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Voting closed: July 28, 2013, 04:18:55 AM

Author Topic: Jack Warner General Section Thread.  (Read 194945 times)

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Offline Bourbon

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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #960 on: July 11, 2013, 01:11:51 PM »
Animal Farm indeed.
The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today are Christians who acknowledge Jesus ;with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.

Offline Jah Gol

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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #961 on: July 11, 2013, 01:28:41 PM »
Animal Farm indeed.
Orwell woulda say 'eh ?' if you told him the story of Trinidad.

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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #962 on: July 11, 2013, 03:19:23 PM »
It is The Comedians. This man has the gall to mention that Patrick is a better dictator than Kams.

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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #963 on: July 11, 2013, 04:50:43 PM »
Animal Farm indeed.
Orwell woulda say 'eh ?' if you told him the story of Trinidad.

Especially as Boxer turn into Snowball.
The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today are Christians who acknowledge Jesus ;with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.

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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #964 on: July 12, 2013, 12:46:20 PM »
The title of this thread is a erronerously misleading  or rhetorical in that, JW good or bad he has already staked his legacy in the history of TnT society,  in its politics and in its  sports. It is unfortunate that one who had all the potential to hold  up to our society the pinnacle of pride is now cast with such a dark cloud that is descending on what was thought to be a success story . A Trinidad tragic hero indeed with flaws exposed and actions that warrants  reflective rethinking. So what could this chapter in history look like? After following the debacle over the past five years from FIFA powerful  lieutenant to the ascend of political pinnacle now to a seemingly grasping at political straws to stay afloat, one wonders how this tale would be told . Will it be  a tale of  " sound and fury signifying nothing"?

The legacy unfortunately is intertwined with a brand of politics that seems from the onset to base its victory and spoils on decrying the former regimes and to castigate blame for the ills of society on the PNM. Article  upon article  alleges to concerted efforts to band together to bring down and eradicate the PNM  for what? what political gains could be gained from this action? At he PM victory speech I was encouraged by her sense of national unity, passion for the people and her edict to  govern with propriety, today I am dishearten by her apparent vendetta at the PNM and her targeted outright attacks on the opposition for mere what it appears to be political gains.

When have we witnessed a government that had such turmoil with/: appointments , appointments of some with fraudulent degrees ( this was alluded  to recently by a said former minister),  lack of competence in ministries, lack of ethical judgement, lack or management,  lack of effective decision making? When have we witnessed such nepotism and blatant ETHNIC divide? When Nizam M. made the allegation that the police force had ad propensity for a certain ethnic make up he was quickly lambasted but methinks it only served to expose what was in deed happening in our governance- look at the make up of our present government- which ministers hold down the most important portfolios?  then we have the 'jokey ' ministers:  sports- what does Gypsy have now?  and teh tken one is now oust by a supposed cabal more like ah bachannal group!!
 What we are seeing in this political arena is  the 'pot calling the kettle black ' politics-Imagine today one is being told NO NO yuh eh go be part of this government after allegedly supporting the 'You Ent See' in they last election; did the leader then even question  how the finances was running back then? look nah we eh chupid people in Trinidad was no one questioning how votes were being paid for and how kickbacks were obtained? ha boi  they eh call we trick Trinis fuh nothing we smarter than that.  From one who was the right hand man to acting PM to holding down power portfolios to now being on the  outside is ah bitter pill but say what the man eh blaming she he say he still eh seeing fault boi love is blind and justice does be blindfolded.  If indeed there is a cabal well look like they intent to take the last of the powerful ones yuh see cockroach really  should not be in fowl (foul party. Watch the composition of the leaders of this party well. what yuh seeing/ who yuh seeing ; Actions speaking louder than words.

When have we been duped as a nation by what appears to be self seeking, self aggrandizing, self powerful self corrupting politics? the ideals of democracy have apparently vanished for a shrine of greed and laden infested politics of greed. Could the people really be fooled most of the time?- I hope not all the time.

I really have to say that Tobago got it right politically-at the same time I hope that the constituents of Chaganuas West will wake up and not see colour-be it green yellow ,red, purple or what the flavour of the day is but trully see the ethics, moral integrity and the actions of those rather than listening to empty promises and payouts. Remember that empty vessels make the most noise.

What will be the next chapter  in this historical figure's legacy? If epiphanies are to be revealed, by men of knowledge, men of wisdom, there is hope that a wrong could be undone. Would it not be salt in the wound if JW aligns with the PNM to create a force of a political Tusnami that TnT has never seen before.

Bring back the ideals and principles of my hero our hero; the founding farther of our nation the RIGHT Honorable Dr.Eric Williams. That is how yuh go make REAL HISTORY JW!!! Get yuh Ballsier tie that yuh always wanted and come make  inroads.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2013, 04:19:18 PM by AB.Trini »

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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #965 on: July 12, 2013, 11:34:43 PM »
The title of this thread is a erronerously misleading  or rhetorical

Yuh literate illiterate. The history he will create is if he wins the seat as an independant, the fact that he has now formed a party may technically negate that but for all intents and purposes he is still an independent.
Ah want de woman on de bass

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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #966 on: July 12, 2013, 11:39:48 PM »
Easily the next Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago..Lord help us.

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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #967 on: July 13, 2013, 08:08:09 AM »
ah hear d man say he come in govt with he deep pockets but d rest ah dem get their's three weeks into govt and now yuh can't even find d bottom ....................hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm curiouser and curiouser.
I pity the fool....

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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #968 on: July 13, 2013, 08:22:57 AM »
Easily the next Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago..Lord help us.

lets hope uncle sam comes calling before oui, cause noone in the history of trinbago does do time for raping the country.
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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #969 on: July 13, 2013, 10:21:41 PM »
Politics in this place is such as weird thing. He wanna go back in the PP if he wins but yet they corrupt according to him. She wants him back in the PP but he mustn't go up for elections. LOL

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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #970 on: July 14, 2013, 08:00:51 AM »
How come the "Guardian" can't bust files on the government, but the same government using the "Express" to bust files on Jack? STEUPPPPP!!!

Former minister solicited and received millions of dollars from wealthy business interests


Suruj defends ‘Guardian’
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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #971 on: July 14, 2013, 12:07:27 PM »
I accepting gifts and donations if anybody want to send me.
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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #972 on: July 14, 2013, 07:52:23 PM »
jack is the smartest politician we have right now
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Offline AB.Trini

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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #973 on: July 14, 2013, 09:31:55 PM »
Hope yuh not equating smart with intelligence maybe shrewd/ I also hope that intelligent people could see past all the bravado and facade. Espoused intentions and actual intent behind actions  should be scrutinizd when it comes to one who is under deep suspicions and rampant allegations.

Then again it does not take muck to dupe th electorate= the present government did a masterful job of that in the last election now we are seeing the fruits of competence mismanagement fraudulent appointments with questionable credentials and incompetent decision making. Check out the state of Emergency= big facade to catch all criminals; it was like going fishing catching all the fish and throwing them back in the sea to spawn.

Yeah apparently today in TnT 'Smartness' and deception sleeping in the same bed.

Read waht two former  smart men ha to say in today's newspapers  Guardian & Express; Talkj about 'pot calling the kettle black' politics Yeah them too was considered smart until they get caught.

Manning condemns Jack

Story Created: Jul 14, 2013 at 11:37 PM ECT

Story Updated: Jul 14, 2013 at 11:37 PM ECT
FORMER prime minister Patrick Manning yesterday condemned former national security minister Jack Warner, calling him unfit to hold any office in the country.
On Manning’s Facebook page, he posted this status: “Having read the lead story in the Trinidad Express newspaper today (yesterday) which was supported by evidence. I want to condemn in the strongest manner this most inappropriate fraudulent behaviour of Mr Austin Jack Warner. He is not fit to hold ANY office in Trinidad and Tobago! Kamla Persad Bissessar is also culpable. She has proven to be the absolute worst Prime Minister in this country’s history to have had this type of activity taking place under her watch.”
Up to 7 p.m. the status, which was posted one hour earlier, had 166 likes, 27 comments and 20 people sharing the status.
In the Sunday Express article it was reported that Warner solicited millions of dollars from wealthy business interests that do work for the State. —Jensen LaVende

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Panday: I am very sad T&T is going Downhill
Sunday, July 14, 2013

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Former prime minister Basdeo Panday believes constitutional reform will rid T&T of racial and ethnic voting.  Rishi Ragoonath

Constitutional reform is the only way to rid T&T of racial and ethnic voting. This is the view of former prime minister Basdeo Panday, who is accusing both the People’s Partnership Government and the Opposition People’s National Movement of not wanting constitutional reform because it suited their selfish purposes.


The country’s fifth head of government, now 80, Panday contended that it would be unfair to ask Jack Warner, the interim leader of the Independent Liberal Party, to disclose where his campaign funds for the July 29 by-election in Chaguanas West are coming from, since maybe Warner himself cannot answer that question.



Q: Mr Panday, I imagine perhaps you are in political glee?
A: (Leaning forward on his desk at the Rienzi Complex office of the Panday Foundation, Wednesday morning, with a perplexed expression on his face) Glee? Why should I be in my political glee?
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 10:18:21 PM by AB.Trini »

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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #974 on: July 16, 2013, 11:08:55 AM »

Warner told ILP supporters he intends to produce photographs to show why Ameen is not fit for public office.“Some of them I can’t show you, cause it not fit for children to see.”

Interim Political Leader of the Independent Liberal Party Jack Warner the time has come for him to go after the UNC cabal and UNC candidate for Chaguanas West Khadijah Ameen.

Warner made the statement at a cottage meeting last evening.

He said, “Timing is everything and this is the correct time, so I going after them.”

And while during the campaign Warner promised to stay clear of mud-slinging he trained his guns on the “cabal”. He said, “I have to rid this country. This country have to be rid of Suruj Rambachan once and for all. He is the most vindictive politician alive. And we re today where we are because of him.”

Warner also said he will expose Ameen at his political meeting on Friday.

He told ILP supporters he intends to produce photographs to show why Ameen is not fit for public office.

“Some of them I can’t show you, cause it not fit for children to see.”

He also said he will address the Prime Minister, whom he said he pity’s because he maintained she is being controlled by a cabal.
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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #975 on: July 16, 2013, 11:48:26 AM »
i take back what i said about jack...i thought he was smart enough to let the PM sink Kadijah chances, but now he getting desperate.
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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #976 on: July 16, 2013, 12:13:39 PM »
I just see a pimped out green Hummer on the bus route with ILP and Warner's face emblazoned on the side.

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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #977 on: July 18, 2013, 02:07:20 AM »
Jack: I gave up US green card
By Joel Julien

INTERIM leader of the Independent Liberal Party (ILP), Jack Warner, yesterday said he has surrendered his green card and replaced it with a ten-year visa to the United States.
Warner said he only made the change because as a politician it was more feasible to have a visa than a green card.
The entire process lasted 15 minutes and took place at the United States Embassy in Port of Spain on December 28 last year, he said.
Warner said the only person who was with him at the time was his then adviser, Francis Joseph.
In June, Joseph was appointed Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s press secretary.
Persad-Bissessar raised the question about Warner’s green card in her speech at this week’s United National Congress (UNC) Monday Night Forum.
Warner said he could not believe Persad-Bissessar would raise such a “foolish story” on the political platform.
He responded to Persad-Bissessar following the opening of one of two ILP sub-offices yesterday.
The first sub-office is at 58 Jerningham Junction Road, Charlieville, and is the home of recently fired CEPEP contractor Simeon Mahabir.
Speaking following the official ribbon-cutting ceremony, Warner outlined the process used in surrendering his green card.
“I got a green card in 1991 when I used to travel all over the world and I was not in politics, that was good. Now in politics every six months I have to go in the States to keep it alive. Every six months and sometimes when I miss the date and so on and I go up there like in June (last year), they are of course very angry with me when that happens,” Warner said.
“So I went in June (last year). I renewed my green card. I went in November (last year), I renewed my green card, and by the way on both occasions the same prime minister approved my travel and appointed ministers in my absence. When I came back in November after renewing my green card, I said it doesn’t make sense, I have no intention of living in the States or of working in the States, so on December 28 I took Francis Joseph with me, who is now her chief media adviser, and time to come I will say more about Francis Joseph, he’s for a different time, not for now. I took him with me to the US Embassy and I told them I want to give up this green card for a visa,” he said.
“So with a visa I don’t have to go every six months, I can go anytime. In 15 minutes the US Embassy took my green card and gave me a ten-year visa,” Warner said.
“What have I done wrong, Suruj (Rambachan) had a green card, ent he gave it up too? Why am I hustling to leave people business and leave work unattended to go up to the States just to say I have a green card?” Warner said.
“What is the problem. I don’t want a US green card, the only green I want is the ILP green,” he said.
Warner yesterday chided Kamla Persad-Bissessar for labelling him and constituents of Chaguanas West as “lagahoos”.
“They calling me a lagahoo because I am out early in the morning. But I don’t be drunk that hour or have a hang­over so I can go and do the people’s work,” Warner said.
He said Persad-Bissessar was also being disrespectful to the constituents who come to see him for help at that hour.
He said people are running scared because of his intention to show a picture of UNC candidate Khadijah Ameen tomorrow night.
Warner said for the past 11 weeks he has been running a clean campaign and does not plan to change his modus operandi in the final week.
Warner said he plans to show only one picture of Ameen, and it has nothing to do with her “morals and dignity as a woman”, but it will show “her incompetence”.
Warner said he doubts once people see this photograph they will vote for or even talk to Ameen.
The second ILP sub-office Warner opened yesterday was at 111 Cacandee Road, Felicity.
He also held a walkabout in Felicity after the opening of the second sub-office.

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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #978 on: July 18, 2013, 05:58:09 AM »
Jack: I gave up US green card
By Joel Julien

Warner said the only person who was with him at the time was his then adviser, Francis Joseph.
In June, Joseph was appointed Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s press secretary.

 I took Francis Joseph with me, who is now her chief media adviser, and time to come I will say more about Francis Joseph, he’s for a different time, not for now. I took him with me to the US Embassy and I told them I want to give up this green card for a visa,” he said.

“They calling me a lagahoo because I am out early in the morning. But I don’t be drunk that hour or have a hang­over so I can go and do the people’s work,” Warner said.

Warner said he plans to show only one picture of Ameen, and it has nothing to do with her “morals and dignity as a woman”, but it will show “her incompetence”.

Well ent yuh wanted to use Francis Joseph to not pay de WC 2006 team? I hope he continue leaking all wha yuh doh.

Some skirmish shots firing doh. I hear the pic..was rumored to be one of a compromising position.....but dey using one of her fast asleep in a TPRC meeting...down to dribble and all.

The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today are Christians who acknowledge Jesus ;with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.

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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #979 on: July 18, 2013, 06:03:38 AM »
This will back fire bad on Jack.
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Offline Jah Gol

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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #980 on: July 18, 2013, 07:56:46 AM »
I can't believe I'm about to defend Warner but if he's lying about that greencard situation, it's a fairly good lie.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2013, 08:02:57 AM by Jah Gol »

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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #981 on: July 18, 2013, 08:02:24 AM »
Jack: I gave up US green card
By Joel Julien

Warner said the only person who was with him at the time was his then adviser, Francis Joseph.
In June, Joseph was appointed Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s press secretary.

 I took Francis Joseph with me, who is now her chief media adviser, and time to come I will say more about Francis Joseph, he’s for a different time, not for now. I took him with me to the US Embassy and I told them I want to give up this green card for a visa,” he said.

“They calling me a lagahoo because I am out early in the morning. But I don’t be drunk that hour or have a hang­over so I can go and do the people’s work,” Warner said.

Warner said he plans to show only one picture of Ameen, and it has nothing to do with her “morals and dignity as a woman”, but it will show “her incompetence”.

Well ent yuh wanted to use Francis Joseph to not pay de WC 2006 team? I hope he continue leaking all wha yuh doh.

Some skirmish shots firing doh. I hear the pic..was rumored to be one of a compromising position.....but dey using one of her fast asleep in a TPRC meeting...down to dribble and all.

Kamla actually has been a lot dirtier than Warner and she started it too. I don't know if Warner even need to release in compromising photo's of Ameen. In any case when you want to play dirty you should let an anonymous hatchetman to do that.

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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #982 on: July 18, 2013, 08:06:50 AM »
Jack: I gave up US green card
By Joel Julien

Warner said the only person who was with him at the time was his then adviser, Francis Joseph.
In June, Joseph was appointed Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s press secretary.

 I took Francis Joseph with me, who is now her chief media adviser, and time to come I will say more about Francis Joseph, he’s for a different time, not for now. I took him with me to the US Embassy and I told them I want to give up this green card for a visa,” he said.

“They calling me a lagahoo because I am out early in the morning. But I don’t be drunk that hour or have a hang­over so I can go and do the people’s work,” Warner said.

Warner said he plans to show only one picture of Ameen, and it has nothing to do with her “morals and dignity as a woman”, but it will show “her incompetence”.

Well ent yuh wanted to use Francis Joseph to not pay de WC 2006 team? I hope he continue leaking all wha yuh doh.

Some skirmish shots firing doh. I hear the pic..was rumored to be one of a compromising position.....but dey using one of her fast asleep in a TPRC meeting...down to dribble and all.

Exactly Frances eat ah food Joesph
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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #983 on: July 18, 2013, 10:29:17 AM »
Jack: I gave up US green card
By Joel Julien

Warner said the only person who was with him at the time was his then adviser, Francis Joseph.
In June, Joseph was appointed Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s press secretary.

 I took Francis Joseph with me, who is now her chief media adviser, and time to come I will say more about Francis Joseph, he’s for a different time, not for now. I took him with me to the US Embassy and I told them I want to give up this green card for a visa,” he said.

“They calling me a lagahoo because I am out early in the morning. But I don’t be drunk that hour or have a hang­over so I can go and do the people’s work,” Warner said.

Warner said he plans to show only one picture of Ameen, and it has nothing to do with her “morals and dignity as a woman”, but it will show “her incompetence”.

Well ent yuh wanted to use Francis Joseph to not pay de WC 2006 team? I hope he continue leaking all wha yuh doh.

Some skirmish shots firing doh. I hear the pic..was rumored to be one of a compromising position.....but dey using one of her fast asleep in a TPRC meeting...down to dribble and all.

Exactly Frances eat ah food Joesph

Wait, wait, wait......STOP DE PRESS!!!! He gone against Frances Joseph??!!  NAH :o :o

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Or yuh shoes burst off,
You could still jump up when music play.
Old lady, young baby, everybody could dingolay...
Dingolay, ay, ay, ay ay,
Dingolay ay, ay, ay..."

RIP Shadow....The legend will live on in music...

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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #985 on: July 19, 2013, 08:07:35 AM »

From T&T Express

Jack should forget politics ...and save his legacy

Story Created: Jul 16, 2013 at 8:16 PM ECT

Story Updated: Jul 16, 2013 at 10:01 PM ECT

Two things about charisma:

• it could be manufactured—ask Hollywood;

• it makes you loved or hated; there’s no in between.

For 40 years, Jack Warner has been in the limelight as a FIFA heavyweight. A generation has grown up with no idea of life without him. Undoubtedly, Jack’s charis­matic. But, does the love outweigh the hate? Let his history tell.

Over the years, Jack:

• became a top honcho of FIFA—Positive One—consequently,

• acquired great influence and wealth—Positive Two.

• he used most of that fortune to make family and close friends very comfortable—Positive Three—and

• some to help a number of people escape financial difficulty—Positive Four.

However, recent damning FIFA disclosures strongly suggest Jack Warner committed a string of fouls in accumulating his possessions—Negatives One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven and Twelve.

To date, he has not cleared his name—Negative Thirteen.

Four positives; 13 negatives. People aren’t upset with Jack sinning—they’re vexed because his faults greatly outweigh his positives. If Jack were in the cinema watching a movie of his life, he and all would be appalled at the main character’s conduct!

Sensible Jackos would’ve checked themselves after reports like Sir David Simmons’s. Wise people operate so after discovering they have cancer. Initially, Jack seemed to be stocktaking; it turned out he doesn’t care a fig—the man’s trying to return to Parliament, without discarding his backpack of negatives.

Intense media focus on Chaguanas West has unearthed the true condition of “the best represented” constituency in T&T—walking through the area is like stepping backward in time—under Jack, Chaguanas West has lagged. The Prime Minister rightly cannot believe it. The revelation has hit Jack’s re-election campaign like a ton of bricks.

Despite everything, I still like Jack and don’t wish to see him die sullied. Please, Jack, forget politics and focus on saving your legacy from being totally shredded on July 29.

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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #986 on: July 19, 2013, 09:00:55 AM »
Joseph denies going to US embassy with Warner
By Multimedia Desk

Francis Joseph, Press Secretary to the Prime Minister has denied visiting the United States Embassy with former National Security Minister Jack Warner when he (Warner) went to relinquish his green card.

During the opening of a second Independent Liberal Party's (ILP) sub-office at Cacandee Road in Felicity yesterday, Warner said the only person who was with him when he went to the embassy was his then adviser, Francis Joseph.

In response to Warner's statement, Joseph issued the following press release earlier today:

"Having heard on television and radio, and read in today's newspapers what Mr. Jack Warner said about me, I would like to make it categorically clear that I NEVER WENT WITH JACK WARNER TO THE US EMBASSY TO GIVE UP HIS GREEN CARD.

I was totally surprised that Mr. Warner would insinuate that I, now being the Press Secretary to the Prime Minister,would have given her that information.

That is totally untrue and unfounded.

I worked with Mr Warner for three years and during that time, I remained loyal and confidential despite the barrage of attacks on him. I was even the victim of attacks by some of my former media colleagues for working with Mr Warner, but I stayed the course because I had a contribution to make.

It is the same way I remain loyal and confidential at the Office of the Prime Minister.

On most occasions when Mr Warner had to leave the country, I was at the Piarco Airport to see him off, and was back at the airport for his return. I was present when he left on November 25, 2012 and when he returned on November 27, 2012.

I read where Mr Warner said he went to the US Embassy on December 28, 2012 and gave up his Green Card. Again, I state, I did not go with Mr Warner to the US Embassy on that date, or any other date. Based on checks I made this morning, he was taken there by his security detail.

Mr Warner never informed me that he gave up his Green Card. I learnt about this when the Hon Prime Minister spoke at a political meeting earlier this week.

I wrote to Mr Warner this morning pointing out his error when he said I accompanied him to the US Embassy. Despite it all, I have the utmost respect for Mr Warner, and do wish him all the best in the by-election on July 29th.


Francis Joseph

Press Secretary

July 18, 2013

Today you're the dog, tomorrow you're the hydrant - so be good to others - it comes back!"

Offline mal jeux

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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #987 on: July 19, 2013, 09:15:31 AM »
austin trying hard to be an also-ran.
"How many times do I have to flush before you go away?"

Offline jingleheimer_Schmidt

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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #988 on: July 20, 2013, 03:13:18 PM »

Warner getting down!

Offline sammy

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Re: Will Jack create history?
« Reply #989 on: July 20, 2013, 09:08:56 PM »
yuh see this one jack reveal with khadijah?


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