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Messages - Ponnoxx

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Football / Re: Collin Samuel Released from Toronto FC
« on: April 12, 2008, 04:33:40 PM »
 Is not about mediorce players and this and that...America's League is to develop their players mostly...Is not about entertainment because is a setta hot eye match most of the time...they take old retired stars to spice up the league and dem fellas does look like they in a fete match...Beckham only fooling himself because is all for the money....All the players who go to America does never really develop anything substantial...Is not like their technique does improve...Up to this date with all the MLS and money behind football in America they cyah really produce a creative player...T&T culture is all about creativity and it should be reflected in the football...Is just a bunch of Rhino football...run run run ...all about athleticism....I mean they beat us but that is because we stupid coaches fail to learn the level of fitness we need to succeed at the next level...so at all levels we always behind in fitness...If we could mix athleticism with our creative nature I doh think USA could beat us...BUt cheers to the US though for playing to their strengths ...One thing I love about Americans is they know what they good at and could use it to their advantage..... :beermug: :beermug: :beermug:

Football / Re: Power expected to make June return
« on: April 11, 2008, 03:58:45 PM »
 Wish him a full recovery and all the best

Football / Re: Collin Samuel Released from Toronto FC
« on: April 11, 2008, 03:57:35 PM »
 He should have never went there in the first place...MLS is not for we

Football / Re: Messi working with the squad
« on: April 11, 2008, 03:55:41 PM »
 In my opinion Lionel Messi is the best player in World...Well he doh have the inspirational magic just yet like how Ronaldinho will win big games for Barca, or Kaka does do it for Milan BUT his level of consistency and general play is second to none...I for one used to think he is a one sided player but the man start steppin up his game in so many aspects ...He getting all over the pitch, using more long balls, his right foot more often and making some cuttting passes...Plus I saw him take a freekick...Messi is 20 years...20 years !!!...It hard to actually stop him because he has so much he could do to a defender...The only how I see Messi shut down is cutting off passes to him....Mind You I doh support Barca eh....I think if he come back and win UEFA and have a good olympics he will be crowned over Cristiano as the World's Best....First time I see Messi I say this man too advantageous ...I say I doh like him because he pace and close control making him too hard to stop and he was distressing some poor defender right through...But I giving Jack he Jacket Messi is the best player in the World...The hard part to swallow is that man is 20 years and so good....I really hope and pray this is last long injury he ever get because I love watching him play.... :beermug: :beermug: :beermug:

Football / Re: what gone wrong with R10?
« on: April 04, 2008, 01:05:48 PM »
 Observer I mean Barca admin and so on...His teammates on all accounts have stood behind him...He probably like to party a lil too much but the life of a footballer hard...They really should stop speculating about his future and all this junk and just let him work his way back to full fitness...Because with all that pressure on the man he liable to just do what he pleases instead of tryin to realize his full potential again...I int go lie Ronaldinho is the most creative player I see...in terms of creativity that is effective I don't think anybody would disagree that he is the man...Is guys like this does make the game Enjoyable....I mean when I could watch a UEFA champions league game and see intercol beat boooy...I sure to miss Ronaldinho while he out...mind you Barca is NOT my team in spain

Football / Re: what gone wrong with R10?
« on: April 04, 2008, 08:47:51 AM »
Unnecessary fight down is what gone wrong...The man is a boss...without him and Messi Barca doesnt have seem to have inspiration...I believe the man will have another one or two great seasons but the media and Barca have to come off his back for a while and let him do what he does best

Football / Re: Messi: I'm Desperate To Return To Action
« on: April 04, 2008, 08:43:33 AM »
Well I for one hope this youth come back soon...Because he is potentially the best...I doh like barca but O gosh Messi good...The funny thing was I used to look at him as one dimensional but before he got injured he started expanding his game...I see him spray more long balls...take free kicks and use his right foot more...A fit Messi is an unstoppable one...Cristiano Ronaldo want nothing on Messi

Football / Re: Manchester Utd vs Roma CL QUARTER-FINAL Leg 1
« on: April 02, 2008, 09:39:24 AM »
 Well goals does really save a man yes because Ronaldo wasn't really doing anything before that goal...The man who continue to run the show is Rooney...Rooney is Man U's heart and soul not Ronaldo..I believe Man U can play without Ronaldo but never never Rooney that Englishman is simply a boss...kicker Roma is a good team but his general play for the game wasn't very good...although he find a goal ...I mean he is a great player...dont get me wrong but I does rate things like what Kaka do against Celtic last year, what Ronaldinho do against Chelsea year before....what Messi do against Real Madrid to steal a draw...That kinda inspiration...To be honest it very hard to mark one man in the Man U attack...Ronaldo gets so much space when Rooney is on the field ...This year he has exploited the space and produced goals....And you know what does fret me...If Ronaldo(with all the hype) if he do get ONE moment of inspiration that win a game...All the Ronaldo supporters will jump up and say look he do it( EVEN though is ONCE)...Ronaldo will eventually be the best I think but I don't think it is fair to put him Rivaldo, Ronaldinho, Zidane , Figo, Ronaldo 99 or even Kaka...He has done nothing to be in that clique...He score alot but I never see him as Man U's best player against Top Class opposition...People talking this crap about how he playing wing and scoring goals....what wing? I not getting chain up with that crap ....the man does be inside right through(playing forward but his title is winger.....steups) If Alex Ferguson could chain up allyuh with that crap...not me 30 odd goals is no small feat but he is not the best player....Messi does score as a wing player...and Robinho inspiring Madrid for the entire campaign and people on the hype Machine...We'll see who they choose so if they choose someone else as the World's Best...Everybody would cry wolf....

Football / Re: OMG Cristiano now score a ridiculous backheel..
« on: March 29, 2008, 01:42:22 PM »
 The man good...no doubt but against Derby and those kinda clubs who can't look special...Could you imagine Kaka against Derby or Man like Eto'o ...Where is Cristiano against Arsenal and Chelsea...In big games he disappears and even though he having a great season scoring wise , he hasn't proved me wrong.

Football / Re: Daniel: It's like a free hit.
« on: March 22, 2008, 12:40:08 PM »
 This youth man is one for the future...glad to see a man working on freekicks and talking so confident

Football / Re: My Coaching Internship at West Ham United
« on: March 22, 2008, 12:39:08 PM »
 I doh even know you but I am so proud to hear that...I always singing that song...why coaches don't go out and llearn the trade from the best? It is good to know that someone is actually doing it...Hopefully you could help T&T in the future but all the best on future endeavors boss...Go T&T

Football / Re: Randi Patterson signs with Charleston Battery.
« on: March 18, 2008, 04:32:17 PM »
 I looking for Toussaint to rip up that league..as long as that man get used to that football...I figure he will do a thing

Football / Re: W Connection earning impressive results in Brazil
« on: March 18, 2008, 04:28:35 PM »
 Glad to see Hughton playing well...in my opinion he should be on the National squad by now...And I like how Winchester getting his time out...I not hearing about Toussaint though I wonder if he with that A -league team already ???...Men does be fighting down the PFL but if you look at the players they export and the recent results against foreign opposition I think they making some progress...Men does forget Big Mexican teams get beaten by T&T teams ..The under 17 youths had alot of connections to PFL squads...The PFL men run out in the Gold Cup and did credible considering the problems and preparation and lack of support...Besides Jack setting us back it looks promising in terms of youth development...Had jack Warner not mess up the Senior squad for approximately two years we woulda be in such a great position right now...but say what....Go T&T

Gols Galore Trinbago Style / Re: WC06 and Latapy Video I made
« on: March 18, 2008, 04:05:12 PM »
 Best Video...You know how long I studying something like this but never get around to doing it...Plus Latas vids hard to come by  :applause: :applause: :applause: :beermug: :beermug:


Football / Re: W Connection laud Colombian triallist.
« on: March 17, 2008, 03:11:51 PM »
 Bake n Shark...I guess teams doing all they can to improve their squad and ultimately improve the League...So far Jablo and Connection beat mexican and American opposition eh...so doh knock dem so..Albiet they get licks the other round but say what...The PFL taking some baby steps but I think they moving forward...Is up to the supporters to go out and support .....I doh know but I think with all the interest from clubs from Scotland and England it would be a indicator that we not as bad as we think we are...Still we are way below standard in many aspects but the effort is there to move forward on behalf of the PFL admin...We are seein teams fundraisin, exporting players, inviting teams and touring...I mean fellas what allyuh really expect from a league that is 10-12 years old and from a small country like ours with such a small talent pool in comparision with bigger nations we compete with...All we have to do is focus on improving the youth in our country and we will be good in the future...We made under 17 WC although we get licks in it but it was a good thing...Stop fighting down....Go T&T!!!

Football / Re: 8 more games Sunderland!!
« on: March 17, 2008, 03:00:06 PM »
 Sunderland could make it

Football / Real Madrid Famous Youths before they kick a lime
« on: March 17, 2008, 02:52:19 PM »
Real Madrid juniors boasting major star names
tribalfootball.com - March 17, 2008

Real Madrid management are quietly pleased with the progress of three of their young starlets.
The son of Zinedine Zidane, Enzo, named after Uruguayan great Enzo Francescoli, is impressing at Real. As is the son of AC Milan and former Real striker Ronaldo, Ron, who plays in the same junior team as Enzo.

Michael Laudrup, the Getafe coach, also has one of his sons coming through Real's youth system.

"I'm pleased, he's doing very well and enjoying it there," said Laudrup last week.


I mean tribal is a madsite eh but say what....Dem youth men in kick no setta ball yet and they done on the internet...I wonder if David Beckham side go jump in and make it galactico squad all over again... ;D

Football / Re: Minor league offenders to feel the full wrath.
« on: March 08, 2008, 12:25:22 PM »
I for one enjoyed 'Pro' players playing Minor league...other players does respect them enough to tackle fairly but they does keep them on their toes...But I mean is a step in the right direction

Football / Re: Why do we HATE The Corneals ???
« on: March 08, 2008, 12:17:10 PM »
People dislike the Corneals because of the friend-friend selection and poor results despite badmouthing everyone else. I also think that is partly their fault because the abusing the power they got, but I think other coaches are to blame for not getting proper certification. I think their are loads of coaches who can do a great job at the National level however they need to be certified like the Corneals in order to compete with them for the job. Jan Steadman for instance literally create a legacy for Naps. He produce a team in 1999 that is probably the most consistent and fit I have seen in recent years. Mind You I doh like Naps eh(In Future If my son make a mistake and say he want to go Naps instead of Pres is licks ;D)....Anyhow I think their are coaches that could relate to players and get the right stuff out of them...Corneal and dem fellas feel they does shit ice cream and could treat players anyhow....Lemme tell you if a local coach with good charisma and have the know how on the level of fitness and technique our players need...I think we will flourish as a Football Nation....That is why I think TTFF should provide such ventures for local coaches to go outside and educate themselves...anyhow that is another story...Go T&T !!!

Football / Re: Leston Paul among Digicel's selectees for Sunderland stint.
« on: February 25, 2008, 10:45:18 AM »
 Good Luck to the youth...Hope he show himself over there

 Its nonsense and was totally uncalled for but its a result of seein people enjoy your country for too long while you wallow in poverty all your life...However the guy is Zambian and should be treated as any other candidate

Football / Re: Do refs take some blame for Eduardo?
« on: February 25, 2008, 10:39:49 AM »
 I for one think that it was a horrible tackle....they should ban taylor for as long as Eduardo out of the game...That was really nasty .....but ...but... What goes around does come around....When Nani juggle the ball a few times mister Flamini jump in to break his foot with the intent to hurt him and Arsenal try to condone that BS...Not two weeks pass good and this happen to Arsenal...I hope Eduardo get well soon...He is a great player and he will be missed

Football / Re: Caledonia puts on Reggae For Life concert
« on: February 22, 2008, 10:34:50 AM »
How allyuh so...This is a step in the right direction for clubs because it shows that they can do these types of ventures in order to make money....I doh care if is soca for life because Carnival now gone...which is probably what they had in mind although one can never get enough soca....anyhow it wuold be good to see teams do these types of fundraising ...Pay players and get good coaches and elevate the whole thing ....well done Caledonia

Football / Re: Francisco Maturana likes the spirit.
« on: February 22, 2008, 10:31:35 AM »
 I on the Maturana bandwagon with this youth players thing...He get meh dey

Football / Re: Redknapp: Kenwyne is the next Drogba.
« on: February 22, 2008, 10:28:49 AM »
Drogba scores goals.


Kenwyne scored 5 goals and had 9 assists this season so far! A total of 14 goals he had a direct impact on in his first season in the premier league....what more yuh want palos?


ah love it!!
Well me doh know what Palos want nah...Like he want the man blood or wha....If Trinidadian people is not the greatest I doh know nah...lol

Football / Re: Football family 'must help Gazza'
« on: February 22, 2008, 10:23:23 AM »
 Bring him let him coach in Trini...It have woman to run and rum to drink plus he could get a spot in Tobago to breeze out and relax

Football / Re: Brazillian Ronaldo suffers serious injury...again
« on: February 21, 2008, 08:43:48 AM »
GunnerStunner if you seriously trying to compare Thierry Henry and Ronaldo I think you should just stop right now...Thierry Henry although a great player is nothing to Ronaldo...Ronaldo will be remembered as literally unstoppable in his prime and even when he wasn't in his prime a goal scoring machine...Henry will be remembered as a great player but none of the above...I done killa

Football / Re: Sepp Blatter backs 'plastic' World Cup
« on: February 21, 2008, 04:54:46 AM »
 Yeah plastic turf and it hot out there..Blatter doesn't tired support Bull...A real ground is part of the game...uneven turf is what football about...let the players work hard to make an impact and a good tournament ....this artifical turf is nonsense in my eye

Robinho, Ronaldinho and Messi...Definitely NOT Eto because he too greedy

Football / Re: Are the High Price of Boots Worth it?
« on: February 21, 2008, 04:51:44 AM »
 Actually they are quite worth it...However the better question is If they are required for everyone?...Some of us like myself play for recreation and exercise and a expensive boot with features great touch and may give me a slight edge may not necessarily be needed...However that is not to say I wouldn't want that from time to time...and if I can afford it ...why not....People that play on a more competitive level...like for school teams, clubs and country and so on may need every bit of advantage they can get ...That Mecurial Boots(R9 inspired by the way) is a boot made for speed and control at high speed ...now it not going to gift a player that but if a player has pace and good control he can appreciate it better....and at them high levels.....0.01 seconds which the boot might enable a player might win a game....millions of euros right there...so I think in the grand scheme of things it worth it

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