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The Jack Warner Thread.
« on: January 18, 2006, 09:35:36 PM »
FIFA distances itself from Warner.
By Lasana Liburd (Express).

FIFA eyes Simpaul's

FIFA, the world governing body for football, continues to distance itself from the business dealings of its own vice-president and Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (T&TFF) president Jack Warner after revealing that Simpaul's Travel Company's 2006 World Cup ticket package was improper according to its guidelines.
Simpaul's Travel-which is owned by Warner, his wife, Maureen, and sons, Daryan and Darryl-is offering a World Cup package including match tickets but exclusive of airfare for $30,000 each. Its advertisement reads "Ticket or leave it".
However, FIFA press officer John Schumacher said that Simpaul's package might be improper according to laws governing ticket issued to Participating Member Associations (PMA) like Trinidad and Tobago.
"Packaging tickets with other services is not permitted," said Schumacher, via e-mail.
This is addressed in Article 3.7 of Exhibit B (FIFA Regulations relating to Tickets) of the Participating Member Association (PMA) Ticketing Allocation Agreement (TAA), which states:
"Tickets may not be sold as a part of a package, or made available on the condition that other product(s) and/or service(s), including without limitation, catering, accommodation and/or transportation, are also purchased."
Schumacher explained that newly appointed auditors, Ernst & Young, would investigate to ensure "transparency and correctness in all aspects of FIFA World Cup ticketing".
"It would be premature to speculate as to any disciplinary actions concerned with breaches of the TAAs," wrote Schumacher, "as we in the Media Department are not in a position to pre-judge something that would be a matter for the relevant body to decide upon, after careful consideration of all the facts."
The FIFA Media Department refuted the claim by Warner that the T&TFF did know how many tickets they were allocated for local fans wishing to attend matches at the 2006 World Cup in Germany.
"At this point in time, no one in T&T really knows, except perhaps a creature called Liburd who in T&T will get World Cup tickets, what quantity they will receive or the criteria which will be used in the determination of ticket allocation," Warner said at a press conference on January 3, 2006.
FIFA insisted that the T&TFF have known otherwise for the past three months.
"The Participating Member Associations (PMAs) received the Ticketing Allocation Agreement (TAA) in November 2005," wrote Schumacher.
Andreas Herren, the head of FIFA's media department, also denied the assertion by T&TFF press officer Shaun Fuentes that I was blacklisted by FIFA or that the international body played any role in denying accreditation.
"We've been advised by FIFA that (Liburd) would not be accredited to FIFA tournaments," Fuentes told the Express on Thursday. "Apparently he's in their black book, I can't say for sure."
Herren admitted that English writer Andrew Jennings was declared "persona non grata" after "various allegations levelled at FIFA and its President". But he insisted that FIFA has not made any such decision as regarding any other writer.
"Please note that FIFA does not have a black book nor ever had one," said Herren, via e-mail. "One journalist (Andrew Jennings whom as I understand you know) was declared persona non grata for FIFA events a few years ago...Otherwise, all journalists and photographers are eligible to apply for accreditation in accordance with the procedures...
"FIFA does not at all make the call to which journalist/photographer the accreditations are allotted nor do we issue any advice in this respect to the associations."

The right to write.[/url]
FIFA eyes Simpaul's - World Cup ticket mystery intensifies.
By: Lasana Liburd (Express).

A minor adjustment on the website of Simpaul's Travel has raised eyebrows internationally as FIFA acknowledged the issue regarding Trinidad and Tobago's distribution of 2006 World Cup tickets earlier this week.
Simpaul's website now states that "match tickets are not included" in its $30,000 2006 World Cup package and must be sourced "directly from the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation or via the FIFA website". The price of the travel company's package was also reduced to $27,000.
The change came after FIFA announced the appointment of Ernst & Young as "independent external auditors to monitor and evaluate the overall ticketing project for the 2006 World Cup". The decision from the world governing body, on January 13, came ten days after Warner's public response to the three part series published in the Express on December 25, 26 and 27, which highlighted an apparent lack of transparency within the T&TFF concerning its sale of tickets and its relationship with special adviser and FIFA vice-president Jack Warner, the owner of Simpaul's Travel.
The auditing firm's remit includes a whole range of technical and ethical issues, which, while not illegal, contravenes the spirit of FIFA's anti-profiteering message on tickets.
However, the Express contacted Simpaul's Travel on Tuesday and was told that the $30,000 package remained and they still possessed World Cup tickets. When asked to explain the change on their website, a sales representative suggested that Simpaul's had sold out its "internet quota".
It is uncertain whether FIFA, who were initially pleased with Simpaul's updated website, would be satisfied with this explanation.
England's Independent newspaper enquired from FIFA press officer John Schumacher as to whether Simpaul's Travel might be a case study for Ernst & Young and was told to take another look at the company's website.
The Independent was one of dozens of international media houses which include Fox Sports World, the Los Angeles Times, the Berliner Zeitung, England's Daily Mail, CNN, Sports Illustrated and India's Statesman to seize upon the Trinidad Express' three part series highlighting an apparent lack of transparency within the T&TFF concerning its sale of tickets and its relationship with Warner.
Independent writer Nick Harris confirmed, as did the Express, that Simpaul's website was misleading since it was still in the business of selling World Cup tickets as part of a package deal.
Company sales executive Natasha Simmons was quoted in the Independent as confirming that the company's package remained unaltered. When contacted by the Express, though, Simmons said she was not authorised to speak on the matter. Project coordinator Gerald Baptiste could not be reached for comment.
The mystery surrounding the supplier of Simpaul's tickets can potentially lead to a further scandal.
Warner initially told a local press gathering on December 14, 2005, that Simpaul's was the only guaranteed seller of World Cup tickets and had paid $500,000 for this right. The Express calculated, conservatively, that Simpaul could rake in upwards of $50 million on ticket sales. The Independent insisted that Warner's family company would make at least double that amount.
On January 3, Warner changed his tune and claimed that Simpaul's tickets were acquired through an unnamed European tour operator and the T&TFF were still to receive their ticket allocation.
FIFA's website did not suggest how this was possible from a legal and ethical standpoint.
According to FIFA, the "only potential source for general public tickets" was the 2006 FIFA World Cup Ticketing Centre (FWCTC) and the various member associations like the T&TFF. Member associations who are unable to distribute their quota of tickets are instructed to return them to FIFA rather than sell them on to private companies. Corporate sponsors are also bound by FIFA guidelines as regards tickets received for promotional competitions.
Warner further claimed, on January 3, that Simpaul's Travel "has been the official tour operator for the T&TFF since the 1994 World Cup Final". It is uncertain whether Ernst & Young might also be asked to look into those claims.
T&TFF president Oliver Camps, who claimed to be gagged from talking to the press and pleaded ignorance of Warner's involvement with Simpaul's last month, has again refused comment.
"I have nothing to say about the World Cup tickets," said Camps, on Tuesday. "You can use whatever statement was issued in the past. I have nothing to say at this point."
However, a T&TFF clerk explained that the local body stopped taking requests for tickets from the public last week. The clerk, who claimed to be unaware of how many tickets were available, suggested that the Express call back next week for a possible update.
The FIFA website stated that "each Member Association is entitled to commence ticket sales immediately upon confirmation of its qualification for the finals of the 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany".
Trinidad and Tobago booked a place in the 2006 World Cup finals on November 16, 2005.
FIFA blanks Liburd - After football ticket expose.
By: Gregory Lal-Beharie (Express).

Sports writer Lasana Liburd who put FIFA vice- president Jack Warner on the spot has been denied accreditation for the World Cup finals by the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (T&TFF).
Liburd has written a three-part series that exposed Warner's ownership of the Simpaul Travel Agency which has been granted exclusive rights to Trinidad and Tobago's quota of World Cup tickets.
In a letter to the Express Newspapers dated January 10, T&TFF media officer David Lamy advised that another Express reporter and a photographer had been duly accredited but was silent on the request made for Liburd by Editor-at-Large Keith Smith.
Liburd's articles on December 25, 26 and 27 queried the conflict of interest between the Warner family's ownership of Simpaul and its resulting control of high-priced World Cup packages.
The T&TFF's non-accreditation of Liburd means he will be denied access to the media box at the World Cup and access to training sessions for the team at the match venue. He would also not be able to attend post-match media conferences.
T&TFF communications officer Shaun Fuentes said they were limited to recommending 21 reporters and five photographers from the country for accreditation.
"We had to give preference for those who we know have been true supporters of the football team throughout the campaign before anyone else who is now requesting accreditation", was his explanation.
Fuentes however suggested that Liburd was suffering the wrath of FIFA: "We've been advised by FIFA that he would not be accredited to FIFA tournaments. Apparently he's in their black book, I can't say for sure."
Lamy who signed the correspondence to the Express refused comment on Liburd's accreditation denial.
"I don't have to tell you that. That's internal. That's Mr Warner's business. Anything like that you ask him. I have to report to him, not to you or anybody else."
Attempts to contact Warner were unsuccessful and a letter from Smith to Mr Lamy requesting a reason for Liburd' shut-out has so far gone unanswered.
In a World Cup Year, There Must Be a Scandal Somewhere.
By Grahame L. Jones, Times Staff.

Corruption, thy name is FIFA.
When it comes to scandal, soccer's world governing body leaves the International Olympic Committee looking like a choirboy, as pure as the driven snow that piles up at this time of year around FIFA headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland.
World Cup years are worse than others because the quadrennial tournament, apart from being a huge sporting event, is a financial cash cow of immensely bloated proportions. Opportunities abound for the greedy, the unscrupulous, and the unethical.
Not surprisingly in the Joseph "Sepp" Blatter era, FIFA's "for the good of the game" leadership jumps at the chance.
It was only last month that Urs Linsi, FIFA's general secretary, said in Leipzig, Germany, that the 2006 World Cup would generate $1.7 billion — most of it from television and sponsors — and would be the most profitable in history.
It comes as no great shock, therefore, that the stench of cronyism and conflict of interest is rising from several locales, not least of them Port of Spain, Trinidad, as the scramble for World Cup tickets intensifies.
In Port of Spain, Jack Warner, a FIFA vice president, president of soccer's North and Central American and Caribbean (CONCACAF) region and a "special advisor" to the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (TTFF), is up to his neck fending off accusations of questionable ethics.
Again. Just as he had to do in 2001.
A three-part investigative series by journalist Lasana Liburd of the Trinidad Express has revealed that Warner and his family own a company, Simpaul Travel Services Limited, that bought Trinidad and Tobago's entire allocation of World Cup tickets from the country's soccer federation.
Simpaul, the Express wrote, stands to make millions of dollars, not off individual ticket sales but rather by selling packages that include accommodations and tickets for all three of Trinidad and Tobago's three first-round matches, against Sweden, England and Paraguay. At prices far above what might be expected.
"Soca Warrior" fans have no choice. It's the package or nothing.
Tickets that FIFA priced at $360 and $214 are being sold, by Simpaul, for $4,875, Liburd wrote "with the addition of lodging for 12 days in Germany and a national flag, replica shirt and wristband" but "exclusive of airfare and ground transport."
Depending on how many tickets they have — no one will reveal the number — "the Warners could be $50 million [U.S. $8 million] richer from ticket sales alone," Liburd calculated.
When the Express asked "whether it was ethical for the country's ticket allocation to be diverted to Warner's private company," neither Oliver Camps, the TTFF president, nor Warner would comment, the newspaper said.
"Do you know who the owner of Simpaul is?" it quoted Camps as saying. "Let us not go there."
Warner, meanwhile, was even more dismissive.
"You write what you want to write," he told Liburd. "I have nothing to discuss with you."
Once the series was published, however, and once the Trinidad and Tobago government had threatened to step in and sort matters out, Warner, his ego flaring, was much more forthcoming.
"It is not a crime to be successful, even for people like me," he said, pompous as ever, adding that no one should "attempt to impute improper business practices and conflicts of interest to me."
The Express series, he claimed, was "part of a well-timed, carefully orchestrated character assassination, designed to devalue any political currency which opponents ... feel I might have been developing as a result of the Soca Warriors' World Cup qualification alongside my own efforts within the United National Congress to unify the party and country."
In the same Jan. 3 news conference, Warner said he believed "the intention of the articles is to change the reference point of Jack Warner in the minds of the public, or more importantly, the electorate. It was designed to sully the Warner name and to reframe the recent achievements I have yearned and struggled for over many years in the football arena."
Aside from being a grammatical shambles, such comments are not only self-serving but absurd.
In Warner's eyes, it's all a conspiracy designed to thwart his political ambitions, not a matter of ethics at all. Why shouldn't a FIFA vice president snap up all his country's World Cup tickets and make a financial killing?
With soccer fans in Trinidad and Tobago up in arms over what they perceive as unfair practices and price gouging, Patrick Manning, the country's prime minister, was forced to step in.
Sports minister Roger Boynes said the government would try to buy tickets from the federation — even though no more supposedly are available — and would arrange charter flights for fans on the national airline.
Such is the arrogance of FIFA's leaders that Warner brushed this aside.
"No government in the world can intervene in FIFA's business," he said, "and that's the bottom line. Mr. Manning represents the government of Trinidad and Tobago. FIFA doesn't deal with governments."
As the Express pointed out, this is not the first time that Warner has enriched himself off a FIFA event.
"Warner similarly cashed in," it said, when Trinidad and Tobago played host to the 2001 FIFA Under-17 World Championship. "Then, his companies controlled exclusive contracts to supply air tickets to all competing foreign teams as well as catering and IT [communication] deals for all the stadiums."
This is the man who presides over CONCACAF, the 38-member regional soccer confederation of which the United States, Canada and Mexico are a part.
As long as Warner can deliver CONCACAF's votes to his good pal Blatter, FIFA's equally insufferable president, no one in Zurich is going to question the way he is lining his pockets.
Meanwhile, have U.S. Soccer, Soccer Canada or the Mexican Football Federation, the region's supposed powers and presumptive molar leaders, ever raised a squawk about the ethics or lack thereof within CONCACAF?
Have the American companies — Anheuser Busch, Coca-Cola, Gillette, Mastercard, McDonald's — that give tens of millions of sponsorship dollars to FIFA ever questioned how that money is being used or misused? Not a chance.
They just go along with it all.
If soccer itself can't or won't clean up its act, if governments supposedly are powerless to intervene, then perhaps the way to accomplish change is through the sponsors.
Money is all that matters to FIFA's elect, so if fans can turn off the financial tap by boycotting or at least pressuring FIFA's sponsors, soccer might eventually be able to rid itself of those who currently infest its highest reaches. For the real good of the game.

« Last Edit: June 13, 2015, 03:11:29 AM by Flex »

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Re: FIFA eyes Simpaul's
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2006, 10:26:06 PM »
Bow Slap!!.... Bow cuff!! ..... Bow Kick!!!!

Level licks sharing....

Roll it Jack..... Roll it Jack Roll.............!!!  lemmeh see yuh spin this one! :devil: :devil:




Offline Toppa

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Re: FIFA eyes Simpaul's
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2006, 11:19:44 PM »
Bow Slap!!.... Bow cuff!! ..... Bow Kick!!!!

Level licks sharing....

Roll it Jack..... Roll it Jack Roll.............!!!  lemmeh see yuh spin this one! :devil: :devil:





Check it out - it real bad!


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Re: FIFA eyes Simpaul's
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2006, 11:46:41 PM »
man gettin excited oui  :rotfl:

FF nearly break when he hear dis news  :rotfl:

warner drop de soap, now he gettin bull all kinda ways

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Re: FIFA eyes Simpaul's
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2006, 01:44:34 AM »
Pressure for Jack to fix his business.

But yuh know he not gettin in no trouble with he and his boys runnin FIFA.

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Re: FIFA eyes Simpaul's
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2006, 02:12:11 AM »
So lemme heah allyuh that thought I wasn't talking with FIFA. I told you all I was doing something about it.

You are most welcome Trinidad & Tobago my home sweet home
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Re: FIFA eyes Simpaul's
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2006, 02:20:40 AM »
Uncle Jack has become an international embarassment for TnT

The whole world is reading about this debacle and thinking "typical banana republic behaviour"

govt. should hold a full public enquiry into Uncle Jack's wheeler dealing

Son, there's only two things that matter in this life. Family and Football. Everything else is bullshit

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Re: FIFA eyes Simpaul's
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2006, 04:14:02 AM »
Bow Slap!!.... Bow cuff!! ..... Bow Kick!!!!

Level licks sharing....

Roll it Jack..... Roll it Jack Roll.............!!!  lemmeh see yuh spin this one! :devil: :devil:




this is a job for captain planass

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Re: FIFA eyes Simpaul's
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2006, 04:21:56 AM »
Bow Slap!!.... Bow cuff!! ..... Bow Kick!!!!

Level licks sharing....

Roll it Jack..... Roll it Jack Roll.............!!!  lemmeh see yuh spin this one! :devil: :devil:




this is a job for captain planass

For real.. WHO SAY!!

Jackoffasour under level pressure now..Blasted backside...

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Re: FIFA eyes Simpaul's
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2006, 05:01:19 AM »
I now check ticketcity.com for ticket prices. TnT vs England category 1 is $1250 us and category 3 is $900 us. TnT vs Sweden is $725 category 1 and $475 category 2. Tickets getting expensive. Holland vs Argentina is $1150 us for category 1.

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Re: FIFA eyes Simpaul's
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2006, 05:07:39 AM »
Company sales executive Natasha Simmons was quoted in the Independent as confirming that the company's package remained unaltered. When contacted by the Express, though, Simmons said she was not authorised to speak on the matter.

I feel she related to Camps yes.

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Re: FIFA eyes Simpaul's
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2006, 10:01:19 AM »
TTFF was selling tix all this time? Any news on what is happening with the Government's talk about the BWIA charter and tickets to be procured from the TTFF?

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Re: FIFA eyes Simpaul's
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2006, 10:10:19 AM »
Why can't TTFF sell tickets like Sweden? Go to their main page and it tells you right there on the right side how many applications are in for each game. Click to the detail page and it tells you how many seats are available (their 8% for the game with us is 4,595), how many of each category, everything in detail!!!

so far their games are over subscribed anywhere from 5-1 to 10-1, but at least they know whats going on. Their application window is Jan 10-24. See my other post on their application procedure

So Camps - yeah right - I mean Jack, where's our 4,595 for the first match? Where's the rest?
« Last Edit: January 19, 2006, 11:19:54 AM by e-man »

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Re: FIFA eyes Simpaul's
« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2006, 11:19:05 AM »
we know the allocation has been received. so the question is when are we going to find out how to apply, when/where to apply,etc???
what you waiting for ttff?
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Re: FIFA eyes Simpaul's
« Reply #14 on: January 19, 2006, 12:33:04 PM »
well i know that TTFF has been taking names and the number of tickets you requested, yesterday i went in and the girl told me to come back next week


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Re: FIFA eyes Simpaul's
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2006, 04:44:10 PM »
 :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: cyar say more dan dis

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Re: FIFA eyes Simpaul's
« Reply #16 on: January 21, 2006, 04:08:05 AM »
Shaun Fuentes just love it, he like Jack puppy, no wonder he dont do a good job writing because he all up in Jack business when he should just focus on doing his dam job.... like he fighting to be Jack right hand man....

Good job Lasana,,,,,, Jack "Don King" Warner will burn and I hope he fall hard !!!!!!!!!! because he killing poor people and his own too...

Jack dont feel bad or what,,,,,, having a setta man with no back bone working for him... them in not yuh true friends... but then again, who is, I guess you have to continue buying your friends...

De government should seize de TTFF.... and clean house, from Jack Warner go down..... to much mafias involved... a bunch of thiefing bastards..... lauging in yuh fast, begging poor people to support de team and then stabbing them in they back......

De people dont have de balls to stand up, de TTFF go throw a big fete and catch nuff man...


Jack should be happy to get a full T&T support in Germany so our players will feel right at home.... but no, its all about Jack and Jack alone..... like de under 17 world cup in T&T (2001) wasn't enough or what..
Faster than a speeding pittbull
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Capable of storming any fete

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Re: FIFA eyes Simpaul's
« Reply #17 on: January 21, 2006, 04:09:11 PM »
he duz create serious problems oui


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Re: FIFA eyes Simpaul's
« Reply #18 on: January 21, 2006, 05:05:05 PM »
Jack and Panday together destroyes the U Ent See? and now dey trying tuh destroy deyself.

JAck is ah real ass nd Fuentes disappointing meh..ah eh go lie.

Everybody seeing Jasck fuh what he is..now de trute coming put about how he lyng nop arse about de ticket allocation.


Pull out that Trinity Cross dey Rotato...hammer and nails waiting..and ah special place in hell fuh he minions and fellow Judases!


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Re: FIFA eyes Simpaul's
« Reply #19 on: January 21, 2006, 05:11:38 PM »
Jack and Panday worst than Judas and Satan.

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Re: FIFA eyes Simpaul's
« Reply #20 on: January 21, 2006, 07:10:20 PM »
Ah wish ah could find dey thread with half ah allyuh, given dey blasted chance woulda pin that trinity cross on Warner backside and feel reel proud after .:wavetowel: wave allyuh trinity cross...

Now allyuh back charging...... ::)

But as sure as Cain murdar Abel, bachannel go start and next thing ya know, talk go start up bout how FiFA want to penalize we ass fur something.

Anybody get dey ticket from Simpaul in here ?

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Forget Sven, Jack Warner is the Real Scandal
« Reply #21 on: January 29, 2006, 09:43:59 PM »
<a href="http://www.worldcupblog.org/world-cup-2006/forget-sven-jack-warner-is-the-real-scandal.html>Forget Sven, Jack Warner is the Real Scandal[/url]
Posted on: January 25th, 2006

While the tabloid headline writers in England are hyperventilating from excitement, the workers inside the FIFA castle have to be smiling ear to ear as they see all of the attention given to the Sven-Goran Eriksson saga.

The smiles mask a fear though.

FIFA has to be asking itself, what happens when the Sven scandal goes away and hungry journalists turn their attention to an even worse scandal, that of Jack Warner?

For a good summary of the Warner situation, you can go here (you have to register but the LA Times is a decent paper so go ahead and sign up). Basically what we know is that Warner who is FIFA vice president, president of CONCACAF and a “special advisor” to the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation, has worked the system so that he is set to make up to $8 million from the sale of his country’s World Cup tickets.

Warner maintains he has done nothing wrong and claims that people are out to get him because he is buddy-buddy with FIFA president Sepp Blatter. Here is an example of the man’s thinking. After you read it, you’ll wonder how he ever became in charge on anything.

Meanwhile, FIFA is investigating the matter and its spokespeople have said that things do look fishy, but check back with them in a bit.

Why should you care? Well, this is egregious even by FIFA’s historically sketchy standards. It would be naïve to say that the system isn’t set up to benefit those in power, but now that this scandal has been blown into the open FIFA owes it to the people who watch its sport – and pays its bureaucratic salaries - to fix the mess.

Jack Warner shouldn’t receive a dime from the sale of World Cup tickets. He should be forced to resign from his multiple football-related roles. And FIFA should take swift action to make sure something like this never happens again.

One more thing FIFA should do. It should grant media accreditation to Lasana Liburd of the Trinidad Express who broke this story. FIFA has denied Liburd’s request to cover T&T during the World Cup.

This is a shame because while Liburd sits at home, some of those tabloid reporters covering Sven will be in the press box. You have to think that FIFA prefers it that way.

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Start de fete, FIFA pardons Warner.
« Reply #22 on: March 17, 2006, 09:24:00 AM »
FIFA clears Jack Warner over World Cup tickets.
ZURICH, (Reuters) - FIFA said on Friday that no action would be taken against vice-president Jack Warner over a World Cup ticketing controversy.
Warner is special adviser to the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation. Trinidad have qualified for the World Cup for the first time.
Warner invited FIFA to investigate his relationship with Simpaul Travel Service after the Trinidad and Tobago Express newspaper alleged Trinidad's allocation of tickets to the World Cup finals in Germany would be handled solely by the company.
"There were lengthy discussion in the executive committee meeting with interventions from practically every member but the committee was of the opinion that because Jack Warner has sold his shares in the company then there is no more a conflicting situation," FIFA president Sepp Blatter told a news conference.
"It was decided the matter had to be closed."
In February FIFA said its ethics committee concluded that because of his involvement with Simpaul Travel Service in Port-of-Spain, Warner had a conflict of interest over World Cup tickets and "as a result, he has violated FIFA's Code of Ethics".
He could have been expelled from world soccer's ruling body if found guilty by the executive committee.
Warner has been one of president Blatter's closest allies since his appointment to FIFA's executive in 1983.
Trinidad have been drawn with England, Sweden and Paraguay in Group B at the World Cup which begins on June 9.
FIFA lets off Jack Warner.
By: Lasana Liburd (Express).

No conflict of interest now that Warners have left Simpaul's, so...
FIFA vice-president and Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (T&TFF) special advisor Jack Warner emerged unscathed from a FIFA meeting in Zurich, Switzerland, yesterday that "discussed" his violation of the global organisation's Code of Ethics.
A FIFA release stated that Warner, who was declared guilty of a conflict of interest last month by the Committee for Ethics and Fair Play, satisfied his peers by "ensuring that Simpaul obeyed the ticketing rules and regulations and finally with him and his wife leaving the company"
The Express reported yesterday, in a column by this writer, that Warner had removed his name as well as that of his wife, Maureen, and sons Daryan and Darryl, from the directorship of Simpaul's Travel Service at the Legal Affairs Ministry last week.
Warner's actions obviously impressed the FIFA Executive Committee. A pronouncement of political strength from the Caribbean Football Union (CFU), which insisted that 30 football associations supported the Trinidad and Tobago administrator, may also have helped.
FIFA's tone yesterday contrasted with its initial position on February 15 although that decision was taken by a different committee to the one who discussed Warner's indiscretion over the past 48 hours.
The Committee for Ethics and Fair Play ruled last month that Warner "violated FIFA's Code of Ethics" by his involvement with Simpaul's Travel which had struck a deal with the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (T&TFF) to monopolise the sale of the country's 2006 World Cup tickets.
But the Executive Committee, which counts Warner as a senior member, yesterday referred to the initial verdict as "advice", a term Warner himself repeatedly used in the wake of last month's pronouncement.
If Warner displayed a change of heart by apologising for the conflict of interest and legally distancing himself from Simpaul's Travel-the new owners are Princess Campbell and Margaret Fletcher-then FIFA could also be credited with shifting its stance.
Four weeks ago, Warner was the first Executive Committee member to have infringed upon its Code of Ethics in FIFA's history. Yesterday, he was just a misguided employee who has since taken advice from his peers on board.
The case, according to the FIFA release, is now closed.
The latest Zurich decision was no surprise after FIFA refused to study new information regarding other potential conflicts of interests raised by local Housing Minister Keith Rowley.
Rowley pointed to Warner's involvement in the construction of four new stadia and the renovation of the Hasely Crawford Stadium for the 2001 World Youth Championship, which was held in Trinidad and Tobago.
The then UNC government - of which Warner is now the deputy political leader - backed a loan arrangement worth $365 million that was made between CONCACAF and the funders RGM.
It was later learned that the CONCACAF that received taxpayers' money without tender supposedly on behalf of FIFA was not officially affiliated to the global body but actually a local company listing Warner as its head.
Warner was also paid $6 million as "advice for the project" while the company set up to execute contracts was called the "FIFA Stadia Project" and included his son, Daryan, and accountant Kenny Rampersad among its signatories. At present, Rowley claims, the loan costs taxpayers $4 million a month.
FIFA press officer John Schumacher refused comment though and suggested that all questions regarding the stadia project be directed to the 2001 tournament's Local Organising Committee (LOC). The 2001 LOC was chaired by Warner.
"We don't care," Beckenbauer told the Express last month. "It's not our business."
Warner, who serves on eight FIFA committees, was equally unimpressed with the furore at the time.
"I'm not trembling in my shoes," said Warner, at the Trinidad Hilton on February 20. "I have been associated with all kinds of memories before, and it wouldn't be the last time, it won't be the first time It hasn't fazed me in the least.
"And believe me, I am okay. I'll land on my feet."
A legal shuffle, a show of Caribbean political solidarity and a new FIFA committee to answer to meant that Warner was as good as his word.
Setting Warner straight.
T&T Express Reports.

As the newspaper which exposed the conflict of interest engaged in by Jack Warner, FIFA vice president and special adviser to the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation, in the business arrangements for selling tickets to the World Cup finals in Germany in June, we feel it is important to set the record straight.
Mr Warner has taken out paid advertisements in the newspapers celebrating the fact that he was "cleared'' by the FIFA Ethics and Fairplay Committee, after he was let off the hook last Friday. He said it was a "character assassination attempt'' which had failed.
He had been found guilty of a conflict of interest by this committee after it held that the company which had a principal role in the selling of tickets and tour packages to local fans wanting to travel to the games was in fact a company owned by him and other members of his family.
The fact that the world's football governing body forced him to sell his shares and those of his immediate family members is a powerful demonstration that there was indeed a conflict of interest in this matter.
It is true, however, that FIFA did not apply the full brunt of the law as laid down by its Ethics and Fairplay Committee against Mr Warner who is one of the organisation's highest ranking officials. But with a clear case of a violation of the rules which it has established, the world football body has exhibited in this case a classic example of cronyism at the highest level.
Not many people expected the decision to have been much different from what it was.
Mr Warner has sought to make much of the fact that it was he who voluntarily called in the committee to have a look at the issue. But the reality is that he did that only on the basis of the series of articles which set out the case in clear and unambiguous terms. This action of his was after the fact, plain and simple.
He has gone on to say that the articles were part of what he sees as an "Operation Get Jack Warner,'' of which he declares that there are other rounds to follow.
Shrewd and cunning politician that he is, Mr Warner must know that the case for an investigation into the construction of stadia for the 2001 youth football tournament held in Trinidad and Tobago in 2001 and raised by Government Minister Dr Keith Rowley will once again put the spotlight on him.
Indeed, that spotlight has been already so trained and therefore Mr Warner is making a political play because he feels more heat is coming his way in the days ahead. Certainly, it will.
Phagwa Jack 'wines' on critics.
BY: Richard Charan (Express).

 Back home after being let off by the Executive Committee of FIFA on charges of ethics violations, Jack Warner wined on stage with Phagwa celebrants and then "wined" on his critics, although he said they wanted to kill him politically.
Warner said that before jetting home from Switzerland on Saturday night, he was the one who applied for, and was granted more tickets for sale to Trinidadians wanting to see the Soca Warriors in action in Germany.
Warner was in a celebratory mood last evening at a Phagwa function held at Palmiste Pastures, San Fernando.
Last Friday, FIFA President Joseph Sepp Blatter announced that Warner, a FIFA Vice President, had been cleared of all charges arising out of his family's ownership of Simpaul's Travel Agency. The agency is the sole ticketing agent for the World Cup. FIFA investigated the charges based on an exclusive Express investigation, and after Warner requested an investigation.
Warner, the UNC's Deputy Political Leader, said: "As we all know, the allegations was a political matter. They thought they would discredit me, kill my spirit, my good name and my standing in my country. They figured if they killed me, it would affect the UNC but it didn't work. But don't believe this would be the last time they will try this."
He added: "They will cross me again and I am ready for them. I am happy to be among my people. I feel at home."
Warner said of his family's travel agency: "I have severed ties with the travel service.
I asked FIFA to tell me where is the conflict of interest. They didn't tell me. I went to them, so what is the big hullabaloo?"
Warner, who was doused with abeer and plastered with coloured powder during his stage antics, also promised to tell all about the "level of treachery" involved in in the FIFA ticketing scandal.
About the World Cup tickets, Warner said: "We are getting more tickets.
All those people who wanted four (tickets) and under will get. I made an application and FIFA have accepted it. We will have more tickets than we need."
« Last Edit: March 21, 2006, 06:51:56 AM by Flex »
To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead
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Re: Start de fete, FIFA pardons Warner
« Reply #23 on: March 17, 2006, 09:25:23 AM »

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Re: Start de fete, FIFA pardons Warner
« Reply #24 on: March 17, 2006, 09:27:25 AM »
Oh my God!!  :o :o :o :o :o

Wat a Suprise!!

Andre Samuel, who controls all the rights to the phrase "ah love it!!"

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Re: Start de fete, FIFA pardons Warner
« Reply #25 on: March 17, 2006, 09:29:01 AM »
The power of Jack Warner wins again.....

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Re: Start de fete, FIFA pardons Warner
« Reply #26 on: March 17, 2006, 09:29:15 AM »
Not even ONE penance push up self?  ::)

Allyuh watchin unethical power at the highest levels scratch each odder back oui
It real sad to say, but dat is how dis entire planet does run

Time for me to start teefin or someting oui
Little known fact: The online transportation medium called Uber was pioneered in Trinidad & Tobago in the 1960's. It was originally called pullin bull.

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Re: Start de fete, FIFA pardons Warner
« Reply #27 on: March 17, 2006, 09:30:24 AM »
Oh my gosh the shock!!!!!  ;D
Back in Trini...

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Re: Start de fete, FIFA pardons Warner
« Reply #28 on: March 17, 2006, 09:37:07 AM »
De horror.. I canot believe that happend..  ::) ::)

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Re: Start de fete, FIFA pardons Warner
« Reply #29 on: March 17, 2006, 09:37:46 AM »
There were lengthy discussion in the executive committee meeting with interventions from practically every member but the committee was of the opinion that because Jack Warner has sold his shares in the company then there is no more a conflicting situation," FIFA president Sepp Blatter told a news conference

that is why...the man prob juss sell the interest to he wife or son and talk done


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