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Messages - jai john

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Football / Re: 2022 King's Cup Thread
« on: September 27, 2022, 11:48:35 AM »
Deeks I hear yuh but I believe we wont get anywhere until we learn to fish. It is ok to get a fish now and then but that approach does not leave you with any meaningful expectation ..in other words you must sow before you can reap...what are some players still doing there ? Does this tour fit into any plan for the future ? trecking half way around the world to " see some players " when the majority of them were not even selected ?
Nah man ...we just cant go on this way ...AGAIN

Football / Re: 2022 King's Cup Thread
« on: September 27, 2022, 11:43:56 AM »
I am again asking questions of the decision makers in football who believe in the fast food system ignoring the fact that KFC chicken begins with the hatching of eggs ...rearing of chicks...before we get the bad for you good tasting delicacy ...

Yet another occasion to plug for a development programme in football to nuture the talent we want to see ....

Latapy...Yorke...Marcelle...Shaka...leonsen, Baba, Corneal, etc. ..all came through a development programme...so why we feel is just to spend money to make tours abroad with no link to a develoment programme, and that road will take us there ... question is there where ? You know what they say about what happens when you dont know where you are going ? ...well for those who dont know ..any road will get you there. My angst against discussing the results of a meaningless tournament is still very alive..

I am not a fan of the NC, but this is one of the few positive they have done. The tour was not meaningless. They national team eh playing any football. TTFA league eh playing. What do you want for the players ? I would have liked to see some of the U-20s on the team. But ......

Football / Re: 2022 King's Cup Thread
« on: September 26, 2022, 11:44:34 AM »
I am again asking questions of the decision makers in football who believe in the fast food system ignoring the fact that KFC chicken begins with the hatching of eggs ...rearing of chicks...before we get the bad for you good tasting delicacy ...

Yet another occasion to plug for a development programme in football to nuture the talent we want to see ....

Latapy...Yorke...Marcelle...Shaka...leonsen, Baba, Corneal, etc. ..all came through a development programme...so why we feel is just to spend money to make tours abroad with no link to a develoment programme, and that road will take us there ... question is there where ? You know what they say about what happens when you dont know where you are going ? ...well for those who dont know ..any road will get you there. My angst against discussing the results of a meaningless tournament is still very alive..

Football / Re: 2022 King's Cup Thread
« on: September 26, 2022, 11:29:46 AM »
Well it is wonderful to connect again..The submarine is alive and kicking. The world's biggest Small side is going to cause more shocks this season. They have replaced Juan Roman Riquelme with Dani Parejo...same style ... permit me to say that before I ask a few questions of forumites...

Can you name the coach who was totally against naming a foreign coach and formed a coaches association to speak on behalf of local coaches ?  Can you name the first nominee by this association for national coach ? Can you state whether the association  has taken a vow of silence since the nomination ? Is the association happy with the results so far ? Finally why are foreign coaches so hated by locals when all the top coaches in the Premiership are foreign?


Football / Copa america penalty
« on: June 27, 2019, 09:06:34 PM »
Can anyone explain why gabriel jesus' winming penalty was not retaken ? As far as i am aware he started his run took a step back then continued his run...that is not allowed is it ?

Sell Car Richard ....is house like keshorn to come ! Time to put ah big picture of de relay team in de airport
before carnival

Football / Re: The Fire Tom Saintfiet Thread
« on: January 09, 2017, 10:57:07 AM »
Some people here just doh understand football no matter how much they think they know.  Hart had very little support from D!ckheadJW and his administration, yet somehow he is to held fully accountable for the slippage of the team since the regime changed.  Then we have people singing Saintshyte praises despite an abysmal showing so far.  Remember the last time we lost to Nicaragua before shyte coach extrodinaire came on board?  Remember the last time we lost to Suriname before Saintshyte?  All everyone of Hart's detractors seem to want to recall is the performances of the last year.  Some have even gone so far as to try to use a win from a position of adversity in SVG (via shrewd substitutions and allowing his players to freedom to express themselves) against him.  Like we never see world class club teams fall behind in a match against lower competition (allyuh watch Arsenal this weekend by chance).  Now the excuse brigade on full combat readiness protocol with ass talk bout C team blah blah blah.  T&T football needs a long term philosophical football approach and to be committed to a coach for the long haul. All the overreactions and revolving door does is continuously set us back time and time again. If people in football in T&T had vision and patience we would have stuck with Hart and give him the tools to grow football over the vext 5 years instead of firing him for a journeyman shithong mercenary that will leave us worse off than before.  Buh say wha, daiz wha allyuh assholes wanted so take dat in allyuh pwefum!!!!

Easy nuh .... dont hasten old age pardner . You eh hear Rudder say it so long ago ? ...its is strange the more we change ...rearrange ..everything remains the same ... de greatest tool in the hand of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed .. throw dem ah bone and they will follow it .....DJW rode in like Dandie Doodle ...stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni ...and the majority accepted it as so.

Football / Re: Kiss the WC Campaign to Russia goodbye...
« on: January 09, 2017, 10:49:14 AM »
Well I see very clearly that the old Chinese saying still applies..... Cheep ting no good and Good ting no cheep !

What can we learn from this fiasco.......Trinis like bachanal ! nothing else. We will not learn anything from this because it will happen again and again to confirm this.

Like hogs love mud we love bachanal. If no-one believes that just wait a week or so when panmen....owtu...calypsonians....Tuco...Pan trinbago....court case with  Tamar Williams.. Rolf Balgobin and all that jazz return to home base.

I say calypsonians could write new songs every year ...but they wont ! Instead they will write the same wine and jam and wave it and go down low ...year after year !

Just like us football fans ...we love to look up and down when we should be looking left and right when trying to get to the other side.  . We taking comfort in losses in what is essentially third level regional football ...man score a hattrick .....batman has arrived ...the dark knight from mucielagos is here. No matter we are meeting opponents two levels below de hex.

I tell you or as meh grandmother used to say ...Bondier !

I was too old for this ting ...seeing it happen so many times....now ah really too old for this ting !

We have this great propensity to self destruct in every sphere of activity and continue to miss not only the goal but the mark.
I asked one critic why he was disappointed with Keshorn's bronze at the olympics and if he would have been satisfied if keshorn won a bronze last time and a gold this time ? ...is still a gold and a bronze in two olympics and nobody has done that in the last two olympics !
but we love to look or overlook the real focus.

Why did we stay silent when we were offered a "cheep" coach ? You cant expect champagne with sweet drink money. Given our status prior to Hart's intervention we would have needed Mourinho, Guadiola, the OWTU and the Minister of Finance working together with Mandrake to get a spot in Russia.

Instead we went for sweet drink to quench our thirst at the world cup fountain ....

Well I am sure I we will keep on keeping on .....lets go football...cricket...cycling...athletics....gymnastics ....politics ..... We all doing fine.

 if you dont know where you are headed ...any road will take you there ....and we on the right track....but wait look ah train coming !!!!

Ah know one ting though ...I ready for it ...I ready for Bachanal ...bachanal ....

Football / Re: Fire Stephen Hart Thread
« on: October 17, 2016, 11:26:01 AM »
I am just wondering if we are not too overboard with our existing football talent. We had much better talent in the past yet achieved nothing except for when we got a coach ( Beenie)  to demonstrate that the team is stronger than the individual players. Have we forgotten that lesson already ?
In the past our " professionals " were earning their living in the big leagues. Today we are happy to mention that they are playing abroad.
We dont have a great talent pool at the moment and certainly no player playing today can come close to the Yorke, latapy, Nakhid, Marvin Andrews, Shaka Hislop, Leonsen Lewis, leroy Spann, Ron La Forest etc. So we must be more realistic in our expectations.

There is nothing wrong with having high hopes and the only way to achieve our lofty goals is for us to band together.
Reagarding the question to fire Hart or not I would just want us to cast our mind back when the same Hart was the coach for our team in what has been considered by CONCACAF as the greatest game ever. We were so proud then of the performance of our team matching skills with the best Mexico had to offer. The team repeated with a gutsy performance against the CONCACAF powerhouse making the Mexicans wonder what they had to do to beat this team. we must remeber Hart can only work with what he has got. As Gally once said ..." You cant build a house on promised bricks " If you remember this you in town long like me.

For me Hart has demonstrated that he has the ability to make the team better than its individual parts and I know I for one would be disappointed if on a matter of trying to maintain team unity and discipline the administration decides its is better to favour indiscipline.
So I watch and wait. If hart goes then so will my interest in TNT football for another 10 years( the time i estimate will be needed to get back on track)

In closing I ask the question ...what if we got Mourinho to coach TNT and Molino or whatever his name is does the same thing would we be calling for the coach's head ?

We often ignore what is right before us in this synthetic world in which we live.

Just my write

glad to see Adell Colthrust is back . 10.27 is the under 18 carifta record ...hmnnn a fit Adell Coulthrust ...I not doubting that. He is certainly smater now ...running rounds to qualify then bam !
Best prospect among the young and upcoming men in my books..injury aside.

Football / Re: Europe football surprises
« on: December 17, 2015, 01:10:07 PM »
Real reason mourinho's dressing room gave up the ghost

http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/03529/eva-carneiro_3529772b.jpg6:06PM GMT 17 Dec 2015

Jose Mourinho’s sacking at Chelsea could pave the way for a dramatic return to the club by Eva Carneiro, Telegraph Sport has learnt.

But it may also leave Mourinho personally liable for massive damages over his treatment of his former first-team doctor if the Premier League champions allow the case to be taken to an employment tribunal without having indemnified their ousted manager.

Carneiro’s constructive dismissal claim is understood to include a formal request for reinstatement in the event of Mourinho’s untimely departure.

Football / Re: Europe football surprises
« on: December 17, 2015, 01:04:17 PM »
All right so I was awol for a long time..

It take yuh dat long to get over Sevilla winnin de Europa League bro?  Dat is some major tabanca sah!  :devil:


long time . I wish you and family all the best for Christmas and the New year.

The submarine is doing well this year but it does not get much better as every year our best players are bought by the big clubs so there is no continuity. I just take pleasure in seeing a developmental club match strides with a store bought club for example one player on madrid's roster  is valued more than the entire Villarreal team....and Real had them all present when they were sunk last week.

 I dont know if folks realise how much a team like Villarreal is doing for the Spanish league which was described as a two horse race not so long ago. Yes Sevilla and Atletico are doing well but the are big clubs compared to Villarreal.

VILLAREAL - World's biggest small side !!

Football / Re: Europe football surprises
« on: December 17, 2015, 09:36:52 AM »
Real Madrid are the most valuable club in Europe but Premier League sides (including West Ham) dominate top 20 rich list

    La Liga giants Real Madrid remain the most valuable club in Europe
    Five Premier League clubs make the top 10 in European rich list
    Man United are the second most valuable team with a worth of £2.05billion
    West Ham are 19th in the list with an estimated worth of £196m

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-3363864/Real-Madrid-valuable-club-Europe-Premier-League-sides-including-West-Ham-dominate-20-rich-list.html#ixzz3uaoLXHGY
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

just thought I would sneak this in to emphasize that we just beat the richest club in Europe 1-0. we dont get much publicity but that miht be beginning to change as the world's biggest small side just continue to defy the odds.

Football / Re: Europe football surprises
« on: December 15, 2015, 01:29:26 PM »
fan comment

I really hate how he sits there and watches the match with 1% of the excitement and passion that i watch with. He has the best seat in the stadium and sits there like he is watching a replay of the antiques roadshow. Not to mention he gets paid over 100 grand per week to be the face of this club. Get on the touchline and give an order. Scream something encouraging. Make an mid match adjustment. Let your players know that you are in their corner. He just sends them out there and watches calmly while we lose or play brutal and draw in very winnable and crucial matches. When we first hired him, I watched highlights of him celebrating like a baffoon at an Ajax U9 goal, running around on the field like he just won the champions league on a stoppage time goal. I watched him kung fu kick in front of the ref to protest a would-be red card. I watched his speeches after winning trophies and returning home and bring crowds of tens of thousands to erupting applause and laughter as he screamed and rejoiced in pure pride and excitement. The van gaal I see at united is a tired and washed up old man who took this job as a line filler on his life resumé and a quick way to bank an extra 15 million before retiring to his villa in Portugal. Sad.

Football / Europe football surprises
« on: December 15, 2015, 01:23:31 PM »
All right so I was awol for a long time.. long enough to witness some surprises taking place in European football these days
Imagine at the beginning of the season Chelsea was at 3/2 to win the EPL. leicester was at 2500/1 to do the same. now Leicester is leading the EPL ???

With all that is happening folks might miss the fact that Villarreal, the world's biggest small side, beat Real Madrid, BBC and all present, for the first time in their history. All yuh din know dat ? Well a 100% Villarreal supporter like me eh go miss dat ! yes folks I am jumping up to the ceiling ...what a wonderful feeling ....

In case you missed it this roundup is for you :

 Leverkusen slotted five goals past Mönchengladbach with no response courtesy a hattrick from the Chicharito Hernandez . United fans must be wondering how much longer they will allow Van hasbeen to wreck the club.

Bournemouth make the most of their eye-catching victory against Manchester United.

Newcastle inflicted Tottenham's first defeat in the league since the opening day of the season.

Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang was among the goals as Dortmund saw off Frankfurt.

Villarreal will be full of confidence going into Monday's UEFA Europa League round of 32 draw after posting a 1-0 victory against Real Madrid on Sunday night.

Former Madrid forward Roberto Soldado grabbed the winning goal to move the Yellow Submarine within three points of the third-placed Merengues in Spain, while Gary Neville's first Liga outing at the Valencia helm ended in a 1-1 draw at Eibar.

Elsewhere, Manchester United suffered a shock loss at promoted Bournemouth, and Fiorentina lost to resurgent Juventus in Italy.

.... Just to deviate from a discussion which is really not going to be resolved here .....what caused so many disappointments at the WG ? Injuries ? training ? nutrition ? pollution ? general lack of preparedness ? Ato mentioned something which I believe is significant in determining why we did not get more medals .... " Michele was running earlier what she needed to be running now " same could be said for Keshorn with his throws ....
Bolt is tuned to the minute ...are we guilty of bad timing for major events ? is the diamond league putting pressure on our athletes to peak before the majors ?
Just a thought ...

Football / Football is a business ? What is the Product ?
« on: July 29, 2015, 09:11:39 AM »
Just had to post this from my team's website. I will seek to find an update from the tournament but it demonstrates the importance serious footballing countries place on development. It is not by hope or chance that sucess follows the top teams and top football nations.

Everything is ready for the XXII edition of the National Tournament Pamesa La Liga Promises, a competition that will hold its grand opening tomorrow at a ceremony that will take place in the Main Square of Vila-real at 8.30 pm.

All participating teams will be featured in an opening party that will count with the performance of the company "Xarxa Teatre de Vila-real" and will be spectacular from the beginning to the end. In addition, a short version of all the hymns of each of the participants in the tournament will be played.

The competition which is sponsored by Pamesa will be held between the 19th and 21st of June at the Villarreal CF's Academy and will bring together all the U12 teams of First Division (except Athletic, replaced by Betis) in a competition that is organized by the El Larguero Foundation and la Liga, counting on the collaboration of La Sexta and Cadena SER.

The competition, which will be broadcasted on La Sexta and Laliga TV, will be divided into four groups of five teams each. Villarreal U12 competes in Group B.

The composition of the groups is as follows:

    Grupo A: Barcelona, Málaga, Levante, Elche and Córdoba.
    Grupo B: Villarreal, Atlético de Madrid, Real Betis, Getafe and Eibar.
    Grupo C: Real Madrid, Espanyol, Celta, Granada and Deportivo de la Coruña.
    Grupo D: Valencia, Sevilla, Real Sociedad, Rayo Vallecano and Almería.

Thus, the matches will start this Friday, June 19th from 10 am at Villarreal CF's Academy and throughout the day the winners of each group will be decided. On Saturday June 20th the knockout matches will be held from 10 am to 2 pm. The afternoon matches will take place from 6 pm to 8 pm, corresponding to the quarterfinal round which will be broadcast live on La Sexta and Laliga TV (all in the Mini Estadi at Villarreal CF's Academy).

Finally on Sunday, June 21st, the semifinals will be played at 11.30 am and 12.30 pm. The fight for third place is planned for 6 pm and the final will be played at 7 pm (all in the Mini Estadi).

Also, note that after the competition (Monday, June 22nd) of the participating teams will travel to  Colombia to compete in the second edition of the International Tournament La Liga  Promises. The representatives of the Spanish football in this competition will be Villarreal CF, FC Barcelona, Real Madrid, Atletico Madrid, Valencia CF and Sevilla FC.

I remember sometime ago asking Coach Hart if we could not duplicate the Academy system used by Villareal for example, as a development strategy to ensure we kept up with world football such that we would not get left behind. He pointed to lack of will, political support and etc. that exist in T&T football.

And just last week I was again reminescing with a Strike Squad member on the good old days when a game vs any caribbean team was a certain victory for T&T  ...even vs jamaica ...but that it was not so now.

Well folks if we do the same things the same way we can expect diferent results ! If T&T does not do more than selecting a team for a tournament then  we will find ourselves way behind other " lesser " teams in athe near future.

The recent sucess by the T&T team at the gold Cup , which played better than expected football, may just mask the problem of so little atention placed on development. It however shows that the potential is there for improved performences with a little  planning and that we have the talent to step up and in short order.

Club Villarreal has been competing at the highest level against the best teams in World football for years and giving them a fight every time. In fact top teams loan out players to Villarreal to keep them in the game and to continue their development.

This is largely due to their Academy and their proven developmental programme ...as they cannot afford to buy big players and so to survive they have to produce them. Every year the big clubs come and buy their best players  so they have to produce more to stay alive . This they have done and continue to do successfuly.
Yes the  development programme  is world class and cost a lot of money ....but with a population of  around 40,000.  ...The entire town could fit in the national stadium for Soca monarch !...we have more money than they have , more people than they have ...

So why can we invest in a similar system  ? well acording to coach Hart, who infomed that he had visited Villarreal academy and was very impressed , we can do he same thing  we wanted to ...well there you go food for thought

Mr TTFA , MR Minister of Sport do we want to plant a field of mangoes so we can have mangoes every year  or are we content to go looking for a mango everyime we feel for one ( like every time a tournament comes up )

I will leave it there for your comments..

P.S. update
Monday June 22, 2015
All the award-winners at the XXII Pamesa LaLiga Promises National Tournament
As well as the two finalists, there were individual prizes for the outstanding players at the competition’s closing ceremony.

The curtain was brought down on the LaLiga Promises National Tournament by the awards ceremony. The mayor of Villarreal was on hand to present the winners’ trophy to the players of Sevilla FC, who did not stop jumping up and down and celebrating on the podium. After them it was the turn of an FC Barcelona Under-12s side who remained inconsolable in defeat.

Host club president Fernando Roig presented the Player of the Tournament award to Rodrigo Alonso of Villarreal CF, while Levante UD custodian Pablo Cholbi picked up the Goalkeeper of the Tournament accolade from Esteban.

The Top Scorer prize went to RC Celta’s Miguel Rodríguez, with Villarreal CF Under-12s boss Guillermo Oriol collecting the Coach of the Tournament prize.

XXII LaLiga Promises National Tournament honours list:


RUNNERS UP: FC Barcelona


PLAYER OF THE TOURNAMENT: Rodrigo Alonso (Villarreal CF)

TOP SCORER: Miguel Rodríguez (RC Celta)


COACH OF THE TOURNAMENT: Guillermo Oriol (Villarreal CF)
© LaLiga - Year 2015

Football / Re: 2015 Copa America Thread
« on: June 26, 2015, 07:46:28 PM »

Football / Re: 2015 Copa America Thread
« on: June 26, 2015, 07:43:58 PM »
jai john where yuh been
you know once my boys playimg I on ...need a link from trini ...

Football / Re: 2015 Copa America Thread
« on: June 26, 2015, 07:42:24 PM »
any link to see from TNT ?

Football / Re: 2015 Copa America Thread
« on: June 26, 2015, 06:58:40 PM »
desperate ...i taking any stream ...

Football / Re: 2015 Copa America Thread
« on: June 26, 2015, 06:57:59 PM »
any stream ....any language >>>

Always following up on Adell Colthrust as I agree he is an amazing talent who has to be managed properly. What is of concern to me is that his path seems to follow that of Darrel Brown ...faster than his peers of similar age ....faster than higher age groups .....then his coach dies ! He moves to another club ....problems ....too much ...too quickly.... He gets injured ...and we all know what has happened to Darrel Brown .

DB, the world's fastest junior for years and one who was described as the Rolls Royce Royce of running ....grabbing the attention of even Tyson Gay and others who openly expressed admiration for his talent.
He however ran into injury problems and as they say ....that's all she wrote . 

I am however hoping that the same does not happen to Colthrust. is it too much to suggest that the NAAA take affirmative action and invest in our young talent ? Is is too much to ask that someone interested in T&T athletics fund a visit to the Michael Johnson high performance Centre where his body can be assessed for any defect which predisposes him to injury ? ..to suggest corrective action where needed ? ....to insist on rest and time away if that is what is needed ?

How long are we going to ignore the tremendous experience and advice of Ato Boldon who is always willing to help ?

we must get away from the try this try that method and use the available science if we are to continue in the game. I hope someone with influence can heed the call ....All for the benefit of T&T .

Bahamas Defeats Jamaica U-18 Boys 4x100m Final Carifta Games 2014
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/qdDCHGvcn4s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/qdDCHGvcn4s</a>

Now the dust has settled ...Just to keep in mind the phenom Adel Colthrust....he is coming back slowly but surely ....

Short Recap...Adel colthrust ran last years carifta 100 final and recorded a wind assisted 10.57 in finishing 5 th in the under 18 boys final. He got injured in the race. The race was rerun the next day and the coaches let him run. His coach and mentor was not around ...he was 13 years old ! To make things worse he was allowed to run the final leg in the boys 4x100 relay and ran half the race holding his side .,...check it on you tube. the team got a bronxe ...he was not passed.

He was left prostrate on the track before folks realised how serious his injury was ...he returned to Trinidad on crutches. He remained on crutches missing school for a month ...he was in form 2.

His coach died soon after from an illness few knew he had .  Before he died he told Adel to go to Abilene Wildcats based in Arima. He lives south Trinidad. This is movie stuff folks ..

So he began his rehab ...he is still in rehab.
well Abilene put him in a mens relay at the Falcon games recently and he anchored the team to victory ...at 14 years of age ! speaking after the race when Nathan Farinha and I went up to him to ask how he was ... I did not want to run too fast but de man was catching me so I had to speed up ...

I dont want to say Darrel Brown ..but this boy is special. According to one of his coaches ,,they have to protect him from himself .  I have been following him since he was running under 11...he is an amazing talent. I just hope he stays healthy ..... he and Johnathan Farihna are good ones for the future .
Mark the name in your diary folks ...Jamaica will Keep a close watch on him ...we should too. 

Football / Re: Ecuador edge T&T women to secure final World Cup spot.
« on: December 03, 2014, 07:54:25 PM »
FF, wha ah mean is not just Ecuador, I know T&T dominated them for most parts, but its the way other teams handle de ball.

They does knock it, T&T does hit.

If we have to kick to each other all de time, we will get bun faster.

Look, Mollon, take up de ball and run into 3 players !! why?Mollon, take up de ball and run into 3 players !! why?

What sense that making? ent yuh go loose it anyway?

Just make de pass nah and run back for de ruture or move from de line and run into a space in de center. Make some different runs, she makeing she self easy to mark.

De coach look like he fraid to bench big name players.

It shoulda been meh boy Hartie.

Sam if I read this i would not have bothered to write the same thing on another thread ......Mollon, take up de ball and run into 3 players !! why?  but its the way other teams handle de ball.

They does knock it, T&T does hit.

If we have to kick to each other all de time, we will get bun faster

I agree with the tech experts on this thread and would like to ass my two cents ... I still believe we need work on our passing ...in other words we have to learn to kick ( strike) the ball properly ...did you all notice how many times we gave the ball away unnecessarily ? how many more opportunities could have come our way with a better pass ?
The other factor was that the girls played too often with their heads down ...the defense played well especially " King " and the defender who made the Mascherano block to deny the ecuador forward ....it was as good as anything in the mens game ! However too many times we ran straight into opposing players as if we did not know they were there ...
It was the best I have seen a womans team look ...to bad it was not the time for us ..but we should spend some of the election money in keeping this coach ...
I gone

just waiting to see if anybody challenges the clock for gatlin !If you listen to some is like Michelle walk wid she own clock from T&T . One US athlete remarked that we had a very fast track in T&T but we tend to believe that fast times are faulty. keep doing it guys ...the olympic silver medallist running below 10 is no surprise to me though.

Football / Re: Buh wha de ....??? Again Suarez??!!
« on: June 24, 2014, 01:13:05 PM »
Now dont get too hasty ...de fella you saw in the video that looked like Suarez may not be Suarez...he may look like a duck , walk like a duck but I assure you he may not be a duck though it is difficult to duck this one .
I suggest we ask him to report on the issue and will give him all the time he needs to do so ...I am even suggesting that he cools off in Tobago following up on our national campaign to promote T&T in South America. It would certainly justify the actions of our top officials from the ministry of Sport who traveled to Brazil at taxpayers expense to promote T&T as a tourist destination. 
we know a member of the team bit the italian player but we cant use videos to determine who it is so I would suggest you just ...move on !  :rotfl:

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