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Messages - onlikecorn

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Football / Re: Who would you start with, Samuel or Glenn
« on: April 16, 2006, 08:35:02 AM »
i would start samuel...cuz i play against de man before ...and i know wha he could do...glenn from wha i see need some work on he touches...buh two ah dem fast...and daiz wha we need...

Football / whitley profile..
« on: April 16, 2006, 07:02:59 AM »
doh know if anybody post this before. . .buh was on skysports world cup homepage and on de left they had some player profiles . .and whitley was one. . .

de homepage is. ..


and de page with de profile is


and trinidad page is. ..


blessed love....

Football / Re: Screen Shots for Fifa 06 World Cup video game
« on: March 26, 2006, 12:01:42 AM »
study trinidad make it in de trailer yes. . . de uniform lookin badd in de game too . .hahaha

Football / Re: A Weekend of Big Matchups
« on: March 11, 2006, 03:40:31 AM »
well i find de juventus ac milan game go be the best one out of all this weekend. . .buh how nobody include arsenal vs liverpool . . jes because liverpool cyah score doh mean de game wouldnt be good. .

Football / Re: Juventus dealin in obeah!!!
« on: March 08, 2006, 07:59:15 PM »
all i have to say is de man that does run tings in Juve is Moggi ,, , and with Moggi . . anything could happen . .

i glad arsenal gone through . .. buh i jes want to know wha henry and ronaldinho eatin so i could start eatin dat too . ..  .. dem is some gorgons . .  ;D

Football / Re: Sydney FC prevails
« on: March 05, 2006, 03:54:19 AM »
niiiiice. .  yet another medal fuh dwight .. i happy fuh him .  ..  ;D :beermug: :beermug:

Football / Re: WHO'S ONLINE WITH WE 9
« on: March 04, 2006, 10:30:22 PM »
yeah . .i have it on ps2 .. .and i try de online ting de odder day . ..it was decent. . i think i register as backlash or something so if allyuh ever see da name online doh fraid to challenge. .

yeah  . . daiz a nice article. . . i like how de man say we is de grooviest nation . .hahah . . .and well i feel whitley didnt geh mention cuz he didnt really have a good game on tuesday . . and daiz wha de man was observin . ..

Football / Re: The Crossbar Challenge - T&T
« on: March 04, 2006, 10:12:55 PM »
daiz a nice clip . . .spann .. . .and from da link . ince do it too yes .. well . . buh i real laugh at marvin andrews kick . . and de players reaction to it in de background .. hahaha

Football / Re: The Real Kit!!
« on: February 28, 2006, 04:56:10 PM »
see wha ah tell allyuh . . i find it lookin dredd when i see it in full . . and on de field. . . so . . when we could buy one now leh mih here. . hahahah . .

Football / Re: The Real Kit!!
« on: February 27, 2006, 10:01:34 PM »
well ah have to admit da shirt was real dissapointin . . buh i go wait till i see how dey look in de full outfit playin against iceland to judge it more better. . .

Football / Re: Anybody Pick Up Winning Eleven 9 International Yet
« on: February 24, 2006, 09:48:28 PM »
well i have it since it come out and i find it real badd. . .like somebody say already is de subtle tings does make de game more realistic. . . as for fifa. . .i does always play both . . buh i could honestly say . .dey cyah compare to winning eleven gameplay . . buh dey last offerin fifa 06 was actually decent .. de best fifa offering since 2001. . .i feel is cuz dey actually acknowledgin dat dey dominance in de american market startin to slip away from dem with regards to football games. .

buh anyway . . i in my third season in masters league . .create mih side from scratch . . playin in 6 stars  ... is real fun . . .real hard. . . buh real fun . .

and fuh allyuh who was askin bout de indirect free kick (well i have de game for ps2) . . if yuh hold L1 and press X yuh does touch it fuh de nex man to hit a bullet . ..

Football / Re: New Soca Tunes in Support of D' Soca Warriors!
« on: February 13, 2006, 10:44:01 PM »
yeah yeah . . dem songs real dredd. . . buh i real like de super blue one though  ..

Football / Re: Tommy Joseph Running For Soca Warriors.....
« on: February 06, 2006, 10:37:00 PM »
hahahha . .da joke real on . .


Football / Re: Best dribbler at club or national level
« on: February 03, 2006, 04:00:58 AM »
well i think latas when he on. .  could jes hold on to da ball till somebody kick him . .. . and i remember a time when evans wise (although i think he good fuh nuttin as a footballer) in de gold cup i believe it was. . . aginst usa (i think).  .run into de box and fan a man bout 8 time. . den pass it off fuh dwarika to score. .. and well goin even further back in time  . . it had a man back in day in my class in secondary school. . cyah remember he name. .  buh i see da man spannner like yuh never see before. . spanner wit the right foot on to the left foot .. then spanner wit the left foot. . . all kinda inside outside inside spanner. . . two hit combo spanner all kinda ting. . .

Football / Re: Videos of de danger men we go be facing!
« on: February 03, 2006, 03:48:11 AM »
ah say it before. . and i will say it again . . .wha we need to do wit men like rooney and also zlatan. . . is geh dem vex. . . dem is man dat like to geh violent and geh red cards and such. . .  so we jes need to leh somebody rough dem up lil bit . .. they go geh vex and kick we. .hahhhaha. .  i fraid ljunberg.  .jes cuz ah he pace. . . odda dan dat he nuh playin very good dese days. . . buh he fast no shit . . and well lampard and gerrard. .  is bullet fuh so . . i fraid dat  . .buh whaeva is whaeva yes. . .we in de world cup and we goin and vibes it up. . .

Football / Re: Look at what is coming at us in Germany!
« on: January 30, 2006, 02:50:54 PM »
dredd . . allyuh doh have to worry bout rooney too much .. jes puh somebody to annoy him and he go geh vex and want to damage somebody . . and he done infamous already so he liable to geh cards.  .. hahahah.  ..

wha we need to do is make sure we doh give away no free kicks anywhere near de box... cuz dey have real people who could put it on we. . .and make sure that when we clearin de crosses  .. doh clear it up de middle . .cuz gerrard is a man dat like to wait on top and unleash scorchers. .

Football / Re: Trinis in action (Jan 28, 2006)
« on: January 29, 2006, 10:35:42 AM »
stern goal was dredd. . and kenwyne goal was good too . . i happy for them . .

if allyuh wha see stern goal . . look it here . . (With replays and the commentary man wildin it up more by saying this is wha england goin and be up against come june .. )


and de kenwyne goal . .look it here . . .


bless up. . .

Football / Re: Best Chants ..
« on: November 25, 2005, 11:04:43 PM »
i remember when i was in naps . .and we wasnt very good. . after every game (we used to be lsin of course) .. .we used to be walkin out a skinner park singin and beatin de bass drum . ..

oooooooooooooooooooooo  shit. . .(boom boom)
oooooooooooooooooooooo  shit . .. (boom boom). .

Football / Re: TV6 News of the greatest day in T&T history
« on: November 20, 2005, 04:21:51 AM »
dredd . . .. please repost . . ..

Football / Re: My 5 greatest sporting moments in TNT
« on: November 20, 2005, 04:10:47 AM »
#1 - trinidad qualifying for world cup
#2 - brian lara breakin records
#3 - ato winning stuff. .
#4 - de time we beat mexico . . when latas score da dredd goal (still mih favourite t&t goal)
#5 - bovell winning da medal   . . .

honourable mention to . . . dwight winnin all dem ting in manu . . .hasley crawford(even doh i wasnt born yet). . . . .and well .. .dwarika doin de "old oman alone" dance when he score for trinidad in de hasley crawford stadium . .. hahahaha

Football / Re: Who is the world's best free kick specialist???
« on: November 20, 2005, 03:46:16 AM »
juninho pernambucarno . .. by far. . . his conversion ratio go be de highest . . .i doh even know why keepers does try to save he shots. . . dey does jes humiliate deyself. .. and well i go say beckham is a close second. .  yuh could tell when he goin and score. . .jes watch he face . . yuh does see him pickin which hexagon he goin and kick . .and calculatin trajectory and ting. . . two ah dem real good. . . . zidane is ah nex one who could puh it in de jep ness if he want . . .

Football / Re: Naps playing Fatima on wednesday
« on: November 20, 2005, 03:39:49 AM »
fatima should be fearful of naps. . . .. them unbeaten . . . not even chelsea have da record. . . hahahahahah ;)

Gols Galore Trinbago Style / Re: Jason Scotland Goals.
« on: November 20, 2005, 03:23:36 AM »
 :o. . ..weeeeyy . . . i tryin dat tomorrow. . .hahahh

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