These friggin basement dwellers want yuh to accept they buggery and if yuh doh accept it they want to chastize yuh . ::)Go away with alyuh buggery far far away.
friggin cosigh zuluwarrior!!!! It's getting friggin ridiculous, how suddenly sodomy is supposed to be accepted like if it's as natural as the heterosexuality that allows human beings to reproduce and go on! It's ridiculous and disgusting. I won't accept that nonsense. I accept that people have complex issues with their sexuality they need to resolve, namely homosexuality, along with other things, but don't try to tell me it should be accepted and acted out, and not sorted out with a psycologist.
Kudos to Miss California, you looked absolutly lovely, and gave and excellent and very true answer, but too bad so many millions in America are ignorant about the truth on this topic,are unwilling or unable to put deeper though into it, are lying to themselves, or in denial.
chill out...what de hell is normal?
And cause you eh like bullin dat doh make it some sort of crime, nor does it make de bullers and dem sick!
There is so much education out there that shows the cause is very most likely genetic. yet you spout so many ignorant millions in America!
stop the nonsense, leave de people and stop de hate.
dat said I feel marriage is fuh man and woman alone.
Ok, I know that was a bit abrasive, and also I don't hate homosexuals at all, in fact I know a few and I'm cool and friendly with them, even though they're openly gay, but that doesn't mean I agree with their lifestyle. The reason I was so harsh was because it just got me extremely angry that Perez asked her such a polarising question, and because she answers it in the way that infact most people worldwide feel, she's vilified for it.
Yeah, there's scientific research saying that it probably is genetic, but like most scientific studies, there are opposing views in the same scientific community. The entire media and a great amount of the scientific community has jumped on the Global Warming bandwagon, but there are still many very reputable scientists around the World who disagree with that theory. In the end all humans have free will, but this accepting homosexuality as something that should be lived out in public if those feelings come upon you is something new. If we can just introduce that into the list of things we accept as natural human lifestyle even as it's not been seen as such throughout most of history, what else can we introduce into our circle of accepted behavior that was previously seen as deviant. I can think of plenty arguments you can say against this, but that's my view. That's the path the world is going down, and a very dangerous one.
I got very angry to see Perez flauting his misguided beliefs and trying to tell the peope who have the historically accepted views on human sexuality and relationships that they should shut up and everyone gets behind him- the World has gone blasted MAD.
Facts also show that the rate of drug use is abnormally high in the homosexual community. Also, a very high percentage of people who turn homosexual were molested or sexually abused, or viceversa. Do you think that's a coincidence? Many people dismiss this, but I don't, I don't trust anyone in this world, noone, I think things through for myself and question science and accepted views, because there are so many agendas that sometimes fuels many scientific and medical things other than pure unbiased science and genuinely wanting the best for others- eg. Money. Sexual puts so much confusion in one's mind, that is part of the reason people turn into homosexuals, among MANY other variables. I understand that I have the much less politically correct view on the subject, but you too must look at the other side of homosexuality, that the very untrustworthy big media(CNN, etc) don't show you. Most homosexuals are not at peace with themselves, and constantly second guessing themselves and their life, which leads to depression and the drug use I mentioned above. Why? If everyone continues to encourage this homosexual lifestyle, it will be the end of man, as we won't replenish ourselves because too many people will be homosexual, I can already see the first nation that will go down because of this will be the US. That's because as I said, it is not natural for a human being to be in an emotional relationship that is with the same sex, and doesn't allow procreation. Do some research on this topic that will never be shown in the main media.
Even though I disagree with the views on homosexuality the media is trying to kick down our throats, that doesn't mean I in any way dislike or much more hate homosexuals- the persons. I simply disagree with the largely held view in political-correctness gripped America. I totally understand that homosexual feelings can come upon many many people, and some stronger feelings than others, but I don't believe that one should just accept that those urges are natural and healthy. These feelings fueled by a great deal of very underexamined issues, a big one is childhood sexual abuse. I understand how strong these urges can be, so to be honest don't really have an argument with homosexuals in relationships and living together, because the homosexual feelings may be too strong to hold out, if they understand that that lifestyle is not natural and healthy, and they are getting counselling. I totally disagree with them flauting in public homosexual parades and such like homosexuality should be accepted and applauded as healthy behaviour for humanbeings. Yeah yeah, I know my view are extremely politically incorrect and very against the views that the media in "The Greatest Nation on Earth" is trying to push, but I don't care one bit, I think independently and compare all inforation, news and facts with opposing views and research, then I inject my own reasoning and logic into it,I trust no one and questions everything, then mix them together and form my opinions. I don't care one bit about what the most visibly supported views are in the US. I'm always open to more knowledge, arguments and info though, from all sides.
This is not hate speech, it's love speech,as I won't accept and support homoexuality as it's simply not a healthy lifestyle physically and psychologically. All the homosexuals I know are very depressed people, one guy lived a very depressed and tragic life, and had an equaly tragic death, another friend is taking hormones to grow breasts, and is in serious psycological turmoil and I fear for him. In the same way I'll never accept girls doing porn as it's getting accepted today, because no matter how vehemently they deny it, the clear evidence is there to see that it's unhealthy for them physically and phschologically- just like the lifelong homosexual lifestyle. This is not hate speech, this is love speech.