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Messages - Trini1

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What about Track & Field / Re: World Juniors 2024
« on: September 01, 2024, 04:58:31 PM »

What about Track & Field / Re: Paris 2024
« on: August 10, 2024, 10:45:49 AM »
It's disappointing. I can't disagree with anything you have said GoP. Carnival is king for us but if only they could see the benefit of sports. Carnival can only take us thus far once a year but sports can bring in revenue too.

We definitely have to diversify our sprint centered track team. I have seen the efforts since we have hurdlers now, multi-eventers too. Our womens 400m has been historically lackluster. We have the one off field athletes that have performed well in the field at Juinor level like Rhonda Watkins and Che Wickham but then they disappear.
We need diversification but we also need to provide a coaching camp that can allow athletes to train in Trinidad and Tobago and perform on the world stage without having to go to the States/NCAAs.

Soccerman we need to revamp our system from junior on up. Carifta performance has been in decline where we regularly finish behind the Bahamas despite us being the second most populous nation. We have even finished behind Barbados on occasion. That's unacceptable. We should be competing with Jamaica (who might aswell just pull out at this point because we don't give them a challenge).

MLA has been nursing an injury. We have some ladies coming up Leah Bertrand, the twins (going to University of Georgia), Lisa and Xenia Raye.

What about Track & Field / Re: Paris 2024
« on: August 09, 2024, 07:22:56 AM »
So that ends it folks. Last in the 4x4 and last in the 4x1.

Hopefully this kick starts important conversations in Trinidad. I knew Jereem was the closest we would have gotten to the medals.

What about Track & Field / Re: Paris 2024
« on: August 07, 2024, 01:29:08 PM »
So Close!!!!!! Proud of him regardless. 43.78NR

What about Track & Field / Re: Paris 2024
« on: August 06, 2024, 09:38:38 PM »
Matthew Hudson Smith is in imperious form. I'm behind Jereem but Kirani and the Zambian were showing off in their semi- both sub 44. The Zambian may have already run his final. Quincy Hall is in great form too.
Jereem being in lane 9 means he will be running blind and will have to go all out for a medal. He MUST run sub 44 tomorrow.

Keshorn has had a tough year it seems. He got through to the final and now anything is possible. He has to throw with heart.

What about Track & Field / Re: Paris 2024
« on: August 04, 2024, 02:37:15 PM »
Yeah GoP he has more in the tank. unfortunately that they had to run so hard so early. He knows he has to run sub 44 to medal. I think he is ready for that.

Kishane.... such a shame

What about Track & Field / Re: Paris 2024
« on: August 04, 2024, 10:37:18 AM »
Yeah this is shocking turn of events. Miss Pryce will hopefully get that gold and she has shown tremendous resilience  running that 48.57 after such a long collegiate season.

Yup no Shelly, no Shericka, no Elaine. Chances of 4x100m gold are slim because what they lack in practice they make up for with pure footspeed. What a turn of events...

Hoping Kishane will come good on his form

What about Track & Field / Re: Paris 2024
« on: August 04, 2024, 07:46:51 AM »
You were spot on GoP. Really put a damper on my Olympics.

Congrats to Julien Alfred and St Lucia and also Thea Lafond and Dominica on their respective gold medals. Representing their nations and the Caribbean at large.

We have become so expectant of the Jamaican women sprinters to show up and out that this has really put a damper on my Games. Kishane must redeem.

What about Track & Field / Re: Paris 2024
« on: August 03, 2024, 01:54:41 PM »
GoP Shericka may still pull it off. Precautionary mesures, she hasn't done her best this season.

I don't know why Shelly-Ann didn't run in the Semi finals of the 100m.

What about Track & Field / Re: Paris 2024
« on: August 03, 2024, 01:15:17 PM »
As expected.

Biggest story is no Shelly Ann

What about Track & Field / Re: Paris 2024
« on: August 02, 2024, 01:32:17 PM »
Yeah I didn't expect much. She actually ran faster than what she ran in Guyana which was 11.55. I suspect she may have been injured this season. Just hoping she works her magic on that backstretch in the 4x100.

LB has had a long season and I dont see her getting past the semis. After such a long season it's burnout.
Hard to imagine she can pull off a sub 11. Chances are slim. We should have just focused on the 4x100 where our chances may have been better provided clean exchanges.

What about Track & Field / Re: Paris 2024
« on: July 30, 2024, 10:04:07 PM »
Agreed GoP that statement had so much truth. If Carnival was going wrong something would be done immediately. The level of professionalism and perfectionism we put into Carnival, if we were to put that into sports or the nation as a whole we would be far. But alas, here we are. Something must be done...

We've been agreeing on the matter- saying that the club system is outdated or it simply doesn't work for us. How then can the powers that be rest on their collective laurels and do nothing. I'm just an avid fan but I feel if I was in their shoes I would put a long term plan in place, try different strategies and see what works for us. Set realistic targets for Olympic years, use world champs as testing grounds, seek improvement each year. Start from young to professional.

I do agree also that Carnival shouldn't be the centre but a tool to develop other ventures in the country.

Caribana is this weekend and you know every Trini is proud because of our influence in that. I wish we had the same pride and support for our athletes.

What about Track & Field / Re: Paris 2024
« on: July 30, 2024, 11:35:24 AM »

What about Track & Field / Re: Paris 2024
« on: July 27, 2024, 12:59:25 PM »
Last time was 1996- 12 athletes
2000- 19 athletes
2004- 19
2008- 28
2012- 30
2016- 32
2020- 24

General Discussion / Re: "Doubles"
« on: July 26, 2024, 01:02:31 PM »
I'm late but this recipe was good apparently


What about Track & Field / Re: Paris 2024
« on: July 25, 2024, 09:14:09 PM »
I will say that our cycling team seem to be performing well for the few of them that there are and they seem to be developing the future talent also but I'm sure it can be improved.

I disagree with the notion of black people running things and no money etc- causes things to fail because case in point our fellow island fam Jamaica. Jamaica is 90% black, has fewer resources than we do and the average population is poorer than the average Trini population but this works in their favour because track is seen as a way out of poverty so it is do or die for them. Even though the JAAA and their Olympic committee were clashing with the coaches and athletes they still produce. Based on the strength of their coaches, eye for talent, talented athletes, their ethic, and talent pool scouting potential via high school champs. Not true for us.

Carnival culture is going no where and I think the best way to gain interest in Track is to integrate Carnival into the National Champs or meets. Have the Soca Monarch, hot artistes, throw back artistes,  to come and perform during intervals and have a Panorama repeat or taster for the following year come to the National Champs. Have the winners go up and revel with them it call for innovation. It draws a crowd, which draws interest.

Add to that I believe we should also pay a knowledgeable Jamaican coaching contingent (Franno/Mills/Walcott/Osbourne) to train our coaches whether it be a one off, multiple times in one year or once every year until we start seeing results. Paying the Kelly Anns and Semoy Hacketts to mentor the ahletes. Igniting the flame from a young âge is also important like you said Deeks. And it helps with identifying talent.

What about Track & Field / Re: Paris 2024
« on: July 24, 2024, 07:30:25 AM »
Yeah I'll never forget her 2014 season she was on fire beating Shelly Ann Fraser in the 100m at Glasgow DL only to get injured later on in the year. She had lost something after that. Leah has had a long season and she seems stuck between 11.1-11.2 at the moment. I think next year she may be able to break 11. Our athletes go to form if history serves as an indicator so I don't see anybody having a breakout Olympics. Hopefully I'm wrong. I'd be happy if she PRs which is running faster than 11.08.

Yeah rarely does anyone succeed at home. All we need is one camp that can produce world class athletes. The years of oil and gas money have faded, so this may not be plausible but has it ever been considered for our sports minister to pay good money for a clinic or training sessions/seminars given by Stephen Francis/Glen Mills/Reynaldo Walcott for a particular period where our local coaches can come and benefit from. Or if permitted to have our local coaches go to Jamaica to receive some sort of tutelage.

What about Track & Field / Re: Paris 2024
« on: July 23, 2024, 11:58:03 AM »
Well said GoP. Lyles is going hard and gunning for that WR I say it's not his time yet to break it.

Yeah that 44.01 is going this year. I hope Jereem can get that medal he has been our one consistent top performer.

Walcott is getting there too. Once a champ always a champ so who knows.

MLA one of my faves but an underachiever imho. She should have been way more than Commonwealth gold medalist. With that 11.5 in Guyana I dont expect much but she did run a solid second leg in the 4x1 at World
relays. Training in Trinidad has not given her the results. Jehue needs to release his secrets.

What about Track & Field / Re: Paris 2024
« on: July 23, 2024, 07:21:50 AM »
Congrats Jereem! He is rounding into form. Definitely has a better shot at 400m.

200 I dont see anyone breaking up the US trio of Lyles, Bednarek and Knighton  Tebogo has a chance but we will see. Ogando has been running well this season too. De Grasse just dropped his first sub-20 recently and will be rounding into form. Jereem hasn't seen his 19.8 form for some time and it's going to take better than that to make the podium.

In the 400 Mathew Hudson Smith will be neck and neck with Quincy Hall. Matthew is confident and he has put on some muscle, he will be hard to beat. Steven Gardiner hasn't shown sub 44 form for the year but is a former champion and is on a winning streak so cant count him out. Norwood and Norman are the other two contenders. Cant rule out Doom from Belgium fresh off his European win. I think Jereem can sneak in a medal here but it wont be easy.

In the 200 dont be surprised if we see a 19.3 winning time Lyles has been working on that start of his. 19.4/19.5s will be making the podium. Jereem isn't ready to go there yet.

In the 400 43.74 and 43.8 are the fastest times this season then you have a host of 44 low. Tells us Jereem is in the mix. He has to be ready to run sub 44 which he is aware of per his comments.

What about Track & Field / Re: Paris 2024
« on: July 08, 2024, 08:18:20 PM »
Peong she was at trials but didn't qualify. Seems like it was a rough year for her.

What about Track & Field / Re: Paris 2024
« on: July 08, 2024, 08:17:25 PM »
Gawd on pitch yeah if we keep doing the same thing expecting different results then you know what it is.

We need a revamp...12 athletes we're sending. So much for 10 gold 24. Like you say our medal winning professional athletes have gone through the NCAA system with the exception of Jehue and Michelle Lee. For the time being we just have to grunt and bear it I guess.

Yeah our female athletes have short careers, Fana Ashby, Josanne Lucas etc. I guess starting families/other factors play a role.

What about Track & Field / Re: Paris 2024
« on: July 06, 2024, 09:51:39 AM »
That's what I mean @gawd on pitch

Where are they? Our women's sprinting was promising but that has been wiped out. It's sad.

Definitely agree with diversification- we need athletes to step away from the sprints and try different events but we also need coaches who can recognize this and train athletes accordingly. We need a Stephen Francis type coach in Trinidad.

What about Track & Field / Re: Paris 2024
« on: July 04, 2024, 04:24:12 PM »
Lisa Raye and her sister Xenia Raye were very impressive and they came out of no where. They weren't at Carifta Trials.

Great point about Janae de Gannes I reckon she could do well in the 400m hurdles and she is a very versatile athlete as is.

What happened to our women sprinters? Just a couple years ago we had 3-4 heats then A and B final in the 100m. Saturday was just a final..

Notable absences for this year and for some the past few years:
Michelle Lee Ahye
Zakiya Denoon
Kayelle Clarke
Shaniqua Bascombe
Khalifa St Fort
Jenea Spinks
Ayla Stanisclaus
Kamaria Durant
Mauricia Prieto

To name a few. Sad

What about Track & Field / Re: Paris 2024
« on: July 01, 2024, 09:25:06 AM »
The conditions weren't the best on Saturday but that's the only thing. Our local athletes need help to get up to par.

We do have some promising young talent but it seems as if they have to go to the US or Jamaica to be successful.

Where was Michelle LA?

What about Track & Field / Re: CARIFTA GAMES 2024
« on: April 05, 2024, 05:37:14 PM »
Yup looking forward to is hosting. I just want it to be a fair competition, friendly banter no bad blood between us and other islands.

I feel as though our athletes will step up.

What about Track & Field / Re: CARIFTA GAMES 2024
« on: April 04, 2024, 08:30:17 PM »
Woodruff had he not been in the heat with the -3.6m/s would have made the final in the 100m.

I would like to see more of our athletes double. Better 200m times = better 100m times.

Janae De Gannes did a phenomenal job! CR she will continue to excel!

Our number of events has increased but we still need to do more.

One strategy is maintaining the gold medalists, aiming for the silver medalists to become gold, having the bronze aim higher etc.

Training our athletes to reach for the championship records even if they don't get the record it will still Land them on a gold.

What about Track & Field / Re: CARIFTA GAMES 2024
« on: April 03, 2024, 12:36:12 PM »
The jamaican boy said the competition was soft or something of that nature. Whether it was misconstrued/misinterpreted etc and responded to in that manner is what is sparking the debate.


What about Track & Field / Re: CARIFTA GAMES 2024
« on: April 02, 2024, 05:42:38 PM »
Trini1_2026 It was in response to what a Jamaican athlete commented after their 4x1 victory.

They are young and can talk without thinking at times. A lil friendly baker doesn't hurt.

Since we are hosting next year I hope we put on a good show but we are fair. It seems as though the Bahamas was not.

What about Track & Field / Re: CARIFTA GAMES 2024
« on: April 01, 2024, 08:34:55 AM »
One positive takeaway is that we have athletes competing in many events now example being the sprint hurdles and multi events.

Negative is our sprints are suffering. Dylan Woodruff had a strong headwind and would have probably made the final of the u20 boys 100m.

Apart from Kadeem Chinapoo, Frederick twins we don't really have any shining stars.

What happened to Shaniqua Bascombe?
Edit: She aged out of U-20 in 2022.

What about Track & Field / Re: CARIFTA GAMES 2024
« on: March 31, 2024, 06:25:38 PM »
1st Gold in the boy's u-20 4x100m!
2 silvers: girl's u-20 + boy's u-17 4×100m
1 bronze: girl's u-17 4×100m

Good relay showing and well done to team TTO

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