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Football / Re: 2022 Concacaf Women's Championship Thread
« on: July 14, 2022, 06:46:03 AM »
Mr kenwyne Jones ah wonder what do you have to say , now that Cornwall and her parent have spoken as it relates to your claim of indiscipline ! Looks like somebody is less than truthful . Could it be you mr Jones ?

Football / Re: Women Warriors Thread
« on: April 12, 2022, 10:52:01 PM »
Saundra baron is a trini / American goalkeeper  , who last I recall was playing pro in the Israeli premier league  in 2019 .......not sure if she is still there , but should be a useful addition for the national women's team , I'm not dogging Kimika forbes but she  needs to clean up / correct some of the elementary slip ups  more recently !  I don't know if the occasion of playing  infront  of her home crowd / Tobago got to her , however she needs to buck up at this level .....nothing personal Kimika .  wishing the best .. Another name I haven't seen nor heard of in the mix is Kayla Taylor  , is she still playing ball?

Football / Re: Women Warriors Thread
« on: April 12, 2022, 06:33:09 PM »
Hear nah homies ah had to go and take a drink following dis game , oh jeezanages  hear nah like we team playing wid my feelings oh wha !  Dat a real drama ...... Wha de ass !   Ah had to take ah Deep breath oui 😅😳 , ah cyar hide meh ah like de fight from de team doh  ! Now on to serious prep , alot ah work to do still ! Leh meh ketch myself  dem people nearly make .... Chit meh self oui !  😅

Football / Re: 2022 CONCACAF U-20 Women's Championship Thread
« on: February 27, 2022, 04:37:59 PM »
Embarrassing ! And with a game remaining !  No excuses  to be made . Many questionable decisions were made from the very unset  , but I'll leave that for pundits .  However ah sure de same bs about lack of playing time and de pandemic dis and dat is to blame .. Coach  spence  over to you .

Football / Re: Women Warriors Thread
« on: February 21, 2022, 12:34:29 AM »
Kayla Taylor  and Saundra baron  ....?  Are they injured ?  What's their status .....

Football / Re: Home of Football Thread
« on: November 19, 2021, 06:05:59 PM »
Selling the home of football should not even be mentioned as a consideration for the current debt crisis facing the ttfa ........ Exclude that idea , let NC  find other means in order to address the current debt .... The home of football must be kept  for the purposes it was meant for full stop !

Football / Re: Sheldon Bateau Thread
« on: September 16, 2021, 03:46:32 PM »
Can someone explain why is it  the People given the responsibility to take charge of our football  ( namely the normalisation committee ) continue to treat our players so disrespectfully ! Seriously it's beyond ridiculous at this stage .... I'm not sure disgust can be used to describe  the current situation ! When will the madness stop?

Football / Re: Thread for T&T vs Guatemala (18-Jul-2021)
« on: July 18, 2021, 10:47:37 PM »
I just wish to say despite all the turmoil, the stoppages and and the lack of football being played or lack thereof,   I have to commend our team for performing creditably . Hopefully all the stakeholders get on board to  lend the necessary support that is so vitally needed in order to push ahead with our football development . Proud of the effort  given by team ! Now the homework begins ! 

Football / Re: Thread for T&T vs El Salvador (14-Jul-2021)
« on: July 16, 2021, 11:09:40 AM »
Frico doh feel no way boss ! Some ah de loudest and more boastful in right here in N/America is non other  than our Jamaican brothers and sisters , dey love talk  , so ah doh take dem on wid  dey  trinis chatter claim !  On another  note ah had put up yuh post just to tease yuh lil bit cause ah thought yuh say yuh wasn't gonna post here no more 😊  !  Dis forum is de best yuh had to come again breds ain't .

Football / Re: Thread for T&T vs El Salvador (14-Jul-2021)
« on: July 16, 2021, 10:09:19 AM »
DeeksI said I won't post again but I respect you and a 2 or 3 others.I wasn't planning to offend, but when I said Jamaicans say "we talk too much",I tell them is allyuh who talk too much.I am up against about 5 ah dem.Sometimes I wish TT can ram all the crap that they talk down their throats,when we lose they know and wait for meh.Where are all those ballers that we used to produce,what happen to that culture.When I came to England I played Sunday morning football in Scrubs Lane in Shephers Bush,most of the blokes were Jamaicans,many would ask me "way yuh fram bway",when I replied  Trinidad,they would say,no wonder "yuh so good".I am just pointing out how well the rest of the Caribbean knew about our football culture,we lost our pride or what,I dunno man.I find it's taking too long to get back even close to where were,maybe there's more to it than I know.Regards.

Football / Re: Thread for T&T vs El Salvador (14-Jul-2021)
« on: July 15, 2021, 04:51:48 AM »
O Trinidad,you are poor,very poor.Jamaicans say we talk too much maybe they are right.You Trinidad bring tears to people's eyes,we support you on the grounds of yesteryear,no more I am done with that.I hope all the other facets of life is not so miserable and unhappy for people.I make this as my last post.Mark the date...14-07-21.Not another post. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
[/quote] yuh talking chit frico ! Soon enough yuh go be back to post again . This arena too sweet to leave  :D

Football / Re: Terry Fenwick Thread.
« on: June 11, 2021, 02:48:11 PM »
Stones  breds ah hear yuh ! In all seriousness many among us  who  are trini football  fans do have our concerns with the state of what's currently going on , it's inescapable in plain sight , I certainly hope things do improve for the betterment of all involved , at all levels  this is what I do believe  we all want to see ! So breds don't take it too personal ! Cheers

Football / Re: Terry Fenwick Thread.
« on: June 11, 2021, 10:06:01 AM »
Nah stones how yuh go do we that by weening away yuhself  from we !  Champ stay de course  yuh cyar leave just so , matter of fact yuh ain't going no way !  Yuh like de bacchannal yuhself ain't ? :)

Football / Re: Terry Fenwick Thread.
« on: June 11, 2021, 09:18:46 AM »
It appears fenwick and jack chose to resign , while king was fired !  Yet to be fully confirmed .

Football / Re: Fire Terry Fenwick
« on: June 08, 2021, 11:34:24 AM »
Ah boy !  Mr terry ( elbow ) fenwick l, you have anything to add or say ?  This  video speak volumes ! Mr fenwick you're dishonest  and certainly have anger issues , sorry but you're not a good example for national duty as a coach ! Too much baggage sorry ! Chuck it you got to go .

Football / Re: Levi Garcia Thread
« on: June 07, 2021, 09:32:40 PM »
To all the forum homies how yuh all doing ?  after watching  what took place on the weekend I'll be lying if I say it didn't hurt ' after a while is like I was watching the game in slow mo hoping and still believing  we will win ! But enough for my feelings for now !! I watch that interview  with Levi Garcia and lemmeh say this I could  see the pain and hurt on de youth man face !   Nah man that's painful ! It is my hope  the team  medical staff do see to it  to ensure any player affected by such disappointment be addressed ! 

Football / Re: Ian Clauzel interview
« on: November 27, 2020, 11:34:04 AM »
I fully enjoyed this interview by the panel .... Nicely done Steve David .......  Let me just say  I remember clearly what  former tranquil and former national youth coach  Roderick Warner  said about  clauzel . Clauzel was unjustly treated because at the time  of him Being a rasta / dread ..... Many football fans were mystified by clauzel non inclusion on the national youth team  during clauzel time   What a shame ! Thanks to people like Roderick warner ....

Football / Re: Where are they now?
« on: November 19, 2020, 08:32:01 AM »
Ian clauzel was a very special player / footballer .... I was fortunate to see him play on many occasions , the guy was on a different level . Yet in spite of his talent he was a humble  and quiet youth man .  Happy I witness his amazing talent live up close ....... Just wanna mention also the final between John D technical vs Mucurapo comprehensive  at the oval was a game to remember featuring the likes of clauzel and his teammates (Emerson dubisson  ,  Eric old man white ) .... unforgettable

Football / Re: FIFA suspends the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association
« on: October 16, 2020, 03:11:16 PM »
Meh chest eh big enough seeker ah is a skinny fella breds :) 

Football / Re: FIFA suspends the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association
« on: October 16, 2020, 01:51:08 PM »
Minister Shamfa cudjoe we are well aware of your haste and quick tempered responses In the midst of the Tffa struggle / fight for justice against Fifa  brutal and arrogant behaviour on a democratically elected body ! So your warnings  according to you have come to pass , does it justify the means or make you a prophet now ? Do you recall it is you also who  explicitly threatened no funding will given to the ttfa led by William Wallace by your ministry , do you recall that miss cudjoe ? In order words you began dancing to Fifa's disrespectful threats ,  so let me quote your boss brilliant !

Football / Keith Look Loy resigns from all T&T football
« on: October 16, 2020, 10:53:45 AM »
mr Keith look Loy I salute you for steadfastly standing up for justice , you have served both on and off the field admirably , that cannot be easily discounted . I have been one of many Who supported you , as well as your United ttfa  and will remain so . To that end i say thank you immensely for your contribution to country and the beautiful game ( football ) , this is a sad day indeed ! Much respect to you mr Keith look Loy thanks again!   ........

Well said rasta ! The elected leader of our beloved country by his outlandish comments seem to think abuse is acceptable , what a damn shame ...... FIFA has undoubtedly shown complete disdain , disrespect for our courts and the rule  of law , as well as for a duly elected body and all of Trinidad & Tobago , yet the prime minister perch atop his podium has chosen the same arrogant response as Fifa ! Mister prime minister we will not be bullied nor be disrespected by you or Fifa !

Disheartening to say the least that an entrusted leader of the populace instead of displaying respect and humility at a time when much dependent on each of us to be exemplary in our conduct has chosen to think it's cute or some kind of ridiculous humour to seemingly taunt yesterday's by the honourable judge on ttfa's behalf  .. Let me remind those who may tend to forget that this is the same court or judge that may someday be called upon to adjudicate cases involving said persons . Be aware   

Football / Re: FIFA suspends the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association
« on: October 14, 2020, 07:56:05 AM »
Nah stones ah cyar wager now , in any case,  doh even mention Brent sancho nor Selby brown names for leadership position in any administration , dem guys are major sell outs I will not want dem on any frontline as comrades to fight , they'll abandone you in a whisper , leaving you  in harms way to battle on your own ! All in all stones whatever decision mr Wallace and crew makes I can only wish them the very best , I supported their stance against an unreasonable bully Fifa .  As you mention it will be interesting if Shaka hislop comes the in mix to lend a hand .

Football / Re: Rowley on TTFA victory
« on: October 14, 2020, 07:30:57 AM »
What irony dr Keith rowley , are you making a mockery of the decision handed down by  the honourable high judge gobin ? Or is it one of your silly talking points . Provided you have nothing better to say  or  to add please spare us your Greek quotes . ! So Dr keith rowley please it is my hope you will at least be mindful of what is needed more now than ever are words of inspiration , Enough of the ugly divisiveness .

Football / Re: FIFA suspends the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association
« on: October 13, 2020, 09:35:21 PM »
Properly worded decision by judge gobin !  Fifa clearly demonstrated from the very unset  arrogance , disrespect and bad faith in its handling of this entire situation ! Full stop

Football / Re: FIFA suspends the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association
« on: October 07, 2020, 02:05:29 PM »
Hear nah Mrs. Reece ,  the moment you come wid this change name from the ttfa to Trinidad and Tobago soccer Ltd , (whatever)statement , ah know yuh eh ready yet ! So yuh change de name , then what ?  Look nah come again !  Why didn't you ask the Fifa executives to intervene when David John Williams was running amok while he was in office that's the change that was necessary ! Point yuh fingers in the right direction to effect change , call upon Fifa and its executives to reconcile their efforts alongside / or together with  the William Wallace elected team to sit as men and women to address de issues that's of major concerns to all involved parties ! Don't you think so Mrs Reece !

Football / Re: Levi Garcia Thread
« on: October 05, 2020, 11:48:56 AM »
Jezanages ! Youth man Levi I pray  for a full and speedy recovery ! God bless you  youth man  .

Football / Re: FIFA suspends the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association
« on: September 24, 2020, 05:37:49 PM »
Ah hope de trio of DJW aka shrek ,  Brent aka de self serving bow tie  opportunist, and frog faced Johnny come lately Hadad celebrate well for now .... What a bunch snakes ! But doh worry their days will come ! Wait and see ! Who laugh last laugh best ! As for infantino de Panama papers will expose yuh And yuh gang ! De fraud squad coming ..

Brent Sancho what's the urgency to be so damn vocal now , what's in it for you ? Let me remind you not too long ago , when DJW and his cronies were running football into the messy state  its in today , you were not speaking with the same urgency and as loudly as you are at the moment , matter of fact your silence was deafening ! Yuh a damn hypocrite Brent sancho not to mention very self serving when it suit you!  What's in it for you Brent Sancho ? Whose agenda are really pushing mister yellow belly !  You have shown your true colours once again

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