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TTFF elections
« on: October 06, 2012, 07:18:46 AM »
Attention Mr. Groden, I would greatly appreciate if your good office can provide me with the proposed date of the meeting of Congress at which the TTFF president would be elected. The constitution states that it was supposed to be in September but no later than November 30th. I think it is important that the TTFF conduct the election in a transparent manner with the highest standards of good governance. As identified in the constitution there should be a public announcement (press release at a minimum) twenty one days (21) prior to the Congress.

Mr. General Secretary, football as you are aware, has an 'underwhelming image, and I strongly believe that the start of the rejuvenation and revival of the image and respect for football begins with the execution of a Congress meeting that adheres to the constitution and is perceived by the public to be transparent and follows the standards of good governance and elects a candidate that the football stakeholders consider competent and principled centered.

While the constitution does not call for a pre-congress meeting or a meeting/panel discussion where the football stakeholders can be aware of and even question the nominees about their plans, I am of the view that such an event should be strongly considered and effected.

Also, before the elections are held I would like clarification on the following sections of the constitution:

section 15.3 notice of meetings:
The General Secretary shall give at least 21 days notice in writing to all officers and other members of the informing them of the date, time and venue of such meeting. He/she shall at the same time provide such persons and members with a printed abstract of the minutes of the last congress, the annual report, the audited financial statement and the balance sheet.....
Question(s): does members herein mean associate or just full members?

Section 15.4 Nomination for office:
Nominations for office must be received by the General Secretary fourteen (14) days before the date of the Congress at which officers are to be elected. These must be made known to the Officers and Members affiliated to the federation at least seven (7) days before the date of the Congress at which the officers are to be elected.
Question(s): Once again who are the members as defined here? And, who can nominate? This is confusing and I would like your good office to clear this up.

Section 15.6
All nominations must have a proposer and a seconder

Question(s): Based on section 15.7 only full members are allowed to nominate. Can I presume that this includes and is limited to the six (6) regional associations and the six (6) constituted bodies (referees, primary school, pro league, secondary schools, women's association, and coaches association).

Section 17.2
Indicates that only the six associations and the six properly constituted body can vote.

Question(s): However, I think there is a mistake since section 16.1 d states 5 delegates from each full member; but should this be six. And the wording is quaestionsble since "five (5) delegates from each full member may be interpreted as 5 times 6 = 30. Please clarify.
Section 17.4
Indicates that the presiding chairman appointed by the Executive Committee shall have a vote and a casting vote in the event of a tie at the congress. However, should I presume that this followed clause 17.3 which dealt with persons entitled to vote upon the election of officers.

Question(s):Can the Chairman vote for the President? If the answer is yes can I presume that the number of votes for the President is 13?

I would greatly appreciate a response from your good office and a signed hard copy of this letter would be delivered to your good office on Monday morning.

Marlon Morris
Member TTFF Technical Committee and Finance and Marketing Committee

Offline Big Magician

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Re: TTFF elections
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2012, 07:36:23 AM »
well done Marlon...thanks FS

normally...they go Mayaro for a weekend...drink Scotch and Coconut water.... and Camps re elected " UNOPPOSED"

hear nah...WE MAD YES
Little Magician is King.......ask Jorge Campos

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Re: TTFF elections
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2012, 10:53:57 AM »
well done Marlon...thanks FS

normally...they go Mayaro for a weekend...drink Scotch and Coconut water.... and Camps re elected " UNOPPOSED"

hear nah...WE MAD YES
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
The pen is mightier than the sword, Africa for Africans home and abroad.Trinidad is not my home just a pit stop, Africa is my destination,final destination the MOST HIGH.


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