Well I learned Spanish in the following countries:Ecuador where I spent an entire summer(1980) and in Mexico where I used to go every summer from '81 to '85. Leh me tell allyuh someting, no lie, except for the language difference, Mexicans jess like Trinis...dey love ah ole talk. Some of the nicest people yu'll ever meet.
Portugese I studied at Howard U...very close to Spanish so I was able to make an easy transition. Also here in Atlanta there is a large Brazilian community as well as a HUGE Mexican community. I took one summer school session of French...just for something to do.
IsiZulu: Well at Howard I used to roll with South Africans and I picked up some of the language. I also took a semester of Zulu as an elective at HU. I used to date a South African as well
BTW Dutty I can click Xhosa and Zulu are in the same language(Bantu) family like Spanish and Portugese(Romance). So most Zulu speakers can understand Xhosas and vice versa. The clicks are actually represented in the language as the letters Q, X and C and there are different types of clicks,meaning different sounds. An interesting thing about South Africans, most of them spoke at least three language, my closest pardnah spoke about seven fluently. Also the smallies from SA that ah was dating, she grandfather was, of all things, TRINI
. Trini really everywhere in trute oui.
Amharic is the official language of Ethiopia and the largest ex-patriot Ethiopian community lives in the DC metro area where I went to school. I was just interested to learn a language that had a totally different script...kinda like a self challenge. It's a very ancient language and it also has some sounds akin to clicks...in a different way. It's related to Hebrew and Arabic. A semitic language.
So that my language history.
Chinese would be a useful one to know right about now.
Oh so yuh does click too...ah might bring done ah pair ah tap shoes to communicate better wit yuh
Actually thats all quite impressive..no actual formal language schooling..good for you man
and when yuh want to learn chinese ,,mek sure and learn the mandarin dialect eh...de way tings goin wit china...man go hadda know dat to get ah decent wukk in 20, 30 years from now