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which caribbean do you think will reach the furthest or even qualify for 2010

trinidad & tobago

Author Topic: caribbean teams in WQ  (Read 8391 times)

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Offline mukumsplau

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Re: caribbean teams in WQ
« Reply #30 on: October 24, 2007, 10:20:14 PM »
we come like d fella who standin on d side wen sweat goin on wit dey boots in dey han axin...'Big man..big man..allyuh cud take one or wa?"...an den dey say..."I aint kno nuh yuh hadda axe da man dey"....an den 'da man' go bawl out "na hoss sweat lock dey"....so d fella hav tuh go an join d 'frolic' sweat in d corna ah d field wit slippers fuh goalpost...yuh see how TiefTiefFF hav we????!!!!

Offline SUPA

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Re: caribbean teams in WQ
« Reply #31 on: October 25, 2007, 09:54:51 AM »
guadelope is part of france. they cyah qualify i believe.

but france/pan africa go reach SA 2010.

Meh boi Andre, he on de scene again wid he wicked avatars. Dis one cool 2, but de one yuh had before (sit down pun it) dat in ah class by itself. Large up yuh self boss  :beermug:. HIGHLY BLESSED.
RIP Micahel Jackson.

Money doh change we, we are de money changer. But fool if yuh dis, it will surely be danger. Large up de Enterprise and Alliance every time. KROSS KROSS.

Offline SUPA

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Re: caribbean teams in WQ
« Reply #32 on: October 25, 2007, 10:00:44 AM »
Supa meh breddren, my intentions was not to offend or create controversy, but mearly to open the flood gates of reallity that plauges our society and our football. as you know our place of birth has been for years now, infiltrated by lawlessness, corruption, and unscrupulous men who enjoy a life of extreme luxury, being above the law, one of which every one here on this forum is well acquainted with, the king of football himself who needs no introduction.

you see brerddah, for years i have followed T&T football being a loyal fan, i was introduced to the game since i was ten yrs old, although i was never really good at it IMO, but i have a fair knowledge of the game, much more than i let onn. supa for yrs i saw my ppl anguish in pain over T&T's lack of success in football. i used to live in the savannah every evening after school, ask behind the bridge, BC he was a goal keeper and a terrific runner( athlete), and for yrs i would hear and witness the frustration of hard core football fans being let down not only by our government who didn't provide proper facilities for sports, or encourage the nurturing of our athletes, but also by our present football administration.

these men did far more damage than good, and destroyed the future of many great talents that we never had the opportunity to see BC of their lack of interest, and backward approach to sports, as-well as their lack of professionalism. men who could've took us to a WC a long time ago, but was never given the opportunity. my big beef really came, not after they fack up the big league in PSA under flood lights years ago, i forgot the name of it, but i used to go with a neighbor and sometimes my dad who lost interest eventually , but jack and dem stopped it, and it attracted i am sure, more ppl than you'll see at these pro league games they have now, with even better players and at a higher level.

not 1989, when i purposely went and got cable, putting my self in expense to see my ppl cry on world wide TV after a crushing blow. not in 1997 qualifying when we had a tremendous start, only to be outclassed by weaker competition in the end, with such a talented high grade team of players. not in 2001 with us being out played by jamaica in the first game, from which we never recovered .

 but the thing that really hurt my heart is when we fought and scraped to get to a world class football tournament skating in on we chin, wid fellas putting their bodies on the line to achieve the impossible, after yrs of trial and error, finally not only to achieve success, but to perform well amoungst the world best, with a great showing infront the eyes of the millions.

finally we had something substanual to build on, comming off a more than positive momentium, with great coaching and players being exposed to a higher level of competition, the kind of experience that could only make us a power house in the region. instead of building on that foundation, the powers that be took another route, a route paved out of greed and malice, not only for the players , but for Trinbagonians as-well, and we stood by with our dicks in hand and did nothing like a bunch of cowering sissies, instead we ignored the injustices and went onn like nothing happened.

the same ppl that jumped and whine they waist for days celebrating the victory of us qualifying for germany, didn't even bat an eye when jack drop the hammer on our heroes. and if that wasn't enough, the muthaf#@ker had the nerve to black list the players, further delaying the developmental process.

 he then dragged this bull shyte onn by taking a f##king retarded over the hill team to rep we in the GC, which was a crying shame. to add more to that, the three youngster that was in need of a recomendation, which will only serve our purpose in the long run, was denied just BC of a dispute between the coaches, something jack could've easily squashed without jeopardising the future and livelihood of these young players,instead he chose the more immature approach by being childish and vindictive, rather than being responsible by performing his duty as a true administrator .

and guess what SUPA! not one protest from trinbagonians, not even a whelp from the same ass shakers on NOV 16 -20th. jack warner had nothing to fear from trini's together wid camps and groden. now tell me where in the footballing world does this happen without a serious out cry by the general public.

now supa , i am a hardliner, and my theory is go hard at it or don't go at all, if we going to play around then i not going, what's the use. speaking the truth about my fellow trini's don't mean that i love my ppl any less, or i am self hater, a lot of ppl seem to think that, BC in my SIG i big up Africa over Trinidad, but that's so not the case. i love being trini but i don't wear it on my sleeve like others do. yuh see the thing about my ppl is, they don't believe in hard work on a societal level, they seem to lack commitment on any collective level, ppl there are only committed to self and leasure time.

and to be successful on a communal level, you must have ppl who take pride in the state, and is willing to defend it and it's affairs at all cost, from scum bags foriegn and domestic. that's why the yanks and the europeans dominate the world in almost every thing they're involved, BC they are a die hard ppl who commitment level is paramount, to their state, community , and family.

believe you me bro, if trini's were to be educated on true patriotism and what it really means to be patriotic, and not this poor interpretation of patriotism that is common amongst expats, we would truly be a power house in the region, maybe even in the world.
and i am really sorry to say, but 90% of trini's are not committed to the state or it's affairs. only a small minority truly knows what that level of commitment means, and i seriously doubt any politicians are in the minority.

in closing, i really feel like strangling jack any where i see him , for a being so disruptive when intrusted with the responsibility of nurturing and developing young impressionable minds with talent, instead he chose to swindle the players out of their just due, conspire to steal government founds together with cooperate funding, stood in the way of up and comming talent, abusing his authority  by denying players the opportunity to be caped,and the worst part!!!!! this is an on going scenario , years in the making.

 this turkey should've been in jail ah long time ago together with oliver camps and all crocked politicians, but do you know why they're all off the hook,and free to make more mischief in the land, BC trini's are not committed enough, not patriotic enough, don't have a true sense of national pride where they will die for the red white and black, defending it against all enemies, foreign and domestic. standing up against any abuse to the state or state property, funds, and personnel. holding the custodians responsible for every move they make, which includes law enforcement agents together with their agency, and last but not least, removing the lawlessness from our society, risking life and limb in the process if needs be, this is true patriotism and commitment to the state. and austin jack warner is truly one of the lawless. until then expect more of the same.

it really hurts when ppl stand for nothing, cowering in fear even when it means standing up for themselves,choosing to walk away instead of making a difference, some folks live their lives walking around just having a jolly good time with no kind of conviction whatsoever, not defending ah forking thing, even wild animals would fight and die defending their territory, but not these folks, there's to much rum and beers left to be consume, oh god ah cyar ded now. and that's what really bugs me about my home land,ppl are to complaisant, almost every one's contented to be taken advantage of and hardly anyone stands up against the injustices that plague T&T. could you imagine if DR king , Harriet tubman, Rosa parks, nelson Mandela, Steve Biko, john brown, Nat turner, winston Churchill, Marcus Garvey, didn't stand up for justice against oppression, what the world would've been like today.                   positive

JC, may be yuh misunderstood meh post meh bredah. Yuh didn't offend me at all, ah was just expressiing meh confidence in meh bois. However, I do understand and respect de way you feel doh. JC, everything cool meh boss, yuh know we good so  :beermug:. HIGHLY BLESSED.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2007, 10:02:41 AM by SUPA »
RIP Micahel Jackson.

Money doh change we, we are de money changer. But fool if yuh dis, it will surely be danger. Large up de Enterprise and Alliance every time. KROSS KROSS.

Offline just cool

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Re: caribbean teams in WQ
« Reply #33 on: October 25, 2007, 08:48:48 PM »
Supa meh breddren, my intentions was not to offend or create controversy, but mearly to open the flood gates of reallity that plauges our society and our football. as you know our place of birth has been for years now, infiltrated by lawlessness, corruption, and unscrupulous men who enjoy a life of extreme luxury, being above the law, one of which every one here on this forum is well acquainted with, the king of football himself who needs no introduction.

you see brerddah, for years i have followed T&T football being a loyal fan, i was introduced to the game since i was ten yrs old, although i was never really good at it IMO, but i have a fair knowledge of the game, much more than i let onn. supa for yrs i saw my ppl anguish in pain over T&T's lack of success in football. i used to live in the savannah every evening after school, ask behind the bridge, BC he was a goal keeper and a terrific runner( athlete), and for yrs i would hear and witness the frustration of hard core football fans being let down not only by our government who didn't provide proper facilities for sports, or encourage the nurturing of our athletes, but also by our present football administration.

these men did far more damage than good, and destroyed the future of many great talents that we never had the opportunity to see BC of their lack of interest, and backward approach to sports, as-well as their lack of professionalism. men who could've took us to a WC a long time ago, but was never given the opportunity. my big beef really came, not after they fack up the big league in PSA under flood lights years ago, i forgot the name of it, but i used to go with a neighbor and sometimes my dad who lost interest eventually , but jack and dem stopped it, and it attracted i am sure, more ppl than you'll see at these pro league games they have now, with even better players and at a higher level.

not 1989, when i purposely went and got cable, putting my self in expense to see my ppl cry on world wide TV after a crushing blow. not in 1997 qualifying when we had a tremendous start, only to be outclassed by weaker competition in the end, with such a talented high grade team of players. not in 2001 with us being out played by jamaica in the first game, from which we never recovered .

 but the thing that really hurt my heart is when we fought and scraped to get to a world class football tournament skating in on we chin, wid fellas putting their bodies on the line to achieve the impossible, after yrs of trial and error, finally not only to achieve success, but to perform well amoungst the world best, with a great showing infront the eyes of the millions.

finally we had something substanual to build on, comming off a more than positive momentium, with great coaching and players being exposed to a higher level of competition, the kind of experience that could only make us a power house in the region. instead of building on that foundation, the powers that be took another route, a route paved out of greed and malice, not only for the players , but for Trinbagonians as-well, and we stood by with our dicks in hand and did nothing like a bunch of cowering sissies, instead we ignored the injustices and went onn like nothing happened.

the same ppl that jumped and whine they waist for days celebrating the victory of us qualifying for germany, didn't even bat an eye when jack drop the hammer on our heroes. and if that wasn't enough, the muthaf#@ker had the nerve to black list the players, further delaying the developmental process.

 he then dragged this bull shyte onn by taking a f##king retarded over the hill team to rep we in the GC, which was a crying shame. to add more to that, the three youngster that was in need of a recomendation, which will only serve our purpose in the long run, was denied just BC of a dispute between the coaches, something jack could've easily squashed without jeopardising the future and livelihood of these young players,instead he chose the more immature approach by being childish and vindictive, rather than being responsible by performing his duty as a true administrator .

and guess what SUPA! not one protest from trinbagonians, not even a whelp from the same ass shakers on NOV 16 -20th. jack warner had nothing to fear from trini's together wid camps and groden. now tell me where in the footballing world does this happen without a serious out cry by the general public.

now supa , i am a hardliner, and my theory is go hard at it or don't go at all, if we going to play around then i not going, what's the use. speaking the truth about my fellow trini's don't mean that i love my ppl any less, or i am self hater, a lot of ppl seem to think that, BC in my SIG i big up Africa over Trinidad, but that's so not the case. i love being trini but i don't wear it on my sleeve like others do. yuh see the thing about my ppl is, they don't believe in hard work on a societal level, they seem to lack commitment on any collective level, ppl there are only committed to self and leasure time.

and to be successful on a communal level, you must have ppl who take pride in the state, and is willing to defend it and it's affairs at all cost, from scum bags foriegn and domestic. that's why the yanks and the europeans dominate the world in almost every thing they're involved, BC they are a die hard ppl who commitment level is paramount, to their state, community , and family.

believe you me bro, if trini's were to be educated on true patriotism and what it really means to be patriotic, and not this poor interpretation of patriotism that is common amongst expats, we would truly be a power house in the region, maybe even in the world.
and i am really sorry to say, but 90% of trini's are not committed to the state or it's affairs. only a small minority truly knows what that level of commitment means, and i seriously doubt any politicians are in the minority.

in closing, i really feel like strangling jack any where i see him , for a being so disruptive when intrusted with the responsibility of nurturing and developing young impressionable minds with talent, instead he chose to swindle the players out of their just due, conspire to steal government founds together with cooperate funding, stood in the way of up and comming talent, abusing his authority  by denying players the opportunity to be caped,and the worst part!!!!! this is an on going scenario , years in the making.

 this turkey should've been in jail ah long time ago together with oliver camps and all crocked politicians, but do you know why they're all off the hook,and free to make more mischief in the land, BC trini's are not committed enough, not patriotic enough, don't have a true sense of national pride where they will die for the red white and black, defending it against all enemies, foreign and domestic. standing up against any abuse to the state or state property, funds, and personnel. holding the custodians responsible for every move they make, which includes law enforcement agents together with their agency, and last but not least, removing the lawlessness from our society, risking life and limb in the process if needs be, this is true patriotism and commitment to the state. and austin jack warner is truly one of the lawless. until then expect more of the same.

it really hurts when ppl stand for nothing, cowering in fear even when it means standing up for themselves,choosing to walk away instead of making a difference, some folks live their lives walking around just having a jolly good time with no kind of conviction whatsoever, not defending ah forking thing, even wild animals would fight and die defending their territory, but not these folks, there's to much rum and beers left to be consume, oh god ah cyar ded now. and that's what really bugs me about my home land,ppl are to complaisant, almost every one's contented to be taken advantage of and hardly anyone stands up against the injustices that plague T&T. could you imagine if DR king , Harriet tubman, Rosa parks, nelson Mandela, Steve Biko, john brown, Nat turner, winston Churchill, Marcus Garvey, didn't stand up for justice against oppression, what the world would've been like today.                   positive

JC, may be yuh misunderstood meh post meh bredah. Yuh didn't offend me at all, ah was just expressiing meh confidence in meh bois. However, I do understand and respect de way you feel doh. JC, everything cool meh boss, yuh know we good so  :beermug:. HIGHLY BLESSED.
RESPECT MAXIMUM.  positive .                                HIGHLY BLEESED.
The pen is mightier than the sword, Africa for Africans home and abroad.Trinidad is not my home just a pit stop, Africa is my destination,final destination the MOST HIGH.


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