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Author Topic: Anybody Pick Up Winning Eleven 9 International Yet  (Read 8209 times)

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Offline Andre

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Re: Anybody Pick Up Winning Eleven 9 International Yet
« Reply #30 on: February 23, 2006, 02:41:51 PM »

i get it for valentines. the best get even better. is the closest thing to actually lacing up some boots and heading to the park. since i working and in school i don't have time to play it as much as i'd like but its is definitely more realistic than 8...and i only on 2 star level right now. watch man laugh at me now.

Offline Grande

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Re: Anybody Pick Up Winning Eleven 9 International Yet
« Reply #31 on: February 23, 2006, 02:44:37 PM »

i get it for valentines. the best get even better. is the closest thing to actually lacing up some boots and heading to the park. since i working and in school i don't have time to play it as much as i'd like but its is definitely more realistic than 8...and i only on 2 star level right now. watch man laugh at me now.

breds you get dat fuh valentine's, dat sound like a good woman right there, if allyuh does watch football after all de lovin den yuh set, doh let she go  ;D

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Offline Jahyouth

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Re: Anybody Pick Up Winning Eleven 9 International Yet
« Reply #32 on: February 23, 2006, 02:49:52 PM »

i get it for valentines. the best get even better. is the closest thing to actually lacing up some boots and heading to the park. since i working and in school i don't have time to play it as much as i'd like but its is definitely more realistic than 8...and i only on 2 star level right now. watch man laugh at me now.

Strange.  I playing 5 star and ketching meh tail to score, but I doh really get beat by much anyway.  Usually I lose 0-1 or tie 1-1 or win 1-0.  Once I lost 0-2.

On 4 star I can score more and usually win or draw.

2 star horse?   :o

Offline Grande

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Re: Anybody Pick Up Winning Eleven 9 International Yet
« Reply #33 on: February 23, 2006, 02:52:06 PM »

i get it for valentines. the best get even better. is the closest thing to actually lacing up some boots and heading to the park. since i working and in school i don't have time to play it as much as i'd like but its is definitely more realistic than 8...and i only on 2 star level right now. watch man laugh at me now.

Strange.  I playing 5 star and ketching meh tail to score, but I doh really get beat by much anyway.  Usually I lose 0-1 or tie 1-1 or win 1-0.  Once I lost 0-2.

On 4 star I can score more and usually win or draw.

2 star horse?   :o

yeah ANdre 2 stars might be too easy, 5 stars will challenge yuh more and make yuh pull out skills yuh never thought you had imagination to do. And when you score it does be a sweeter feeling.
Jahyouth, yuh know how to take the free kicks involving the two players? One man does tee up the ball while another runs up to kick it. What buttons to press?

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Offline g

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Re: Anybody Pick Up Winning Eleven 9 International Yet
« Reply #34 on: February 23, 2006, 02:54:44 PM »
Use d analog button for one player to roll the ball for the next one to shoot
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Offline Jahyouth

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Re: Anybody Pick Up Winning Eleven 9 International Yet
« Reply #35 on: February 23, 2006, 02:55:18 PM »

i get it for valentines. the best get even better. is the closest thing to actually lacing up some boots and heading to the park. since i working and in school i don't have time to play it as much as i'd like but its is definitely more realistic than 8...and i only on 2 star level right now. watch man laugh at me now.

Strange.  I playing 5 star and ketching meh tail to score, but I doh really get beat by much anyway.  Usually I lose 0-1 or tie 1-1 or win 1-0.  Once I lost 0-2.

On 4 star I can score more and usually win or draw.

2 star horse?   :o

yeah ANdre 2 stars might be too easy, 5 stars will challenge yuh more and make yuh pull out skills yuh never thought you had imagination to do. And when you score it does be a sweeter feeling.
Jahyouth, yuh know how to take the free kicks involving the two players? One man does tee up the ball while another runs up to kick it. What buttons to press?

Grandeman, that game have so much different things I is take them one by one.  Try to perfect one thing and then move on.  I eh reach that yet.  For indirects I usually aim to a player in the box and press "X" to pass along the ground for him to control or shoot one time.

Yuh know what I find lethal in this game boy?  The long throws!  Any throw close to the corner flag is pressure for the next team.

Offline Andre

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Re: Anybody Pick Up Winning Eleven 9 International Yet
« Reply #36 on: February 23, 2006, 03:42:03 PM »
[2 star horse?   :o

i admit i trying to rack up the points so that i could start the masters league with the big or unlimited budget (i forget what it is) and i could change the league composition. i also want to unlock the classic teams and players so i could form FC Legends 2006 and mash up the masters league. i trying to win all the cups to get the points. so far i win the int'l cup as brazil, konami cup as ARS, and asian cup as australia. working on the euro right now. into the quarters as hengland. the most win a game by is about 5-0 as brazil (of course). usually i winning them over 10 minutes by about 2-0.

get dat fuh valentine's, dat sound like a good woman right there, if allyuh does watch football after all de lovin den yuh set, doh let she go  ;D

she ah yankee and eh into football or any sports too much. but she is go game with me and lime.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2006, 03:43:57 PM by Andre »

Offline Grande

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Re: Anybody Pick Up Winning Eleven 9 International Yet
« Reply #37 on: February 23, 2006, 05:50:21 PM »

i get it for valentines. the best get even better. is the closest thing to actually lacing up some boots and heading to the park. since i working and in school i don't have time to play it as much as i'd like but its is definitely more realistic than 8...and i only on 2 star level right now. watch man laugh at me now.

Strange.  I playing 5 star and ketching meh tail to score, but I doh really get beat by much anyway.  Usually I lose 0-1 or tie 1-1 or win 1-0.  Once I lost 0-2.

On 4 star I can score more and usually win or draw.

2 star horse?   :o

yeah ANdre 2 stars might be too easy, 5 stars will challenge yuh more and make yuh pull out skills yuh never thought you had imagination to do. And when you score it does be a sweeter feeling.
Jahyouth, yuh know how to take the free kicks involving the two players? One man does tee up the ball while another runs up to kick it. What buttons to press?

Grandeman, that game have so much different things I is take them one by one.  Try to perfect one thing and then move on.  I eh reach that yet.  For indirects I usually aim to a player in the box and press "X" to pass along the ground for him to control or shoot one time.

Yuh know what I find lethal in this game boy?  The long throws!  Any throw close to the corner flag is pressure for the next team.

Dat is interesting, I does hardly use long throws cause it is easier for the opposition to steal the ball, unless I am in the area then I will throw it long into the penalty area and hope for a good touch/header. For the free kicks, anything between 19 - 30m I will sink in the dep nest, but anything above that is hard, but i see someone do it plenty times from 32-40m with that tee up/blaster free kick.

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Offline Blue

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Re: Anybody Pick Up Winning Eleven 9 International Yet
« Reply #38 on: February 23, 2006, 05:54:55 PM »

i get it for valentines. the best get even better. is the closest thing to actually lacing up some boots and heading to the park. since i working and in school i don't have time to play it as much as i'd like but its is definitely more realistic than 8...and i only on 2 star level right now. watch man laugh at me now.

Strange.  I playing 5 star and ketching meh tail to score, but I doh really get beat by much anyway.  Usually I lose 0-1 or tie 1-1 or win 1-0.  Once I lost 0-2.

On 4 star I can score more and usually win or draw.

2 star horse?   :o

yeah ANdre 2 stars might be too easy, 5 stars will challenge yuh more and make yuh pull out skills yuh never thought you had imagination to do. And when you score it does be a sweeter feeling.
Jahyouth, yuh know how to take the free kicks involving the two players? One man does tee up the ball while another runs up to kick it. What buttons to press?

Fellas, d game has been out now in North America and Trinidad for a good few weeks now....yall ent serious, all yall men shud be on 6 stars by now  :challenge:

Offline grskywalker

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Re: Anybody Pick Up Winning Eleven 9 International Yet
« Reply #39 on: February 23, 2006, 10:19:21 PM »
So what allyuh me think about the game after playing it for a little over 2 weeks now in the US?

I find it real hard to score.  But again, when you do score it sweet as you had to work real hard for it.  Real nice simulation game.  But I still vex teams like Venezuela and Saudi Arabia in it and Trinidad and Tobago WORLD CUP FINAIST is not included. 

From what I understand Konami has a World Cup version but it may not be ready until after the tournamnet.

Offline FF

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Re: Anybody Pick Up Winning Eleven 9 International Yet
« Reply #40 on: February 24, 2006, 08:52:55 AM »
So what allyuh me think about the game after playing it for a little over 2 weeks now in the US?

I find it real hard to score.  But again, when you do score it sweet as you had to work real hard for it.  Real nice simulation game.  But I still vex teams like Venezuela and Saudi Arabia in it and Trinidad and Tobago WORLD CUP FINAIST is not included. 

From what I understand Konami has a World Cup version but it may not be ready until after the tournamnet.

What??!! Doh get meh too excited here nah man!! I licking meh lips arready...

Yuh have ah link or anything? I did not see anything on any of de forums!

Offline onlikecorn

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Re: Anybody Pick Up Winning Eleven 9 International Yet
« Reply #41 on: February 24, 2006, 09:48:28 PM »
well i have it since it come out and i find it real badd. . .like somebody say already is de subtle tings does make de game more realistic. . . as for fifa. . .i does always play both . . buh i could honestly say . .dey cyah compare to winning eleven gameplay . . buh dey last offerin fifa 06 was actually decent .. de best fifa offering since 2001. . .i feel is cuz dey actually acknowledgin dat dey dominance in de american market startin to slip away from dem with regards to football games. .

buh anyway . . i in my third season in masters league . .create mih side from scratch . . playin in 6 stars  ... is real fun . . .real hard. . . buh real fun . .

and fuh allyuh who was askin bout de indirect free kick (well i have de game for ps2) . . if yuh hold L1 and press X yuh does touch it fuh de nex man to hit a bullet . ..
allyuh should try this in de us, uk and canada. . .actually works. . . use it instead of google. . and get free ting. . i get real free ting already....