« on: January 13, 2006, 11:22:37 AM »
I'm now back from my vacation in T&T and must say had a wonderfull time,the place real nice don't matter where you go.
I heard and read about a lot of crime but was not involved or see any, all where i went was all love and people so welcoming and happy to see,meet and talk with you.
The highlight of my trip was the two interviews i had on television,the one day tournament i had in Blanchisseuse,Chanel 3 contacted me and did some footage of the games a bit of the village/people and a interview with me,i also did a session for Gayel with Wayne Cunningham,up to now i have not had to opportunity to see any of it due to my busy schedule but was promised it would be sent to me.
The vibes in the country is great where Football is concerned,i had the opportunity to meet with and talk to a lot of the senior personnel of our administration and technical staff.I did not have the time to get to Jack or Camps but i meet George Joseph,Lincoln Phillips,Anton and Alvin Corneal,Gally Cummings(still walking with a stick), Jamaal,Clayton Morris just to name a few.
Checked my boys Defence Force to update myself,attended a game in Edinburgh 500 which the Strike Squad played and meet a lot of our past players there,i must say i think Marvin Faustin is still good enough to play international Football,the only people missing from that squad was Yorke and Latapy,Aliby throw away another one similar to the one in 89(smile).
Gally was there but struggling to walk but we talked a lot.
Jack is big news in the country these days,he is on Television and the Newspapers every day trying to clear his name and family from allegations being made against them and the Football Federation,what is even worse is that he has brought our Football into politics in the country,he is now using it for political gains,he said this WC is his last after that he is just going to concentrate on politics,i think he is seeking to be our Prime minister next elections.
I had meetings with our Technical people including Lincoln and Anton and must say these guys have a very good working relationship,plans are being organized and implemented but i'm still being told money is the problem.There are certain things told to me in my meetings that i'm not going to make public (it's personal/confidential),all i'll say is that there are a lot of positions opening up at home for people like myself,i've been offered and may consider soon what i want to do.
On a different sport i was able to see a bit of Cricket between T&T and Jamaica which was played out at UWI grounds in St Augustine,our Cricket team is doing quite well it was the first time i saw Bravo.
I attended a couple of the training sessions they had for the under 23's at Ctr of Excellence and they were well attended by both foreign and local players,the atmosphere was electric these guys like they wanted to kill themselves,the first session had about 70 players going through different tactical drills,the second one was more the foreign based players,i was shown few of the players we will have to look out for in the future(don't ask me for names) first time i've seen most of them.