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Messages - Baygo Boy

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Football / Re: T&T vs Mexico performance.
« on: June 11, 2009, 12:16:17 AM »
So once again is about who shoulda play. Somebody tell me about the performance, about playing 7000+ ft  above sea level, in the past we burn by the 1/2 time whistle. Leh we talk about holding Mexico to 2 goals at their place. Let's discuss the fact that for the remainder teams will most certainly not see us as walkovers, even the USA - thanks to Russell having us looking like a team worthy of Hex participation, and leave the monday morning quarter back thing for basketball and dem other sports.

Football / Re: T&T party after defeat, fans consider boycott
« on: April 03, 2009, 03:21:23 PM »
playing service = playing surface?

I was wondering what de ass he talking about here

several T&T players who waltzed their way on the Tennessee Titan football service previously


This kinda weird. I remember there was a US/TT qualifier in Richmond, VA a couple years ago. Dwight, Nakhid, Latas, J.Nixon, Leonson, Dexter, Angus Eve on the team. TT team played ok. They had a very shakey keeper, who really unsettled the TT defence. We lost 2-0. Two soft goals as usual. But at the end of the game the very sizeable TT team had a rythm section(a bass drum rung the neck and iron and scratchers) going up to the parking lot. And we were singing. "we get 2, but we ain't diggin' nothing." I saw some people from St. Joseph where I grew up and went primary school in the band. It was one of the greatest feeling. One of the state troopers who was directing traffic said. "so I guess you guys won, huh!!" The reply was "No!, Mr. Constable, we lost". What!!!!!!

I guess this is a new breed of fans!!! Times have changed!!!!!!

 Deeks that wasn't "a couple years ago" nuh... that was November 1997 (France 98 qualifier) ... remember well because it was mih first game seeing the national team play in about 10 yrs since leaving home.  I remember by de end ah de game vibes was so nice man was singing "last goal win" lol.

Afterwards all ah we chip out de stadium and up de road tuh whey all de buses and thing was parked.  Even American fans was chipping with we 'til de riddim die out.  People could complain all dey want but that is one thing I love about my people, we know how to keep thing in perspective.

For the ones vex with the players for feteing... dem men cyah win fuh losing.  Nutten dey do could please some ah allyuh.  They act vex and "ignore" allyuh... allyuh vex.  They compose deyself and come out to mingle with fans after the game... allyuh vex.  What de ass allyuh want dem man and dem to do (outside of playing better of course)?  Some ah dem yutes never leave Trini before and probably ent getting call back (especially if ah new staff is hired) so I see nothing wrong with them making the most of the experience.  For all we know them too was embarrassed and was in need of they spirits getting lifted ah little.  

Complain about de product on de field, yes... but oh god... let de man and dem live nuh?  :-\

Bakes, I am with you on this one. I too am disappointed with the performance, But I also understand that the players are the ones who have to be even more disappointed. They are the ones who getting the flak, not we the fans. So any form of encouragement and support they can get should help, especially if is Trinbagonian style.

Men, talking about boycotting etc - That is wickedness, and men should be ashamed of themselves for even considering it. So maybe we don't make it this time - we will have many more opportunities in the future.

Andre, take yuh shit to de toilet, we doh need it here. I is ah Socawarrior fuh life - Win, Lose, or draw -good performance or not. GO T&T.

PS: To all the fans who spend yuh hard earn paper to go to Nashville, and still find it in yuh heart to show the Warriors love - nuff respect. GO T&T.

Football / Re: Fire Maturana Petition
« on: April 02, 2009, 09:10:44 AM »
Arrow, I have no preference, that's not the point. It is not for me to decide. Maybe we should let Brian Williams suit up, or call back Arab Nelson, Still won't be a decision for me to make.

Football / Re: Fire Maturana Petition
« on: April 02, 2009, 09:03:00 AM »
I know I will take some flack for this, but I am a Tobagonian, and we have thick skin. I still cannot call for the firing of Pacho, simply because he did not have the tools to work with, especially as it relates to our defense. In T&T we have placed too much emphasis on our offense, with very little placed on defence.

Nobody wants to be a defender, so we have always struggled in that area. We have to always use what we have. Other teams in the region have done much more in that area except us. We talk about who doing what in the UK, and we use that as some sort of indication that we will dominate in Concacaf - well think again. Most of his experimenting was with our defense, because as other coaches have known we are always weak never any depth etc, etc.

We cannot expect to enter these type of competitions without significant depth in all positions. We are inundated with midfielders and strikers, to the point where it has to be a major headache for our coaching staff come game day.

Men calling for Cyd, but he previous club don't want him. Pacho still experimenting with we defense, do you believe he enjoy doing this, or is it a case of he have no choice? Who's fault is this?
So we fire the coach, how is that going to help our defense. Who will take over Russell? Who will Russell bring in to bolster the defense Cyd, Avery, Dog - Who? There is no one. This is our fate.

My hope is that the powers that be recognize that if we do not make it (and I am still very optimistic), that there must be a much greater coordination between all stakeholders at all levels to make sure that we produce the type of players that will allow us to have much greater depth at all position, so that national team selection must become a major task for any coach.

We can call for whoever we want, but at the end of the day we must admit to ourselves that we are deficient in defense, and it is no fault of our coaching staff. Start training yuh kids to defend. Goals may win games, but defenders save games.

Also, when I looked at the numbers we are still in with a very good chance, so as I said before, I am not throwing in the towel as yet. We are going to SA. GO T&T

PS: Most here know that I am no Stern John fan, but I was happy with his performance last night. He did well, and based on his efforts last night should be starting next game. Go T&T

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs USA game (01-Apr-2009).
« on: April 01, 2009, 04:04:28 PM »
I hold no reservations when I say this - Trinidad and Tobago WILL win the game. This will be the best showing of our defense since the start of this campaign. I didn't make it to Nashville (illness). Win, Lose or draw, tonight will be another one of those many moments when I will be proud to say I am a Trinbagonian.

Ah already in front de TV, with meh pain killers and green tea (no sugar). Go T&T.

Football / Re: T&T vs Honduras : through the eyes of a Jacan
« on: March 30, 2009, 10:48:11 AM »
This is by far the best ever post by RF  :applause:

T&T fans need to cheer more especially when the team is behind. I saw a picture in the Newsday with the fans looking defeated. I looked at three games yesterday Bra vs Ecu , Peru vs Chile and ES vs USA and the fans were real loud. even when Bra and Chile scored the Ecu and Peru fans still got behind their team.

Those were spectators, not fans - big difference.

Football / Re: T&T vs Honduras : through the eyes of a Jacan
« on: March 30, 2009, 09:11:31 AM »
Correct RF. What I would like to know is what inspired the USA to come back against ES like they did, that's impressisve. Was it too much confidence on the ES side or did the US go into the game expecting to dominate?

What it does show, is that skill is one thing, but playing with a purpose and heart will almost always bring on the win. The US game against ES will see them come hard at us on Wednesday. Wednesday's game will be more mental than anything else. I expect alot of fouls etc on Wednesday.

However, I am confident that we will leave with at least one point. Hope to see you in SA. Cheers.

Football / Re: Should Jack Warner get the Trinity Cross?
« on: March 17, 2009, 03:17:44 PM »
He should get the Trinity Cross only if we nailing him to it.

Football / Re: Maund's father defends his son's switch to the USA
« on: March 15, 2009, 09:27:58 AM »
Ah still cah understand why people who over the years have shown that they are among the more intelligent forumites on here cah relate to ah man wanting to play for he country. Folks all yuh not sounding smart anymore.

Football / Re: Maund's father defends his son's switch to the USA
« on: March 14, 2009, 12:47:47 PM »
BM, give us a better run down on how the crowd treated Maund.

Boos all night, how did he respond, did our players and staff acknowledged him, after the game did our players shake his hand, exchange shirts, etc etc....

Ah would like to know how them English players treated Shaka and Birchall. Fellas leave the kid alone. He made ah choice, something we all have to do everyday. He did what was best for him, just like Shaka did back then. All yuh dogging JA everyday for having all them English born players on their team, but dissing the kid. Sounds like hypocrisy to me.

If dey boo the kid, then all it did is showcase to the world how ignorant we can be. T&T not even de boy country. This is ah petty thread, that should be removed. We are all adults on here, and I would like to believe that we would be in a position to understand this decision.

If we willing to dog this American for not playing for us, then all yuh might as well dog all Trinbagonians who made the decision to leave home to come to NA for the so called "better" life, and refuse to go back to live, because as some does say "things hard home, and dey killing yuh like flies down dey". At least he staying home, he is ah patriot to me. Good luck with your schooling and football career kid.

Moderators, I believe in free speech but this thread is too petty, all it's doing is showcasing small-mindedness - think about it.
Thank you Baygo Boy
picong is picong
but to wish someone ill, jez eh right

I have to read over the thread cause I yet to see where anyone wish him ill.

Baygo what ignorant yuh talking about, I sure is maybe less than 5% of American kow that the U-20 playing a qualifier now. It have soccer players and coaches who eh even know they playing right now. Booing is part of the game, that have nothing to do with ignorance as you say.
How when anywhere else in the world do something it okay, but when T&T do it it backward and ignorant?

Elan, FYI booing not a part of any game - for the most part it is considered rude. As regards your statement in bold - ignorance  is ignorance no matter who perpetuating it, Trinbagonian or a Martian for that matter. At my age it's very difficult to entertain ignorance.

Football / Re: T&T U-20s to join Pro League
« on: March 14, 2009, 07:27:57 AM »
Great move TTFF, we footballing future looking real bright now.

Football / Re: Maund's father defends his son's switch to the USA
« on: March 14, 2009, 07:24:58 AM »
BM, give us a better run down on how the crowd treated Maund.

Boos all night, how did he respond, did our players and staff acknowledged him, after the game did our players shake his hand, exchange shirts, etc etc....

Ah would like to know how them English players treated Shaka and Birchall. Fellas leave the kid alone. He made ah choice, something we all have to do everyday. He did what was best for him, just like Shaka did back then. All yuh dogging JA everyday for having all them English born players on their team, but dissing the kid. Sounds like hypocrisy to me.

If dey boo the kid, then all it did is showcase to the world how ignorant we can be. T&T not even de boy country. This is ah petty thread, that should be removed. We are all adults on here, and I would like to believe that we would be in a position to understand this decision.

If we willing to dog this American for not playing for us, then all yuh might as well dog all Trinbagonians who made the decision to leave home to come to NA for the so called "better" life, and refuse to go back to live, because as some does say "things hard home, and dey killing yuh like flies down dey". At least he staying home, he is ah patriot to me. Good luck with your schooling and football career kid.

Moderators, I believe in free speech but this thread is too petty, all it's doing is showcasing small-mindedness - think about it.

Football / Re: Maund's father defends his son's switch to the USA
« on: March 13, 2009, 08:12:36 PM »
The big disappointment here is that he gave an explanation. His son is an American and should play for his country.

As patriotic as I am, I would find it very difficult to ask any of my US born children to commit to playing for T&T simply because of the BS that takes place at home.

Also, of all the players that have been part of our national youth teams who have gone on the US colleges how many of them have represented T&T during their college years? Most have been left out because of as they say "out of sight, out of mind".

The kid played for T&T during HS, but it's different in college especially at schools like ND, these coaches don't want their players leaving during season, this is not some small Div 1 school. From all indications he would have had to be in T&T showcasing in the Super League. He made the best decision, and I wish him all the best, but ah hope we beat them this weekend.

Also, all yuh really feel Birchall would have selected T&T if he was called to the English senior team?

Football / Re: Can Stern John replace Yorke.
« on: February 24, 2009, 01:39:59 PM »
Sam, that question sound like it was ba-bash inspired  ;D My answer is no, I doh even want SJ on the team, so aint no way i want him anywhere near our defensive third.

Football / Re: SKY defend Petrotrin move
« on: February 23, 2009, 02:23:12 PM »
This is clearly a business decision, and a good one at that. Clubs are doing this all over, it  helps with logistical issues etc, etc. Petrotrin doesn't have the budget to do justice to their youth development. This way they can work with Sky on development, and Sky will now benefit when their players move overseas.

These types of arrangements are the future, and cash strapped Petrotrin can now focus on its senior team, while knowing that there will be quality available to them through Sky. I embrace this move - well done gents.

Petrotrin don't have the budget?....trust mi the powers that me might not pump money into the pro side but defintely would if called upon for the youths...

Believe me my friend Petrotrin has one of the smallest budgets in the pro league. Their sponsorship relationship with the oil company is no "blank check" situation. I am confident that Petrotrin did not increase the team budget for this season, and the team now have to pay Gray and others, so where is that additional funds coming from - guess what, it's coming from whatever was airmarked for their youth teams.

ok cool I get your point, not surprised though, signs of the times i guess. My statement was made having a personal knowlegde of the policy of oil based companies linked to Petrotrin who spared no expense when it came to getting is name out there as a supporter of community based teams especially youth.

Makaveli, you are correct. the petro companies have done a pretty decent job at providing financial support to youth and culture for decades we just have to look at their involvement with pan. Over the years they have gotten a bad rap, but no one can deny that the petro industry have been a major supporter of our culture and sport.

Football / Re: SKY defend Petrotrin move
« on: February 23, 2009, 11:42:40 AM »
This is clearly a business decision, and a good one at that. Clubs are doing this all over, it  helps with logistical issues etc, etc. Petrotrin doesn't have the budget to do justice to their youth development. This way they can work with Sky on development, and Sky will now benefit when their players move overseas.

These types of arrangements are the future, and cash strapped Petrotrin can now focus on its senior team, while knowing that there will be quality available to them through Sky. I embrace this move - well done gents.

Petrotrin don't have the budget?....trust mi the powers that me might not pump money into the pro side but defintely would if called upon for the youths...

Believe me my friend Petrotrin has one of the smallest budgets in the pro league. Their sponsorship relationship with the oil company is no "blank check" situation. I am confident that Petrotrin did not increase the team budget for this season, and the team now have to pay Gray and others, so where is that additional funds coming from - guess what, it's coming from whatever was airmarked for their youth teams.

If what u say is true it just show how silly a decision it is. D yute is d future.

Weary, bare in mind  - this is not an abandonment of youth development. It's more of a demographic issue - in other words some players from the Palo Seco area may not get the opportunity, but I am sure that the issue would be addressed.

Football / Re: SKY defend Petrotrin move
« on: February 23, 2009, 11:14:39 AM »
This is clearly a business decision, and a good one at that. Clubs are doing this all over, it  helps with logistical issues etc, etc. Petrotrin doesn't have the budget to do justice to their youth development. This way they can work with Sky on development, and Sky will now benefit when their players move overseas.

These types of arrangements are the future, and cash strapped Petrotrin can now focus on its senior team, while knowing that there will be quality available to them through Sky. I embrace this move - well done gents.

Petrotrin don't have the budget?....trust mi the powers that me might not pump money into the pro side but defintely would if called upon for the youths...

Believe me my friend Petrotrin has one of the smallest budgets in the pro league. Their sponsorship relationship with the oil company is no "blank check" situation. I am confident that Petrotrin did not increase the team budget for this season, and the team now have to pay Gray and others, so where is that additional funds coming from - guess what, it's coming from whatever was airmarked for their youth teams.

Football / Re: SKY defend Petrotrin move
« on: February 23, 2009, 10:52:45 AM »
This is clearly a business decision, and a good one at that. Clubs are doing this all over, it  helps with logistical issues etc, etc. Petrotrin doesn't have the budget to do justice to their youth development. This way they can work with Sky on development, and Sky will now benefit when their players move overseas.

These types of arrangements are the future, and cash strapped Petrotrin can now focus on its senior team, while knowing that there will be quality available to them through Sky. I embrace this move - well done gents.

Football / Re: St Clair’s bid for Pro League.
« on: February 04, 2009, 09:58:18 PM »
If BSC gets in - expect these players to play for him sometime during the season:

MF - Keon Daniel
DF - Makan Hislop
 F - Kevin Nelson
 F - Kareen Yearwood
MF - Darren Toby

With the possibility of former Vancouver Whitecaps GK - Richard Goddard
and MF - Hayden Fitzwilliams - Toronto Croatia

Football / Re: Squad named for WCQ vs El Salvador.
« on: February 03, 2009, 12:21:44 PM »
Ah confident men goh be cussing Russell just now - wait and see LOL.

Football / Re: Jabloteh face Pro League exit
« on: February 03, 2009, 09:39:02 AM »
At first I was truly concerned about Jabloteh going under, but now it really doesn't matter to me anymore because I do not believe that this will affect pro football in T&T. I won't deny that the possible Jabloteh exit provides a certain degree of sadness simply because of its 35 years+ in T&T football.

I am now saying that it good fuh dem  - too much dependence on a title sponsor, no marketing,  no seeking of secondary sponsors, no real fundraising efforts, absolutely nothing to boost attendance by the club marketing dept (if any). The clubs bosses allowed this to take place. They deserve to be in the position they are in. It is a problem that has plagued our football for decades.

My hope is that the other clubs look at this and realize that "when yuh neighbor house on fire - wet yours". It is ridiculous that in this post modern times we still have clubs in T&T that are not employing modern approaches to financing their clubs.

The Jabloteh players will survive, they will sign with other clubs thereby leveling the playing field - other teams will be more competitive. Fenwick will find work - he leaving  T&T with a very impressive resume. He most likely will end up in the USA, or back in the UK coaching if he cannot secure a post with in our national program.

Go Tobago United

Jack Warner running out of money - he have no choice but to run to Manning for 2010 WC assistance. Ah bet we not going to hear him bad talking Hunt for some time.

Football / Re: Fighting for the Women
« on: February 02, 2009, 10:25:02 AM »
I have a lot of respect for Shabazz as it relates to his involvement in T&T women's football. He has worked tirelessly and have been getting a lot of unnecessary flack. He kept our women's football alive even when the TTFF didn't feel it necessary to support them. As of now he may be the only T&T coach who has ever openly humbled to a foriegn coach. Nuff respect brother Shabazz - nuff respect.

Football / Re: Jabloteh face Pro League exit
« on: February 02, 2009, 09:23:04 AM »
Jabloteh will be there this season, just not with a $3 mil + budget. Wouldn't this be the first time a government (anywhere) rescue a pro football club? Go Tobago United.

Football / Re: Time is running out for T&T
« on: February 02, 2009, 09:12:46 AM »
All the speculations - give it up Andre. At least we bench improving, and as dey say -that's priceless.

Football / Re: Women senior team.
« on: January 29, 2009, 11:48:51 AM »
This will work for practice matches only. Our girls will get hurt, remember the mind-set for official matches is different from practice matches. If their male counterparts approach their game like they should (intensity of tackles etc) we girls goh suffer - have you seen the size of our women team players. Malmo recently declined to sign we best player because of size and strength. What de TTFF should do is have our senior team based in the USA and playing in the WPSL or W-League during the summer.

Football / Re: T&T face tougher Tigre test.
« on: January 28, 2009, 10:27:22 AM »
De 3-2 victory is correct - well done.

Who are the scorers??

Russell, Cornell and Jags

Football / Re: Striker Selection
« on: January 28, 2009, 10:26:35 AM »
I think it should be a crime not to start Scotty and Jones if they both keep on rippin up the two top leagues in England so they both get my vote.

De fact that a man "rippin up" in England doesn't means he goh do de same with the national team - we need strikers who work well together etc - it's about chemistry and tactics.

Football / Re: T&T face tougher Tigre test.
« on: January 28, 2009, 10:22:10 AM »
De 3-2 victory is correct - well done.

Football / Re: Striker Selection
« on: January 28, 2009, 09:47:28 AM »
Assuming that we going to change formation, then doh look no further than KJ and Glen.

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