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Author Topic: TTFF show some appreciation !!!!  (Read 721 times)

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Offline pass(10trini)

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TTFF show some appreciation !!!!
« on: November 15, 2005, 10:39:49 AM »
Having read articles on the highlighting of Leonsons and all de ' x Strike Squad player ' horrors stories to secure tickets for the matches of our national team I decided to say something on the matter.

Things like this jus leave me feeling utterly despondent for my people sometimes . Whatever goes through some of these administrators head that make ppl or fans have to go through the grind to give their support to the national team ? Is like you does have to do penance to give support . Why is it that to this day Ollie Camps and company cyar come up with a creative plan to uplift and give some kind of help to those who have served  well in the past .

All I want to say is that these ppl in administrative positions should be doing something to help and ease these guy burdens in some way or the other.

How about reserving a place in the stadium of about 30  - 50 seats for these guys or anyone that has served or given exemplary service to the nation in which they can come and truely enjoy the match without the hassle of a hooligan crowd . Give dem a lil complimentary sevice of some eats and drinks and could really feel some kind comfort after their playing careers. These ppl deseve this . Why is it that Brian Lara could get in the Stadium easily and free of harassment and these stalwarts who've brought our nation of multiple races together (excited, happy, crying ) can't experience this kind of appreciation ?   

If even this can't be done ( knowing how much ah de profit TTFF want to experience for themselves ) why can't they at least give these 20 - 30 explayers the opportunity to buy tickets in advance before they go out to the public .

How about givin lifetime attendance cards to games so these guys can just show at the gates and get a entry  .

Its disheartening to see these kinds of injustices takin place by my ppl to people who have given themselves and endeavours to the nation and never benefitted from any of it . But you know certain administrators and one in particular beniffitted to the point of being on top of the world at the pinnicle of sporting administration and acting like every fliickin body owe he de world.......
( leh meh calm down eh , cause ah does geh vex when ah ha to talk bout dis flikin man  ).

Anyway something better have to be done to honor and show and give thanks and appreciation for those that has help us and others to enjoy ah better life in some form or the other .

Hold it dong !

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Ah beer is ah carib
choose one


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