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Messages - Toppa

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General Discussion / Re: When Genocide is Permissible ....
« on: August 04, 2014, 07:30:05 AM »
Dude, please stop talking nonsense. I guess you're so focused on making cheap digs at "religion" that it blinds you to certain facts - that's the only reason you can say schupidness like the above. If you really believe that Israel's support and political clout comes from right-wing Christian groups and not AIPAC, then you are a fool.

I won't even bother to address (and prove wrong) the bollocks you wrote about what the "God of the Bible" says. Clearly you can add nothing meaningful to the Israel-Palestine issue.

Toppa, you're being incredibly defensive, possibly you're not a follower of American politics. Since you care not what I say I suggest you go research it - clearly AIPAC are a major player as I've noted in the past, but Right-wing Christians are at teh forefront of promoting Israeli interest and I'm surprised this isn't common knowledge.

Again, if you haven't read your bible it's not as if I can make you - I suggest you take your obligations a bit more seriously.

Why would I be defensive? I am not a right wing Christian, whatever that means. Your ignorance is just a little tiresome.

General Discussion / Re: When Genocide is Permissible ....
« on: August 03, 2014, 08:15:18 PM »
Dude, please stop talking nonsense. I guess you're so focused on making cheap digs at "religion" that it blinds you to certain facts - that's the only reason you can say schupidness like the above. If you really believe that Israel's support and political clout comes from right-wing Christian groups and not AIPAC, then you are a fool.

I won't even bother to address (and prove wrong) the bollocks you wrote about what the "God of the Bible" says. Clearly you can add nothing meaningful to the Israel-Palestine issue.

General Discussion / Re: When Genocide is Permissible ....
« on: August 03, 2014, 09:21:57 AM »
it might be useful to note that the Us spends twice as much in military aid to israel than in spends on all of its colleges and universities combines.
Also, when you hearing about things like 'border security' every time certain US companies like Raytheon

always seem in line for a billion or two.
What God you think Babylon serve? Baal for sure!

Well given just how much power the Christian right in America has, and how a lot of Israel's support comes from hard-core Christians, I'd look a little closer to home :p

Nice try, but Israel's support comes from AIPAC and their influence over congress.

General Discussion / Re: When Genocide is Permissible ....
« on: August 02, 2014, 07:04:56 PM »
it might be useful to note that the Us spends twice as much in military aid to israel than in spends on all of its colleges and universities combines.
Also, when you hearing about things like 'border security' every time certain US companies like Raytheon

always seem in line for a billion or two.
What God you think Babylon serve? Baal for sure!


Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Vybz Kartel
« on: August 01, 2014, 05:54:52 PM »
Why dey do dat to de man song?

It is not true that Hamas did not honour the ceasefire. They agreed to a ceasefire on 27th July which was not honoured by Israel. And people need to stop acting as though Hamas and Israel are on equal footing. Hamas hadn't fired a rocket at Israel since 2012. They were also falsely blamed for the killing of the three Israelis.

At a protest in London at the Israeli embassy recently - several Rabbis (some born in Palestine - actually I don't know if they are Rabbis or not, but they have those drop-curls at the side of their head) - anyway, they were interviewed voicing their solidarity with the Palestinians and condemning Zionism. They also spoke of the fact that Jews have lived in Muslim countries for centuries peacefully, but it was in Europe that they experienced persecution.

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/cg_1UqeVIZ8" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/cg_1UqeVIZ8</a>

That article is mostly  :bs:

But socafighter, they have a 2500 year old book that tells them the land is theirs? Who are we to argue...


Actually, that same book tells of the expulsion of the Jews by the Romans and the destruction of Jerusalem (which was prophesied)...that caused the Jews to be scattered all around the globe.

You might also be interested is this anti-Zionist Jewish perspective which says it is against the Torah for Jews to have their own nation-state and if you're a student of history, you would note that Zionism was a minority voice in the "Jewish question" - most Jews were not in favour of it...it only gained traction after the holocaust.

Anyway, this is the perspective I was talking about - Jews against Zionism: P.S. Only the first 5 mins are relevant...

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/awCOSRg-gks" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/awCOSRg-gks</a>

It is depressing to even follow this conflict. Everyday - 100 more Palestinians killed. I am certain the toll is over 1,000 now - it was 700 a few days ago. Hundreds of them children. Just read a story earlier - a baby was delivered by caesarean section after its mother was buried alive. Today - they destroyed Gaza's only power station. I pray for the day when there is a final end to all conflict.

Is it certain that the currency will be in US dollars or was it only reported in US dollars in the article?

What allyuh think about the latest action there?

I see the world in uproar against Israel tactics and innocents being killed in Gaza.

Am I the only one who remembering the 3 yutes Hamas kidnap last month and killed and start sending rockets over into Israel?

Before this it was recent relative calm.

I know it's pointless to say who started it in this war, but at some point Palestine need to control it's people too.

do you know who did the kidnapping?

that's like saying a gov't is responsible for the actions of its citizens abroad

hamas could have done it, so could a lone group of persons, unrelated to the Palestinian gov't

And in retaliation a Palestinian youth was seized and buried alive...and then the government launched this brutal offensive (they just wanted another reason) killing hundreds of civilians...again. There aren't enough words of disdain to describe the actions of the Israeli government. Their continued occupation of the West Bank and Gaza...the perpetual bombardments...embargo...constant terror that the Palestinians live in...

General Discussion / Re: Breaking News: Malaysian Airplane Shot Down!
« on: July 17, 2014, 11:21:25 PM »
Dem eh bet dey badlucky nah.

General Discussion / Re: Massive Israeli air raids on Gaza
« on: July 14, 2014, 01:34:47 PM »
The Israel-Palestine conflict is the saddest thing of the modern era. They just want to kill them all - it's ethnic cleansing - genocide - and no-one has the will to stop it.

This was a friend of mine... a good partner of one my best friend.  :'( :'(

Rest in peace Kayo.

My condolences. :(

East Port-of-Spain residents: Masked soldiers assaulting us

The investigation into the murder of Lance Cpl Kayode Thomas continued yesterday with residents of the Beverly Hills and opposing Desperlie Crescent and St Paul Street, East Port-of-Spain, pointing fingers at each other for the crime. Residents of St Paul Street told CNC3 news yesterday following Thomas’ killing soldiers, wearing masks, came into the area and assaulted them.
They say the masked men could be anyone and were fearful for their lives. The residents claimed they could not be behind the shooting as they could not go into “enemy territory”. Their claim that they were abused had not been reported to the regiment as of 7 pm last night when the T&T Guardian contacted the Regiment communications officer Captain Stefan Affonzo. Affonzo said no report was made to them about the alleged beating and called on anyone who may have suffered at the hands of regiment officers to come forward.
Affonzo also denied soldiers were patrolling the area by themselves but were with police. However, shortly after 6 am, when the T&T Guardian visited the St Paul Street area a group of soldiers were seen on patrol by themselves. Speaking with the T&T Guardian yesterday, residents of Beverly Hills where Thomas lived denied they were responsible for the shooting and blamed rival gang members.
The residents claimed the shooting was unprovoked and random. They said gunmen would have opened fire on any car in the area and unfortunately the father of eight was the target. Also speaking to the media was Thomas’ mother, Marva Thomas, who said her son was undeserving of the death he received. Laughing lustily at any joke “Miss Marva”, as she was referred to, said if she did not laugh she would cry but had to stay strong for her family.
She said she could not give her son’s killers the satisfaction of taking her son and her joy. “I can’t give them the two. After I fight to raise him in the right way this is the pay I get. That child was not to go that way,” she said, adding that her next step is to care for her seven grandsons and one granddaughter left by her only son. Thomas said her son would be buried on Monday under full military rites. She added she was visited by MP for the area Marlene Mc Donald but did not wish to divulge what took place during the meeting.
According to police reports, around 11.30 pm on Sunday, Thomas was driving along Plaisance Quarry Road, John John, when a group of men stepped in front his Mazda 323 and opened fire.  Thomas, who was heading to the Beverly Hills home of his mother ran off the road and crashed. He died at the scene. Police recovered 30 spent shells at the scene of the shooting. Members of the Homicide Bureau are investigating.
One day after Thomas was killed police officers distributed flyers in the Laventille area calling on residents to provide information about the killing confidentially.

NATIONAL Security Minister Gary Griffith yesterday declared the time to talk, to engage criminals in dialogue was over and deadly force by criminals will be met with deadly force law enforcement officials.

In a strongly worded press release, issued yesterday, Griffith said criminals must be made to understand that picking a fight with law enforcement officials and those sworn to uphold the Constitution was a no-win situation.

His release came in the aftermath of the cold-blooded murder of father of seven and soldier Lance Corporal Kayode Thomas. Police said at about 11.30 pm on Sunday, 33-year-old Thomas was driving his car on his way home in Marcano Quarry to Plaisance Road, John John, when rapid gunshots were heard as gunmen surrounded Thomas’ car and opened fire. He died on the scene in the car.

Griffith, in his release, said it has become apparent that criminals are taking the fight to the protectors of the law and the Constitution. He said this will not be tolerated in any form or fashion.

“Every murder is unacceptable and must be condemned at every level. But when organised crime has reached a point of turning guns on members of the justice system and now law enforcement officers, they would feel the force and strength of the Defence Force and law enforcement agencies. If you attack one of them, you attack all,” Griffith warned.

“It is amazing that certain comments with regard to my stand are that there should be more dialogue rather than talk of war. Where was the dialogue when Dana Seetahal was murdered in cold blood? Where is the dialogue when an honourable soldier is killed? Tell that to his seven children that there should have been dialogue.

“Those who keep talking dialogue apparently have not lost a loved one at the hands of these disgusting parasites who call themselves gangsters and kill in cold blood. Talk is over! Deadly force would be met with deadly force,” Griffith vowed.

Griffith is issuing a call to all law-abiding citizens to “heed the clarion call to join hands with our law enforcement and security units to fight for what is rightfully theirs: a place to live, learn, socialise and work in peace and harmony.”

Contacted by Newsday yesterday for comment, Acting Commissioner of Police Stephen Williams said that Lance Cpl Thomas’ murder will not be treated as “just another murder”. The top cop said despite the fact that there have been no leads in the shooting, police are seeing this as an important investigation as a member of the protective services was attacked. Up to press time no arrests had been made and investigations into Thomas’ murder are ongoing. Over 30 spent bullet shells were retrieved by police at the shooting scene of the soldier.

Good article. Can you post the link, though?

Football / Re: James Rodríguez
« on: July 01, 2014, 06:46:06 PM »
I heard that Arsenal is very interested in him. The ESPN commentator shared this information at the last Colombia game.

But I heard James is very interested in Real Madrid.  ;)

General Discussion / Re: Corporation are People My Friend
« on: July 01, 2014, 06:11:46 PM »
Ah guess allyuh only like certain "slippery slope" arguments. When the "other side" brings up the "slippery slope" issue they're routinely rubbished.

General Discussion / Re: Corporation are People My Friend
« on: July 01, 2014, 01:00:54 PM »

The opinion of the Court -

Emphasis here:
"There are other ways in which Congress or HHS could equally ensure that every woman has cost-free access to the particular contra- ceptives at issue here and, indeed, to all FDA-approved contraceptives. In fact, HHS has already devised and implemented a system that seeks to respect the religious liberty of reli- gious nonprofit corporations while ensuring that the em- ployees of these entities have precisely the same access to all FDA-approved contraceptives as employees of compa- nies whose owners have no religious objections to provid- ing such coverage. The employees of these religious non- profit corporations still have access to insurance coverage without cost sharing for all FDA-approved contracep- tives; and according to HHS, this system imposes no net economic burden on the insurance companies that are required to provide or secure the coverage. Although HHS has made this system available to reli- gious nonprofits that have religious objections to the con- traceptive mandate, HHS has provided no reason why the same system cannot be made available when the owners of for-profit corporations have similar religious objections. We therefore conclude that this system constitutes an alternative that achieves all of the Government’s aims while providing greater respect for religious liberty. And under RFRA, that conclusion means that enforcement of the HHS contraceptive mandate against the objecting parties in these cases is unlawful."

Defence Force hails murdered colleague as a ‘proud and respected member’

By LAVENTILLE \\\\\ Alexander Bruzual alexander.bruzual@trinidadexpress.com
Story Created: Jun 30, 2014 at 9:42 PM ECT
Story Updated: Jun 30, 2014 at 9:42 PM ECT
While driving on his way to visit relatives in Beverly Hills, Laventille, on Sunday night, a soldier with the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force, 32-year-old Lance Corporal Kayode Thomas, was shot dead.
The murder toll for 2014 now totals 213 compared with 185 for the corresponding period last year.
According to police reports, at about 11.30 p.m. on Sunday, Thomas, while off duty, was driving his silver Mazda 323 motor vehicle north along Plaisance Quarry Road, John John, Laventille, when residents of the area heard several loud explosions.
Upon checking they observed that Thomas’ vehicle had crashed along the roadway and that it bore several bullet holes to the front windscreen and bonnet of the car.
The police and emergency health services were notified and a party of officers from the Inter Agency Task Force, led by PC Richardson, responded to the report.
Upon their arrival, they observed the silver car had come to an awkward stop along the roadway.
The engine of the car, police said, was still running and the headlights were on, and when the officers looked inside the car they observed Thomas’ body slumped against the front passenger seat of the vehicle. He was wearing a grey and red vest, with blue denim pants.
 It is believed Thomas died of his injuries almost instantly after being shot.
Officials from the Homicide Bureau of Investigations led by Superintendent Boxhill were notified and Crime Scene Investigators visited the scene. Over 30 spent shells were said to have been recovered.
Thomas, police said, was identified by his wife.
A district medical officer also visited the scene and ordered Thomas’ body removed to the Forensic Science Centre in St James.
Speaking to the media yesterday at the Centre, Thomas’ mother Marva was too emotional to speak and could only bring herself to tell reporters that her son was “a good boy who did not deserve to die the way he did.”
Other relatives, who asked not to be identified, said Thomas was a victim of the “ongoing war” in Laventille.
“It is known gangsters who living up there. The police know them, and they know the police, and the other day with the declaration of war against them, they too decided to declare war against the police and soldiers. That is why we think Kayode hadda pay the piper. They knew who he was. It is not like he was doing anything wrong or anything like that. But them gang men knew what he did for a living and he was targeted because of it,” one relative said.
Relatives also noted that Thomas was the father of eight children, the youngest child born merely two weeks ago.
Thomas’ death comes just after one week after the Defence Force issued a press release saying that it was under attack in certain hot spot areas throughout this country, and also raised concerns with the increase in the number of attacks on its members.
The T&T Defence Force, via a press release yesterday, noted that it was deeply saddened by Thomas’ death, and said it also remained committed to working with the TT Police Service and to bring the perpetrators of this crime to justice.
In the release, Thomas was described as a “proud and respected member” of the organisation who joined the Defence Force in August, 2004, and served nine distinguished years.
“He completed Basic Recruit Training at Teteron Barracks and was posted to the 1st Infantry Battalion as a Rifle Soldier. The Commanding Officer, Officers, Men and Women of the Regiment extend deepest condolences to the family of the late Lance Corporal Kayode Thomas. May they receive the strength from the Almighty God and the support from relatives and friends during their time of grief,” the release read.
Funeral arrangements for Lance Corporal Thomas will be announced when finalised.
Anyone with information who can assist with investigating this homicide is urged to contact the nearest police station, the Trinidad and Tobago Regiment at 627-2781 or use 800-TIPS. 
 National Security Minister Gary Griffith said last night if Thomas was killed because of his job, those responsible will feel the full brunt of the law.
Griffith told TV6 News: “I do no intend in any way to accommodate or to bend over to any criminal element in this country and if it is they want a war they would get one. And I would shudder to think that any criminal element would put God past their thoughts in pinpointing law enforcement officers in their criminal activities. If that is the case, then they would be in a war that they cannot win.”


Football / Re: This is what happens when you have greedy players.
« on: July 01, 2014, 08:44:33 AM »
Unbelievable Story: K.P. Boateng narrates the whole World Cup ordeal

Kevin Prince Boateng has ripped into the entire Black Stars World Cup campaign in Brazil.

The Schalke man minces no words as he speaks to the big German media house, Bild.

Of interest is his flat denial of insulting Kwesi Appiah, the coach.

“I am very, very disappointed. It just wasn’t a good time. The nightmare lasted from the first day of the preparations until the very end,” he begins.

“I would never have thought that the preparations and the World Cup itself could be so badly organized. The hotels, the flights – everything was amateurish.”

“Our president [GFA president], his wife and his two kids sat in business class on the same flight. In Brazil we finally got a chartered flight. But then the officials managed to lose my luggage somehow. I didn’t have my football boots for some days, no tapes, nothing. It was disastrous.”

“We flew from our first training camp in Amsterdam to Miami. But we flew in two groups, because apparently there wasn’t enough space for all of us. One group went via Atlanta, the other one via New York. We sat at the airport for nine hours and the whole trip was 19 hours. And…”

“The flight from Miami to Brazil a week later was 12 hours. We flew economy class, all cramped. The legs hurt. It may sound weird for normal people, but for professional sportsmen it’s an impertinence.”

“Our president [GFA president], his wife and his two kids sat in business class on the same flight. In Brazil we finally got a chartered flight. But then the officials managed to lose my luggage somehow. I didn’t have my football boots for some days, no tapes, nothing. It was disastrous.”

“The only hotel were we could really prepare in was the one in Miami. We moved in there after we complained because the players didn’t want to stay at the other one.”

“Before the first WC game against USA we slept at a hotel, I call it a fleabag, which was definitely not recommended by FIFA. There was a severe water damage, the rooms were wet. I had to change rooms, my room had turned into a private swimming-pool because of the water dripping from the ceiling. ”

Boateng says his complaint after the USA game that he did not start was because Kwesi Appiah had made him believe he will be pivotal in the setup.

“Very surprised. It was him who kept talking about me as the leader and who had declared his confidence in me. I have never had a problem with him and I have always behaved positively. But if somebody asked me whether he is a good coach… No.

“No. But I respect him as a person, like I respect everyone. I have always accepted and respected all decision that he made. I’m just wondering why he begged me to play for Ghana when I was still at AC Milan.”

“Then I make a comeback and suddenly I’m not playing anymore. The president was at one of these talks as well. He gave me his word that we were going to have better travel, better organization and better preparation. He didn’t keep the promise. In the end I was just dissatisfied.”

Bonuses – Kevin’s take

“No. That has become part of it and it’s nearly normal. That was the smallest problem. But everything kept stacking up over the whole month. It was catastrophic. The practice conditions, sleeping conditions, everything. I just wonder where all the money goes.”

“The GFA makes so much money from sponsors, through FIFA. And it’s certainly not spent on hotels, flights, the squad and the preparations. ”

Team spirit – Kevin’s take


“No. It wasn’t a real team. Everyone was occupied with himself, everyone was talking bad about each other. There were two or three players who were happy about Sulley Muntari’s and my suspension.


“And those players exactly had told me that I was right about everything. Everyone knows that I have never insulted the coach. But they spoke against Sulley and me in front of him.”


“But still, the GFA released a statement saying that you have insulted the coach. People started saying that ‘Boateng couldn’t control himself once again.’”


“I don’t care about that at all. I’m very relaxed because I know for a fact that I have not done anything like that.”


“No human being is perfect. But again: No. I have just stated my opinion. There was no player who was happy. We had a perceived 100 meetings with the delegation. We told them that there are countless things that need to be changed. That’s why I’m an easy prey.”




Kevin-Prince speaks about the constant half-truths that permeate the Ghana team setup.


“Because I said to their faces that they are liars who permanently make promises that they never keep. We were lied to constantly.


“Like I have said before: Sulley and I were joking around at practice. The coach stopped, we said everything was OK. Suddenly I had to go to the locker room. Later I asked the coach whether he had something against me.


“He shouted at me and insulted me, for example by saying “f**k off”. Due to the rush there was a mix-up with dates. The incident happened four days before my suspension.”


“If I had insulted the coach back then, why was I suspended much later on Thursday?”


“On Wednesday there was another meeting with the delegation. That’s when I told the officials that they were lying to us, that they were making hollow promises.


“Four days after the incident at practice and a day after the meeting I found a white piece of paper under my door, saying I was suspended. I think everyone knows the reason. The president just turned the tables.”


“There’s no need to. They have basically thrown me out. I love the country and the people. But under circumstances like this it’s hard for any sportsman to carry on. I will go on holidays right now and I’ll return to Schalke with full force in mid-July. I’ll take it from there. ”


The GFA are expected to respond soon.


Football / Re: This is what happens when you have greedy players.
« on: June 30, 2014, 06:05:16 PM »
Despite the reasons for demanding the money before-hand...it still came off as very crass, especially when we have the story of the Greece team who asked that declined their bonuses and want them to go towards building a new training facility.


A soldier was shot and killed Sunday night in Laventille. Kayode Thomas, 33, of Beverly Hills, Laventille, was driving along Plaisance Road, when he was shot by unknown assailants. Thomas' car crashed and he died at the scene. The killed happened at around 11.30p.m. on Sunday.


Football / Re: James Rodríguez
« on: June 28, 2014, 06:08:33 PM »
Van Gaal I hope u watching

Yuh mean Real Madrid.  :devil:

Football / Re: Luis Suárez deserve a thread.
« on: June 26, 2014, 10:19:15 AM »
Ah know we have a visceral reaction to biting because we see it as animal ting. But I watching de France game yesterday where man throwing elbows at man temple and ting. Ting to kill people. Dat ain't worse than biting? Dem red card fouls to mash up man leg and career and ting. Dat eh worse dan biting? Scraping studs down a man shin. Yellow card. Ain't no lengthy ban for dat. Why we treating biting worse?

Ah asking myself that question too, by the way.

dread yuh could spread disease with bites, infections if yuh break skin...any manner of shit could happen to make d victim end up d worst for dat bite.........bitin people ent nothing to make lite of.
I ain't saying biting cool. I'm saying how come we doh have the same degree of outrage over other acts that are equally or more dangerous. They'll show two replays of an elbow to the head, say 'he's been a bit naughty' and story done. When in reality that more likely to be dangerous than a bite.

Because it is normal to use you arms and legs in football - using your teeth is taking it to another level. It is savage behaviour.

Football / Re: Luis Suárez deserve a thread.
« on: June 26, 2014, 08:29:39 AM »
Suspended from nine International matches. Plus any football related activity for four months, so his club season will be affected too.

Football / Re: Luis Suárez deserve a thread.
« on: June 25, 2014, 04:32:25 PM »
Uruguayan FA defends Luis Suárez, claiming bite marks are Photoshopped
• Fifa insiders expect six-match ban as the punishment
• Fowler: ‘I wouldn’t be surprised if he left Liverpool now’


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