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Messages - pardners

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Football / Re: One on One with Shahdon Winchester
« on: February 13, 2017, 01:27:24 PM »
Good going Shahdon

Football / Re: New home for TTFA.
« on: October 03, 2013, 12:16:23 PM »
I swore I saw Tim Kee on PNM slate as an Alderman. Correct me!!!!

Yes I saw that too. Aldermen used to be appointed posts by the winner of the municipal corporation.
Kamla and dem change it this year to a proportional appointment. So if you win 80% of the vote in the corporation and it have 10 aldermen to appoint, you get to pick 8 of them and so on.

The new process requires the parties to name all their prospective aldermen beforehand so that is why we seeing an alderman "slate" for the first time in our history.

Politics and sport definitely do not mix

Trinidad Express
Story Updated: Oct 2, 2013 at 11:13 PM ECT

RAYMOND TIM Kee, president of Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation is nominated as a PNM candidate for alderman in Port of Spain. Sports and politics make strange bedfellows and it is untimely for Mr Tim Kee to engage in local politics at this very precarious time in the life of the football federation. His engagement will only serve to politicise his office and the Federation. His presence at the helm of the Federation has given new life to local football which has been so maligned in the past.

Orvis Noel
St Augustine

Big deal- much better he on that card that the incompetent maligned and corrupt  leadership of others. Yuh think all the handouts and alleged goodwill we seeing from the respective ministries eh attempts to seek political gains at this time and to continue to promote partisan politics? Steps  sports and politics continues to be bedfellows even if some think they ought not to be. Look at the legacy of these two entities in our football heritage and you will see.

What is this sports minister doing to raise the profile of the national rugby team? Our u17 boys sure was a major embarrassment when funds were not released to them. Wonder if these teams had the political clout with the minister if they would have suffered the atrocious mismanagement by the said ministry. I am not enamoured by apparent political gifts nor political allegiances . Until some people wake up and smell the nepotism and divisiveness in all sectors of our population then  let the man as a citizen take his course on the political scene.  If successful, he may then have to reconsider his position so as not to be in positions that may be seen as conflict of interest.

Even the Minister of Sport is a coach  ;)

« on: October 02, 2013, 11:34:59 AM »
 ;D ;D ;D

Wey sah...I trying all them streaming links and nutten...

Congrats Red Force !

Cricket Anyone / Re: West Indies vs Pakistan 4th ODI 2013
« on: July 22, 2013, 06:01:03 AM »
Too much shit bowling after the rain was we downfall.

Football / Re: Jack dimisses Concacaf probe PM STUNNED
« on: April 21, 2013, 06:57:01 PM »
I could just imagine the PP spin doctors hard at work trying to come up with the best excuse/reason for Jack's resignation. 

It would sound something like... "Mr. Warner is a highly respected individual and has the highest regard for the image of this beloved country of ours.  It is in this regard that he chose to resign from cabinet to spare the country and our beloved Prime Minister any attempt by foreign and local entities any undue embarrassment.  Mr. Warner has decided to put self first."  ::)

Football / Re: Jack dimisses Concacaf probe PM STUNNED
« on: April 21, 2013, 06:32:32 PM »
I'm just going and stock up on popcorn......imagine Volney and Jack on the back bench.....ooooohhh lawdie......

Best news I get for the past two weeks concerning Warner.   :applause: :applause: :applause: :cheers: :wavetowel: :wavetowel: :wavetowel:

When he get lock up then I will be  :wavetowel:

You right but I have to take this as a slight moral victory.  I cant wait so long for him to get locked up nah.  I go be an old man before Warner get to do time.

D LONGEST ROPE HV AN END. 3 yrs ago when these people was unleash on us u did not tink it would come. U will live 2 c it.

Remember was around the same time when we here on the forum was trying to figure out how we could bring an end to the rule ?
The TTFF rule come and change the ringleader starting to show chinks in the armour.  The longest rope really have an end.

Football / Re: Jack dimisses Concacaf probe PM STUNNED
« on: April 21, 2013, 06:12:08 PM »
Best news I get for the past two weeks concerning Warner.   :applause: :applause: :applause: :cheers: :wavetowel: :wavetowel: :wavetowel:

When he get lock up then I will be  :wavetowel:

You right but I have to take this as a slight moral victory.  I cant wait so long for him to get locked up nah.  I go be an old man before Warner get to do time.

Football / Re: Jack dimisses Concacaf probe PM STUNNED
« on: April 21, 2013, 06:00:03 PM »
Best news I get for the past two weeks concerning Warner.   :applause: :applause: :applause: :cheers: :wavetowel: :wavetowel: :wavetowel:

Football / Re: Jack dimisses Concacaf probe PM STUNNED
« on: April 21, 2013, 05:52:55 PM »
Just heard on CNC3 that Warner tendered his resignation...Kamla to address the nation now.
 Emmanuel George to be interim MoNS.

Cricket Anyone / Re: TT vs Barbados - Four Day, April 10-13. QPO
« on: April 11, 2013, 12:13:12 PM »
Like since we players get soften up from the Bajans last year (or year before) like they get to fraid the Bajan pace attack.

General Discussion / Re: Couple accused of fraud vs Warner
« on: April 11, 2013, 11:03:58 AM »
All yuh c them people on tv? them eh look likethey could defraud d muppets. I eh buying this story.

I was saying the same thing too.  Is only because they 'allegedly' tief the money in parts over a long time rather than a lump sum make me say ok...ah go let it slide.

I find it strange that YouTube have all kinda video with man getting chop, pelted with bottle, police arresting man...and not one person on that day had at least a camera phone to take a picture of the men taking away the driver self ?

Football / Re: T&T seals Gold Cup spot.
« on: December 12, 2012, 10:00:22 AM »
Lisana saying we haven't been to the Gold Cup in seven years...Fuentes saying since 2007.
Which one correct ?

Football / Re: Anton Corneal
« on: December 12, 2012, 09:50:46 AM »
Our problem here is that we don't know which he is.

All the time you have the same self serving crew running TTFF, anyone in Antons position cannot effect any change. These people have less vision than Stevie Wonder in a snowstorm.
 Case in point: Lincoln Phillips. You can't say Lincoln and Anton have been poor, because neither of them have had the freedom or funding to do anything.
Unfortunately, we cannot measure Antons ability until the deadweights have been removed from around his neck.

Now you're just being an apologist for Anton. He has been part and parcel of the cabal that has been running/ruining TnT's football and has been  involved in the administrative process as well as all levels of coaching. He has been a decision maker so don't say he hasn't had the freedom or funding to do anything. What success has he had?

He probably collect more goals from 'his' respective teams than all the other local coaches at that level combined  ;D

Football / Re: Better to Lose now
« on: December 11, 2012, 11:09:54 AM »
Non-sense.... So what happen to the players like Hyland and Jones that would be available if we make it to the Gold Cup....

Just remember that this is not our out and out strongest team.

and it have more
Peltier injured
If we make it, though, I strongly suspect only a few of them fellas will be included. Many will feel it go 'look bad' to oust de men that got us there.

Personally, I throwing every available foreign based on de field. If they look like a disjointed mess, we looking so now anyway. But they'd at least have de extra quality to possibly pull something out de hat.

Ssshhhhh...doh say that out loud here boy...yuh go start a next foreign vs local controversy here.  ;D

Football / Re: Better to Lose now
« on: December 11, 2012, 11:05:28 AM »
Non-sense.... So what happen to the players like Hyland and Jones that would be available if we make it to the Gold Cup....

Just remember that this is not our out and out strongest team.

and it have more
Peltier injured

Is a pity our out and out strongest team not even in Antigua to help us even get to the second rounds...far less the Gold Cup   :(

but dat team we have dey now didn't do ah credible job not a few weeks ago...........

I guess so...If yuh want to refer to teams like St. Kitts as 'credible'  :-\

um how much better is Antigua than St.Kitts, AND Haiti and Cuba can be considered as formidable in CFU,  we need to keep things within the context of where our football is now.......leave d 80s and 90s where they is..........GONE

Exactly the point...we just have to face the facts that we have a shit team right now...for whatever reasons we could surmise.  Cause it seems like whilst we agree that T&T's prowess amongst the CFU has diminished significantly, we still want to take some solace in the perceptions that the other teams have coincidentally improved significantly as well, and also that we still don't have our best team on the field or available right now.

I think a better measuring stick would be to see how the other CFU teams (Jamaica excluded) stand up to teams outside the CONCACAF.  Whilst there were one or two sporadic inspiring performances from Antigua against the likes of the US etc....they all flatter to deceive.

Football / Re: Better to Lose now
« on: December 11, 2012, 10:31:10 AM »
Non-sense.... So what happen to the players like Hyland and Jones that would be available if we make it to the Gold Cup....

Just remember that this is not our out and out strongest team.

and it have more
Peltier injured

Is a pity our out and out strongest team not even in Antigua to help us even get to the second rounds...far less the Gold Cup   :(

but dat team we have dey now didn't do ah credible job not a few weeks ago...........

I guess so...If yuh want to refer to teams like St. Kitts as 'credible'  :-\

Football / Re: Better to Lose now
« on: December 11, 2012, 10:14:56 AM »
Non-sense.... So what happen to the players like Hyland and Jones that would be available if we make it to the Gold Cup....

Just remember that this is not our out and out strongest team.

and it have more
Peltier injured

Is a pity our out and out strongest team not even in Antigua to help us even get to the second rounds...far less the Gold Cup   :(

Football / Re: Better to Lose now
« on: December 11, 2012, 09:51:09 AM »

The leadership need to realise that the world has changed and talent is not enough.
Improvement need to be made at all levels

false sense of success gives the leadership reason to believe they are doing a good job.

Too late for that pal...the horse done bolt already.  From the time yuh started hearing the comments like "6-game winning streak"...even though for the better part is games against teams ranked outside the top 100 on FIFA's list, yuh should done know where that heading.

Cricket Anyone / Re: Bangladesh vs. WI. T20 Dec.10, 2012
« on: December 10, 2012, 10:56:15 AM »
We are boss at T20 but chumps in ODI , with the right team selection and mind set we can be good.

I agree...the team selection for the ODIs was one of the main causes for the losses.

I see it more as an opportunity if there is none.

I belive countries like Spain and Holland have outlined plans on how to manage and develop players throughout their life stages in order to identify and maximize potential. The reality is that a realistic cycle is probably 15 to 20 years before you see widespread benefits in terms of national success.

Plan must also speak to coaching and a development plan around building facilities and structuring of league systems.

g you really think we patient enough for that. Coaches have two weeks to prepare a National Team, with two training sessions a week.
When they fail people on the forum losing ther minds and saying the coaches are shit. I doubt people will listen to any logical development model. Almost all development models are based on a 10 Year cycle (as you correctly pointed out). It would be very nice to see the same, starting at a Primary School level & then progressing.

I was always under the impression that this is the type of activities a TD should be engaged in...not running behind the teams when they on tour (foreign), trying to play motivator and/or assistant coach or whatever reasons were put forward.  We have people for them jobs already.

Football / Re: 2012 Boys & Girls SSFL & InterCol Thread.
« on: November 30, 2012, 11:50:07 AM »
Weary, I'm sure you would have heard how Elliot was stupified last night when Andre Baptiste challenged him on the Shiva red card issue. 
He started off boldface talking about the disciplinary committee and Appeals Committee, but when Andre put it to him that he talking shit...he start to back track saying how they taking they time to make sure and get it right this time.

I was waiting to call in when Andre was interviewing him on the phone, but changed my mind when I heard Andre dealing with him in that manner.  Good thing too cause he ent take no more calls on the issue.

Why does the Technical Director of the TTFF have to be traveling with the team on every foreign tournament ?

Reasonable question. Arguably, it is one measure of assessing the coaching staff's rendition and the rendition of the players as well. In addition, his presence could lend perspective (another pair of eyes). Also, from footage I've seen on here it appears that he interacts with the players to lend encouragement and words of wisdom? Additionally, he probably bridges to the host federation as well and other prospective linkages for TT football down the road.

All that stated ... a TD doh really need to be there.

You are so correct.  I think he looking for the per diem  ;D
That same man take teams to all parts of the world and collect the most goals probably in the history of the sport in this country...yet he is the TD and going on every foreign trip.  What he doing about the development of the sport in T&T right now ?

Football / Re: 2012 Boys & Girls SSFL & InterCol Thread.
« on: November 30, 2012, 08:00:55 AM »
Anil Roberts was not at the meeting. He was at the Cabinet Meeting and Post Cabinet Meeting. The Permanent Sec chaired the meeting with the principals et al.

Football / Re: 2012 Boys & Girls SSFL & InterCol Thread.
« on: November 30, 2012, 03:45:47 AM »
Apparently the game between Pres and Shiva will be replayed on Saturday behind closed doors.

That is the final word.

Paging Godfrey Adams !!!!

You are needed sir, we have a terrorist on the loose who is weeviling his way into T&T football and has now requited Tim Kee.

On a serious note, them f00ckers should dead ... all ah them !!!!!!!!

Expect to see Radanfha Abu Bakr get call up soon.

 :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Why does the Technical Director of the TTFF have to be traveling with the team on every foreign tournament ?

Hmmm...good thing Pres not playing in the Intercol finals because the head coach would not have been there  :)

Now St. Augustine lose their big name players to national duty due to the constant replays in the Intercol.

Football / Re: 2012 Boys & Girls SSFL & InterCol Thread.
« on: November 29, 2012, 09:18:07 AM »
Courtesy of Pres Watch

BREAKING NEWS: Minister of Sports Anil Roberts has called an emergency meeting with Presentation principal Errol Jaikaransingh and Shiva boys Principal Dexter Sakal.

wonder what will be the outcome of this

Let's wait and see  :-\

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