June 05, 2024, 08:16:46 AM


Which by itself would have the most positive effect on crime in T&T in the long run.....

Boost in Economic Acitivity
3 (16.7%)
Return to old fashioned values
3 (16.7%)
Morale/National Pride boost eg. by the Warriors qualifying for W.C.
1 (5.6%)
Capital Punishment- hanging
0 (0%)
Improved education system
5 (27.8%)
A stronger sense of community in the private sector
4 (22.2%)
2 (11.1%)

Total Members Voted: 18

Author Topic: Crime and social change  (Read 5179 times)

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Offline kicker

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Crime and social change
« on: October 27, 2005, 10:53:01 AM »
None of these could happen by itself, but for the sake of argument, if one of these things could happen by itself, which one would you hope most for T&T in the long run interest of our disturbing crime situation ?

Vote and give reasons in a post.
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Offline morvant

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Re: Crime and social change
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2005, 11:06:27 AM »
kicker most people seeing this crime thing from the outside.i was born and raised in the worst hoods trini could possibly have and i think
the people of trini is contributing to the violence.
i remember last week i posted somthing and silver cobo started some shyt bout the most confusing day in morvant is fathers day and thing. breds if he only knew who he was talking to and what level of disrespect i considered that to be. kicker i would've killed that man and not think twice about it.i know i changed alot and i'm in college now so i dont endulge in that kinda shyt again. i didnt know it was still in me to think like that.

i think this is a process of reaping what you sow. people treat people from the morvant/lavantille like shyt especially in the corporate sector.i came down from usa a couple months ago and went to the bank to change money and i put my address as morvant but the amount of money i wanted to change raised his pores and he looked at my dress and called his manager to question me where i got the money from.its them thing that does get me vex personally.

back in the 1800 there was a period where everyone had a handgun and they called it the gentlemen's era because people had respect thinking that the other man had a gun and i'm not saying wear a gun but i'm saying if u treat everybody like your family we would have a better place.

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Re: Crime and social change
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2005, 11:26:12 AM »
education is d only ting dat hav a way to go in changin individuals 

with education comes opportunity an its as simple as dat
now that we have mastered the language we can wield it as we may

Offline KND2

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Re: Crime and social change
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2005, 03:03:26 PM »
I vote for Other

I think Welfare is the biggest help to stop crime.
Or something like Welfare

The major cause of crime in a country is Wealth disparity.

What is going on in Trinidad is people are getting very rich but many many others are getting very poor.

The loss of the middle class is the reason for the crime.

Leagalization of Drugs is also required.
Too much resources are being focused on trying to stop small time crack head on the corner while big time drug trafficers are not getting in any trouble.

If we make Drugs legal but trafficing remains a crime we could focus more efforts on catching drug shipments to the US and europe we might make some head way.

If TnT becomes difficult place to traffic drugs then crime will slow way down

Drug men will have to find alternate routes so by a result of necessity the amount of drugs entering the country will go way down as people will go through the path of least resistance.

To kill drug $$ in TnT

Make drugs legal and distribute drugs for free from Govt Stockpiles also if man want to smoke week he could grow it himself for cheap if it is legal.

Yes plenty people might use drugs but if you stupid enough then go ahead
we need to deal with the sensible people and forget the stupid ones.

Welfare will help because man cannot say they have to theif, if you getting food stamps and housing subsidy and a lil change in your pocket you have no reason to theif.

The main reason for Crime in TnT is the Rich People

The people who live in gated communities and just continue to make more and more money.

They will fuel kidnappings and theifing.

It is a Metal thing driven by animal instinct.

If you is a man and you watching at people in nice clothes and nice car and nice food and nice house
Survival instinct tells you to get yours too.

So you can Go to School and get an education and get a big work , but what happen if you fail ?
You have to try something else

You could behave yourself or become a christian and ask Jesus to save you and take you to heaven.
Or you could fraid police and stay in your poor state.

Or you could take things in your own hand and try a thing regardless of the laws of the land.

What you do will depend on how your brain is wired.

If the Govt take a bigger interest in Stopping Big Money Drugs and developing social equilization programs, crime will stop.

More police, more jails, more laws will have no effect

we need to satisfy the need of man to achieve goals to stop crime.

Relistically a Theif is trying to make money, just like a banker unless we present them with another option to make money they will continue to theif.
because they are being driven by instinct.

All crime will not be stopped

but it can be reduced if money is shared amoung all instead of to the elite few.

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Re: Crime and social change
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2005, 06:13:34 PM »
welfare is def. not the answer hoss... welfare breeds dependency and laziness

education is the single most important thing on that list... and I dont mean academic education only b/c clearly that route fail us

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Re: Crime and social change
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2005, 09:38:19 PM »
SO LEGALISE DRUGS WILL SOLVE THE PROBLEM :frustrated: :frustrated: :frustrated: :notlistening:
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Re: Crime and social change
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2005, 04:05:29 PM »

The Warrior Nation

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Re: Crime and social change
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2005, 01:48:20 PM »
SO LEGALISE DRUGS WILL SOLVE THE PROBLEM :frustrated: :frustrated: :frustrated: :notlistening:

Legalise drugs is certainly a consideration. No it will not solve problems but it will stop the gun flow and money associated with it. Just look at Holland as an example. Things like gambling, prostitution &  drugs will always exist so the government may as well control it, tax it etc.  This way you have a better handle on the problem or at least control. Look at what happened when Alcohol was illegal, it was pure madness and some of the worst violence in US history. Once this is done you can now start and education campaign. Consider this the average drug user in Holland is age 26-40 where as the average drug user in USA and France is 14 to 35. France and USA drugs are illegal. Not to mention the violence for turf wars.
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Re: Crime and social change
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2005, 03:02:37 PM »
SO LEGALISE DRUGS WILL SOLVE THE PROBLEM :frustrated: :frustrated: :frustrated: :notlistening:

Legalise drugs is certainly a consideration. No it will not solve problems but it will stop the gun flow and money associated with it. Just look at Holland as an example. Things like gambling, prostitution &  drugs will always exist so the government may as well control it, tax it etc.  This way you have a better handle on the problem or at least control. Look at what happened when Alcohol was illegal, it was pure madness and some of the worst violence in US history. Once this is done you can now start and education campaign. Consider this the average drug user in Holland is age 26-40 where as the average drug user in USA and France is 14 to 35. France and USA drugs are illegal. Not to mention the violence for turf wars.

Drugs are not really legal in Holland..........In some parts of Amsterdam (coffee shops etc...), consumption of soft drugs is tolerated and growth in some small quanitities is allowed......but distribution is not legal.....I think the authorities just turn a relatively blind eye to it, and have a very laissez faire attitude to smoking marijuana and hash etc..........but it's not legal.....sorta like alcohol in Trinidad. The law states that you must be over 18, but it's not enforced. As long as you could see over the counter, you can buy a beer.

So I agree that the social perception of drug use could change if certain countries adopted the Amsterdam mentality...and that could have its benefits..........but it doesn't give the Gov't as much control over the supply or direct tax revenue as you imply.......

p.s. Hash bars in Amsterdam aren't allowed to sell alcohol........
« Last Edit: October 31, 2005, 03:11:48 PM by kicker »
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Re: Crime and social change
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2005, 01:12:27 AM »
I do not know of any one event or policy that can eradicate or lessen crime,but let me throw in my two cents.

In 1995-96 I was given a project to administrate where I had to refurbish primary schools and community centres (30 total) in Laventille, Morvant, John John and Sea Lots.
To do this I decided it should be a community thing, so I interviewed and hired men who were into building works as foremen, all of these men came from the communities.
These foremen in turn hired people that they new who could work from their own areas.
In addition I told people in the area that I will give selective contracts  things like plumbing, electrical works, joinery etc.
This project was fast tracked because the government at the time was about to call an election and they wanted money to spread in these areas.
Well that was not my head, I saw the conditions the kids were exposed to and made sure that when we were finished some improvement to these conditions were made.
Now a funny thing happened, most of the guys on the project were accustomed to URP type projects that have and make no meaningful contributions to the environment and were initially upset that I demanded a full days work and also no stealing of materials.
In short time they recognised that they were doing something for their own kids or their sisters, brothers etc and there was a complete change of attitudes, these guys took money from their own pay and had Christmas parties for the kids etc.
What I should have said also , is that the community centers were used as daycare or nurseries for the children who were not old enough for primary school.
Me with my dougla so called middle class self became very good friends with people form all these communities and to this day I go to the Harpe, Maryland, Never Dirty, Picton, Sealots and look for the guys.

Now these are the communities that have the gang type murders and everybody  is saying that most of the crime come from, some of the kids from the primary schools I refurbished could have probably been involved and be a statistic now (I sincerely hope not).
But when I spent everyday for six months all over this place I did not see 1 gun or cocaine, some weed of course.
These people are just like you and I but the difference is opportunity.
Opportunity to go to school everyday and opportunity to have meaningful employment.

I am not going to get into the education system thing but I am really distressed that we still have URP and now CEPEP.

I have a proposal that I have thought about long and hard but which I have never voiced anywhere so this is a SocaWarriors exclusive.

The government spends close to 1 billion dollars every year on URP and CEPEP, at the end of the year we have nicely painted stones and some meters of concrete pavement and drains.
Instead use that money and build factory shells (purpose built) in the communities, then invite foreign manufacturers , like spectacle frames, pens, clock makers etc , to set up shop in these factories, give them free trade zone status and the real clincher , help with payment of salaries. These people are already set up in countries where salaries are dirt cheap so we have to make it attractive to them and also guarantee that they are not sweat shops.
It is my belief that with this people will have proper jobs that will give them some stability that they can go to the banks for loans which could have an immediate impact on their children's lives (for education , health, new home building etc)
Also the spin off in the communities could be enormous, transport of materials rentals, building works, entertainment.
This could easily be achieved over a five year period but this project is a thirty year one and the government must keep contributing at the same level they do now.
Give people an opportunity to to build self esteem and things should change

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Re: Crime and social change
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2005, 08:30:38 AM »
 :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:FISHS :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

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Re: Crime and social change
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2005, 09:01:26 AM »
knd2 yuh have de wrong intentions.it is man's nature to destroy himself.legalise drugs and they will want and need something else.de people of tnt need a government to truly work for and hand in hand with the population.whether is pnm unc.de government must get involved.and this thing they call de muslimeen must b controlled.nothing wrong if de man want to pray to allah.to bad is only ah cover.the muslimeen and de richest ethic group only using people.ah doh care wuh nobody say the syrians and muslimeen responsible for majority of crime in tnt.IS TRUE WUH THEY SAY.MONEY COULD BUY ANYTHING AND ANYBODY.morvantman i agree with yuh.education is key factor in stabalizing the nation and cuttin down on crime.fair education for everybody.whether they from laventille rd or glencoe rd.and that welfare thing is bullshit.TEACH AH MAN TO FISH BROTHER.yuh never hear that.
soon ah go b ah lean mean bulling machine.


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