- How did you find us.
link on a german wm-site
- Your location now and T&T.
rotenburg wuemme, germany
- Why did you choose that handle (name).
no special reason. it was the first name which came to my mind..
- How long have you been following the Warriors football team.
uuuuh... since...8 weeks maybe^^
- Best memory as a Warriors supporter to date.
no memorys
- What T&T school did you attend.
schools in berlin, germany
- Favorite player (T&T and Global).
beckham, santa cruz
- Favorite country and club team.
real madrid
- Pick your best world & T&T eleven.
coming soon, stay tuned
- Care to give someone or a player a shout-out.
- Are you a current or former player ? if so what team.
- Feel free to be creative.
sorry, i´m not that creative