

After checking that out yesterday low and behold I end up watching The Road, well yes, I was messed up to say the least. Movie depressing as hell.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Post ah movie thread
« on: September 04, 2010, 05:09:43 PM »
Blood and Bone was terrible.

Really!!!!!! All dem good fight scenes you eh like none ah them. You must have at least like the last fight scene.

Other Sports / Re: US Open 2010
« on: September 02, 2010, 09:01:01 PM »
I didn't recognised he was that young. Hope you enjoyed the matches

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Post ah movie thread
« on: September 01, 2010, 10:40:38 PM »

You have more belly than men... I was totally psyched about seeing Clash of the Titans, being a big fan of the 1981 original with Harry Hamlin.  All ah that was for nought... they try to hide a kindergarten plot behind some CGI bells and whistles and it really ent wuk.  Peter Travers from Rolling Stone call it "a sham, with good actors going for the paycheck and using beards and heavy makeup to hide their shame." LOL

Anything that surpass the 1980's one I glad. I consider it an upgrade. ;D

Other Sports / US Open 2010
« on: September 01, 2010, 09:25:14 PM »
Anyone watching the Open as yet? I was over there last week for the qualifyings and saw a match with two fellas that totally mesmerised the crowd. Two fellas playing and in the last set both of them cramped out. It was total pandemonium. Man cyar walk but chasing after a ball like they life depended on it. This guy Ryan Harrison hopping on one foot all over the place between points, cyar walk but run down a ball on the run and hit a blistering shot up the line for a winner. The crazy thing is he did it over and over again to win the match. After the match the crowd stood up and gave a rousing round of applause to the players for their will and courage under difficult circumstances.

Next day after that encounter he show up and played another monster match braking his opponent in the last two games of the final set to qualify for the main draw. I say this is madness. Low and behold he show up and beat a highly ranked player today in the main.

His name is Ryan Harrison keep an eye out for him and see how far he get in this tournament. He may not do much for the rest of his career but great guts on the court. 

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Post ah movie thread
« on: September 01, 2010, 08:55:50 PM »
Today I take in Clash Of The titans and totally enjoyed it. No one should even be thinking of watching this movie without a sound Surround System in their arsenal. Without one you would be hearing less than average. I didn't see this in Theatres but was salivating for Audio/Visual effects. People thought it wasn't all that but I enjoyed it so much that I refused to return it. Got to see it just one more time. I gave this a 4.5 stars out of 5.

Unthinkable. Total Suspense. Loved it. Can't say the last time I saw a top of line suspense movie as Samuel seem to do well with these insane kind of characters. 5 Star

Legion. Little bit too much for me but still kept my interest to see what they will come with next. 3.5

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Post ah movie thread
« on: September 01, 2010, 08:36:31 PM »
From Paris With Love was a surprisingly entertaining and unpredictable movie. I never really knew where it was going, which is a rarity in modern day cinema filled with obvious and sometimes non-sensical plot twists.

I was also pleasantly surprised that it wasn't pure shite, which is the way it was shapin up to be from the trailer.

A sh*tty trailer almost always means a sh*tty movie.

From paris with love I thought was seriously lacking in creativity and the acting was as Bakes said; Way over the top from Travolta. Somehow I just don't enjoy the grease man movies as much. I thought the trailer was wonderful. Put it in mih queue hoping for the best. As I suspected, it would be lacking.Don't know what it is about movies with him.

General Discussion / Re: Turtles
« on: August 29, 2010, 11:50:35 AM »
Very good look there from the articles. As long as its in the interest of management I don't mind atall.

Thanks for the link TC.

General Discussion / Re: The Safety In T&T Thread
« on: August 28, 2010, 07:48:04 AM »
Is long time now man know doh lime on the promenade at night or just be careful when you out late. Since I is ah lil boy my family use to tell we doh walk down no dark street late in the night. When you passing somebody on the road around 12-5 am you have to move like a man who doh fear nutting.

One night I on the promenade with mih gyul(around 8pm) cooling in my car chatting. She hanging she foot out the window real jess back, ting going nice with we. A A. Man just sit dong braps.... about a car and a half length from my vehicle on the lil ledge rong de grass patch fidgeting like he eh business with nobody. I get a signal one time, 'rape business'. Mih gyul real chatting me in bliss, I just do so, bounce mih starter put car in drive and proceed to roll mih wheels. Well sah, who tell me do dat! Man get up watch me and shout, 'Whey you fo.kin going'! All dis time I watching him like Hawk Pardnah get up and make a dash at my car door to jump in, I just rest my elbow down on the power lock to lock all my door them. Pappy run a good 20-30 meters grabbing my door handle and real cussing mih, ' Yuh mudda c.nt open de fack..g door whey yuh fack.ng going. All dis time I getting my jones driving off just fast enough watching this arse running after my car.

My girl now jump up fas fas shout to me Sean wha happen, wha you do de man.

I have nuff stories to give about when I lived back home. A thread like this is good for me to check out because it have new scheme evolving everyday and I want to know and be current for dem bandit when I come back home. Thanks man Touches. Blessings to you and your loved ones fella

General Discussion / Re: network connection timeout
« on: August 27, 2010, 10:53:25 PM »
You seem to have the same problem I had when trying to set the wifi for the kids and them on their Nintendo DSI. Had to call into Nintendo and them to run me through my system and it take me about a good 2hrs before they retify the problem. If you up here call Sony and them and let them connect you. The problem for me was the system was set up on the WPA encryption which has a higher security encoding. Then they removed my security from WPA to WEP. Only then I'm able to connect. I'm no computer savvy person so I can really say how to get it solved other than calling one of them, Sony or whoever you bought the server from.

Yeah I had a similar problem installing an airport express from apple. the number of digits on the encyption sometimes don't match even if you choose the right one. these days though with the number of  different phones, laptops, game systems and visitors that want to use wi-fi I find it easier to just turn off the encryption altogether.

Wha you mean.....You don't have no security on your system?  :o

General Discussion / Re: network connection timeout
« on: August 26, 2010, 07:12:57 AM »
You seem to have the same problem I had when trying to set the wifi for the kids and them on their Nintendo DSI. Had to call into Nintendo and them to run me through my system and it take me about a good 2hrs before they retify the problem. If you up here call Sony and them and let them connect you. The problem for me was the system was set up on the WPA encryption which has a higher security encoding. Then they removed my security from WPA to WEP. Only then I'm able to connect. I'm no computer savvy person so I can't really say how to get it solved other than calling one of them, Sony or whoever you bought the server from.

Football / Re: Congrats to Palos on his nuptials
« on: August 26, 2010, 06:58:39 AM »
Well done. I hope you done buy all the big screen an ting already ;D

All the best

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