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Messages - Hyperhot J

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Football / Re: REGISTER for the Warrior Nation Fun Day #2
« on: May 07, 2006, 10:02:04 PM »
    It really was a good day.  ;D


    Nice pics indeed Kandi. All in all today was a good day and we all had a great time. The White Team really was superior to the Red Team save for Brij-nauthsingh hahaha.  ;D Next time we will have to even it out a lil more. The last 2 quarters the White Team totally crush the Red Team in play, of course it was in those last quarters I stepped up my game and even scored a neat nice right footer just inside the right post. Nice improvement for me after my "powder puff" goal from the first game we played at the Marvin Lee Stadium.

I think the teams were more even when we played at the Marvin Lee Stadium as today the White Team were far better especially in the last 30 mins or so.

All in all a great day and yet another successful Warrior Nation fete football event.

Hyperhot J.  8)

Football / Re: Wiser with age.
« on: May 04, 2006, 10:59:39 AM »
   I wonder if Colin Samuel go be pelting Prescott's home with mangoes after Ian dissed Samuel and said that Wise was much better? If only Samuel could improve his left foot then we still looking good.


Football / Re: picture this tnt
« on: April 27, 2006, 10:41:00 AM »
   I go be bawling in pride as well. Aye Small Mag. doe vomit on we in the blasted Stadium nah boy.  :(


Football / Re: soca warrior pledge
« on: April 27, 2006, 10:38:51 AM »
   Nice one freaky my sentiments exactly!! See you all in Germany.


Football / Re: Sealy - the next Stern John?
« on: April 27, 2006, 10:37:05 AM »
    It is very hard for Scott, I used to work with his wife and she was in T&T this year from the US because she and Scott were hoping that he would make team, shucks now I have one less female friend to lime with in Germany, shucks. Yeah it hard for Scott since flicking Wolfe make the 24 and he NEVER played in any of our games last year! Hopefully Wolfe will get dropped quick since I think Rougier deserves to be there. I would have kept Scott in the 24 and then maybe drop him for the 23, and not even keep Wolfe but whatever yes.


Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Grenada game 2.
« on: April 27, 2006, 10:33:46 AM »
   Hyperhot J will be there. Ince must be feeling a lil embarassed yes, meh boy get string up in pure David Seaman style yes. I think if Hislop pulls of a great game in the FA final he will be our no. 1 starting keeper at least in some of the practice games. Still have to see how Kelvin Jack will look against the Peru game as he was injured. Once Kelvin is well I see him and Hislop being our main keepers with Ince no. 3. Felt kinda sorry for Ince when that goal scored. Hard luck Incey.


   If we were playing Italy or Spain then it would be to our advantage, because I don't think that the English, Swedish and Paraguay supporters are racist.


Football / Re: Juninho free-kick against Ajaccio
« on: March 10, 2006, 02:37:42 PM »
     Well if is one thing Brasil have 4 top class free-kick takers for the World Cup, Juninho, Ronaldinho, Roberto Carlos and don't forget Alex. Alex is like the right footed version of Carlos.

Nuff said, Brasil dread!!

Jason.  ;D

Football / Re: Yorke Not the Sportsman of the Year
« on: March 09, 2006, 03:47:30 PM »
   FCB is crap, Yorke should have won that hands down, Lara was always on his way to scoring the highest test total for runs, and even then this did not help our beleagured West Indies team. Yorke on the other hand gave a contribution that actually made our entire T&T team improve and qualify for the world cup, when no one thought that he still had it in him, almost a miracle, and them backsides gave it to Lara!! Frig them!!

Yorke all the way!!

Yorke was and is still the best for 2005 AND 2006.

Yorke is my Sportsman for 2 years straight, not Lara!

Football / Re: Brent Rahim eager to join Jabloteh ranks
« on: March 09, 2006, 03:41:48 PM »
    Most likely Rahim will not make our World Cup team, I feel a little sorry for him though. His last run was against Mexico in our 2-0 loss to them. A pity he and his injury was very inconsistent.

Hard luck Brent, try for sure for the WC 2010 ok.


Football / Re: T&T vs Peru Attendance
« on: March 09, 2006, 10:52:09 AM »
    Hi O'connor please get 4 covered for me. If you cannot get that then get 4 for uncovered. Preference will be in covered though.

Thank you,

Jason.  :D

    I go be there for sure, Hyperhot J inna the area (for at least 10 mins strong) until I get bun!!

J.  ;D

    Very correct FF I was thinking about those 4 games in 2000 as well and that was when Mr. Clayton Ince was keeping. So big up to him for those games, he really was good then and is still good now, had a decent game in our 0-0 draw with Costa Rica in T&T last year after Shaka had his very unfortunate game in the 5-1 loss to Guatemala. Of course in 2000 after those 4 games we lost 7-0 to Mexico but at least we went 4 games strong and nice.  ;D


Football / Re: Which Players need a look see fuh next friendly?
« on: March 01, 2006, 11:04:09 AM »
   Nigel Pierre not better than any of our current strikers so he not in it. Wise well nuff said about him for too long now. I personally always liked Dwarika but that is never going to happen again, so I do hope that Mr. Infinite gives up on his true football love - Mr. Jemmot. I would definitely not give up on Glen and Sancho, I doh particularly like Cox but if Avery is the only real left back then we definitely need a back up left back. It will definitely be very difficult for Densil Theobald to make the squad now since his real value for us is in midfield and not left wing where he was never any good. But our midfield real pumping now so I eh know.  I eh feel Neaves and Noriega will make it, but small thing no biggie there they young still. Scotland though hmm that will be a tough one, he should theoretically make it but not sure, and good luck to Sealy, I personally know his wife, and it would be nice if he make it and I bounce them up in Germany, but I cyah say nothing yet.

I hope Kelvin Jack get better quick quick!


    I did not see the game as yet, but I am so happy that Stern DID NOT kick that penalty hooray!! Yorke listened to us and actually kicked and of course scored!! I am so proud that Yorke is back scoring goals, he MUST kick all our penalties and never let Stern touch any one of those. I am still upset over hi miss against Mexico and even though Stern has come up big during and after that game, I do hope that he does not get into his old habits of 13 tries per 1 goal as he was mid last year!! Come on Stern please doh give us the heart attack you gave us in qualifying last year!! Yorke thank you for kicking the penalty and asserting yourself as Capatain, doh let Stern trick you, you are stil the best!!

Stern we love yuh but stop being Sitter-Misser John nah boy!! And of course Kenwyne you know you is meh boy, so keep at it you hear!

J.  :D

    Come on Weary we are the Warrior Die-Hard supporters, we live and die for our T&T football so if you know what is good you will come and make it. If you have to travel from Mayaro to come just to see and lime and meet with us for just an hour will still be worth it. Trust me all of us hear are TRUE Warrior supporters and fight for our team and any football limes, you have to persist and make sure and come true. It always "makes sense" if you are a bonafide supporter like us.

J.  ;D

Will be there for sure!

Football / Re: Latapy ready to weave final spell
« on: February 24, 2006, 01:05:54 PM »
    Yes... all hail our King of T&T Football - Russell Latapy. From the moment I saw him when I was 8 in 1988 until now, he has always been my football legend!! I can't wait to proudly wear my no. 10 Latapy jersey on June 10th. when we play Sweden, thank God I will be there.  ;D


 Â    I reiterate Michael and O'connor's plea, all who are in TO go!! When I was there I used to go and it was nice. Club Sandos is a very cool scene and the Chinese food is good enough for Canadian standards, obviously cyah beat a good T&T Chinese but, it alright yes, better than Manchu Wok and them lamos!!


Football / Anybody going Soca Warriors fete tomorrow?
« on: February 24, 2006, 12:10:41 PM »
    I will not be going, will be in Trini Posse most likely, however I will be wearing my own creation.  ;D

Anybody who there and see a jersey is me, it is black.


2006 World Cup - Germany / Re: Which jersey England - Trinidad&Tobago ?
« on: February 21, 2006, 12:33:49 PM »
   T&T will be wearing RED for that game. DUUH!


   We could beat England and both us and England could make it to the second round, hence England could still make it to the final, no biggie. However if they face Argentina or Brasil there iz nuff licks for them.


Touches doh take on nobody I would have felt in awe just like you. That was a big big player and the first one to lift the World Cup trophy. You are lucky to have seen him. Sadly you got no pictures though. You should have gone and congratulated him when he was waiting for the X5. All in all you behaved like a TRUE and REAL football fanatic and all real forumites hear would understand and behave like you.

Great job and great read touches.


Football / Re: Yorke: Footballer of the Year
« on: February 20, 2006, 03:30:58 PM »
    Hopefully Yorkie will win Sportsman of the year, we all want that.  ;D


Football / Re: A Statement from Jack Warner.
« on: February 17, 2006, 04:28:42 PM »
    Hmmm. Not bad. Anyway once I get my category 1 tickets for all 3 T&T games I happy. I already paid for them via TTFF so let me see. I was "awarded" those tickets based on me being on that list.  ;D


    Actually I just spoke to Shaun Fuentes and I was told that only selected school children and winners of the Coca-Cola competition could actually get in to see it today!!!  >:(

I don't think that I will be going again, I eh going there to say that I went to Centre of Excellence to watch school chirren get in and see it shucks! You are not allowed to pay and go and see it.


     All yuh vibes meh if you going. Meh no. is 789-3527. I go be heading there about 6pm today.

Jason aka Hyperhot J.

Football / Re: Few quotes from the U-21 game.
« on: February 14, 2006, 11:44:19 AM »
    Why was the game played in thirds. Stupid Americans as usual!!  >:(


Football / Re: New Nike kits for 2006
« on: February 14, 2006, 11:42:26 AM »
   That South Korea kit actually looks decent. Not bad.


    You should contact Adidas' head office in Toronto or Canada generally and meeting or bawling at them on the phone before you write any letter to Adidas in Germany or USA etc.


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