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Messages - Trini1

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What about Track & Field / Re: Keep an eye on Spann!
« on: September 26, 2007, 08:38:09 AM »
I kno i sed that a long time ago and we really should her talents NEED to be developed. She could be the best in the WORLD.

What about Track & Field / Re: Ato...any idea wha REALLY goin on wit DB?
« on: September 25, 2007, 09:44:48 AM »
What is she doing there man!!! I hope she does well in that final year and move on to better places.

What about Track & Field / Re: Ato...any idea wha REALLY goin on wit DB?
« on: September 24, 2007, 08:50:21 AM »
I kno Marc dat gud jus look at he build its perfect for sprinting, what a shame that he's wasting that God given talent(at the moment that is). WHERE IS KELLY ANN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We haven't heard anything from her since early at the Penn Relay an dais it. But i know its important that she gets a full recovery so she can once again be running with the top in the world. But updates please.

That's exactly wat i waz tryin to emphasize wen using my last comment. That's d way we're sounding like we doe care so  der's no point it's jus craziness and one ting dat suprised me is da we're not even Number 2 in the CARIBBEAN.  >:(

General Discussion / Re: Growing up Gay in Jamaica
« on: September 11, 2007, 10:02:09 AM »
ah see somebody thrown ein talk bout against dey laws...

You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.
You shall not covet your neighbour’s house; you shall not covet your neighbour’s wife, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbour

And dem is dey laws of dey holy book ? doh care which version ya read ?

But it HAPPENS every blasted day and allyuh learn to accept it because ITS PART OF LIFE?  ent?

Homosexuality.....so bloody what ?
Dey interfering with how you read ya bible and how you lead your life ?
Dey interfering wid how you and your god does converse or lack thereof ?

Ah would undestand if one make some sexual advances at ya and ya get blasted vex, but who are you to judge dem and dey lifestyle.....judge your own.

meh 3 cents

If you want to use d bible in defence of homosexuality u need 2 really go back and study i wud like u to read leviticus 20 verse 13 and see what it say.

Other Sports / Re: US OPEN 2007 THREAD.
« on: September 06, 2007, 09:38:39 AM »
We all knew it was coming for Serena i luv her yuh know but she just too... overweight. If she waz in top shape den she would be a contender but she can't play against a player like justine in that shape she may be able to beat every1 else excep Venus and justine in dat shape she really needs to get on that treadmill. On the other hand i hope Venus can win this one. She is in super shape and hittin d ball rel hard.

I guess it is a cultural ting afta all. So we''l just have to sit here and see what the future holds

What do they expect without a proper training programme and improper support. The government needs to get a brain!!![/font] And do some serious thinking. And I have a suggestion y don't u Ato come and train people at the new institue of Sport at UTT. We have got some young fiery talent I've already mention Kernisha Spann and Michelle Lee Ahye. We MUST have many many many more waiting to be discovered they need to hold some training trials or have some sport academy or something like the 'ASPIRE' programme in Qatar. To make the youngsters come out. Or have something like MVP training with u Ato being the head with links like John Smith (the great). That is how Jamica has got so many athletes. look how small Jamaica is but is still competeing with the top nations. And then after every crap performance the government like:'um how did we perform in this appauling manner i think i know but im not sure u know'. CRAP man. 

What about Track & Field / Re: Ato...any idea wha REALLY goin on wit DB?
« on: September 02, 2007, 10:22:53 AM »
n wat happen to Ashby she waz junior bronze medalist in d 100 behind Veronica Campbell sme years ago

Other Sports / Re: US OPEN 2007 THREAD.
« on: September 02, 2007, 10:18:49 AM »
I knew she wasn't una win i hope Venus can she has Ivanovic today and dats rel rel tough for her but hopefully she can come out on top. I knew sooner or later thetop seeded players in d bottom half of the draw wud start getting knocked out cuz it full of unseeded dangers like Pazek etc.

What about Track & Field / Re: Burns eyeing Beijing medal
« on: September 01, 2007, 04:47:13 PM »
Yuh know i waz sayin d same ting. How come Burns iz the same height and almost de same age and waz losin by dat much to Asafa. I waz tinking dat wen i waz watchin him alongside Asafa in the final. We all know he has the potential cause we already see him run 9.96 and i KNOW he and brown can go a lot faster. Ato u know wat needs to be done and I trust dat in de next year or so we will see a totally different athlete. Btw Ato wats d latest on Kelly i just can't wait for her to start runin fast again. She will be a medal contender in d next few years. And i will keep sayin that Trini needs more worldclass female sprinters etc. We got d potential. Ato yuh ever hear of KERNISGA SPANN(hope i spell it right) if her talents get develop she cud be de nex big ting. She only 12/13 and already runin 12.5 and under in 100m and she do d 200 and 400 aswell. And Michelle Lee Ahye she also gud. I tink we need some hurdlers aswell.

What about Track & Field / Re: Burns eyeing Beijing medal
« on: August 31, 2007, 04:09:20 AM »

Marc, come to L.A. and let me help you and stop the ole talk....or let Rhonda be the only medalist next year!

Ato you call him and tell him that don't post it on here .. I feel yuh fraid to tell him that he eh go medal .........

Yeh and do the same for Fana too lol.

Oh yeh and 3 lanes each side for UBH and SHH all the the way from Grand Bazzar to San Fernando with overhead signs and state of the art ATM systems.

They need to stop saying they goin to do dese tings and start doin dem thats if they really want to reach first world status. But at the moment it doesn't look like it. A simple thing like building a highway from San Fernando to Point Fortin has been on the agenda for the longest while. Speaking about highways that is what they need to fix before they start building rapid rail. Do u really think developed countries have traffic lights on their highways and dirt tracks and driveways leading onto the highway like on the UBH and SHH. The answer is NO!!Because it is dangerous. Because they are not building the southern link freeway they need to up the standards of the Churchil-R Highway to fit that of the SLF. So three lanes either side all the way to Wallerfield with ATM system above the highway also with overhead signs above the highway. I feel they jes ignoring the traffic problems in Port of Spain, instead of building car parks continue the beetham highway as an elevated highway through the City centre bypassing the congested CBD and continue the highway all the way to Diego Martin so there is a through flow of traffic and they need to be efficient and cost and time effective so tunneling through the hills on the way to diego Martin is a great idea remember they need to think first world. And a spur of the highway leading to Sea lots as an expressway. Obviously there would be overpasses so people can get off an onto the highway at ease and into and out of the city centre with ease.

General Discussion / Re: Couple welcomes 17th child — and wants more
« on: August 05, 2007, 04:34:26 AM »
i kno meh granny mammy had about 19 brothers and sisters so it was 20 alll. 

General Discussion / Re: God is Not Great - Christopher Hitchens
« on: July 24, 2007, 05:14:09 AM »
All I can say is WHEN God comes back every eye shall see him and then they will have nothing else to say or prove and then they can shut up and there will be no more disputes or anything with this foolishnness. And by the way didn't Charles Darwin say on his death bed that he was making all that crap up about evolution.

For those of you who know God and their bible or if you want to read it there is a book called' A trip into the supernatural' by roger morneau. Read its very interesting you can find it on the internet

What about Track & Field / Re: Calling Ato
« on: July 23, 2007, 05:12:21 PM »
Ato we really need you. Its a 911 call on behalf ov our athletes im just disappointed in them. I know im not in any position to disrespect them or anything becuz at least dey going out and trying and representing our country  and by normal standards are fast but by athletes standards are lagging behind. A ud example is ov today's perfomance in the Pan Am games these are for the track athletes whic is ov course ur speciality.

Richard tompson: 12.06 I tink he mite have been injured wen he crossed the line or somting. Eliminated in the heats.
Big up Keston bledman: 10.18 in the heats(2nd fastest qualifier) but in the semi's runs 10.34 and is eliminated. what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ayanna hutchinson:11.70 in heats but somehow got through to the semi's mite have been fastest loser but then in the semi's run's 11.77 and is inevitably eliminated.

Sasha Springer-jones: 11.60 and is comfortable qualifier in her heat but in semi's run's slighlty faster 11.46 i tink and is eliminated. That's all our sprinters gone.

They need well certainly the ladies need help all have the potential but they need conditioning and correct guidance.
I hope they get it.
If we only had Kelly Ann and an in form Fana Ashby but we must not jes rely on them we have other alent as well. I know Sasha and Ayanna are i their late twenties but some athletes peak in those times even your fromer team mate Torri edwards now raching her full potential at 28 or so. if only you could train up Kelly Ann she only 20 and as already run 11.08 if she cud go to LA she wud be runin sub 11 in no time. The men are sorted they just need guidance.
Tnt needs to learn from Jamaica just this once. Start track and field from school and u know how we like to copete and say i is better dan u at... they wud just thrive off of it. And they need to advance their clubs to be like MPV track club where stars are made. Oh well just another dream of mine.

Remaing hopes:

Renny Quow-400m
Cleopatra Borel- Brown-shot put*
Rhonda Watkins-long jump*
Melissa de Leon-800m
Nandelle Cameron-200m
Reyare Thomas( hope thats rite)-200m
Ayanna alexander-Triple jump
Relay teams*

* - medal prospects

What about Track & Field / Re: Philip makes history
« on: July 13, 2007, 06:03:47 AM »
Wappen 2 our trini gyul Michelle Lee Ahye she waz runin gud and den she jus pull ot ov d semi final ov d 100 and heats ov d 200. She is someone 2 ook out for in future and she was one ov d youngest in all ov d gyuls of d championships cuz she born 1992 but she is very talented cuz she already win d CAC juniors 4 her age cat. And another young trini gyul to look for is Kernisha Spann hpe i spelt it rite. She iz about 12 and she already runin 12.5 and below she is really gud i believe she cud be our first Olympic feale sprnt champ can't wait. But my congrats to Asha Phillip she gud aswell  and d Brazalian Rosa. Santos and Ashlee Nelson. Just one last point i tink with all of trinidad's talent we shud do a althete progamme like he one in Qatar called aspire. It would develop our athletes soooooooooooo much we would be beating the world. We already come  fourth in the Pan Am juniors which iz excellent.

whey de popcorn?

Ah making second orders on that one. All we need is a bottle of Royal Oak and we good. :rotfl: :rotfl:

U 2 r jokas but ah feel wat u sayin lol. An Ato an berris its only a simple discussion no need to take it out of each otha. U guys shud jes b calm take deep breaths n relax. Let d spirit ov God fill dis atmosphere LOLLLLLLLLL. 

Personally i don't believe she was a cheat only my opinion though. She had a beautiful technique and build for sprinting. It does not make any sense her trying to take epo becuz its an endurance drug and she was always running fast since high school  11.17, and 11.14 an ting wen she waz 15 years old. Even b4 her involvement wid balco she waz already a world champion in 100m runnin 10.83 in 1997 also in 1997 she ran 10.76 and 1998 10.65 at altitude and 10.70 in 1999. And d best part iz dat she pass a lie detecor test wen tested on whether she took drugs  or not! I don't feel its right 2 accuse her based on d fact ov wat we know from other sources becuz dey will always be biased. Only God knows wat went on none ov us did or do so its only right for him to judge her and i hope he does it fairly and justly. It would be nice to hear some responses.

hehe, Ato u rel funny

What about Track & Field / Re: baptiste 4th i so vex
« on: May 27, 2007, 05:48:55 AM »
Wat goin on with Kelly man!

Is he from T&T?

What about Track & Field / Re: Ato quits, heads to Saudi Arabia
« on: May 24, 2007, 12:36:54 PM »
Ato I stil feel dat TnT need more woman sprinters Kelly Baptiste is  best a seen so far. I jes luv to see dis gyul run but wa bout Fana and Wanda , Monique and Ayanna are u invitin dem 2 go train at LA aswel. Cuz i feel dat all dey need is d rite coaching and i believe u can giv it 2 dem. Have u made it known 2 them dat tey are welcom der? and wat about Josanne Lucas u shud invite her in too she is really gud as a hurdler cuz I think she ran 12.98s in d 100H and 55s in 400H but I haven't heard about her this year i think she is done at auburn. I wud like to hear of her being successful in d future it wud b a shame  2 hear such talent wasted. Just like fana shes already run 11.03 in a tail wind just above legality wich says dat she iz capable ov runin around those times. But again as is the case with many ov or sprinters she just went down becuz ov a lack in propa coaching. Trinidad's men sprinters have already made themselves known in the Track and field world it's time for some ov our ladies to shine

I kno i wana kno wat hapen 2 Fana she had gr8 potential but kelly is guna tek ova at least we will hav 1 world class girl sprinter. But if de whole troop Fana, Ayanna, Wanda, Alicia, Monique Cabral and Kelly train wid de rite people we cud b better dan Jamiaca and compete wid de world 4 major medals.

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