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The Warriors Experience
« on: September 24, 2005, 12:18:32 PM »
The Warriors Experience  - 10/23/05

Shaun Fuentes, TTFFCommunications/Media Officer

So I was just browsing through the message board on sternjohn.com on the weekend, usual procedure to clear up spam etc when I came across this message by a guy (who prefers to remain anonymous) who took time to thank Stern for his efforts etc and made an interesting offer, leaving his email and contact number. So I took it upon myself to email him, contact was established and a meeting set up at the TTFF Media Office on Wednesday. He met with myself and I invited Peter O’Connor, marketing manager for the TTFF along. This guy, a ‘Trini’ who lives and works in the Republic of Georgia, says anything with football etc especially regarding what we are trying to achieve, is close to his heart. So in Stern's name, because of, as the citizen stated, where he came from and to where he has reached, and moreso the way he rose from a slump with the two goals versus Guatemala, he has offered to have youngsters from the Princess Elizabeth's home, 50 of them, in the covered stands of the Hasely Crawford Stadium to support the National Team and Stern against Mexico on October 12. He will pay for the 50 tickets, fund the transportation and food for the kids and wants no recognition for it but simply for the kids to be in t-shirts, waving banners  and for Stern to just wave and touch a  few of them during the warm up session.

 What a wonderful gesture which could really set your mood for the rest of the week or even for life perhaps, (until we reach Germany at least, lol). Such an occurrence makes you wonder about so many out there and how you wish there could be so much more, not just to buy tickets for a game but for the daily procedures we all encounter.

 Stern was thrilled with the news and immediately the old “El Do” boy sounded as though just for that, he would score another pair of goals in the next big one against Panama and then seal it at home versus Mexico.

 Aside from all of that, the pace hasn’t been that quick since the Costa Rica loss but I can assure you that the vibe is very much still alive and the average one, like the schoolgirls and boys, the mummies and daddies, the young adults in the TGI Fridays, Trotters, Zen or 51 who would normally just nod their shoulders or frown their faces when the topic of T&T football came up, are still very much hopeful and are all still talking about what the team can achieve by getting to the World Cup, fourth place or not. Just goes to show what a result like the 3-2 one over Guatemala can do to a society. That day had such a major impact, in terms not just of getting people to say “oh gosh, a win feels good”  but overall the vibe was just one the best ever experienced ever, certainly for yours truly and the feeling on September 3, the next morning on the way to Costa Rica and the duration leading up to the San Jose clash has truly been my most memorable since coming on board the TTFF on October 1, 2000. Back then I joined the TTFF to strictly improve the Media coverage (basically more stories in the dailies) of the then team coached by Ian Porterfield, particularly for away outings and then too the team was in ripping form having just topped the semi final group. Since then though, we all know what happened and the up and down ride we have, from team to team, player to player and not to forget coach to coach. But of course Jack Warner remains there and thankfully so. Had it not been for a few words from him too, I may not have even been working with the “Warriors” still after letting go of an offer to be the press officer for Northampton Town when Brent Rahim was there in 2003 and to do other things among attending the University in Northampton and link up with a firm that would allow me to cover other English Leagues action. But so much for my love for T&T and the “Warriors” right?

Again, days like the 3-2 win over Guatemala; the way the team embraced Chris Birchall when he scored against Honduras; the constant conversations with Bertille St Clair (running me off the pitch whenever I tried to take a good photo of the team in training and then tell me after ‘Mr gentleman, man must have a reason” and Leo Beenhakker (the serious no nonsense professional champion) on what they would want and what they didn’t regarding team coverage; the return of Dwight Yorke and to witness first hand his transformation to a true leader; the on going natural phone chats with a player; the calls from foreign reporters particularly from Scotland and England oh and did I mention everyone who writes on something involving Marvin Andrews;  the chance to just sit there and watch my team train;  the 4:20 am conversation with Russell Latapy moments after he agreed on the phone with Jack Warner to return to the national team. Oh, that one was so close to being a dream, now more like a dream come true; the stay overs after a flight delay or cancel; and the constant messages like “Fuentes, you must be joking, is that all the coverage you can give about the team” from those who really never understood the reason behind how we do it and when or why we do certain things. “We” referring to myself as the press officer and sometimes under the advice of management. Yet, still I cannot complain as while I continue to see just how wide the coverage on football, yes the national teams too and sport in general is in foreign press like in countries I have visited, at the same time our local press companies have not disappointed in terms of publishing or broadcasting our reports accordingly even if it may be stated already outside of T&T. The point is getting the word throughout local shores and that has been attained, to some extent at least.

 Generally any experience, even as little as compiling player appearances for player's work permit applications or transfers.

 Over all this time, the members -  players and administrators and close followers continue to stay in touch, Beenhakker and company are constantly going over their plans and the ones at the TTFF offices who you never hear about, on a daily basis try to give the best support possible.

 I have so much more to write about. Maybe next column!

In the meantime, remain being a “Warrior” and stay on our journey to “Germany”

 PS. Look out for the Squad for Panama on Saturday evening.


Empty barrels make the most noise


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