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Offline Jah Gol

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Hindu Law Of Karma
« on: February 28, 2013, 02:26:16 PM »
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Sat Maharaj

Satgura Sivaya Subraminijaswami has written extensively on Hinduism and many of the religious thoughts and ideas that trouble and confuse the western mind. He and his Hawain swamis use their Havain Hindu retreat to research and publish for the initiated Hindu mind. They have written about the Hindu belief in karma—the law of cause and effect. Some people call it the Boomerang Principle. 
“Karma is the universal principle of cause and effect. Our actions, both good and bad, come back to us in the future, helping us to learn from life’s lessons and become better people. Karma is one of the natural laws of the mind, just as gravity is a law of matter. Just as God created gravity to bring order to the physical world, He created karma as a divine system of justice that is self-governing and infinitely fair. It automatically creates the appropriate future experience in response to the current action.
Karma simply means “action” or “cause and effect.” When something happens to us that is apparently unfortunate or unjust, it is not God punishing us. It is the result of our own past actions. The Vedas, Hinduism’s revealed scripture, tell us if we sow goodness, we will reap goodness; if we sow evil, we will reap evil. Thus we create our own destiny through thought and action. And the divine law is: whatever karma we are experiencing in our life is just what we need at the moment, and nothing can happen but that we have the strength to meet it.
Even harsh karma, when faced in wisdom, can be the greatest catalyst for spiritual growth. Understanding the way karma works, we seek to live a good and virtuous life through right thought, right speech and right action. This is called dharma. Karma is basically energy. I throw energy out through thoughts, words and deeds, and it comes back to me, in time, through other people. Karma is our best teacher, for we must always face the consequences for actions and thus improve and refine our behaviour, or suffer if we do not.
We Hindus look at time as a circle, as things cycle around again. Professor Einstein came to the same conclusion. He saw time as a curve, and space as well. This would eventually make a circle. Karma is a very just law which, like gravity, treats everyone the same. Because we Hindus understand karma, we do not hate or resent people who do us harm.
We understand they are giving back the effects of the causes we set in motion at an earlier time. The law of karma puts man at the centre of responsibility for everything he does and everything that is done to him. Karma is a word we hear quite often on television. “This is my karma,” or “It must have been something I did in a past life to bring such good karma to me.” We hear karma simply defined as “What goes around, comes around.”
In some schools of Hinduism, karma is looked upon as something bad, perhaps because we are most aware of this law when we are facing difficult karma, and not so aware of it when life is going smoothly. Even some Hindus equate karma with sin, and this is what evangelical Christians preach that it means “fate,” a pre-ordained destiny over which one has no control, which is also not true. The process of action and reaction on all levels, physical, mental and spiritual, is karma.
Here is an example: I say kind words to you and you feel peaceful and happy. I say harsh words to you, and you become ruffled and upset. The kindness and the harshness will return to me, through others at a later time. This is karma. An architect thinks creative, productive thoughts while drawing plans for a new building. But were he to think destructive, unproductive thoughts, he would soon not be able to accomplish any kind of positive task even if he desired to do so.
This is karma, a natural law of the mind. We must also be very careful about our thoughts, because thoughts create, and thoughts make karmas good, bad and mixed.”

Offline Bourbon

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Re: Hindu Law Of Karma
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2013, 03:35:42 PM »
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Sat Maharaj

Karma simply means “action” or “cause and effect.” When something happens to us that is apparently unfortunate or unjust, it is not God punishing us. It is the result of our own past actions.
We understand they are giving back the effects of the causes we set in motion at an earlier time. The law of karma puts man at the centre of responsibility for everything he does and everything that is done to him.

This is karma, a natural law of the mind. We must also be very careful about our thoughts, because thoughts create, and thoughts make karmas good, bad and mixed.”

I trying to understand how to take this in the context of his many notable brays....one of the most recent examples being the aftermath of the 12-0 Tobago trouncing.
The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today are Christians who acknowledge Jesus ;with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.

Offline Jah Gol

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Re: Hindu Law Of Karma
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2013, 04:40:16 PM »
That is exactly what I thought . This line was particularly hard on my memory.

Karma is a very just law which, like gravity, treats everyone the same. Because we Hindus understand karma, we do not hate or resent people who do us harm.

Apart from the collective self-righteousness he attributes to Hindus I am amused by his hubris to speak on that group's behalf.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2013, 04:50:20 PM by Jah Gol »


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Re: Hindu Law Of Karma
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2013, 07:30:36 PM »
If it is a circle and people harming dem, ent that then is their Karma?  Their just deserts?

“Karma is the universal principle of cause and effect. Our actions, both good and bad, come back to us in the future

So it stands to reason everything abd that happen to dem is becasue ah cause and effect...all dey bad behaviors coming abck to f**k dem hard~

Crocus bag ah assholeness.

Poor f**king Einstein how he get drawn into this?
« Last Edit: February 28, 2013, 07:32:23 PM by GTFOOHWDBSA »


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