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Messages - berris

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 61
Football / Re: Stern John to MLS.
« on: May 27, 2010, 03:20:02 PM »
Heard it from a good source, sometime this week or next week Stern John will be joining some MLS team. He is in talks with 3 of them at the moment and will be here soon to talk to them in person and accept the best deal.

Yuh better tap up dat  Berris *cough* source  :devil:

Empty vessels make de most noi.........look leh meh doh say nutten,he silence you in particular many times ,watch n see he do it again . ;) :beermug:

Midknight, ah feel yuh pain ...hard luck ,doh worry I won't be breeding dong yuh back anymore  8)

Thanks for that one eh. I hope you ketch the 10th spot! :devil:

A last day 12 point deficit to make up to ketch tygahkyat and palance, make sure nobody else ent pass me and grab the 5th spot? Impossible is nothing 8)


   :applause: :applause: Congrats Trinione ..it look like de trophy is yours ,clear way ah spot on yuh mantle piece.....well done . :beermug:

Fire and BESBHRAN FC  hounding meh down for dah 10th spot ,while from 6 to 12 could end up anyhow ...Last game fellas may de best managers qualify  :praying:  ;D    :beermug:

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Tallman!
« on: May 05, 2010, 04:14:08 PM »
Happy Birthday Tallman all de brest  :beermug: :beermug: ....... yuh old fart  ;D  :devil:

Fantasy League / Re: 2009-10 Warrior Nation/SW.net Champions League
« on: April 24, 2010, 11:30:21 PM »
Waitin for d trophy presentation, have a spot ready on d mantle.

Manuvelona cyar get no love no matter what. Its all good, can't do nothing but let d performance talk. 4th and 8th ASL last 2 yrs, fightin up in 2nd this rounds, take d CL. Like is ah bredrin ting around these here parts but wha ah go do. Wanna win d league b4 I lock off so hopefully it gets done this yr or next.

Right now yuh line fuh de icy-hot ,if yuh drop down tuh 3rd place is ah umbrella,4th place yuh cud get ah beach ball wid all kinda ah drawing on it , if yuh end up in 5th is ah piper clarks (rubber slippers). 6th place is ah pack ah Jumbo nuts straight from Canada .Andre S right now is negotiations wid de YMCA and Salvation army tuh organize prizes for the next 4 spots to complete de top ten.....Shhhhhh doh tell nobody eh ,buh Tallman tell meh de fuss prize is ah light up Yo-Yo ah only telling yuh so yuh go have some incentive tuh ketch de man in fuss place  . ;D :beermug:

yo fellahs, under all the shit talk.. i eh even know who to buy.. my head bad right now and I just put Bullard as my captain and no transfers..
so doh come and ask meh after why ah do dat shit for..just remember rule #1 never touch yuh side under rum in yuh head..

  :rotfl: :rotfl:

Buh yuh right ...Bullard mudda c**t ..twice

That captain rule lookin to sour my whole season jed...plan carefully and then men gonna get lucky Drogba and Rooney eh playin....uuuuggggghhhh

Lucky ?????? you on shit yes dread ...If Drogba and Rooney had play,with the cut arse dey teams dis out, both ah dem cudda score a hattrick at least ...stop crying and worry bout catching the man on top ah yuh nah ....if yuh did really 'plan carefully' ,as yuh say,yuh wudda put Lampard as yuh capt. from de start ... :-\

Granny use to always say like some ppl does talk jus to hear d sound ah dey voice. U take me expressin a lil frustration for a moment and run with it. I was over that  like 5 minutes after I said it, back in the lab plottin d downfall of poor managers.

Wuz dah one Omar ,yuh leave 17pts on de bench   and still put up 35 ??? ...now is not a time to tuh make dem kinda ah ANDRE SAMUEL PLAY   mistake dred...

Midknight, ah feel yuh pain ...hard luck ,doh worry I won't be breeding dong yuh back anymore  8)
Come on Agbonlahor time tuh score some big pts .

Tallman on de front page  ??? doh f**k meh up nah man , I tort he and Andre S had start ah new league on de 3rd page  :devil: :devil:

yeah dread, well let me break it down for you young whipper-snapper..

i watch my side and ah actually had competition for places.. it was between huth against bolton or baird against wolves.. and i see fulham coach bawl out dey eh really on de game as dey studying europe so i thought dey woulda get bore. then ah say ah will give duff ah sweat instead of pienaar (away to blackburn) and he get bonus up.. and as for de keeper, well birmingham defence been leaking and hull trying to stay alive so ah was betting on bullard to bore.. so hart had to bench..

yes young upstart, this is the kinda technical analysis dat does go on.. dis is de kinda stirring and ingredient does invest in ah pot ah pelau..

daz why ah say, today for you but next year for me, watch yuh nut ah bussing allyuh ass next year.. :devil: :devil:

well said dinho...i applaud those statements, u r one of the few managers i rate. alot of men not capable of tha kinda analysis. these roll of the dice ludo managers doh think like that.

Why yuh eh hush yuh chupid arse !! Apparantely yuh eh fuhget bout nuttin 'after 5 mins', is bout ah month now I post dat and is only now yuh replying  ???  Like ah say ,you oh shit dred. Me eh know if yuh feel by pushing yuh head up Omar backside yuh proving anything . Take yuh 'granny' advice and hush yuh cyat,if yuh cyar take talk yuh on on de wrong forum . You voice yuh opinion and I voice mine, wha de f**k  ???.  You gehhin tie up wid de ole talk I givin dem man and dem.
 Anyway bestes manager ,ah hope Omar at least give yuh ah rag tuh wipe off some ah dah shit around yuh mouth. :devil: :devil:

Nice moves there from Stern.

I cyar see de highlights ..somebody post another link pleeeze .
ya real slackin man
how come 1/2 slab ent send de video to ya IPhone as yet ;D

He to busy scoring goals  ;D :beermug:

Thanks Tallman  :beermug:

Nice moves there from Stern.

I cyar see de highlights ..somebody post another link pleeeze .

James Daly ...Haul yuh mudda c**t


''I was not surprised when Stern scored, he is an experienced striker ,but I have no regrets about not starting him.”

Crystal Palace manager Paul Hart told BBC London 94.9:

"The performance in the second probably deserved a win.

"If we can get the right service to him(Stern John), he can cause problems and he could have had a hat trick today."

Is de same old story, #14 buss de net and saving some team again ,is eedah he helping promote ah team or he saving dey ass from going down ..Just keep doing wha yuh doing boss ....  Legend.  :applause: :applause: :applause:

U still alive?

If yuh appearances on dis board consistent wit Stern scorin rate dese days (and dey seem to be) ah guess we might nex see yuh sometime rong Easter nex year... :devil:

Ungratefull  :cursing: ...De man eh tired silence all yuh  ???   Ah hear disgruntled buss up he head on de toilet bowl when he see West Coast picture wid Stern in ah Barca jussy ..And ah man say he see yuh in church with ah #14 well stich on de back ah yuh sunday best ,so doh play ting now ....yuh know yuh is ah believer . :beermug: :devil: :devil:

Wuz dah one Omar ,yuh leave 17pts on de bench   and still put up 35 ??? ...now is not a time to tuh make dem kinda ah ANDRE SAMUEL PLAY   mistake dred...

Midknight, ah feel yuh pain ...hard luck ,doh worry I won't be breeding dong yuh back anymore  8)
Come on Agbonlahor time tuh score some big pts .

Tallman on de front page  ??? doh f**k meh up nah man , I tort he and Andre S had start ah new league on de 3rd page  :devil: :devil:

yeah dread, well let me break it down for you young whipper-snapper..

i watch my side and ah actually had competition for places.. it was between huth against bolton or baird against wolves.. and i see fulham coach bawl out dey eh really on de game as dey studying europe so i thought dey woulda get bore. then ah say ah will give duff ah sweat instead of pienaar (away to blackburn) and he get bonus up.. and as for de keeper, well birmingham defence been leaking and hull trying to stay alive so ah was betting on bullard to bore.. so hart had to bench..

yes young upstart, this is the kinda technical analysis dat does go on.. dis is de kinda stirring and ingredient does invest in ah pot ah pelau..

daz why ah say, today for you but next year for me, watch yuh nut ah bussing allyuh ass next year.. :devil: :devil:

All ah dat !!! ....Ah hope yuh win de Europa League next year  :devil: :devil:

''I was not surprised when Stern scored, he is an experienced striker ,but I have no regrets about not starting him.”

Crystal Palace manager Paul Hart told BBC London 94.9:

"The performance in the second probably deserved a win.

"If we can get the right service to him(Stern John), he can cause problems and he could have had a hat trick today."

Is de same old story, #14 buss de net and saving some team again ,is eedah he helping promote ah team or he saving dey ass from going down ..Just keep doing wha yuh doing boss ....  Legend.  :applause: :applause: :applause:

Wuz dah one Omar ,yuh leave 17pts on de bench   and still put up 35 ??? ...now is not a time to tuh make dem kinda ah ANDRE SAMUEL PLAY   mistake dred...

Midknight, ah feel yuh pain ...hard luck ,doh worry I won't be breeding dong yuh back anymore  8)
Come on Agbonlahor time tuh score some big pts .

Tallman on de front page  ??? doh f**k meh up nah man , I tort he and Andre S had start ah new league on de 3rd page  :devil: :devil:

Football / Re: Liverpool put up for sale by American owners
« on: April 16, 2010, 09:22:48 PM »
Rafa is ah c**t !!!

Football / Re: $214,000 for Stern John Skills Award.
« on: April 15, 2010, 09:38:34 PM »
$214,000 • Stern John • Skills?

What dotishness I reading?

He make you ..it eh take much skill to bring ah kakahole in dis world ...just look dong yuh family chain n yuh go understand wey ah coming from.

p.s    Dutty ..... f**k you  :devil:

Down to the final 5 game weeks and it look like the big race is for 5th spot ...

Anybody see de manager with de 'secret weapon' ..Anybody see or smell ah pot ah 'pelau' ...sniff sniff !!!  :devil: :devil:

Wha-tap !! Mango Chow hit him ah slap ...Boo-doop!!  Bakes ..hit him ah high fall ...Pah-Taaau!! ..Mango buss de man face wid ah 2 hard slap ....Bee-deef !! Bakes come back with ah deadly left right combination ...and den Mango pull out he 9ss,leh go 2 in de air ...DOI DOI !!  .....all fight done oui ,well not at first but we get de point  ;D

..cyar believe dem battle still going on here ...ah hah tuh get back involve  ;D ...buh ah find if all yuh hah tuh fight at least leh go some ''haul yuh mudda c**t and f**k you '' nah man.. wha kind ah decent battle is dat   ::)

Football / Re: 26 MLS players living in poverty
« on: March 30, 2010, 01:24:47 PM »
IMO There's no justification for a player to be making 4million a year, while it have players either playing against or with that same player and making 20,000 . I agree better players make better money but not to a point where is almost minimum wage . Is either yuh cud cut it in the profession or yuh can't .The MlS shud set a standard ,so that the quality of the league/players will rise . No top league in the world have players making that kind of money .If a player feel he so good he shud be getting more money and the MLS not recognizing his talent, then take yuh biznes abroad to another league and show what yuh have . I still feel is either yuh cud play to a standard that commands good money or yuh find another profession .

That captain rule lookin to sour my whole season jed...plan carefully and then men gonna get lucky Drogba and Rooney eh playin....uuuuggggghhhh

Lucky ?????? you on shit yes dread ...If Drogba and Rooney had play,with the cut arse dey teams dis out, both ah dem cudda score a hattrick at least ...stop crying and worry bout catching the man on top ah yuh nah ....if yuh did really 'plan carefully' ,as yuh say,yuh wudda put Lampard as yuh capt. from de start ... :-\

Right now i have a lil fergie doll here and a long pin, and ah chooking him to bring on rooney for a cobo sweat.  :devil:

Right now ah have ah marksman in de stands with ah power rifle and scope ...leh Rooney only play he warming nah .....  ::)

 :praying: :praying:   ...Thank you lord !!!   ;D

So wait nah ,fellas ah have a question ..If yuh have Rooney as yuh capt. and he eh play and yuh emergency capt. is by 'form' ...and yuh have Lampard on yuh squad ...and Lampard leading every player pts wise ,then yuh shud get Lampard as yuh capt. right ????    oh gawd ah really hope so  :praying: :praying: ....

Well Red Fire FC took full advantage of de biggest double week and rack up de most points..136.  We finally crack de Top 15 too... This is de saltiest season ever, but we still looking to finish strong.

Yuh really rock de house Fire ...well done  :applause: :applause:  ..look like the battle is now tuh finish in the top 10 or 5 ...but yuh never know strange things cud happen  ::)



I in 80th position, but i still holding out a silent hope since i still have a mathematical chance for the top 20 place. lol

ah love it!!

What page dat on?

Buh wha de arse is dis ..Giddeon Boots kicking up de ladder in 36th position and still have 9 man tuh play in this game week, including he capt...yuh getting on rasta  ;D

Anybody see Andre Samuel ??? De last ah hear he was some wey in Afganistan looking fuh ah secret weapon ...

'Airman' ...you only farse with yuh self too ...Ah cutting yuh arse in de AS league and only 1pt behind yuh in the Europa league and it look like you fighting up wid 'killarz inc' this week so most likely ah passing yuh arse in de Europa league too ............buh yeah, ah remember de cut arse yuh geh meh  ;D

Alyuh see it dey 107 points .... aiming for a top 5 finish.

yuh getting on breathless..

the last man who rack up a score like that was on top the league and coasting. but now de way he dropping, it look like he go be liming with me in the Europa league next year. i eh calling no names, but i hear he is ah avid stern john fan. lol

You only farse with yuhself ..you eh even sure tuh make it in the Europa League ..if yuh cyar make a massive move this week and yuh below 20 yuh season done .

Ah was out of the loop for a little while and now i am back.

I in 80th position, but i still holding out a silent hope since i still have a mathematical chance for the top 20 place. lol

ah love it!!

Doh fack meh up nah man ...YOU STILL IN DIS LEAGUE !!!! :devil: :devil:

Anybody know if Andre Samuel still running dis league? I eh seeing he side. ???

WHEY sah tallest!! So u wait  until u reach de first page before u open yuh guns on me.......

De season ent done yet........

Right now de search is on for some secret weapons! lol

ah love it!!

Put een Donovan breds...yuh go make up that ground in no time.

ouch  :devil:

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