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Messages - Coop's

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Trust me i do understand u guys,it just seems like everybody here on the same page and that's wonderfull at least you all agree on something.

Having said that try not to fault me for being sympathetic to T&T Football,i come from a Football family which i started,i've got two brothers that played for St Marys and Maple,one was assist to Alvin as Snr mens national team Coach,i have a brother that played for Jabloteh,my daughter played for Mucurapo/T&T,my son Barataria Snr,cousin Liana Hinds national Women,Kevin Molino brother of my cousin Kevon Cooper.This is my last post,thanks and good-bye.   

FS if someone commits a crime or is summoned to appear in a case and does not show or testify,isn't there a penalty/charge related to that?if someone is found guilty of wrongdoing isn't there some kind of jail time for that?i don't know just asking.

If you all read my views/ideas on this whole thing,you all will observe i've never disputed any accounts of the events that took place,decisions made by the different Courts/Tribunals,coruptions involving JW/TTFA etc etc a lot of it have been explained on different occasions on here,i get it but why can't i have a view?


You can have your view, but your view is wrong.  Honestly Coop's yuh not really saying anything and yuh not making sense either.  Yuh call these fellas all kinda greedy, but your opinion that they are 'greedy' aside, three courts have agreed with them.  So which is it?  Is it that they are greedy as you claim? Or are they in the right, as three courts, listening to the evidence from both sides, have declared them to be?  Yuh saying yuh "get it", but yuh eh get it.  You only saying that because everybody coming down on the opposite side from you.  You claim to have heard the TTFF side from yuh pardnas... why they didn't stand up in court, under oath and offer that?  And if is the same old song and dance that three courts have already listened to and rejected, why you clinging onto the words of these people as gospel?  Have your view, but make sense in the process.
    Bakes listen may be i'm not making sense but it's something i've said in the past and i'll say again,yes JW/TTFA did shyt and were wrong,but it will not change the fact that the members are my personal friends and i'm very sympathic towards the association because of what it has done for me,i have to be a mad man to dispute a courts decision.

Coop's seriously though, how can you post what you just posted, but yet still say you have T&T football interest at heart? Coop's I learnt as a youth man that my best friend does come straight with me. If I do shit they does tell me to my face that I do shit, daiz why we're friends. My friends don't tell me what they think I should hear just to make me feel good. When yuh do shit yuh friends must call yuh on it.

Big man is big man. Real talk
    Elan i'm a grown man and i toally agree with u,what u are saying there don't u think i've done that?could it or would it change or undo the damage already done?this thing has set us back so far and every time a national team plays we expect the best results.

FS if someone commits a crime or is summoned to appear in a case and does not show or testify,isn't there a penalty/charge related to that?if someone is found guilty of wrongdoing isn't there some kind of jail time for that?i don't know just asking.

If you all read my views/ideas on this whole thing,you all will observe i've never disputed any accounts of the events that took place,decisions made by the different Courts/Tribunals,coruptions involving JW/TTFA etc etc a lot of it have been explained on different occasions on here,i get it but why can't i have a view?


You can have your view, but your view is wrong.  Honestly Coop's yuh not really saying anything and yuh not making sense either.  Yuh call these fellas all kinda greedy, but your opinion that they are 'greedy' aside, three courts have agreed with them.  So which is it?  Is it that they are greedy as you claim? Or are they in the right, as three courts, listening to the evidence from both sides, have declared them to be?  Yuh saying yuh "get it", but yuh eh get it.  You only saying that because everybody coming down on the opposite side from you.  You claim to have heard the TTFF side from yuh pardnas... why they didn't stand up in court, under oath and offer that?  And if is the same old song and dance that three courts have already listened to and rejected, why you clinging onto the words of these people as gospel?  Have your view, but make sense in the process.
    Bakes listen may be i'm not making sense but it's something i've said in the past and i'll say again,yes JW/TTFA did shyt and were wrong,but it will not change the fact that the members are my personal friends and i'm very sympathic towards the association because of what it has done for me,i have to be a mad man to dispute a courts decision.

FS if someone commits a crime or is summoned to appear in a case and does not show or testify,isn't there a penalty/charge related to that?if someone is found guilty of wrongdoing isn't there some kind of jail time for that?i don't know just asking.

If you all read my views/ideas on this whole thing,you all will observe i've never disputed any accounts of the events that took place,decisions made by the different Courts/Tribunals,coruptions involving JW/TTFA etc etc a lot of it have been explained on different occasions on here,i get it but why can't i have a view?


Tallman, Bakes, Tiresais et al.  who responding to Coop's all yuh have de patience of Job......I doh have the time nor the patience......

Coop's on here long enough to know how this thing went down......to pretend otherwise is just outright *searching for the right word......*  blasphemy??  duttiness??  mischievousness??
    Brownsugar,i know u went to court and all that with these guys so i guess u know how this thing went down.Have u ever spoken to any of the guys involved in this case?have u ever spoken to JW,Camps or Groden?if not u are just baseing your views/ideas on what u read from these guys on here,if u were to talk to the players involved u will get a different view from all of them,why is it half accept and half didn't?it have players we have never heard anything from they just sitting down waiting to collect,imagine Evans Wise how many time he ever played for T&T,did he play in any WC games?since the WC have u ever heard from him?he too fighting for money in court,that's one of our heroes.

  When i lived in the US i used to buy what was sold to me on here but i'm home and able to talk too and discuss things personally with all the TTFA admin etc etc but i will not put anything i've discussed on here,i find out things for my personal use/knowledge,you all want to listen to ppl like FS,Sancho,Fenwick (like he stop talking),Dreamer,Socapro,Elan etc yes these guys know what went down but i have to pick sense from nonsense.It have guys who was on here just like u and me wrangleing with the TTFA and today they are actually working for the same TTFA they once they once wrangled with,i wonder if their views have changed.

  As i've always said i'm not a fan of T&T Football i am T&T Football,if u watched the sports news last night u will see what took place on the North Coast yesterday,nothing like that has ever happened in that area before,i had the Capt of our Womens national team,the girl that just scored the two goals in that all important game for our U 20 plus a couple others at the opening Clinic,i just want to show you all i'm still making a contribution to Football in the country,they are asking for my assistance and i will give it as long as my health permits,it does not matter wheather it's JW or Tim Kee once is Football there are no politics with me.   

FS, i see where u mentioned an FPATT was launched in T&T,could u tell the forum what's the status of that FPATT,what kind of membership it has,who is in control,are they affiliated to the TTFA,what have they done so far for Footballers in T&T,are players better off today than yesterday.

nobody eh blackmail them because Kenwyne,Carlos etc never stop playing for T&T,they blank T&T thinking we could not play without them

FACT: De three biggest agitators (Brent Sancho, Kelvin Jack, Shaka Hislop) never represented T&T again after the 2006 World Cup.

Atiba Charles' last game for T&T was November 15, 2006 against Austria.
Evans Wise's last game for T&T was August 9, 2006 against Japan.

Despite T&T playing 14 games (including de Gold Cup) in 2007, the rest of de suing players (Avery, Collin, Cornell, Cyd, Kenwyne, Stern, Whitley, and Wolfe) were never called up.

The players slowly started being called back from February 6, 2008 for the game against Guadeloupe. All in all the players were out of national colors between 1-2 years.
      Alright Tallman,answer me these questions,why is it half the team accepted what was offered and the other half didn't?was it only half knew about the offer that was made?this was suppose to be a closely nitted team that's why they qualified,how did this happen?where is the captain/leader in all of this?  Why should u call players that have u in court?

Coops, I think you'll find that there were 7 players who accepted the offer: Dwight (the captain who you called for, who then was given a US$50,000 per month ambassadors role, apparently), Latapy who was groomed for the National Team Coach position, Carlos, Dennis, Scotty, Ince who were represented by Mike Berry who was also the Player Liaison for TTFF. Can't remember the last player, so maybe he just liked the deal!

You're right. "Why call players who have you in court?" But before you take that moral high ground, how about "why make a deal with players and then renege on it?" If you didn't go back on your word, no one would be in court.

Remember, the players didn't start this whole scene. They were offered less than TT$5,000. Even at the original 30% agreement, they were being collectively cheated out of maybe TT$1 million.
       My memory not so good,but didn't they get $1million TT each in some bond or something like that from the government? 

nobody eh blackmail them because Kenwyne,Carlos etc never stop playing for T&T,they blank T&T thinking we could not play without them

FACT: De three biggest agitators (Brent Sancho, Kelvin Jack, Shaka Hislop) never represented T&T again after the 2006 World Cup.

Atiba Charles' last game for T&T was November 15, 2006 against Austria.
Evans Wise's last game for T&T was August 9, 2006 against Japan.

Despite T&T playing 14 games (including de Gold Cup) in 2007, the rest of de suing players (Avery, Collin, Cornell, Cyd, Kenwyne, Stern, Whitley, and Wolfe) were never called up.

The players slowly started being called back from February 6, 2008 for the game against Guadeloupe. All in all the players were out of national colors between 1-2 years.
      Alright Tallman,answer me these questions,why is it half the team accepted what was offered and the other half didn't?was it only half knew about the offer that was made?this was suppose to be a closely nitted team that's why they qualified,how did this happen?where is the captain/leader in all of this?  Why should u call players that have u in court?

I'm surprised you asked that question Bakes. Jack was an employee of TTFF. Therefore his actions were representative of the body who employed him and they are legally responsible for his actions. The idea being that the players sue TTFF and TTFF go after Jack for the allegedly misappropriated funds.

Jack was not an employee at the time both he and the TTFF held him out to be a "Special Advisor." Under agency theory the TTFF are responsible for the representations he made to the players and any harm that results.  The fact that you are 'surprised' that I asked that question should have been your first clue that maybe you didn't truly appreciate it.  During the civil suit when Jack made it clear he wasn't coming as a witness, the judge flat out (if memory serves correct) suggested to Townley that Jack be made a party to the suit... that is to say, either the TTFF sue him as what's called a Third Party Plaintiff, or have the Players petition to have him joined as a necessary party to the suit.  Groden shucked and jived and made it clear the TTFF wasn't going to sue Jack, therefore it was incumbent on the Players to join him to the suit.  They never did that, but are now being ruthless in going after the TTFA who are actually trying in earnest to right the ship.
I'm surprised you asked that question Bakes. Jack was an employee of TTFF. Therefore his actions were representative of the body who employed him and they are legally responsible for his actions. The idea being that the players sue TTFF and TTFF go after Jack for the allegedly misappropriated funds.

Jack was not an employee at the time both he and the TTFF held him out to be a "Special Advisor." Under agency theory the TTFF are responsible for the representations he made to the players and any harm that results.  The fact that you are 'surprised' that I asked that question should have been your first clue that maybe you didn't truly appreciate it.  During the civil suit when Jack made it clear he wasn't coming as a witness, the judge flat out (if memory serves correct) suggested to Townley that Jack be made a party to the suit... that is to say, either the TTFF sue him as what's called a Third Party Plaintiff, or have the Players petition to have him joined as a necessary party to the suit.  Groden shucked and jived and made it clear the TTFF wasn't going to sue Jack, therefore it was incumbent on the Players to join him to the suit.  They never did that, but are now being ruthless in going after the TTFA who are actually trying in earnest to right the ship.
       :beermug: :beermug: :beermug: :beermug: now tell me,what is so hard for people to understand?all they are seeing is getting Jack hang,i don't know law but i have a bit of common sense and i'm saying this for the longest while,i appreciate what these guys have done for our Football but as Jack said they are greedy,they was offered something they said no,nobody eh blackmail them because Kenwyne,Carlos etc never stop playing for T&T,they blank T&T thinking we could not play without them,nobody talks about the 06 Warriors in T&T everything is about the Strike Squad eg the Women just came back from the failed WC qualifications and is guys like Clayton Morris and Leonson Lewis was invited to the reception at the Hilton,where are our WC heroes?they should be our biggest motivation since they qualified.

Nobody gave JW a free pass because they still fighting him,from the time i see Kelvin Jack come to play in Football festival for Wire D868 i had a mind something was up,he eh coming here to play no game just so,nobody wants to see him any how.

They vex Latapy settle,the others want too but they under pressure,the only way this will end all of them will have to do what Latapy did,look how Yorke and the rest don't have any problems,talking about they want to ensure this never happens again and alyu eh get alyu money yet,every time we try to raise our heads alyu pushing it back down,study Jack Warner and don't move on.

Look at the strides Football are starting to make,people still finding all kind of things to say about the admin,MOS,Sportt etc etc about funding Football,alyu come back with this court shyt,Integrity Commission going and investigate JW after FIFA,CONCACAF,CFU,FBI,IRS,Customs,TTPS,Haiti etc etc give up,alyu eh find something have to be wrong,the man eh hiding no where he still travels and does what he wants,he don't even go to court.

Football / Re: Epic! Costa Rica tops T&T for U-20 WWC berth
« on: January 23, 2014, 02:18:48 PM »
Coops, I agree with you as far as things will not change because the federation needs to get their act together first.

Tiresais, US have the best women team in the world. We could do with a decent US coach.

But coops have a valid point, nothing will change until de federation improves.

We could do with a decent T&T coach, or any nationality - where we getting the money to hire a US coach? They'll (rightly) demand a wage more in-line with US Coaches, which will be hire than the going rate in T&T. They also won't have any contextual knowledge of the country, and in some cases less motivation
There are quite a few very experienced and well respected US based Trini coaches who could fill these roles if the TTFA were really interested in that concept. Some have more than enough experience to help in other areas of Administration; Player Development Programming; Coaching Education; Sports Business acumen; Public Relations and Marketing; Fundraising and Infrastructure Development; Staff Development; Coaching Education Curriculum Development etc. etc. etc.
Some are Directors of Coaching in clubs with 5,000 players; some have built clubs from the ground up; some have coached and managed college programs; trained and developed players who play in US State, Regional and National teams at all age groups, some have developed coaches who now coach US national teams and MLS teams.
The only problem here is whether we you are willing to give these Trinidadians the same level of respect and pay that you would be willing to give to a non Trinidadian.
       They did it with Lincoln Phillips,Stephen Hart,Russel Latapy,Sheldon Phillips etc etc why won't they,the thing is have any of those Trinis showed any interest in coaching in T&T,i have talked about this on a couple occasions because when we are scouting for Coaches some how we don't consider our own,look at guys like Yorke,Lawrence,Latapy,Nakhid,Hislop,Walkes,Chinapoo etc etc these guys not giving up their career to come coach T&T.

Football / Re: TTFA launches community youth football clinics
« on: January 23, 2014, 04:37:18 AM »
It would be wise for them to put an after school program in place where teachers or any other qualified member of the community would do the coaching.........

My thought exactly. Yuh definitely don't want an overzealous gatekeeper keeping the balls under lock and key and players not getting touches.
      On paper what you all are saying is fine but in T&T it will not work,number one nobody volunteers in T&T any more if you not paying forget it,teachers now not giving that kind of time to nothing,when school over that's it.

      I've been to every Prmary school on the North Coast recently and none have a sports teacher,teachers will tell u they don't have the time for that,i could understand to a certain extent after spending all day with these kids i too at the end wants to go home,Teaching used to be fun long time not any more with kids threatening Teachers etc etc

Well something must be wrong on the North Coast Cause I know teachers does volunteer they time to do extra Curricular activities with the kids. From March Pass to Mas. If teachers don't do it there is always a parent in the community who volunteers. I find it hard to believe that NO teacher willing to assist the kids.

     Elan let me explain may be u left T&T a little child,i guess u know where the North Coast is,it have a saying places like Blanchisseuse behind God back,it have ppl in T&T have never been to the North Coast except Maracas.

     Most Teachers that teach in the schools on the Coast don't live there,although Government provide transport it's usually a long day for them,according to where they are coming from it's normally 4:00 am they have to start getting prepared for work,i know of one Teacher that comes from Chaguanas,after school they usually get home aroung 7/8:00pm now tell me what time/life do these Teachers have.

Football / Re: TTFA launches community youth football clinics
« on: January 22, 2014, 06:55:58 PM »
It would be wise for them to put an after school program in place where teachers or any other qualified member of the community would do the coaching.........

My thought exactly. Yuh definitely don't want an overzealous gatekeeper keeping the balls under lock and key and players not getting touches.
      On paper what you all are saying is fine but in T&T it will not work,number one nobody volunteers in T&T any more if you not paying forget it,teachers now not giving that kind of time to nothing,when school over that's it.

      I've been to every Prmary school on the North Coast recently and none have a sports teacher,teachers will tell u they don't have the time for that,i could understand to a certain extent after spending all day with these kids i too at the end wants to go home,Teaching used to be fun long time not any more with kids threatening Teachers etc etc

Football / Re: TTFA launches community youth football clinics
« on: January 22, 2014, 10:08:37 AM »
My original point was that it's a waste of money without consistent follow-up youth coaching, but I retracted it after fair criticism that I was being too negative
     My thoughts for Football in T&T have always been to develope programmes that will suit T&T,our Youths don't seem to adapt too much to the Academy type Academy/coaching,if we can start them off in this environment get them passionate towards the game then take it to the next level,these programmes are more about participation (give it a try see if u like it),we are encourageing kids who never played the game,even kids who just want to come and watch what's going on,it's a 16 week programme which runs Feb/March and then Sept/Oct Coaches will be training along with the kids so when the TTFA staff leaves it can continuation.

Football / Re: TTFA launches community youth football clinics
« on: January 22, 2014, 04:54:26 AM »
Wait, are they saying 90 minutes per group total? What's teh point of that? Just a great headline, but without some actual sustained youth coaching this is a throw-away gesture
       I'm trying to understand what u meant by this post.

Football / Re: TTFA launches community youth football clinics
« on: January 22, 2014, 04:52:56 AM »
I held the balls,juggle them a bit to see how it feels,throw them in the air,drop them on the ground,the only thing i did not do is play a game with them. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Well done Coops ;D
     Aye this eh no joke,it's serious business,your mind too corupt  :rotfl:

Football / Re: Epic! Costa Rica tops T&T for U-20 WWC berth
« on: January 22, 2014, 04:47:07 AM »
From leading 3-1 to coming back to loose 7-3 could mean 2 things.

1. The players unfit.

2. The coach fail to make tactical adjustments.

We can't be celebrating failure.

The team defending was very poor.

We need to hire a US coach and have the locals work alongside them and have some program in place for these ladies so they can develop to be great senior players.

Why do you think a US Coach is immediately better - there's a hella lot of negativity in this thread. We got as far as we have ever got in the competition, dominated the first half against a team better than ourselves, and the ladies have an experience they can take into the senior team so we can challenge there. Yes, they're unfit, mainly because the domestic scene is no where near as competitive as Costa Rica's and the other teams above us. Yes we might be naive, for the same reasons as above - experience is the critical factor here. Yes tactically we might not be all that, but again Izler is limited in the coaching experience she can accrue at the moment - for months before this tournament she was arguing for more friendlies leading up to it and didn't get them, didn't even get the training camp she wanted. You look at their fixtures - all they get are 4 games a year, whilst the men's team can get 3 in a month. According to FIFA the women's senior team didn't play a single game in 2013 - mainly because T&T Women's went to England on a tour to play English women's teams (whom they mostly trounced).

Instead you get lines like this "Trinidad and Tobago's national senior women's team footballers have no place to train. So, on Thursdays they head to the Queen's Park Savannah, in Port of Spain." (21st March 2013 news on Soca Warriors).

You need to check your expectations - they're not being supported, coaches are potentially being undermined and the team can't arrange matches to practice and prepare for major tournaments. The ladies got so far on skill and determination, but there's only so far they can get without support and preparation for both the players and the head coach. If you care so much go do something about it - contact any contacts you have, turn up to women's games, ask what you can do, because there's a lack of support here that if you care enough about it you can help reduce.

The Women's teams need support for the coaches by giving them enough games to prepare and a proper infrastructure to train their teams.
From leading 3-1 to coming back to loose 7-3 could mean 2 things.

1. The players unfit.

2. The coach fail to make tactical adjustments.

We can't be celebrating failure.

The team defending was very poor.

We need to hire a US coach and have the locals work alongside them and have some program in place for these ladies so they can develop to be great senior players.

        Everything u said here have been said concerning these Women already,we not celebrating failure we celebrating effort,did u read our newspapers?the country is behind them u not hearing nothing negative at home.
        Hire what US Coach?u feel when we hire them our problems will change,we going to have access to our players when we want,our girls will be able to train full time etc etc like the US and other teams?imagine our Women have to train in the Savannah and up to Monday i saw Rangers training at the Hasely Crawford Stadium (practice field). 

Football / Re: TTFA launches community youth football clinics
« on: January 21, 2014, 06:29:36 AM »
I think this is a first step for the new regime. By leaving the footballs at every primary school, they are planting a seed. Remember, funding is a major issue. Can you imagine how much it would cost to have enough full time coaches to cover both islands just for one session per school per week?
This initiative may encourage some schools to run regular sessions.
I would imagine that TTFA recognise it's not enough, but it's a positive start. After all, how many sustained programmes did the TTFF produce?
Yes, it's good press, which TTFA need. Hopefully, from that, they can interest a sponsor in contributing towards sustaining the initiative.
The balls may not be perfect, but again, they're free. Like it says, some kids in Africa are kicking around balls made of garbage. It seems that these balls are well designed and pretty much indestructible. Thats gotta be better than nothing, right?
My only comment is that by teaming up with Pro League, Super League and the Zones, they could add additional coaches by having a joint programme.
It's progress, so lets not be too critical.
      Thanks FS,some ppl don't try to find out what's going on before being critical.This programme has nothing to do with the Pro League and all these Major leagues in the country,it's a grassroots programme designed for kids that don't have the opportunity at any level of coaching,it's being implimented in community and coastal areas all over the country,the balls are much different from the normal balls they don't have much bounce so are easy to control by kids.
      I held the balls,guggle them a bit to see how it feels,throw them in the air,drop them on the ground,the only thing i did not do is play a game with them.You will notice they are starting in Blanchisseuse (North Coast Villages) it's because of my interest in the programme,on the North Coast have no sports and this is very important for me getting activities going in that area.
      Blanchisseuse have produced guys like myself,Hayden Tinto and more recently Dwight Quintero so there is raw talent there,Football is randomly played in the streets and on the Beaches,places nobody pays attention too,on any given day u go to Maracas,Las Quevas,La Fillette or Blanchisseuse u can see Football being played on the beach.   

Football / Re: Epic! Costa Rica tops T&T for U-20 WWC berth
« on: January 21, 2014, 04:02:44 AM »
Much respect coops.......  no hard feelings ....   i do believe as fellow trinis both at home and abroad we all have an interest in  our sports men and women alike . as for me i will continue to be a passionate  supporter of all our national teams (men and women) in triumphs or disappointments ....again much respect to you coops   no hard feelings ....
      :beermug: :beermug: :beermug:

Football / Re: 2014 CONCACAF U-20 Women's Championship Thread
« on: January 20, 2014, 09:35:29 PM »
If you noticed, during the collapse the camera showed Anton bent over talking to Izler and Izler would not look at him, she did not acknowledge him.

He did the same thing with the U17 women's in JA late last year he showed up in JA and changed the whole plan that Marlon had the girls practicing and playing and they felt comfortable with.

You realize he around we teams and they under achieving but he getting promoted within CONCACAF and even FIFA.
     What teams is we teams,Anton is the Technical direction for all our national teams,what is his role as a technical director?sit down in TTFA office and get paid?he has been with all our national teams from day one,even when Benie was around he has been to and at every game/training,he is the one that decides who coaches our national teams why shouldn't he be on the bench and give advice,alyu know everything about Football why don't you all come T&T like Stephen heart and take the job.

Why have a head coach if the TD coaching every team.

Unless you eh know the TD job is to observe and advise. Was Jurgen Klinsman on the USA bench? Ever see him on the USA bench? How about Ramos, or Moorhouse? Ever see any of them on the US bench? stueps Coop's you eh serious.

He wasn't giving no advice, he was coaching, picking team and running sessions.
      If the TD job is to observe and advise then whose job it is to impliment coaching programmes for the various age groups?whose job it is to select our national team Coaches?whose job it is to plan and organise workshops and courses? etc is Jurgen Klinsman the TD for US Soccer?Lincoln never coached our national team Goalkeepers? Yes the TD job is to observe and advise all all our teams that's why he is there but ppl saying what is he doing there.

Football / Re: TTFA launches community youth football clinics
« on: January 20, 2014, 08:24:43 PM »
If size 4 balls are recommended for ages 9-12, are they providing size 3's for the players under 9
     No they are not,they don't even have size three in the regular size balls,it is normal to pass by any Coaching school where there are little kids and see them useing size 4/5 balls in T&T.

Football / Re: Epic! Costa Rica tops T&T for U-20 WWC berth
« on: January 20, 2014, 08:17:54 PM »
Socalion,sorry Breds if i came across like i am attacking u that was not my intent,if u notice i've not been posting on this topic because i was reading,i did not see the games and depend on here for info/coments,i have a soft spot for our Women national teams especially as daughter once played there,don't get me wrong i like criticism but be constructive,i just find ppl beating down the team like is a road march,our Women don't need that at this time. 

Football / Re: 2014 CONCACAF U-20 Women's Championship Thread
« on: January 20, 2014, 08:02:30 PM »
If you noticed, during the collapse the camera showed Anton bent over talking to Izler and Izler would not look at him, she did not acknowledge him.

He did the same thing with the U17 women's in JA late last year he showed up in JA and changed the whole plan that Marlon had the girls practicing and playing and they felt comfortable with.

You realize he around we teams and they under achieving but he getting promoted within CONCACAF and even FIFA.
     What teams is we teams,Anton is the Technical direction for all our national teams,what is his role as a technical director?sit down in TTFA office and get paid?he has been with all our national teams from day one,even when Benie was around he has been to and at every game/training,he is the one that decides who coaches our national teams why shouldn't he be on the bench and give advice,alyu know everything about Football why don't you all come T&T like Stephen heart and take the job.

Football / Re: Epic! Costa Rica tops T&T for U-20 WWC berth
« on: January 20, 2014, 06:05:44 PM »
Still a bit  dizzy by the outcome of  yesterdays  game (Trinidad/Tobago vs Costa Rica ) ...... i am even more convinced a lack of fitness, ( fatigue)   was a key  factor in the lost yesterday ..   one just has to take a look at the stats during the second period of the  game !!  a clear  sign of a lack of fitness....... i am making a direct plea to the powers that be ...in this  case to the President and general  secretary of the TTFA and other  officials attached to national team football , please . please let us all ensure  that  adequate  and  preparations be given to all national team's , be it men,/ women / or youths.... let us not keep repeating the same errors with such frequency ........The key is long term  continuity ..... we cannot be truly serious when sending any national teams to competition with  1 month  and a half preparation  expecting  to win  its   laughable  .....   my simple Plea is  lets do things properly  and have our teams given all the tools to compete well so we can all be proud of them ... when wearing the red white and black....  .....  i just want to add Mr sheldon phillips and Mr richard tim kee   keep up the work ,
      How many times will it be mentioned that u can't get these women/girls for any length of time to do any kind of proper preperation,these players going to school/work and is not like they can take time off when ever it's convenient,they don't play on professional teams to consistently get exposed to high level competition,they don't get don't get paid like the men do to remburse them for there time,it happens with all our Women's teams,this is not an excuse it's fact.
      How would our Women gain any kind of experience if we don't send them to play in major competitions,i'm not saying i'm happy with the loss or we didn't qualify but i'm satisfied with the effort made by our Women,that's the best they could have done considering the preparations they had.
      After reading all these posts,views and ideas by some experts on the forum my feeling is that some of us was waiting for this to happen,some ppl have nothing good to say,they repeating their criticism of the team over and over and over again like a long playing record,we all know what went down u don't think the TTFA know what went down too but we want to advise them like they blind,look how long we have Women Football only when things like this happen ppl does give them any attention,Shabazz fight with them Women for years without no support only criticism.
      Our Women have come frome very far to reach where they reach,i want to thank the coaching staff including Anton Corneal for an excellent performance by our team,just like i never thought we would have qualified for a WC in my lifetime these Women will surprise alyu one day.

They play so much festival they should set up a veteran's squad and play in the leagues :p
     I don't think so,u ever see the condition of those veterans?don't judge the wets by Leonson Lewis he is one of a kind,when these guys play it sometime takes two three days to recouperate.

Football / Re: The Sharks: Central FC Thread
« on: January 19, 2014, 09:31:36 PM »
The knock on TT teams not doing well in CCL is a legit gripe. But you all can't fault them for not trying. They could as well banish all CFU football and you all can be quite contented with allyuh EPL and La liga football.  resources is a big issue for Caribbean teams. For the past decade how has Haitian and JA teams fared in this tournament. No better than the TT team. I see Panama teams does get real support from the fans and businesses. Ours are utterly pathetic. No support. I really have to commend FS and Sancho, John Williams and Stuart, Mahabir, Shabazz, Fakori and Steve David for their steadfast determination to try and keep some semblance of pro-football in the island.
        :beermug: :beermug: :beermug:

Football / Re: 2014 CONCACAF U-20 Women's Championship Thread
« on: January 16, 2014, 06:27:09 PM »
If you don't mind me asking what was your position that Elan has a problem with?
    I was the Director of Coaching for a club in Norfolk Va called Norfolk Utd a small club about 2,000 kids plus Coaches.

Football / Re: 2014 CONCACAF U-20 Women's Championship Thread
« on: January 16, 2014, 04:20:41 PM »
Sometimes when i listen to some of u guys i feel like you don't know or have not been following the history of T&T sports,we are consistant in no sports at world level,every sport is we participate in are always hoping to win something,check athletics we win a Olympic Gold medal in Javelin and where are we,we qualified for Germany in WC Football and where are we,where are we in Athletics,where are we in Cricket,Cycling,Tennis,Badminton,swimming etc etc it's all hit and miss that's the history of our Sports.

Let us celebrate what ever little success we have,we had motorcade when Hasely won gold,when the Strike Squad almost qualified was carnival in the streets,when we came back from Germany those guys were treated like Gods,a village in Germany was transfered to little T&T,when Keshawn won Gold we had motorcade in the streets etc etc

You all may not find we closing gape etc etc but this is our little joy,our athletes have done us proud and we will big them up are every opportunity,i spend 22 yrs in US Football and there wasn't much i could of talked about when i sat down with Coaches out there,every time the US beat us they used to bring a tape for me,i used to feel so proud when Yorke played for Man U those English guys liked him so i those were my guys.     

Coop's is that how you use to run your club as DoC?
     I never had a club,i worked for a club.If the people who i worked for was satisfied with the work i did,had success with the teams and Cocahes i was responsible for then i had to be doing something right to achieve it.

    I notice u keep throwing this DoC thing in my face all the time like something bothering u,i'm open, if so please let me know,may be i'm not good enough to hold that position.

Football / Re: 2014 CONCACAF U-20 Women's Championship Thread
« on: January 16, 2014, 03:38:02 PM »
Sometimes when i listen to some of u guys i feel like you don't know or have not been following the history of T&T sports,we are consistant in no sports at world level,every sport we participate in we are always hoping to win something,check athletics we win a Olympic Gold medal in Javelin and where are we,we qualified for Germany in WC Football and where are we,where are we in Athletics,where are we in Cricket,Cycling,Tennis,Badminton,swimming etc etc it's all hit and miss that's the history of our Sports.

Let us celebrate what ever little success we have,we had motorcade when Hasely won gold,when the Strike Squad almost qualified was carnival in the streets,when we came back from Germany those guys were treated like Gods,a village in Germany was transfered to little T&T,when Keshawn won Gold we had motorcade in the streets etc etc

You all may not find we closing gape etc etc but this is our little joy,our athletes have done us proud and we will big them up at every opportunity,i spend 22 yrs in US Football and there wasn't much i could of talked about when i sat down with Coaches out there,every time the US beat us they used to bring a tape for me,i used to feel so proud when Yorke played for Man U those English guys liked him so those were my guys.     

Football / Re: 2014 CONCACAF U-20 Women's Championship Thread
« on: January 16, 2014, 05:59:21 AM »
Look at the teams we beat. People getting carried away. I am happy we reach this far, but we ain't qualify yet. When we qualify I will rejoice.
     I don't care who we beat,what make it nice is local Coaches,we never reached this far so i'm rejoicing

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