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Author Topic: new name for this forum: Dear .........  (Read 6149 times)

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Offline cocoapanyol

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Re: new name for this forum: Dear .........
« Reply #30 on: August 20, 2006, 06:23:49 AM »
Now allyuh is really meh friend dat have dey problem...NOT ME. I doh have man problems, dem does have it with me. ;D


Dear Dr Duttiness

Ah writing on behalf ah meh friend Indra who apparently hook up on some man like ah fish on ah rod, but from what ah understand, dey man now start to see some other oman who he meet up 2 weeks ago. Thank god I in Canada and dem in Trinidad yes.

Ah try meh damnest to tell she it have more hooks to put she lips on, but she ain't taking meh on. More dan ah week she in meh ass bout she depress and how man nasty and how dey no good and so on. She tell meh last night dat she want to go up to him and tell him how she really feel bout him, hoping dat he go see she in ah different light and dump dey bitch (as she called dey other oman).

Now is only this year Indra and how he name really meet up because of ah mutual friend, and from what Indra say, it was love at first sight (doh ask meh) from her part. She say both ah dem hanging out regularly and she "assumed" dat dey man did like she. Ah ask if he lead her on to thinking so, she didn't answer.  Last week all ah dem went to Tribe launch and apparently Indra take ah wine on dey man and he didn't back down, den  he oman get vex. So Indra hadda tell dey "bitch" dat she know he long time and she just "dey" for dey taking.

Lime buss one time.

So Duttiness, meh hands tied up like ah going St Anns Mental. Ah doh know how else to tell dey girl dat she wasting time on how he name and tur move on.

Advice please.

Breast Regards
dey Cana

p.s Dey court went good, ah hadda pay 40$ instead of dey 80$ fur breaking dey necking light. Dey pow pow didn't show up tho, cause ah was planning to "accidently" slap she bad, den tell she meh left hand have nerves and ah cyah control it when ah nervous. SORRY  :devil:

Lord fadda...why it is dat woman does call de odder woman "bitch" when man horning dem?  True it have some woman dat does make it dey business tuh take yuh so-called man, but blame de man, not de woman.  Anyway Cana..it sound like yuh give "yuh fren" good advice but some people harden and dey does have tuh burn tuh learn.  I eh know what Dr. Duttiness go have tuh say bout dis but we might both learn someting new when he done talk he talk.
I can please only one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow isn't looking good either.

Offline Dutty

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Re: new name for this forum: Dear .........
« Reply #31 on: August 21, 2006, 06:12:07 AM »
Out of Office Response


Regrettably, I cannot respond to any more requests at present. I am currently on sabbatical working with the famed Oprah Winfrey on developing my new talk show 'Duttys Dossier'

In the interim, please direct all issues to my colleague Professor Slackness

I will attend to all concerns upon my return

Little known fact: The online transportation medium called Uber was pioneered in Trinidad & Tobago in the 1960's. It was originally called pullin bull.

Offline cocoapanyol

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Re: new name for this forum: Dear .........
« Reply #32 on: August 21, 2006, 07:37:51 AM »
Out of Office Response


Regrettably, I cannot respond to any more requests at present. I am currently on sabbatical working with the famed Oprah Winfrey on developing my new talk show 'Duttys Dossier'

In the interim, please direct all issues to my colleague Professor Slackness

I will attend to all concerns upon my return


So yuh eh interviewing fuh ah replacement self?   Is so yuh go lef yuh "patients" and dem hanging? :rotfl:
I can please only one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow isn't looking good either.

Offline kandi_tt

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Re: new name for this forum: Dear .........
« Reply #33 on: August 21, 2006, 08:48:34 AM »
Dear Dr Dutty.,

ah know yuh on sabbatical but ah have pusonal SOME problems ah need some help with, can you please have Professor Slackness contact meh. Ah need ah consultation ASAP.

Helpless :-\
« Last Edit: August 21, 2006, 08:51:06 AM by kandi_tt »
iNnOcEnT aNd UnInFoRmEd...

Offline TriniCana

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Re: new name for this forum: Dear .........
« Reply #34 on: September 06, 2006, 05:54:13 AM »
Dear Dr Duttiness Dut

dey Cana need some advice on how to handle situation.

While awaiting fur dey people traffic light to tur green, ah police car pull up along side meh. First off ah find she did pull up too close to meh car and if ah had one more coat ah paint we woulda touch. Anyways, me and pow pow ain't no frien' so ah kinda give she ah bad eye. No fault of mine eh, is just dem figure dem have gun and dem could to wha dey ass dem want.

Anyways light tun green and ah take off cause ah was kinda late fur ah meeting. Now mind you ah was on dey people speed limit eh. Next ting ah look in meh raview only tur see pow pow put on she siren light and and coming up close to meh bumper.  Ah start tur cuss...thinking is ticket in meh ass and 2 points on dey license.

Ah pull over, and ah take out meh permit and dey insurance and ah waiting. 7 minutes, 9 minutes and this mudda ass oman still in she car like she on vacation. So I come out dey car vex and walk up to she and say "what ?"  >:(

Pow Pow: "Madam get back in ya car please, I'll be with you in ah minute".
Cana: Well which minute cause ya going on 12 minutes and ah have places tur go.
Pow Pow: So are you in a hurry ?
Cana: Ms, is either ya give meh ah ticket or let me go, cause ah not up tur dey small talk dis afternoon.
Pow Pow: So you want a ticket? Well at your service..

Dr Dutty, 80 mudda neck dollars fur what ? eh for what ? Ah watch she, she gun, and handcuff and ah say look lemme go yes.
Jump in meh car and ah gone. Tell ya dey truth is only when ah reach meh destination ah really check dey ticket.

80 dollars fur breaking dey red light at dey corner ah Oxford and Clarke Road and something bout being dis orderly. As god make moses and moses build he ark, me doh break light and furthermore i was vex. So tomorrow morning ah heading down by dey court tur see judge cause ah not paying no blasted 80 dollars...Ya know how much sandals ah could get with dat ?

So Dr Dutty gimme some advice on what to wear please, cause ah doh want to look overly nice.

Best Regards

dey Cana

allyuh ah hadda bring dis back...

what are dey odds ah meeting up this mudda necking oman by dey SAME traffic light dis morning eh ?
she pull up along side meh car, ah roll down meh glass fur she tur recongize is me.
she nodding she big head like if i want to tell she good morning...stups

ah just give she ah stare down, crank up meh kaiso and ah dust it....but dis time ah driving real slow like if ah on reverse, just to see what dey arse go do.  she just over take meh and gone....ya know by dey time ah reach dey next light, she pull ah young fella over...

ah kinda slow down ah little more and ah bawl out tur dey fella..."she hadda make she quarter fur bonus" and AH GONE with dat. :devil:

Offline cocoapanyol

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Re: new name for this forum: Dear .........
« Reply #35 on: September 06, 2006, 07:36:10 AM »
Dear Dr Duttiness Dut

dey Cana need some advice on how to handle situation.

While awaiting fur dey people traffic light to tur green, ah police car pull up along side meh. First off ah find she did pull up too close to meh car and if ah had one more coat ah paint we woulda touch. Anyways, me and pow pow ain't no frien' so ah kinda give she ah bad eye. No fault of mine eh, is just dem figure dem have gun and dem could to wha dey ass dem want.

Anyways light tun green and ah take off cause ah was kinda late fur ah meeting. Now mind you ah was on dey people speed limit eh. Next ting ah look in meh raview only tur see pow pow put on she siren light and and coming up close to meh bumper.  Ah start tur cuss...thinking is ticket in meh ass and 2 points on dey license.

Ah pull over, and ah take out meh permit and dey insurance and ah waiting. 7 minutes, 9 minutes and this mudda ass oman still in she car like she on vacation. So I come out dey car vex and walk up to she and say "what ?"  >:(

Pow Pow: "Madam get back in ya car please, I'll be with you in ah minute".
Cana: Well which minute cause ya going on 12 minutes and ah have places tur go.
Pow Pow: So are you in a hurry ?
Cana: Ms, is either ya give meh ah ticket or let me go, cause ah not up tur dey small talk dis afternoon.
Pow Pow: So you want a ticket? Well at your service..

Dr Dutty, 80 mudda neck dollars fur what ? eh for what ? Ah watch she, she gun, and handcuff and ah say look lemme go yes.
Jump in meh car and ah gone. Tell ya dey truth is only when ah reach meh destination ah really check dey ticket.

80 dollars fur breaking dey red light at dey corner ah Oxford and Clarke Road and something bout being dis orderly. As god make moses and moses build he ark, me doh break light and furthermore i was vex. So tomorrow morning ah heading down by dey court tur see judge cause ah not paying no blasted 80 dollars...Ya know how much sandals ah could get with dat ?

So Dr Dutty gimme some advice on what to wear please, cause ah doh want to look overly nice.

Best Regards

dey Cana

allyuh ah hadda bring dis back...

what are dey odds ah meeting up this mudda necking oman by dey SAME traffic light dis morning eh ?
she pull up along side meh car, ah roll down meh glass fur she tur recongize is me.
she nodding she big head like if i want to tell she good morning...stups

ah just give she ah stare down, crank up meh kaiso and ah dust it....but dis time ah driving real slow like if ah on reverse, just to see what dey arse go do.  she just over take meh and gone....ya know by dey time ah reach dey next light, she pull ah young fella over...

ah kinda slow down ah little more and ah bawl out tur dey fella..."she hadda make she quarter fur bonus" and AH GONE with dat. :devil:

You eh easy nah girl?   :rotfl:
I can please only one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow isn't looking good either.


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