I have similar observations as you excerpt for the structure part. I didn’t see any.
My point is given those observations, the players will go out and do their best and performances and results will largely depend on individual effort rather than as a result of any cohesive play.
I don’t see a difference to that lack of structure and organization with local based players. Those local based players individual efforts will likely be of a lower standard than that of foreign based players that play regularly
Therefore, if the above is accurate, the team’s best chance of a positive result will be to have as many established, experienced players who have the most recent match practice as possible.
Without anyone in particular with little or no history. I think over the next 2 mths, he and his staff could develop a plan, develop is structural organization by developing any 1 or 2 of the 40 locals available to him, and develop 1 or 2 of the 40 + best positional locals available, along with those already on the roster. This shouldn’t be a difficult exercise nor time consuming, even with multiple game plans involved. In addition having multiple options even if lesser talent fully aware of requirements to achieve success.
You can have the best architects, contractors, subcontractors and hardest workers, but without extensive and shared plans, they could still build a shack, but the construction of anything greater would probably lead to poor quality. Disorganization, lack of timely results and lots of extra money. My be best to go with good plans, you already have best contractors, and chose yuh subcontractors with the best worker’s available to you, teaching them yourself (if available) bringing them to the standard and understanding where they can at least follow the plan or at least follow your instructions that you will probably be shouting at the job site.
Any coach can prep a individual player to best fit into a team for multiple strategies, but cannot prep the player for that team strategies. The player would have to get that at his tryout and of course learn ASAP. In 2 mths from the architect mouth, if a few top local players ( not necessarily the most skilled or talented) but the best that can see but cannot get the concepts. Then the qualifications of the architects must be suspect.
My point is new better players not knowing the staff or colleagues, may not have time to follow those plans, that is if the plan is different to their experience or difficult to understand their role , farless to understand everyone else’s in 3 days or so.
A Molino et al, would have an idea of the plan, seen it before, discussed it with other colleagues, whether agree with or not, would have his own plan in execution and knowledge of who will follow or lead.