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Messages - Sentinel

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Football / it all about Football?
« on: December 15, 2005, 08:31:08 PM »
I feel so proud of meh fellow Trinis (and those liking who we are) when we take the positive approach...with positive outcomes in mind.  Does it really matter if we pass or fail?....yes it does...but...does that underscore whether we gave it the best shot we can...NEVER!

On the other hand....when we get ourselves involved in stupid "nonsensical" dialogue...ah does feel shame....why? ole people always sey...common sense mek before book sense.  Think before you talk nah. 

Nice work fellahs...from getting opinions on foreign examinining the Simpaul fiasco....lets continue to make this forum one that can be looked at with distinction and class.  And when ah say class...ah doh mean no "bourgeoisie" ting.  Let us always strive to be the best we can be a nation.

Again thanks to Flex, Tallman...and all the forum massive for providing the opportunity for us all to push foward and a people.

Respect to all

Luv U T&T

Football / Re: Best Goal Keeper
« on: December 15, 2005, 11:53:51 AM »
To be honest....ah going wid whomever D Don chooses...but...dah fellah Jack does have meh real "nervious" whenever he in goal.

Ah go take Shaka, Ince and dat order.

Luv U T&T!

Football / Re: Boynes waits on Soca Warriors’ Germany budget.
« on: December 15, 2005, 11:44:27 AM »
Thank god it have some sane and intelligent men/women on the forum....Where in the world you eva hear about handing out "the peoples' money" for football...without an itemized budget to justify spending??

Luv U T&T

Football / Re: If yuh have de TNT heritage say I do NOW!!!to d invite
« on: December 14, 2005, 07:27:06 PM »
Before we get to pumpin vine "Trini Footballers" who would luv to join us now...just do a little survey to see the "forumites" who joined us since March 2005 ....when we officially moved over to the new Soca Warriors forum.

Are we to believe that supporters who luv to refer to others as waggonists...but who only joined the forum within the last year...are mighter than thou...and are not to be relegated to d official waggonist status?

Tell me then...when is the cut-off date for one to claim supporter compared to waggonist status?

Luv U T&T!

Football / Re: The English players are subject to corruption
« on: December 14, 2005, 05:37:21 PM »
Welcome to the big league!

Luv U T&T

Football / Re: T&T v Sweden
« on: December 14, 2005, 10:13:09 AM »
Can't exactly remember the team....but I do know...yes...T&T played Gothenberg....I attended the game and remember Gothenberg were in colours...Blue and Yellow...and they scored with a few headers...

Oh Well....the old man brain kinda

Luv U T&T

Football / Re: Sydney FC
« on: December 12, 2005, 04:22:47 AM »
Thanks for the reminder

Football / Re: How did Anton become Don Leo's understudy?
« on: December 11, 2005, 11:21:57 PM »
I welcome youth....and intelligence....haters...will just be haters...brilliant...go Anton

Luv U TandT

Very inspiring....if only....if only we could convey this message to our country....and to a more focused application...our beloved Soca Warriors.

Thanks you sir....

Love U TandT

Football / The history boys
« on: November 24, 2005, 09:43:50 PM »

Football / Re: Trinidad & Tobago Football needs YOU!!!!
« on: November 24, 2005, 11:35:12 AM »
Finally....we are getting to a level of discourse that weeds out the so called buzz word of "wagggonist".

I applaud the existing guys on this thread for thinking about this current issue...and addressing underlying problems that continure to plague us as a nation...but which has been hiding...even being pushed under the guise of us qualifying for the world cup.   I am patriotic to the point of congratulating our players, and supporters of our efforts.

I have a problem though with the destablisers who apprear to have our nation at heart...but in actuality...pursuing "only" self gratification and riches!

Fellahs...lets get the facts...and then pursue a course of action.

For Coops and Los....meh old man died yesterday...plan on going down to T&T on Saturday.  Vegas in Orlando, together with my sister leaving tomorrow....we go talk.

Tony Pacheco

Football / Re: Not all rooting for T&T
« on: November 21, 2005, 06:40:23 AM »
Ah giving dem a Jack.  Who is Uruguay?

Luv U T&T

Football / Re: Food for Thought
« on: November 20, 2005, 01:41:06 PM »
Eyeh Mose.....thanks for the clarification.  I wrote Food for Thought based on the assumption that the declared Public Holiday...was one of those penciled in that would re-occur every year.

Luv U T&T

Football / Was a public holiday justified?
« on: November 20, 2005, 11:19:00 AM »
As a follow-up on the Trinity Cross you think a public holiday was justified by qualifying for world cup 2006.

Levels of consideration.

(a)  Lets face it.  The government lived up to only promises (until after the Mexico game) failing to give meaningful support to the country's journey to WC 2006.

(2)  Is a public holiday really warranted...when even our national feltival (that includes, song, pan, art) is not a public holiday?  Why could Carnival not finally be declared a public holiday?  No one works anyway.

(3)  How many more public holidays can our country accommodate especially when unemployment is at an all time rise to social unrest (crime on the up...up....up)?

Remember it was hard-work, guidance, and discipline that finally made us overcome the hurdles we faced.

Think about it, then give reasons for or against.

Luv U T&T

Football / Re: Russell Latapy’s fantastic feelings.
« on: November 19, 2005, 10:37:48 PM »

D Latas story...from Sentinel.

Ah see Latas get some sort of 1 year deal with TSTT.  Ah so glad for him.  I remember back in the mid 80's..Meh pardner Brown and mehself was managing the Textel football team with Kenwyn Cooper as coach.

Latas, Nigel Woodley, one ah de George brothers, Alexander (Speedy) Nigel Roach (aka shortman) were all part of the team.  Even Brian Lara used to take a lil touche ..(yeah he coulda play football too).  Meh pardner and meself tried really hard to get some sort of sponsorship for dem fellahs, eeven if it was travelling money.   

Now things come full circle and Textel merged with Telco to become TSTT.  He (Latas) no longer have to look for sponsorship....deh now looking for he...damn...such is the irony of life!

Luv U T&T

Football / Re: Pictures from de Bahrain trip
« on: November 19, 2005, 10:04:33 PM »
Thanks Tallman....

Luv U T&T

Football / Re: *~* Some things I thought I'd share with you *~*
« on: November 19, 2005, 09:56:36 PM »

Thanks for the videos....peace!

Luv U T&T

Football / Re: Naps playing Fatima on wednesday
« on: November 19, 2005, 06:01:38 PM »

Eh heh!

Nitendo Vinces

Luv U T&T

Football / Re: I-Sports with Andre Errol Baptiste
« on: November 19, 2005, 05:58:20 PM »
Yeah...but the man real represent.  Excellent orator

Luv U T&T

Football / Tallman
« on: November 19, 2005, 05:47:03 PM »

Much biggups to Tallman...listen to him on de I....right Now

Football / Re: Whitley and Lawrence on fsc team of the week
« on: November 18, 2005, 10:41:46 PM »
I see it too...ah say to mehself...Weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....

I was also hoping to see the goals...Oh ah typing...dey show Lawrence goal tooo.

Luv U T&T

Football / Re: OCONNORG is the Commissioner of AWATT
« on: November 18, 2005, 07:27:47 PM »
Just a thought!

By addressing the "waggonist" issue....are we really fact....bigging ourselves up as "super supporters?"

Luv U T&T!

and Sentinel you are including your own name in that 'ourselves' that you mention?

From the looks of it bredda some may consider you a 'Waggonist'

Of course Solo....I am a waggonist since d 60's....Back then we used to call it supporter.  But ah trying to keep up wid d times so ah go include mehself... I am a waggonist from de sixtees.

Now ah talking about times before you were even me fadda waggonist...Of course you are one of de super supporters eh?  But dais is de ting.  We willing to call everybody "waggonist" except weself?  Life nice eh?

Football / Re: An idea to help football development in tnt
« on: November 18, 2005, 06:59:36 PM »
My two cents here.

For starters.....................

1  If at all possible...retain Don Leo for the next four years.  The program must not stop at the end of world cup next year.  Invest in the youth by giving to excel at the highest level.

2  Standardize national coaching methods from giants (age 14) to full national team.

3  Establish coaching courses for all coaches...especially for 30 and under aspiring coaches with a focus on minor leagues and villages.  Dem older fellahs already have dey own ideas!

4  In the spirit of "best village" let the villages produce teams to compete in a once in a year national tournament.

5  Finally....
 Â   (a) make integral part of the primary school curriculum so that when students reach the secondary school level....students will be somewhat prepared to join the "giants."

 Â   (b) Like English and Math...make diet and nutrition a compulsory subject to be taken at the primary school level.  Teach children the downside of alcohol and drugs on the human body.

Luv U T&T

Football / Re: OCONNORG is the Commissioner of AWATT
« on: November 18, 2005, 01:49:55 PM »
Just a thought!

By addressing the "waggonist" issue....are we really fact....bigging ourselves up as "super supporters?"

Luv U T&T!

True dat....addressed this issue earlier this week as quote shows.   

Yeah ...and for the super supporters...look...ah only jus reach meh 47 or so I am still a New Warrior...heh heh...but I can go back in times before we change...

Had man like TC...he gone...
Socapro and Socafan
Wilie and Vince gone ova by AL
Oh gawd...talking bout AL...he din like Simoes atalllllll...
Cokesman....literarry genius
Truthseeker.....always taking it to a level heigher
KND...not de 2nd
RF...been here long time...doh know where he is now though he and me had Brazil right for last world cup
Tongue....paradoxical shit talker for days...but he does make sense.
Sam...he cool dong now
D original Truetrini always want to beat somebody...but Sam have he number
Plenty plenty people...some ah cyah even remember now...ah could go on and on..

Ah tink it have more now though...ah go call allyuh new supporters.
But anyway...bless...we all going dong together.

Luv U T&T

Football / Re: What was ur reaction at the final whistle?
« on: November 17, 2005, 08:43:06 AM »
I eh care wat dey sey.....I expose meh growing...and give dem a limbo dey neva see before...oh god...ah had to calm down...had to watch meh high blood pressure!

Luv U T&T

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Bahrain game.
« on: November 16, 2005, 12:17:39 PM »

Haul allyuh mudda c** all the weak hearts out there

Bigup meh c**try...

Luv U T&T forever!

Football / Re: North Zone Intercol Final RESULT
« on: November 15, 2005, 07:50:21 PM »
Long time in coming congratulations

Now leh we take care of business tomorrow

Nuff said

Luv U T&T

Football / Re: Pictures and Video for T&T training!!
« on: November 15, 2005, 02:51:17 PM »
Eyeh Bahrainee...hope I have it right....
When we defeat you...we will make you an honorary Trini...

Doh worry....we will all be supporting T&T in Germany 2006.

Luv U T&T

Football / Re: OCONNORG is the Commissioner of AWATT
« on: November 15, 2005, 01:33:14 PM »
Just a thought!

By addressing the "waggonist" issue....are we really fact....bigging ourselves up as "super supporters?"

Luv U T&T!

Football / Re: Hardest Stadiums to play in
« on: November 15, 2005, 12:46:31 PM »
Success village, T'dad.  If you eh from dey...mosquito does know yuh and tear you up.

Luv U T&T!

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