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Topics - Coop's

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Football / Technical Director Thread
« on: November 24, 2013, 06:47:35 PM »
Mods can merge if necessary.I want to know if the TTFA has a Technical Director? i thought Benie was supposed to be our Technical Director? where is he? what is Anton's portfolio? is that one of the positions Small Mag holding? 

Football / A thought
« on: November 14, 2013, 08:06:08 AM »
This is a thought i've had since i came on board this website,although i've made a lot of friends  :laugh: i've never got the opportunity to meet any of you besides my dear friend Flex,Weary for example,i know some of you will know me personally etc

To me in the past the locals more or less used to come together and have a lime,play some Football,eat some food,old talk/socialize a little bit,put faces to some of the names etc etc

The thing is i'm home for good now and is events like this i'm looking forward too,although i'm not in a position to organize anything it would be an honor for me to meet some of u.   

Football / Alcons Soccer Academy
« on: June 03, 2013, 07:15:49 AM »
I know it's not about one of our favourite people or organizations but they have a history of doing a lot for Football and Footballers in the country,it's years they have been exposing our players to the outside world by way of scholarships,contracts etc etc
They recently came to the US as they usually do every year to showcase our players to College scouts by way of playing games etc ,i was wondering if anyone knew of this event,did anyone attend any of the games,any updates.

Football / Coops gone local
« on: July 05, 2012, 06:09:42 PM »
Hi All,
     I just want to thank the members on the forum for the friendships and good times we have created here.
    What i want to say here tonight is that i've decided to return home for good and i'm now based in T&T.
    Although i know i may not have to search the website much to know what's going on at home because i will access to everything live,i have already gotten calls made some contacts etc etc since i came,one of the main people came to my home was Mr Keith Lookloy,i have been to one of his practice sessions and hopefully if time permits i'll see a game on Sunday,please don't expect me to come on here and critique anybody.
    I am very busy getting myself organized back into the system so it's a lot of running around,as soon as i'm settled i might be able to dispell some of the old talk you all does get,you going to get it live.
    Look out T&T Coops home.       

Football / Happy Easter (enjoy)
« on: April 05, 2012, 12:39:26 PM »
I just want to wish each and everyone and their famalies an enjoyable Easter season,lets take a deep breath,take a break and share some joy for a moment,go to Church if there is one around you,forget the Football for a while but pray for all those who hateing,fighting and also those who trying to make things right.

                     H A P P Y  E A S T E R             SOCAWARRIORS.NET       

Football / What is Professionalism/Profressional in T&T Football
« on: December 10, 2011, 10:13:53 AM »
Now this is about T&T Football so lets keep it away or try to compare it with foreign leagues/players etc etc

We have players,clubs,organizations etc etc what are looking for or expect from these people?each one expects to pay money or have financial obligations yet have no way of making money,is Football a business?can clubs stand on their own without government/sponsor support?can the Pro league rally without the support of MOS.

When we run Clinics,Camps,Tournaments,Coaching schools,Academies,Courses etc etc do we know what's required for it to be successfull?do we have the proper facilities,equipments,personnel etc to implement programs such as these?how often should have these programs?should programs such as these be run by clubs or the TTFF?

I know some of these things have been discussed on here at some time or the other and i know there are a lot more which could be added (feel free) but i'm just throwing this out there for discussion sake.   

Football / WC 06 Staff/Players Then and Now
« on: March 01, 2011, 03:16:33 AM »
My thoughts just ran on the Staff and Players of the 06 WC and wonder what has happened to their careers as players.After five years how many of them has retired or still playing;who playing,at what level are they playing,where are they playing,are they starters or benching;how many have contracts today;where is the coaching staff?do they have jobs?etc etc

We already know who is to blame and all the excuses associated with it so lets keep it related to coaching and playing.

Football / Warrior Nation Supporters Club
« on: February 28, 2011, 06:58:51 AM »
Just as a matter of interest i'm trying to find out what's going on with the WN Supporters Club that was so vibrant at one time.
Deos it still exist?what kind of membership it have?what was done with the fees collected?where is the huge flag that used to be displayed at international games,i did not see it at the U 17 Women's WC?did TTFF put sanctions on the operations?etc etc

Football / Archie
« on: May 23, 2010, 05:12:24 AM »
Just want to pass this bit of news to all who knew of this wonderful Footballer or had the opportunity to play with or against him,Milton Archibald has passed away,brother of Warren and an ex Defence Force and National team player for many years,a team mate that was very dear to me,god bless may he RIP.

Football / Used Soccer Equipment for (T&T)
« on: October 05, 2009, 07:01:35 PM »
I tried getting this done some time ago and was not successfull because no one took me up on it,i thought since we have so many passionate Football fans this should not be difficult.

I developed a used equipment program in my club and have been collecting cleets,shinguards,balls,uniforms etc etc for the past year,previously when i go home i used to take with me but it has become very costly so i have taken a back seat by not being able to do it any more.

I have a lot of equipment for kids from 5yrs old through about 12yrs old,if any body can arrange to get it to T&T and get it distributed to who ever needs it,please contact me by what ever means possible we can find some way for me to get it to you. 

Football / Player Development
« on: April 06, 2008, 12:09:39 PM »
There seem to be a trend or thinking that players have to leave their country to improve themselves,is it the league you play in,players you play against that makes you better?or may be is just recognition players get.

If we look carefully we will observe most players had to leave their shores to improve/better themselves,is seems the test is when you establish yourself in certain leagues.

Football / Coop's in T&T
« on: June 21, 2007, 10:40:22 AM »
Just want to notify the forum i'll be in T&T from June 29th to July 8th,i have scheduled:

One-day tournament 6/30 Lara Rec Ground in Santa Cruz starts 11:00 am.

One-day tournament 7/1 Blanchisseuse Rec Ground starts 8:00 am.

Clinic for Santa Cruz kids 7/2 Lara Rec Ground in Santa Cruz starts 3:00 pm.

Training sessions with San Juan Snr 7/3,4 San Juan Snr Com School 7:00-10:00 am.

I'm making myself available for visits to clubs,schools,groups etc etc also the TTFF if time permits.

Notice:I've just recently started my own business and the name of it is called "Cooper's Soccer World",i'm based out in Norfolk Va.I'm into designing Training programs,Clinics,Camps etc etc and i deal with individuals,Groups,Teams etc.

Football / Top Teams/Coaches
« on: June 18, 2007, 10:11:36 AM »
Is this a changeing of the guard?i see some new teams at the top now in some major Leagues,Man Utd,Real Madrid,Joe Public etc etc and Coaches that were put down riseing to the top eg Capello,Benitez,Sir Alex, SH,Corneal etc etc is the playing field getting level? or are some Coaches getting expose.

I like Coaches that do the unexpected.

Football / Jack did it again
« on: May 08, 2007, 03:04:00 PM »
Jack is proving to everyone that don't matter what he does in the end he comes out the winner,people done forgetting what's going on with the Snr players and the Gold Cup,we qualify for another WC that will quiet T&T for a little while,TTFF and Jack will get some breading space now may be until Camps meet with the sports minister.

Jack will go down in history as the best Footballer this country has ever produced,ah mean T&T on a rollercoaster two WC back to back,the next thing will be the Gold Cup and who knows what's next may be our women,all is because of the tactics Jack using with the position he plays,up to now there isn't any one to replace him and he in form these days,it seems as long as he is there T&T will survive some how.

General Discussion / True or False
« on: January 23, 2007, 10:04:25 AM »
I understand businesses closing Thursday and Friday because of the Crime and Kidnapings going on in the country,any updates on this?

Football / What about bringing back North,South,East and Central.
« on: December 09, 2006, 12:18:43 PM »
I'm sorry if this was ever on here already if so please discard but what are you all thoughts on bringing back those old classics,it's also a way to showcase the best players in the entire country,Tobago should play in this as Tobago.

Football / East Men
« on: November 17, 2006, 12:26:08 PM »
What you all saying for tomorrow,San Juan vs St Augustine what are your thoughts on this game?the two heavyweights in the East.I just want to say it's San Juan all the way.

Football / Questions
« on: October 30, 2006, 12:56:32 PM »
Can Club Football/Major Leagues survive without foreign players?

Do players that ply their trade abroad get a better response/deal abroad than at home?

Which one has the best chance of success,crappy players with a good Coach or good players with a crappy Coach? 

Football / Football Philosophies
« on: September 21, 2006, 10:58:31 AM »
I'm just throwing this out here just to get some of your thoughts,do you think this is a good situation for our Football.

At the moment we have different people in charge of our Football with different philosophies eg Lincoln Philips and Anton Corneal US trained,Wim and his assistant Dutch trained,i see where La Foucade brought an English Coach name Hill and he will be on loan to TTFF,Fenwick is English trained,then we have our local Coaches who are either self/locally trained.

Why i'm asking this is because here in the US you are always correcting some of the things that Coaches tell players(American Coaches),everybody interprit the laws how they want and does their own thing because they think what they are doing is best for the game.   

Football / Football related Questions
« on: July 14, 2006, 11:40:35 AM »
Out of the 32 countries that qualified for the WC finals how many had local/foreign Coaches?

Which countries were most successful in the WC finals those with local or foreign Coaches?

It seems like T&T Football is now foreign,what's there for local Coaches/Players,the perseption is that they are not good enough?

How would you rate our Pro/Domestic leagues in the country?

Can T&T Football survive without local Coaches?

We look for Trini players based overseas to represent the country but do we ever look for Coaches?

According to reports our players did very well in the WC finals,can any one give a run down on where all these great players are or is heading,EPL,Europe,MLS etc are they getting more money now than they used too?any big contracts? if not why?

Have a foreign Coach ever won a WC with a local team?

Of the 32 countries in the finals how did the Dutch coaches do?

Football / New WC Champs
« on: July 04, 2006, 06:59:04 PM »
From the way this World Cup is going it seems like we have to prepare ourselves for a new WC champion,i think Portugal will be added to the list of champions.

Besides having a very good team they are properly prepared for all the pressures that come with this game weather it's on or off the field,i think this WC have proven to all the experts on the game how they came be wrong when it comes to predicting the outcome of this tournament,do not underate Portugal.

Football / The Forum on Edge
« on: June 05, 2006, 12:06:15 PM »
This is just an observation i'm making,people seem to be on edge here,you can't make a joke or say anything offkey anymore,you getting bite.

Has the WC changed the fun we used to have,guys everyone has views and opinions, regardless of what anyone say it not going to change things,what will be will be.

All i'm hoping for with all the hype and different scenarios that's taking place with our Football that we learn,we have to stop compareing and learn.

It's a long time i have not seen these guys  :devil: :rotfl: :devil: :rotfl: :devil: :rotfl:


Football / Memory Lane
« on: May 02, 2006, 07:30:39 PM »
Does anyone  know who are these guys are these guys,Mervyn Mervina,Francis Rivas,Ken Gault,Mannie and Gilbert,Foots, etc add any names you feel need remembering.

Football / Non WC qualifiers take advantage
« on: March 03, 2006, 12:01:24 PM »
I'm observing the trend and it seems like a lot of teams that did not qualify for the WC finals are taking advantage of the opportunities to play as much warm-up games as possible,i know the qualifiers have many reasons for playing these games,but does the non qualifiers benefit from these games?are they also trying new/young players?are they already starting to prepare for 2010?

Football / Scholarships
« on: February 21, 2006, 08:20:51 AM »
From time to time i'm approached by college Coaches for potential players and i thought i'll put this out for who interested.

I'm being asked by the Coach of Southern Connecticut State a devision two school,if i can forward him some quality High School Juniors for the year 2007,he is looking in particular for a Goalkeeper,this is a women's Program.

I did not want to put information on him on here because i know they have all kind of restricted rules for Coaches out here,but if you all know of any talent out there you can forward it to me and i'll make sure he gets it.


Football / T&T U21 to play US U17
« on: February 08, 2006, 09:05:31 AM »
I see where the T&T U21 playing against the US U17 any one thinks it's a good idea?would it help or hurt us?what can we gain from playing this team?is it just another game to look at players?could our players be tested by this team?it can be embarrassing for us IF things don't go our way.

Football / Reporting Back
« on: January 13, 2006, 11:22:37 AM »
I'm now back from my vacation in T&T and must say had a wonderfull time,the place real nice don't matter where you go.

I heard and read about a lot of crime but was not involved or see any, all where i went was all love and people so welcoming and happy to see,meet and talk with you.

The highlight of my trip was the two interviews i had on television,the one day tournament i had in Blanchisseuse,Chanel 3 contacted me and did some footage of the games a bit of the village/people and a interview with me,i also did a session for Gayel with Wayne Cunningham,up to now i have not had to opportunity to see any of it due to my busy schedule but was promised it would be sent to me.
The vibes in the country is great where Football is concerned,i had the opportunity to meet with and talk to a lot of the senior personnel of our administration and technical staff.I did not have the time to get to Jack or Camps but i meet George Joseph,Lincoln Phillips,Anton and Alvin Corneal,Gally Cummings(still walking with a stick), Jamaal,Clayton Morris just to name a few.

Checked my boys Defence Force to update myself,attended a game in Edinburgh 500 which the Strike Squad played and meet a lot of our past players there,i must say i think Marvin Faustin is still good enough to play international Football,the only people missing from that squad was Yorke and Latapy,Aliby throw away another one similar to the one in 89(smile).
Gally was there but struggling to walk but we talked a lot.

Jack is big news in the country these days,he is on Television and the Newspapers every day trying to clear his name and family from allegations being made against them and the Football Federation,what is even worse is that he has brought our Football into politics in the country,he is now using it for political gains,he said this WC is his last after that he is just going to concentrate on politics,i think he is seeking to be our Prime minister next elections.

I had meetings with our Technical people including Lincoln and Anton and must say these guys have a very good working relationship,plans are being organized and implemented but i'm still being told money is the problem.There are certain things told to me in my meetings that i'm not going to make public (it's personal/confidential),all i'll say is that there are a lot of positions opening up at home for people like myself,i've been offered and may consider soon what i want to do.

On a different sport i was able to see a bit of Cricket between T&T and Jamaica which was played out at UWI grounds in St Augustine,our Cricket team is doing quite well it was the first time i saw Bravo.       

I attended a couple of the training sessions they had for the under 23's at Ctr of Excellence and they were well attended by both foreign and local players,the atmosphere was electric these guys like they wanted to kill themselves,the first session had about 70 players going through different tactical drills,the second one was more the foreign based players,i was shown few of the players we will have to look out for in the future(don't ask me for names) first time i've seen most of them.

Football / T&T Coaches
« on: December 09, 2005, 10:23:52 AM »
My Company Soccer Academy Inc is interested in employing Coaches for the Summer 06,it's usually two months could be more,i'm looking for Coaches both local and foreign.

There will be a process requirement to be accepted,Resume,Interview,Contract,Salary depends on qualifications etc,if interested check our Website www.soccer-academy.com it will give you more info Ph number etc.

You all know how to contact me.

Football / Sydney FC vs Deportivo Saprissa
« on: December 09, 2005, 12:12:20 AM »
The club championship game with Sydney FC will be on Fox Sports,Monday at 5:00 pm.

Football / If you was the Coach of T&T
« on: November 15, 2005, 04:04:47 PM »
If you was the Coach of T&T what would you be saying to these players on the eve of an important game like this.
Game plan,first half,second half etc.Bear in mind we played those guys already so we know how they play.
Play a more open or coservative game,play our game or play more defensive/attacking.

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