very happy the csa is deciding to play at bmo field, b4 they were afriad bc of the home advantage being taken away bc of the large population of west indians numbering over 500-600 000 or more; i look forward 2 seeing tt play at bmo for the hex against canada
Heh eh. Canada not making the Hex...and it looks like T&T wont either
u sounding desperate breddah, if yuh check my last post in the other thread about simoes picking the team, i showed support for jamaica as our caribbean brothers, yet u coming back to tell me tt not making the hex, check yuhself, right now tt not in the group of death son and even if we were we have a better chance than the boyz
In the group of death, the only sure team to go through right now is Mexico. that said, here are my picks for the Hex.
Sorry, but I think Guatemala is stronger playing at home, and will pick up more home points than T&T.
Honduras/Jamaica/Canada (in that order)
Costa Rica
El Salvador
BOy. i now notice why you always here talking shit all the time. i went to your shit site and neither u or ur forumites have anything good to talk about. maybe after we qualify you would stay off tis site and cry much like the way u cried after we beat barhain and went to germany.
instead of coming here and be-littling my team. stay on ur end and hope ur shitside aint get about 6 from Canada/