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Author Topic: Darrel Brown (PB 9.99) & former 100m WJR Holder Aug 2003 to June 2014 @10.01  (Read 139564 times)

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Re: Darrel Brown
« Reply #210 on: June 04, 2009, 07:06:57 AM »
I have a feeling MVP athletes will continue the always-injured trend

AB. Care to elaborate?
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Offline jusbless

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Re: Darrel Brown
« Reply #211 on: June 16, 2009, 12:32:11 PM »
Would Darrel Brown be able to compete at the championship seeing that he has not ran a race for the entire season , the rules for ther senior championship is that they are taking the top 24 competitors in eavh event . Can anyone clear this up for me.

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Re: Darrel Brown
« Reply #212 on: June 16, 2009, 07:55:21 PM »
7 replies and 529 that is suspense ;D
We fire de old set ah managers we had wukkin..and iz ah new group we went and we bring in. And if the goods we require de new managers not supplying, when election time come back round iz new ones we bringin. For iz one ting about my people I can guarantee..They will never ever vote party b4 country

Offline jai john

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Re: Darrel Brown
« Reply #213 on: June 17, 2009, 09:32:49 PM »
as a Brown fan i was encouraged to learn that NIKe renewed his contract ...but I doh know ...this cat and mouse thing eh looking good .

Offline Trini _2026

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Re: Darrel flops again at a major event
« Reply #214 on: July 25, 2009, 04:43:25 PM »
I have concerns that the boys are a bit too much bling and not enough performance.  I understand, because I was young and making money at that age too, but I also had 2 Olympic medals and a worlds medal already, not to mention about 8 sub tens and a few sub 20s. Anyhow, I tease them (half-seriously) all the time about the stuff they are buying, but it's really not my business.  I just don't want them like Caude Noel or something when it's all over - and I think they are being poorly managed, but that is my opinion - I am waiting to stand corrected.

At Penn, I watched the USA's Lauryn Williams (women's world 100m champ from last year) burn the track again, and went over and offered her an "offer" on behalf of TnT to run for US, (her father is a TRINI) guaranteeing her she would make every Olympic team until she died or quit, and pointing out that our own young Kelly-Ann Baptiste had just run 11.10 on a slow track there...if we get Fana turned back around, it would mean she would even be on a good relay team.   She knows "the boys" as well, having come up in the same era, and she made a comment in their presence not long after her race while we all stood together that "they both have more stuff than her but they aren't world champions" (yeah it caused some silence there, too!)

I decided to ask one of them, later on, who I know a little better than the other, about the 200m and if they were going to take it seriously, as I and everyone else who knows, has more than subtly suggested.  I was told (by him) that while they were entered at both 100m and 200m next week at a major meet, they were going to find a way out, since they don't like 200s - mainly because of the BEND.  No, I don't know what that means either bt I read it as we ent want to get hurt.....which is's because they never run it that when they go there mid-season they get hurt, but that is stupid ATO logic, I guess.
I went back over to my girl and said let's leave NOW, because nothing disgusts me more than potential wasted.  I wanted to knock them both in the head.   I also blame their management and the coach.  I never had that option to not run 200s.  Plus, I wouldn't want to...the 200s made me better at if at year's end certain folks are still stuck at 10.0 or 10.1  and you look in the "200m this season" column and you see one, or maybe two, then know that I am done trying, because at some point you have to WAKE THE KCUF UP!  Being a pro athlete is a blessing so making dumb decisions is unforgivable.

But this brings us full circle...part of why I said last year "bogus time, that 9.9" is that even in the remote chance I was dead wrong about it, (pretty clear now that I wasn't) if they think they can run 9 without the 200m REGULARLY, validated by that "time", they will spend the rest of their careers trying to do it without 200m's - and fail show me someone in recent history who couldn't run 9 consistently and I will show you someone who neglected the 200m....GREENE, BOLDON and FREDERICKS are the top 3 all-time sub 10 men...what do we all have in common?  World 200m champs as well ('99, '97, '93).  The 100m is not just about times, true -  it's about running 9 when you are in a championship setting (FINAL!) to give yourself a chance at the gold, and to be quite honest, without 200m, that is not going to happen under the current methods they are using - and it's sad.  I have tried to remain silent on it, but it BURNS me up because I am a TRINI and I am tired of hearing about GATLIN and ASAFA....our boys are DAMN well can say Maurice Greene beat my ass a lot but at least I was in the fight, every single time.  Why?  Because I gave myself a chance to win...our boys are really not on the Asafa/Gatlin level, and the age thing is no longer a crutch or an excuse.  The fastest men in the world are all under 25.

You can lead a Trini horse to water.....


Don't embarrass yourself.  So far the "eating of words" hasn't been done by me.  I said last year "no more sub tens" and I said "no repeat performances by any of the lesser places" in that magic carpet race (Armstrong/Harper).  Remember that, or u need me to pull out the posts and references? 

prophecy or goat mouth ? :waiting: :waiting:

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Re: Darrel flops again at a major event
« Reply #215 on: July 26, 2009, 03:29:52 PM »
Is not goat mouth but wow that is scary to read yes because really its 3 years ago , and exactly what I said would happen has happened - non factors, while the guys who run 200m - GAY, BOLT e.g. are the men who matter.

That's not rocket science. I lived it so I know it.

Offline Trini _2026

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Re: Darrel flops again at a major event
« Reply #216 on: July 27, 2009, 08:50:21 AM »
Is not goat mouth but wow that is scary to read yes because really its 3 years ago , and exactly what I said would happen has happened - non factors, while the guys who run 200m - GAY, BOLT e.g. are the men who matter.

That's not rocket science. I lived it so I know it.

well pass it on before its to late
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Offline daryn

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Re: Darrel flops again at a major event
« Reply #217 on: July 27, 2009, 08:58:24 AM »
Is not goat mouth but wow that is scary to read yes because really its 3 years ago , and exactly what I said would happen has happened - non factors, while the guys who run 200m - GAY, BOLT e.g. are the men who matter.

That's not rocket science. I lived it so I know it.

well pass it on before its to late

sometimes I feel like if you and Ato having the same conversation in an infinite loop.

Offline Trini _2026

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Re: Darrel flops again at a major event
« Reply #218 on: July 27, 2009, 02:10:25 PM »
Is not goat mouth but wow that is scary to read yes because really its 3 years ago , and exactly what I said would happen has happened - non factors, while the guys who run 200m - GAY, BOLT e.g. are the men who matter.

That's not rocket science. I lived it so I know it.

well pass it on before its to late

sometimes I feel like if you and Ato having the same conversation in an infinite loop.

really is long time ato say this and that bout meh boys since the so call "magic carpet race" that he calls it
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Offline A.B.

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Re: Darrel flops again at a major event
« Reply #219 on: July 27, 2009, 05:46:48 PM »
So let me ask you then - where are the 10.0 boys Jacey Harper et al who all PRed in that race? Even you have to admit now that race's time was BS - or perhaps you can tell me the other 100m race in history where 7 people set personal bests.

BTW I don't call BS on a race often, but the only other one was Gatlin's "WR" in Doha, when Fasuba from NIGERIA 'broke' the African record in 9.85 - his first time 'under ten'.  Some were vex then too. How dare I?

But I had olympic medalists who were there and said no way, no how was it not windy - who had given me the scoop.

Number of sub tens for Fasuba (or close) since then???

Z E R O.

So keep it coming.

Pass it on has been tried. Trust me. You can lead a Trini to water but....
« Last Edit: July 28, 2009, 07:01:11 PM by A.B. »


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Re: Darrel flops again at a major event
« Reply #220 on: August 01, 2009, 08:21:53 PM »
How many 200's has richard run this year?


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Re: Darrel flops again at a major event
« Reply #221 on: August 01, 2009, 11:34:13 PM »
i starting to feel darrel faking injury and false starting to hide his poor condition.

i willing to bet that he not making semis, i predicting burns making de semis and richard making de finals and finishing behind bolt, gay, asafa and bailey.

Offline jai john

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Re: Darrel flops again at a major event
« Reply #222 on: August 03, 2009, 04:24:27 PM »
i starting to feel darrel faking injury and false starting to hide his poor condition.

i willing to bet that he not making semis, i predicting burns making de semis and richard making de finals and finishing behind bolt, gay, asafa and bailey.

or he hiding something else ..... de boat have room you know ..but once it sail I eh want no johnny trying to jump on board right ? So Are you with me ? dey go have to beat Brown ....ha ha ha ha ..I crazy ..but say what de whole ah de east did say de same ting bout me in 1976 when Hasley wash dey clothes in Montreal... was all kinda Glance, Borzov, Leonard, Williams, mc Tear old Hasley pulled up in de final 4 years before kyah do dat and come back 4 years later and win ??? right ? right ?


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Re: Darrel flops again at a major event
« Reply #223 on: August 03, 2009, 07:49:51 PM »
doh worry, leave de room for somebody else, i fraid that boat will sink.... ;D

as a matter of fact, de boat dun sink, i hope allyuh have ah new one for berlin.

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Re: Darrel flops again at a major event
« Reply #224 on: August 04, 2009, 09:48:27 AM »
i starting to feel darrel faking injury and false starting to hide his poor condition.

i willing to bet that he not making semis, i predicting burns making de semis and richard making de finals and finishing behind bolt, gay, asafa and bailey.

Poor condition??? A man runs a time that was only 0.06 off his PR in his first race in 10 months and he's in poor form... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Plus Darrel is not faking injury, Franno has just decided to play it safe and save him for Worlds, where he has nothing to lose. His training partners are sufficiently fast that Franno doesn't need to race him in order for him to get a good workout.
Psalm 14:1
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Offline daryn

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Re: Darrel flops again at a major event
« Reply #225 on: August 04, 2009, 10:25:00 AM »
Plus Darrel is not faking injury, Franno has just decided to play it safe and save him for Worlds, where he has nothing to lose. His training partners are sufficiently fast that Franno doesn't need to race him in order for him to get a good workout.

I get the general direction of your argument but I need some clarification.

He is saving him for worlds by holding him out of races.  ok.  but the training is a sufficiently intense workout to replicate the positive effects of formal competition?  how do we then know that he not playing it safe in training also.

I'm not saying it's not possible eh but it seems to be a very fine line with no margin for error.

edit: I mean it must have some negative effect, otherwise Franno would just withold all his athletes from competition.

edit: is this also a concession that we shouldn't expect darrel to ever race a full season?
« Last Edit: August 04, 2009, 12:50:55 PM by daryn »

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Re: Darrel flops again at a major event
« Reply #226 on: August 04, 2009, 02:10:05 PM »
Plus Darrel is not faking injury, Franno has just decided to play it safe and save him for Worlds, where he has nothing to lose. His training partners are sufficiently fast that Franno doesn't need to race him in order for him to get a good workout.

I get the general direction of your argument but I need some clarification.

He is saving him for worlds by holding him out of races.  ok.  but the training is a sufficiently intense workout to replicate the positive effects of formal competition?  how do we then know that he not playing it safe in training also.

I'm not saying it's not possible eh but it seems to be a very fine line with no margin for error.

edit: I mean it must have some negative effect, otherwise Franno would just withold all his athletes from competition.

edit: is this also a concession that we shouldn't expect darrel to ever race a full season?

Yes there will be some negative repercussions, but its more mental than physical if anything, from the lack of being in the "heat of the battle"(racing).

 I do agree with you that he is walking a very fine line, but the fact that Franno got Darrel to run that fast without racing, tells me he had him doing some pretty intense stuff in practice and its working. However there are little tricks(practicing in flats and on grass) that will limit the chances of injury and also allow him to keep up the intensity, but with less energy return into the legs, making it less stressful on the joints and muscles

As for your last 'edit" I hope not or don't think so, but I think that if Franno can keep him healthy this entire year, he will then have a base upon which to build and we should see him more frequently next year.
Psalm 14:1
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.


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Re: Darrel flops again at a major event
« Reply #227 on: August 04, 2009, 09:03:53 PM »
he saving himself to run 4 his body will be able to hold up to many rounds afetr only 2 races all season...ok pardna, only time will tell.

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Re: Darrel flops again at a major event
« Reply #228 on: August 04, 2009, 09:40:24 PM »
The Hasely analogy is great until you go one level deeper and look at Hasely's record in between '72 and '76. 1976 wasn't out of nowhere. At all...
« Last Edit: August 04, 2009, 09:44:14 PM by A.B. »

Offline jai john

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Re: Darrel flops again at a major event
« Reply #229 on: August 05, 2009, 08:31:22 AM »
The Hasely analogy is great until you go one level deeper and look at Hasely's record in between '72 and '76. 1976 wasn't out of nowhere. At all...

Yes but Crawford had not beaten Mc Tear before Montreal fact he lost to Mc Tear ....who got injured before de a replay of the olympic final in jamaica right after the final in Montreal. All dem udder fellas were ahead of hasley with better win records against him ...Glance was the man setting or equalling records every time he ran ..and Borzov was the defending olympic champion ...Williams had Crawford's number even beating him in that famous 9.8 handtimed run in Arima just before the games ..the cuban silvio Leonard, who suffered a freak acident with a broken bottle before the olympics,  had just taken gold from Crawford durng the regional championships in the famous " hand in ah de air " incident whch Craword was careful not to repeat in Montreal all dem fellas were supposed to be ahead in de pecking order ..
Ah not saying that Brown's preparation has been even close to Hasley's but sports have ah way of producing the unexpected ..sometimes ....Brown has pedigree ..and that goes a long way anyway so a good perfrmance will not surprise me. Brown's problem has been that he is injury prone.... is not like he is ah Jonnny come lately who man hoping go do someting one day ! know de saying ...class is class but form is temporary..
Ah sailing wid de boat ..sink or float ....ah sailing wid de boat ..through hurricane and storm ..hell or high water come ...

Offline Trini _2026

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Re: Darrel flops again at a major event
« Reply #230 on: August 05, 2009, 12:33:45 PM »
Ato do you remember

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« Last Edit: August 05, 2009, 12:46:26 PM by Trini _2010 »
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Offline Trini _2026

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Re: Darrel flops again at a major event
« Reply #231 on: August 05, 2009, 12:47:17 PM »
Just remember
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Focus on Athletes - Darrel Brown
« Reply #232 on: May 06, 2010, 12:00:35 PM »
Focus on Athletes - Darrel Brown

Darrel BROWN, Trinidad & Tobago (100m)

Born: 11 October 1984, Arima
1.81m / 81kg
Coach: Stephen Francis
Manager: Paul Doyle

The world of international elite sprinting had hardly heard of Asafa Powell, Usain Bolt and Tyson Gay when Darrel Brown made his mark in the senior ranks at 18-years-old. A silver medal in the 100 metres at the 2003 World Championships, in Paris, confirmed the prodigious talent of the young man who had set World age records at  14, 16, 17 and, now, 18.

While Powell, Bolt and Gay have made spectacular progess, taking the 100m into new territory, the question has to be asked: where has Brown been all these years?

“Hurt.” Brown said with a good-natured smile. “But my mother always told me: ‘When its your time, it will come. You have to be patient.’ So I keep training and hopefully my time will come.” Does she still say it to him? “Every day,” Brown insisted.

Still determined to put the years of injury behind him and climb back to the top, Brown trains diligently under the supervision of Stephen Francis, Powell’s coach. Not only does Brown – and, of course, his mother Marilyn – believe more great days are ahead, so does Francis. “I have no doubt that, in the strongest possible field of 100m men on earth, he can medal,” Francis said, adding the caveat that he just needs to stay injury-free.

“I could be World champion, I could be Olympic champion, I could be anything, I just have to be patient and wait,” Brown said. Is he not frightened by the times that Powell, Bolt and Gay have been running? “No, I’m not frightened,” he said. “You just do what you have to do and hopefully you could come out on top.”

Born in Arima as the youngest of four siblings, Brown has two sisters and one brother. Although he was keen on football, he realised when he was only 13 that his talent was in sprinting. “I played soocer (with friends in the street) but I was not too good at it,” Brown recalled. “I realised I was better at running when I made my first Carifta Games (Caribbean regional junior championships) team.

Describing this occasion as his first success, Brown added: “In 1998, when I made my first Carifta team, I was the youngest on the whole team. I was 13. I came fifth in the Final (under 17, representing Trinidad and Tobago). In 1999 and 2000 I represented Trinidad again at the Carifta Games and I won the (U17) 100 and 200. At the CAC (Central American and Caribbean) Championships in 2000, I won the 100 and 200 (Under 17), and in 2000 I also came fourth (100m) in the World Junior Championships.”

For three years after he narrowly missed a medal in the 2000 World Juniors, in Santiago, there was no stopping Brown. In Santiago, he had finished behind Mark Lewis-Francis (Great Britain), Salem Mohamed Al-Yami (Saudi Arabia) and his fellow Trinidadian, Marc Burns but, in 2001, Brown won the 100m at the World Youth Championships, in Debrecen, Hungary, and, in 2002, the World Junior title in Kingston.

Already he had started to make inroads in the senior ranks. At the 2001 World Championships, in Edmonton, he helped Trinidad and Tobago to the silver medal in the 4x100m. In so doing, Brown (age 16 years, 305 days) became the youngest ever World Championships medallist.

In 2002, as well as his World Junior triumph (10.09), Brown won the 100m (10.18) at the CAC Championships in, Bridgetown. It was a Trinidad and Tobago 1-2 on both occasions as Burns finished second (10.18 in Kingston, 10.42 in Bridgetown). Then, in 2003, Brown finished just one-hundredth of a second away from becoming senior World champion.

After setting a World Junior record 10.01 in the Quarter-Finals in Paris, Brown was denied the senior title only by Kim Collins, the Commonwealth champion from St. Kitts and Nevis. Collins recorded 10.07 and Brown 10.08, although it was a memorable event for many reasons.

Powell was disqualified and so was John Drummond, who would go on to help coach Gay to his 100/200m double at the 2007 World Championships, in Osaka. But Drummond refused to leave, performing a lay-down protest on the track. Two of the big names behind Brown, Dwain Chambers and Tim Montgomery, were subsequently disqualified for doping offences.

How had Brown felt as an 18-year-old in the grown-up world of superstar athletes? “I was pretty nervous but, after we started, I just went out there and did my thing,” he recalled.  He was still a schoolboy at the time, attending El Dorado Secondary Comprehensive. But it didn’t stop him from becoming the youngest 100m medallist in World Championships history.

Brown was inspired more by Maurice Greene, of the United States, than his Trinidad and Tobago team-mate Ato Boldon. “I saw Ato in the ‘96 Olympics then Maurice came out from ’97 - he was the main one (inspiration),” Brown recalled. “When I saw him in ‘97 and he came back again in ‘99, I thought I would like to do that sometime in my career and maybe sometime I’ll do it.” Greene was 100m World champion in 1997, 1999 and 2001.

However, in 2004, Brown’s progress stalled due to a hip injury. Although he did compete in the Olympic Games, in Athens, it was only in the 4x100m, in which Trinidad and Tobago finished seventh. In 2005 he was eliminated in the 100m Semi-Finals (7th) at the World Championships, in Helsinki, although he did pick up a relay silver medal and won the Central American and Caribbean title (10.02) in Nassau, Bahamas.. “That year I was coming back from the injury,” he explained. “I had an on-and- off year – sometimes I would run fast, sometimes I did not run fast. It was inconsistent year for me.”

In 2006 Brown hardly competed because of hamstring trouble. And 2007? “Before the World Championships I got a stress fracture in my right foot,” he said. Allowing time, rather than surgery, to be the healer, Brown returned for a strong winter’s training, his second under Francis. Parting company with Henry Rolle, his coach from 2003, Brown joined the MVP group in Kingston, Jamaica. A big change then? “Not really,” Brown said. “Jamaica is just like Trinidad, so it wasn’t really a big adjustment.”

Francis explained: “Last year was a messy situation, where his toe started paining him, and it turned out there was a growth. But, this year he is in very, very good shape. He is still carrying some lingering injuries in his hamstring but I think he is good to go. If he is healthy, he is going to be a handful for any sprinter to handle.

“What he has been through is probably a result of his body type and maybe he had not done enough true developmental work as a youngster. But his fitness has improved a lot and he is more likely to be able to perform without great problems. There are no long-term injuries that he carries. I think most of his injuries are probably because he didn’t really have a good base for fitness.”

Leading up to the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, Brown has kept largely off the big stage. He did not appear in any of the four Golden League meetings and raced in only two Super Grand Prix competitions: he finished second in Doha (9 May) and fifth in Monaco (29 July). However, he won in Eugene on 1 June (10.07)
Asked his goal for Beijing, Brown said: “To reach the Final then try to win a medal.” After all he has been through, it is good to see him still fighting to regain his place back at the top. Hadn’t he been tempted to quit? “Sometimes that goes through my mind but I’m still young,” he said. “I’m only 23. Hopefully I have a few more years to try to put it together.”

Personal Bests

100m: 9.99 (2005); 9.88w (2007)
200m: 20.41 (2001)

Yearly Progression

100m: 1998: 10.79; 1999: 10.67; 2000:10.34; 2001: 10.24; 2002: 10.09; 2003: 10.01; 2004: 10.11A; 2005: 9.99; 2006: 10.11; 2007: 10.02/9.88w; 2008: 10.02.

200m: 1998: 22.41; 1999: 21.20; 2000: 21.14; 2001: 20.41; 2002: 20.97; 2003: -; 2004: -; 2005: 20.61; 2006: -; 2007: 20.51; 2008: -

Career Highlights

1998 2nd Central American &Caribbean U17 Championships (100m)
2000 1st Central American & Caribbean U17 Championships (100/200m)
2000 4th World Junior Championships (100m)
2001 1st World Youth Championships (100m)
2001 2nd World Championships (4x100m)
2001 2nd Pan American Junior Championships (100)
2001 3rd  Pan American Junior Championships (4x100)
2002 1st Central American & Caribbean U20 Championships (100m)
2002 1st World Junior Championships (100m)
2002 3rd World Junior Championships (4x100m)
2003 2nd Central American & Caribbean Championships (100m)
2003 2nd Pan American Games (4x100m)
2003 2nd World Championships (100m)
2004 7th Olympic Games (4x100m)
2005 1st Central American & Caribbean Championships (100m)
2005 SF World Championships (100m)
2005 2nd World Championships (4x100m)
2005 4th World Athletics Final
2006 QF Commonwealth Games (100m)
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Re: Focus on Athletes - Darrel Brown
« Reply #233 on: May 06, 2010, 01:47:21 PM »
This article is about two years old. And i think it was already posted here.

Last I heard, he was in good shape regaining his form. I am pretty sure we will see him in some meets this year. All the best for 2010.

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Re: Focus on Athletes - Darrel Brown
« Reply #234 on: May 06, 2010, 02:15:44 PM »
This article is about two years old. And i think it was already posted here.

Last I heard, he was in good shape regaining his form. I am pretty sure we will see him in some meets this year. All the best for 2010.

Trini2010 how did you miss this ??..this is an old article..

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Re: Focus on Athletes - Darrel Brown
« Reply #235 on: May 06, 2010, 02:59:05 PM »
Oh yes it's that time of year isn't it.....


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Re: Focus on Athletes - Darrel Brown
« Reply #236 on: May 06, 2010, 03:42:32 PM »
Oh yes it's that time of year isn't it.....

wha yuh saying Triniman have more OLD Daryl Brown articles to post ??   :devil:

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Re: Focus on Athletes - Darrel Brown
« Reply #237 on: May 07, 2010, 11:52:52 AM »
No, is the time of year where we start to think that history won't repeat itself - as it has since 2003.

Word out of the MVP camp is that they, too, have given up.

Offline Trini _2026

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Re: Focus on Athletes - Darrel Brown
« Reply #238 on: May 07, 2010, 02:09:47 PM »
No, is the time of year where we start to think that history won't repeat itself - as it has since 2003.

Word out of the MVP camp is that they, too, have given up.

AB seems you have written him off seems its only me jussbless and aviator who have not !!!! all brown needs is an injury free season

Hmmm if MVP have given up on him he needs to return to his roots

« Last Edit: May 07, 2010, 02:13:13 PM by Trini _2014 »
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Re: Focus on Athletes - Darrel Brown
« Reply #239 on: May 07, 2010, 06:41:57 PM »
Hmmm if MVP have given up on him he needs to return to his roots

His roots long gone. Nestor Brown his coach from day one in Arima through his victory in Jamaica died years ago.

Not long after that, he started to stagnate. Explains why he was fit enough to run 20.4 at 16, but can't crack 21 today.


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