Archived Boards > 2006 World Cup - Germany

We In Germany!! Day 5 11-06-2006 Post Sweden victory!!!

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--- Quote from: naparima on June 07, 2006, 06:28:59 AM ---Hey fellas....
well Slade, Jumbie and I met up in the airport in toronto..
there were a lot of non board trinis going... i even saw some people who i knew ... but never publicised that they were going.

Well Slade and I right downtown Frankfurt....about a 8 min cab ride away from each other.... I am right off the Frankfurt Haubtbahnhopft at hotel adler - 65 niddastrasse.... by the way  #ss# in german is ß ...hence niddastraße ...

slade get a really nice place... bigger than mine.. he have 2 beds and couch for himself.... i just have a smaller room with 2 singles.. but my place is a bit more central..... but I like slade#s place better....

and jumbie seeing some serious pressure, cause his place is about 30-45 mins outside of downtown Frankfurt .. so meh boy under strain to find the place.

But anyhow.. ah not even supposed to check in.....i trying to put pics....but the comp lock down!!

The weather is great... the women looking good....and the transit system is extremely good, once yuh get over the first day jitters and the blasted german who nod when they cant speak english - however people were very very helpful... my hotel manager was really helpful, since he let me stay today for free even though I am booked for tomorrow!!

Anyway ah going to find Slade now and we going to get some food to eat.

Naps, over and out!!

--- End quote ---

Do you have a number i live close to where you are.

Well people ah reah in Germany, my conttack number is 015110503305

We once I left the hotel, me and Slade decide to play hardcore tourist.. especially seeing that I am professional tourist and thing.

Frankfurt is a city like Montreal, very North American, but obviously with a more european feel. Slade and I finally saw the T-UNIT .. if ah only had a card reader on me.. this shoes is the baddest thing since sliced bread - since we walk in the Adidad store and both Slade and I were like kids in a candy store. The store just hot for days, with every piece of merchandise around.

The store was on Zeil Street.... or Zeilstauße... Frankfurt version of Yonge/St Catherines/Bank Street. Now all yuh never see a pic of a footballer until allyuh see a fricking 10 storey pic of Ballack, Kaka and Messi .. imagine 30 storey of 3 footballers.. and allyuh think the pic of machel on the promenade for bMobile was ridiculous... Adidas obviously have ridicuous money to burn and all.

But dread, seriously this place have some SWEET oman... but then again, every developed cosmopolitan european city have super sweet oman. Well back to the tourist story... Slade and I was walking up and down Zeilstrauße, when we see a wagon of meat over a fire.

I kid you not... think of a side ways wagon wheel.. with a sick amount of sausages, ribs and pork on the fire. Of course, the fat bitch that I am... I had to get one of these sausage.. it was about a foot long..... ! BTW Slade get one with plenty mustard and dey does give you a piece of bread about the size of an ant.

Anyway after walking about more... we see people drinking on top of a mall..looking down on the street and once again, being the intrepid tourists that we are, we had to investigate and have a drink at the top of the building.

The view was spectacular and I will post pics online....and had drinks!! I had a apfelweiss or apelweiss.... i dont know the exact spelling.. but this pretty. Allyuh ever drink a apple juice that hit yuh like 5 cold carib. Slade drink a beer with about 6% alcohol in too.

Once we drink and take more pictures and gape at woman and clothes... we kept walking looking for the Frankfurt Opera house.... we asked about eleventy seven people where this blasted place is, and no one could give us directions... so we just decided to walk, with no clue of destination - obviously completely lost.

So I man, spot a big fountain out of the corner of my eye.. and anyhow who know me.. know I dont resist taking a pic.. and lo and behold.... guess what!!!

We get to the opera house... so then more pics of opera house and fountain.. and then we decided to end like champions... we went for an expensive steak dinner... where we were the only refugee, poor ass native looking people, but money does talk loud!

Well we eat, digest and decided we want to walk for the old port.. and on the way we passed the #shut down# Goethe was closed... so we kept walking till this internet cafe.. and now both of us are typing away furiously!!!

Next strip clubs and me trying to get up for 4am tomorrow!!

Naps over and out...

ah comin soon tuh de frankfurt, tuh link wit de fellahs,m wanna link sh and plaos and jumbie and dem for sure, much blessings, called ur hotel bredda, obviously ur out, hows de weather?


--- Quote from: TrinInfinite on June 07, 2006, 12:58:49 PM ---ah comin soon tuh de frankfurt, tuh link wit de fellahs,m wanna link sh and plaos and jumbie and dem for sure, much blessings, called ur hotel bredda, obviously ur out, hows de weather?

--- End quote ---

the weather great!!!
no coat necessary!!


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