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Topics - RasIred

Pages: [1]
Looking for a goalie to fill a spot on my 11 on 11 team in Toronto, games will be in Markham Sunday's between 9am - 3 pm. Let me know if interested. Hit me via pm.

General Discussion / Is the ATM network flawed ?
« on: November 30, 2006, 03:41:20 PM »
Saw this article on msnbc.com today. I know nothing is 100% safe, I always thought Hacker types would find ways to theif monies in a big way..............An intresting read. It seems very difficult to do, but you know the saying "What can happen will happen" !!


Alrite carry on folks...........

Football / Where all the St. Anthony`s College
« on: July 28, 2006, 11:21:33 AM »
All these Fatima men and Saints men and Benediocts men and Malick ....and on an on.........where the flicking St. Anthony's past pupils??

S.A.C class of 93  :beermug:

Football / Thursday 15th......GTA
« on: June 13, 2006, 10:29:52 AM »
Yow we linking up in Hardball again so rally through........ :beermug:

I superstitious.......all the games I watch dey was
draw, win, draw......so i hope is a win next  ;D

Football / Poll for Toronto Sat 10th viewing
« on: June 05, 2006, 11:34:54 AM »
So far these are the main contenders

Football / The real Waggonist test
« on: June 02, 2006, 03:00:23 PM »
If you would like to know if the soldier or the gyal who sporting Trini colours is a True Soca Warrior or Warriorress askle them to name 8 players with the exception of Yorke and Latas ..................try it out and let me know how many Waaggonist u catch

peace out......... :beermug:

Is Czech mate 2morrow

Football / Saturday June 10th @12 where will you be........
« on: June 01, 2006, 12:49:16 PM »
Yow for this Historical Moment for Trinidad where you be.. If you in Toronto , where u watching it ?? I say we could overnize something so that people can really see what "Trinidad and Tobago" is all about............let we show them how we all does mix and show Unity

is the 1st time, so let we really get on let is first time.......... :beermug:

Football / Toronto sweat
« on: April 26, 2006, 08:54:40 AM »
Yow, well warm weather soon reach T.O. I was hoping to get a lil casual sweat outdoors . If anybody have a pick up side in T.O thats does play regular link me.

I eh no star but the ball hoe in me wah take a lil run. If anybody sweating in East or North T.O it go be cool.

Respect............. :beermug:

Football / THE T&T Kit for WC
« on: February 01, 2006, 11:10:18 AM »
Okay I know it have threads like this up...............however a damn ENGLISHMAN now tell me he have the TRINIDAD kit, he get it from a lady who was in Trinidad.............Is this fact or Fiction...cause I perturbed that an ENGLISHman come tell me he have the kit already

Is this kit out in Trinidad yet........yes or No ? Can some one answer this one.             Also I think it should have a sticky about the WC kit.....since it is a HOT topic

Peace out and doh cuss me out.....I vex a Englishman come tell me bout Kit and I as a warrior clueless

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