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Messages - AB.Trini

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Football / Re: Condolences Thread
« on: June 26, 2015, 07:19:24 AM »
Condolences at a timelike this- prays for strength and ease of pain and suffering of the lost of loved ones -to you both- Coach Hart and Mr Corbino

Football / Re: 2015 WoLF League Thread.
« on: June 25, 2015, 10:09:00 AM »
Timing - timing -  don't you think this league or whatever this is being played out would have been better served Asa prelude to the women's WCqualifiers?

Planning planning- what is the intent and long term purpose of this? How does this coincide with team preparations forPanam games?

Ah boi nothing more than political patronage

The WPL is specifically timed to prepare the girls for PanAm and Olympics as it appeared that there was no preparation in place. This is why the league was "rushed". Currently, the Senior Womens Team are playing a series of matches vs the foreign players. The national players should play 8 - 10 decent games (including WPL) as preparation.

Also, WoLF could have worked alongside WPL to ensure there was limited disruption to their league.   
I in as much provided the answer that would appear to be a rationale - however from the onset I must have missed reading that this was the intent. I must be missing where the team is playing asateamratner than individuals different teams, I must be missing Luton how with a month to go that the team is unserious preparation- oh ho - creat  an opportunity to providesomefundsfor playersmakethemhappy call itwhatyouwantat this time and leh we swallow that for the common good.
Look nah yuh could only fool some of the people some of the time - good one good strategic ploy - political mileage gained- we prepare teams for games - we sidestep TTFA and we sheet come out smelling like perfume- yes boi the people of TnT real easy going boi throw a hungry dog ah bone and they eat it up like prime steak yes allyuh good good call bravo - success comes under all kinda guises. I fuh one seeing through the sheets IMHO

I didn't understand a lot of your last statement, but I get the drift: that somehow the government believes that a 6 week womens league will win them the election. Ok, that's your opinion, fair enough. I actually find that far more unbelievable than the reasons I gave you. As for sidestepping TTFA, it's kinda difficult to sidestep something that isn't there!
There is nothing laudable or nothing deserving by alluding to the implicit demise of our TTFA- like them or not , they are there for a purpose. Like the present elected officials in government- however when apparent external forces are working against the TTFA to ensure its demise or to make the look bad it smells smack foa Colonial legacy of " divide and conquer"
I could see why the target is now focus onthe ladies, the men's teams have already been paid off and infiltration has probably been put in place- there is no reason for our coach to witness the sort of lacklustre performance as we most recently had . I believe that there is there are workings amist to destroy Otto ensure what the TTFA has supported does not meet with success. Now whomever appears to be working on the women to buy their favour. IMHO
Our plyers now are been torn and caught up Ina political hot potato

Football / Re: 2015 WoLF League Thread.
« on: June 25, 2015, 07:47:11 AM »
Timing - timing -  don't you think this league or whatever this is being played out would have been better served Asa prelude to the women's WCqualifiers?

Planning planning- what is the intent and long term purpose of this? How does this coincide with team preparations forPanam games?

Ah boi nothing more than political patronage

The WPL is specifically timed to prepare the girls for PanAm and Olympics as it appeared that there was no preparation in place. This is why the league was "rushed". Currently, the Senior Womens Team are playing a series of matches vs the foreign players. The national players should play 8 - 10 decent games (including WPL) as preparation.

Also, WoLF could have worked alongside WPL to ensure there was limited disruption to their league.   
I in as much provided the answer that would appear to be a rationale - however from the onset I must have missed reading that this was the intent. I must be missing where the team is playing asateamratner than individuals different teams, I must be missing Luton how with a month to go that the team is unserious preparation- oh ho - creat  an opportunity to providesomefundsfor playersmakethemhappy call itwhatyouwantat this time and leh we swallow that for the common good.
Look nah yuh could only fool some of the people some of the time - good one good strategic ploy - political mileage gained- we prepare teams for games - we sidestep TTFA and we sheet come out smelling like perfume- yes boi the people of TnT real easy going boi throw a hungry dog ah bone and they eat it up like prime steak yes allyuh good good call bravo - success comes under all kinda guises. I fuh one seeing through the sheets IMHO

Football / Re: 2015 WoLF League Thread.
« on: June 25, 2015, 07:26:21 AM »
Timing - timing -  don't you think this league or whatever this is being played out would have been better served Asa prelude to the women's WCqualifiers?

Planning planning- what is the intent and long term purpose of this? How does this coincide with team preparations forPanam games?

Ah boi nothing more than political patronage

General Discussion / Re: Minister of Sport Brent Sancho Thread.
« on: June 25, 2015, 07:21:00 AM »
"I know the needs of the people, who can defend them better than a sportsman?" --- Pamphile Mihayo, former captain of TP Mazembe (2010 FIFA World Club Championship finalist), currently assistant coach at the same club, upon commenting on his intention to stand during parliamentary elections in DR Congo.

This is like sayingiknow the needs of the artist and those in cultural aspects of life who can advocate best? - leh we put Gypsy dey?

Pure incompetent rubbish and what a myopic way of choosing a candidate! If people are so easily swayed by this talk then the price of suffering will be paid for such ignorance.

Question- does the minister have any personal intentions of paying back the Moines that was given to him as part of the payments for 2006 WC ( oops looks like another patronage  move) by the government ?
If I could recall it was for monies owing to the players by the then SA , under the agreement published then, the players would pay the money back once they continued to pursue funding from the source. Hahaha big joke like that was going to happen!
In retrospect that public gesture is now looking like another buy out of potential  voters - the MO of this governance- they really say anyone could be had and bought- ah looking for hpuse and land inTobago -

General Discussion / Re: Jack Warner General Section Thread.
« on: June 25, 2015, 07:12:41 AM »
Ummmm - woe is me shame and scandal in the family- why dont't you go nah,
Once more - we read of clever attempts to lure the opposition into an us and them attack - these innuendoes of ethnic overtones designed to incite lines of demarcation has been evident throughout this government- never have I witnessedthe magnitude of a leader bent on governing by focusing on the other rather than onthe inner actions and workings of the cabinet? Go down memory lane
 First appointment by PM - ah Gyul withfalse pers to wuck insecurity
A minister squandering Money Ina LifeSports program
AnActing COP who making all the big issues priorities but EH solve none- juice cans DS murder- guns missing from Police Center- the list goes on
Let we EH talk about all this nah  - just go nah-
Attacks attacks -dog does bark the loudest when dey in dey own yard!  This past five years have created more political disillusionment than I have ever seen before and until some  of the bigger issue se get solved there will be no reason to think that one party has the upper hand.
If this government want to save face - someone comeoutand reveal why all the LifeSport personel has been silenced - what happen to the lady who hade diencephalic? Who was placed Ina safe house?  What ever happened to the "big fish"?  What happened to all the talk of FBI investigation intone juice an drug find?
Robertsgonequietly - AG gone quietly - but the ills that me do lives after them the good is often buried. I say to get any measure of credit this leader could truly stand up from attacks  make anamea du earthtne truth behind all the unresolved pieties of mail during this government's tenure.

General Discussion / Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar Thread.
« on: June 25, 2015, 06:52:33 AM »
Steups- she fed up- look at how convenient it is now for her to play the " victim" role! Looking for sympathy by claiming the opposition against me and attacking me or my gender!

What does Mr. Rowley or PNM have to do with  the incompetence and poor decisions made? Reflect on the lack of plans this government had coming in to office ; reflect on all they did was to blame PNM for everything they could not resolve!
Look somebody play that Kaiso " Go Nah"

Frankly I am tired and ashamed to see the great depths of mediocracy that TnT has fallen to under this government . This daily mudslinging shows a callousness disregard for personal Integerity.  Matters held in confidence are now  shared in public- dirty linen is now open for public consumption - for what purpose?
Mr.Rowley doh take the bait - rise above all this bs

Football / Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« on: June 23, 2015, 11:09:07 PM »
There is something perplexing, sinister and self aggrandizing about the manner in which this is all unfolding. In one breath, the man is proclaiming that he is now standing up to corruption and advocating for integrity - throwing out literary allusions" not that I love .... Les but I love TnT more" , apologies to Shakespeare, Julius Caesar. Oh spare the attempts at platitudes of ethical practice - and then in one breath almost take solace in how ypu acquired evidence by taping a conversation while one is under duress and in the case of Gary Giffith without his consent and knowledge! Lawd how could you bold face so stand up for the champion of justice and  righteousness? And what motivated this? Ooooo after you felt betrayed and after a night of reflection at a "hotel"- nah ah eh believing that a tiger just lost he stripes just so!  Nah me thinks there is more to this stance!

Puzzling , when you consider that he claimed to have submitted this information to the Integerity Commission two years ago!  Puzzling in that back then there was no public declaration or public desire to come straight and denounce the corruption. Puzzling in the manner in which evidence was gathered- what was the reasoning back then? Is it conceivable that one knew that one day his fate may depend on deeds like this?

 Sinister in the timing and the motive- like a tru Shakespearean tragic hero-  moved by revenge, susceptible to human frailties: ( pick one) pride, jealousy, envy, greed arrogance, desire for power, feelings of infallibility and betrayal ( et tu KPB)!

There is also a " self seeking self righteous " holier than thou"  grandstanding that almost seems to create this martyr like complex - " I am ding this for the good of the nation" I must rid TnT of this wicked plague of corruption. What happens here in TnT is far more greater than an international scandal and I must be the one to stop it as I was the one who put the wicked one in power!  Ah a rose by any other name is still a rose! Pot calling the kettle black is simply foolishness at the end of the day. JW is finding out that cockroach has no business in hen party!
On a final note, given the "climes " in TnT is not this stance paramount to calling for the actualization of threats? Would that choice be nobler to pursue than waiting for the time of extradition?  Would the alternative  rectify all wrongs in the public eye and public sympathy be overflowing ?
Instead of being castigated as a rouge and suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous fortunes, I could see how speaking with reckless abandon and calling on almost inciting threats could be an underlying motive here.
Whatever the strategy, this is making for one heck of a "political soap opera " of tsunami like proportion I look forward to waking each day  and reading each day for another episode  of " Another World" " Days of our Lives" or " As the Stomach turns"  or as lyrics from an older Kaiso " woe is me shame and scandal in the " party" yuh friend is yuh enemy and yuh never know ah say woe is me ah getting betrayed by the people who ah thought was fuh me"

Football / Re: 2015 Copa America Thread
« on: June 20, 2015, 05:11:00 PM »
Go Jamaica!

 In the words of BigMagician " f....k Jamaica"

Sancho and the MOS ceeates a football league for women in the country that could have far reaching benefit for women in the region and possibly the world. If that happens and this league takes off, Tim Tee must resign. He and his office are useless. By the way, did he show up at the inauguration of the league? Probably not.

Before jumping to conclusions regarding the potential viability of this league, have you given thought to the sustainability of the structures in place  to ensure it goes beyond this time period? Who is overseeing this? What sponsorship is in place ? What is the level of commitment? What is the salary cap for coaches and players?  What is the season of play! Is this a tournament of viable self sustains league?

Before we go adoring praises, consider the timing and the political motives- these initiatives sadly appears to be not separated from political will and given the impending elections, could be conceivably seen as having an end result to gain political mileage as oppose for the good of football and its development in this country. In MHO.

General Discussion / Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar Thread.
« on: June 19, 2015, 07:13:36 AM »
Regardless of political will and party affinity, I believe that all due respect  usa be accorded to the office of PM. It appears that this is lacking ,we have taken to liberties to address the person in office like we do a friend; the media  has propagated in part a public shaming of elected individuals in the manner i which stories are revealed .

I believed that if the text of our PM 's victory speech could be published, one would read of great hope , great promises anda vision of a unified TnT .five years later under this current leadership the Right Honourable leader has failed to live up to these ideals- the weight  of Mao practice, incompetence and poor judgements by some of those supportive  ministers have tarnished of what could have been a defining legacy of our first female PM . I was open and willing to accept that this promise of change would uplift and stand up to corruption,crime and transformTnT as a safe nd desirous destination for many to grace its shores and for some to return  and contribute to our proud history. Today I have not seen ou Right Honourable leader  successfully taken  a stance of accountability and demand resolutions of  grave criminal activities which continue to cast a shadow upon the island. Firing ministers and replacing them are mere acts or attempts of managing incompetency Anderson of judgement in putting them in positions of authority without truly assssing competency and  integrity .

Today, whatever nd however we judge,we must first consider the weight of leadership nd the office of PM. If the robe does ot fit, time to do the dignify thing and respectfully decline the next elections

General Discussion / Re: Avoiding Unresolved BIG Issues
« on: June 19, 2015, 06:48:43 AM »
Surprise!  Once more another issue has arisen-this time in the are of Mr.Warner -an alleged hero of 2006has tragically fallen like the classic tragic heroes of Shakespearian plays,  a  personal catastrophic fall of their own flaws - chose oe- greed, ambition,arrogance, deceite,malice, Bohol or just plain chupidness.

Nevertheless,once more it is there real public who appears to be duped by the deflections away from the issue of what is at hand by the daily accusations upon the " honourable"prime minister -0ne time friend,arch angel and trusted companion- this is the story line this is the plot  for the aster writer Shakespeare not for us the general public .

The issue ought to be are the charges which are brought forth from the FBI legitimate and should actionbe pursued by our local authorities to ensure that our local organizations or citizens were not subjected to alleged  dubious ills. Why is this course of action ot at the forefront? Why is the character nd the actions of the individual question not scrutinized why is afro reelect ex official not audited to unearth if any such offences were happening while I public office ?
Once more  those i authority,once more the "actin" CoP is  seemingly negligent  I taking action that would  lead to a resolution ofanother tsunami like  wave of corruption that is upon our shores.

General Discussion / Re: Jack Warner General Section Thread.
« on: June 19, 2015, 06:27:27 AM »
Charades or facts? Innuendoes or  facts?  I think is time that the nation be presented with an open disclosure of what is ,  as opposed to being subjected each day with what is appearing to be sensationalism and political manuvering and jockeying  for political gains.

General Discussion / Re: Dr Keith Rowley Thread.
« on: June 19, 2015, 06:21:12 AM »
Admist  the " Commess" and political bantering among " one time political allies and perceived friends now turned adversaries, it would best to simply "hush up" stay quiet. Grap a bowl of popcorn and watch the blows fly. Getting sucked in to allegations and asking questions of the current allegations is like trying to add gasoline to a burning fire. The damage has already been done.

Stay out  the limelight of this one- let "the two dogs - one time partners fight for a political  bone" you know how that would end . Stay focused on the  the current governance or lack thereof.  At this time the unity and appeal to the grassroots sectors of the PNM must be most urgent and competent in its mandate, integrity of its chosen individuals and upright in appealing to and resolute in doing what is right for the citizens of TnT. As a nationwe expect better than what we are getting from some " get rich" "eat ah food"  incompetent  ministers.
So to you ,isy stay strong and guide  with a moral compass.Avoid the political banter and clandestine deals of fringe parties seeking to carve up , to divide and to create  lines of ethnic demarcation onthe local landscape .Take  the high  road and seek genuine unity for all.

General Discussion / Re: Best and worst Ministers in T&T.
« on: June 19, 2015, 06:03:20 AM »
Never in the history of TnT politics have I seen or read of such disreputable behaviour of ministers or government officials. Dating back from the 50's to this present day. There were those in different parties that were allegedly involved in scandals and corruption but in our present climate, the magnitude and frequency of reporting and accusations is of a paramount scale.

Consider as well the ease with which these scandals flow in the rail press and the manner in which ministers are addressed.  For the most, ministers are simply referred to by their first names , even the PM, onmany instances when spoken of in both print and electronic media is addressed by her first name . It appears to methatacertain reverence ,a dignity .arespect is sadly lacking.what happened tithe title ,the right honourable .......... ?  Is the pm not worthy of such respect? Whatever are the opinions of many,I think that the manner of respect or honour among politicians have diminished to an all time low.

Sadly,what we are witnessing is indicative of a moral decay that has permeated our society  and there are too many in  governance , who should be setting the example of morality and ethical conduct are choosing the opposite. What they are cultivating is a generation of . Gangstar" mentality, corruptible pathways to achieve riches and callous disregard of fellow human beings.

General Discussion / Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar Thread.
« on: June 18, 2015, 06:24:51 PM »
Watch nah- as per all issues in TnT , this too will pass and be unresolved  or as the usual MO , this too will  blamed on the PNM 🌿🌿

General Discussion / Re: Minister of Sport Brent Sancho Thread.
« on: June 17, 2015, 06:04:47 PM »
These sounds more like the voices  of a ignorant masses -

Apologies to Julius Caesar

The manner of this report  is mind blogging. This reads like mere foolery.  Is like they want to offer him a crown (yet ’twas not a crown neither,). Seeing how the ambitious ideas and the craving for political power has ruin many a politician, he  would probably jump at the offer of a seat at least once—but, for all that, to common thinking, he would probably pretend to not wanting it.  Then hoping they offered it to him again, then he put it by again—but, to common thinking, he was very loath to lay his fingers off it. And then they offered it the third time. He put it the third time by. And still, as he refused it, the rabblement hooted and jumped and waved their chapped hands and threw up their sweaty night-caps and uttered such a deal of stinking rum infested breath you would think that all manner of thinking have been sucked  from their inner craniums.

 In that kinda country crowd  I durst not laugh for fear of opening my lips and receiving the bad air of rotting promises and senseless ability to see the foolishness  and incompetence of the choice ahead of them.

By the coach's own admission, some players playing without " heart"  passion or desire- I can't figure how a plYer could get a chance to war the national colours and go out dey and sheet down the place. Look , any game I play even today, I imagine wearing the red white and black and is war.

Yes I think J J deserves a call up to add some experience and depth to the backfield.

Football / Re: Jordan punish ‘Warriors in 3-0 win.
« on: June 17, 2015, 07:39:57 AM »
Nah - follow our government lead- Blame the PNM!

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Jordan Game (16-Jun-2015)
« on: June 16, 2015, 08:29:55 PM »
Oh well too soon to talk about qualifying fuhWorld Cup - leh we just enjoy another 4cup in we development to Caribbean football supremacy!

Instead of all men putting their heads together for the betterment of football all them fighting down each other for power political edge and pocket change - all ah de from a minister who could take a high road and fight for team support instead everyone trying to squeeze each other balls!

Why hasn't Fenwick ever been invited to assist Hart?  Harris doing the best with all the team has to deal with on and off the field.

Caribbean football supremacy dont mean shit if the entire region is playing at poor quality! This Caribbean supremacy ting is the mindset of the older heads who have T&T football where it is today!

 This belief that being the best among piss poor playing nations in the Caribbean is actually something to be proud about..smdh!  The goal should always be to qualify for the WC which means you have to be one of the better teams in CONCACAF

Why bother talking about WC qualification when we not even the best in the Caribbean?  Caribbean Cup success is a stepping stone to the Gold Cup and a bye to the later rounds of WC qualification.  GC is a must for Hex preparation.  Then comes the chance of a WC spot.

Cause WC is the ultimate goal- everything in between are stepping stones and trials to gage where we are relative to others.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Jordan Game (16-Jun-2015)
« on: June 16, 2015, 04:40:59 PM »
I agree that is why I madethat point- that is the only thing I saw we accomplished this year!

Football / Re: 2015 Women's World Cup - Canada
« on: June 16, 2015, 04:32:09 PM »
Watching Ecuador play Japan now- ah still doh see how we lost to this team- look nah and I was dey fuh the game. This Ecuadorian team is real pee wee kinda ballers.   

Commentator figure TnT was ah real rag tag team to fall to Ecuador!

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Jordan Game (16-Jun-2015)
« on: June 16, 2015, 04:24:33 PM »
Oh well too soon to talk about qualifying fuhWorld Cup - leh we just enjoy another 4cup in we development to Caribbean football supremacy!

Instead of all men putting their heads together for the betterment of football all them fighting down each other for power political edge and pocket change - all ah de from a minister who could take a high road and fight for team support instead everyone trying to squeeze each other balls!

Why hasn't Fenwick ever been invited to assist Hart?  Harris doing the best with all the team has to deal with on and off the field.

General Discussion / Re: Jack Warner General Section Thread.
« on: June 14, 2015, 08:26:08 PM »
Nah boi - there is nothing in this to suggest wrong doing- this government is too squeaky clean- this has to be all bravado or is it? Nah boi fish doh really rot from the head? I mean it had all kinda tape with former minister in hotel room doing and look nah it took ah Long time to get rid of that one- people allegeding  that it was not he in the video - now this nah - all joking aside , there is something kinda ridiculous about this to implicate someone- this is a weak case that just creates more scandal. When you read the papers these days yuh just have to laugh sometime we.

I listening to Montano
All kinda jump and wave starting to explode in meh head - wave ah flag cause I eh seeing this as having substance or could it be so? Nah boi  too many  unfounded stories in parliment this year- whey Cro Cro?

Football / Re: T&T football in the middle of a political meltdown.
« on: June 14, 2015, 06:47:37 PM »
Hear nah- the ideal of"fixing society" seems like ah ideal but is like to shovel out ah latrine hole the more you shovel the more people dumping on it!

To objective the issues by looking at society is  absolving  current individuals  from the nonsense they all claim to be standing for. The ideals of one man trying to cling to the past ; another coming on as an appointed saviour yet messing down the place and who gets caught up in the middle?

Who profits when a team or individual athletes are successful?  Look how quick all them politicians does run for photo opts and give away house where are these same politicians when these athletes catching dey arse?
I  say all ah them ah have tuh clean they own sheet and flush before they start sprouting platitudes and virtues.

Football / Re: The tale of three coaches, the TTFF , J.W. and ah List
« on: June 14, 2015, 09:29:53 AM »

Ah feeling for our present day coach-one of our own who has proven to have what it takes to get the most from the situation. Now faced with a rash of injuries to key players at this crucial time of preparations - Iwonder what's port he is getting ?meanwhile Jamacia men's team playing dey ball ancho.ding they own.

We football in tatters and  is not like when we had an inexperience Shabbazz or Latas at the helm - we have ah bonfire coach and yet the powers to be continuing to ' jumbieing' we football. Just when Mr.Harthad us on a role of winning Carribean Cup then the chuppidness start for Gold Cup playoffs-
 I doh pay credence intne jumbie talk but is likeahblight take over we football since the SA vacate- like someone making sure that we EH go ever reach the heights of 2006 again!
We need a cleansing from the top down- in the middle of all this- I believe that this coach Hart could get these players to rally around him and each other and they will rise in spite of the tata
GodBless our nation

Football / Re: Oliver Camps Thread
« on: June 14, 2015, 09:14:37 AM »
Well mr. Oliver - the test of friendship is at stake- how long yuh know tuh friend and now yuh talking likely uh shock? Wait nah you was responsible for tracking funds and yuh cyar tell a bobol from legitimate transactions? With nah yuh really expect people to believe that yuhwas so innocent and nieveL wait nah when'll yuh thought allyuh make big money and allyuh drinking and celebrating as friends allyuh was talking about the piety of Robin Hood or how blessed you were to be so privileged?

 Come nah is you and yuhpartner here yuh talking about? So tell meh yuh did not have a conscience? Yuh could not stand up and ask why the 2006 players eh getting they promised WC money? Nah Mr Oliver yuh sounding likes remake of the Jamacian comedian today so letme find asonetodeicate to what Hhearing and reading about:

Adapted from Shaggy's It was'nt Me

(Yo', man) Yo'
(Open up, man) What do you want, man?
(They just caught me) You let them catch you?
(I don't know how I let this happen) With who?
(Meh buddy from all these years you know) Man
(I don't know what to do) Say it wasn't you

Finally they coming in
Creeping in on what we did
Picture this, we were both caught with ah money ting
[Album version - Picture this, we had hands in the cookie jar

How could I forget that I had
Singing an extra cheque
All this time i was  wicking there
I never know what I signing here'

How you can grant the man  access to FIFA dollars
Trespasser and a witness while you cling to your power
You better watch your back before he turn into a viper
Best for you and the situation not to call the beaner
To be a true player you have to know how to play
If he say a million  convince me say a dey
Never admit to a word when he say
And if he claims and you tell him  deny no way

But we get caught (It wasn't me)
Saw me signing cheque  on the  hotel floor  (It wasn't me
I even had a dollar in the office  (It wasn't me)
I even caught me on camera (It wasn't me)

I go Make sure they knows it's not me and lead them on the right prefix
Whenever you should see him make he threading  flex
As funny as it seems to be it not that complex
Seeing is believing ah better change meh  specs
You know he not gonna be worrying 'bout things from the past
Hardly recollecting and then he'll go to noontime mass
But if he start ah rant ah know I better run fast

I saw when he buss the marks  (It wasn't me)
Heard the words that I told him (It wasn't me)
Heard the money get louder (It wasn't me)
He stayed until it was over

How could I forget that I had
Signed an extra cheque
All this time I was wucking there
I  never took my eyes off the prize

Gonna tell him that I'm sorry
For the pain that I would cause
I've been listening to the stories
It makes no sense at all
We should tell the people that  we sorry
For the pain that We caused
You may think that you're a player
But you're completely lost
That's why I singing today

General Discussion / Re: Politics, Rhetoric, Media , Propaganda
« on: June 14, 2015, 08:43:31 AM »
I have been pondering how  much slant and propaganda is been used by the local press to sway the electorate. What has happened to responsible journalism?

What's the role of the media? Should media agencies be free of bias and report facts? Is the TnT media been manipulated by specific parties ?
If we review the reporting in the local press( newspapers, radio and TV)  are their distinct biases or affinities to specific parties?

I realize that there is no law that prevents a political leader from owning a newspaper but where does the ethics of reporting conflicts with the mandate of the owner's will? Well at least the agenda for some newspapers is evident but it begs the question as to which local press is benefitting most from government funds to report Ina particular manner?
I am interested as to what the bill is for the UNC ad campaigns of the pm Selah in poster style in the Guardian almost ona daily basis?

Football / Re: T&T football in the middle of a political meltdown.
« on: June 14, 2015, 08:28:28 AM »
How can Mr Sancho get sponsors on board yet the TTFF can't?? Is it because Mr Sancho can be trusted and can guarantee where the money will be spent etc? My thought is that Mr Sancho is proactive and wants to improve the country's sports. But for him to help the organisation need to help themselves and be proactive, get the house in order and improve. Stop the moaning get off their asses get companies on board to help to sponsor and be self sufficient. If my business is struggling the government won't bail me out so why should they keep bailing out the national team because of mismanagement.

You call that trust? Government acquiring sponsorship trust!think think

Ah smelling one dirty rat and stinking rotten chat- when FS stated that ah ministry - a government minstry could access and accept sponsorship from companies! Yuh EH see  see potential for kickbacks- payoffs and money going into pockets for possible contracts or other favours!

This is just pure nonsense or as FS admitted unheard of but allowed to happen and people putting the squeeze onTTFA- it would appear that if one is allowed to be a government minister and hold on to a post as SA to TFFA , that given all that transpired, yuh could see how  potential access to siphoning funds could drain that organization.

Now layer all that with some political puppet coming on and now using their status to squeeze the lifeblood from the TTFA? I EH saying that some mismanagement may not have occurred and had there been accountable and transparent measures, just maybe all the tracking of revenues and expenses would not be open to debate.
As a Minister, could he not hire and mandate an independent audit of the association, track the ministry payouts and then streamline current funding? Hire an independent body if yuh want to ensure national team's financial request are accordingly deployed. Show that any sponsorship money acquired is deployed or allocated to national teams.
Yuh does winer if these ministers  brains shifted with they intestines so what coming out of their thinking is pure sheet-

Football / Re: T&T football in the middle of a political meltdown.
« on: June 13, 2015, 08:09:45 PM »
Ah smelling one dirty rat and stinking rotten chat- when FS stated that ah ministry - a government minstry could access and accept sponsorship from companies! Yuh EH see  see potential for kickbacks- payoffs and money going into pockets for possible contracts or other favours!

This is just pure nonsense or as FS admitted unheard of but allowed to happen and people putting the squeeze onTTFA- it would appear that if one is allowed to be a government minister and hold on to a post as SA to TFFA , that given all that transpired, yuh could see how  potential access to siphoning funds could drain that organization.

Now layer all that with some political puppet coming on and now using their status to squeeze the lifeblood from the TTFA? I EH saying that some mismanagement may not have occurred and had there been accountable and transparent measures, just maybe all the tracking of revenues and expenses would not be open to debate.
As a Minister, could he not hire and mandate an independent audit of the association, track the ministry payouts and then streamline current funding? Hire an independent body if yuh want to ensure national team's financial request are accordingly deployed. Show that any sponsorship money acquired is deployed or allocated to national teams.
Yuh does winer if these ministers  brains shifted with they intestines so what coming out of their thinking is pure sheet-

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